Trump’s SCOTUS is laying the smackdown….is this good for his reelection campaign?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Will independents, fence-sitters and moderates give credit to Trump for the recent rulings handed down by the high court or will they see the rulings a different way?
When compared to the present leadership Trump was head and shoulders above what has occurred since Jan 21, 2021 under this brain addled 46th pretender to the presidency..
His choices in appointments to SCOTUS have turned our highest judiciary court in the right direction as a Constitutional Republic neither racist, nor Socialist unlike the continual racism that permeates the power hungry DSA Democrats in power today.
America's taxpaying citizens have suffered grievously under this Maoist Marxist regime these last two years.
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Neither side should politicize your courts. Your constitution is beautifully written and defended. Your judges should interpret it and law honestly and with fidelity
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The Media's treatment of recent USSC cases is disgraceful. Rather than explaining why the Court is ruling as it does, they treat it as though the court is just trying to implement its own political preferences because

For example, the Court has not said that "affirmative action" is a bad idea, merely that it is inconsistent with the principles set forth in the Fourteenth Amendment. They DID NOT TAKE ANY POSITION whatsoever on abortion; they merely announced that neither the Supreme Court nor Congress has any power to regulate it - under the Constitution as it is currently written.

As a result of this journalistic misfeasance and the Public's dreadful ignorance about the U.S. Constitution, people "blame" Trump for the Court's finally bringing Constitutional law in line with the actual Constitution.

It is fucking perverse.
Will independents, fence-sitters and moderates give credit to Trump for the recent rulings handed down by the high court or will they see the rulings a different way?

They'll give Trump credit by election time, you watch. The SC usually recesses around the end of June, but there's another session next year. I wouldn't be surprised is more than several election-related issues come up next year, where they'll make rulings that protect the integrity of the 2024 election, and make it impossible for the Democrats to cheat again. We'll probably see another good Democrat smackdown next May and June.
They'll give Trump credit by election time, you watch. The SC usually recesses around the end of June, but there's another session next year. I wouldn't be surprised is more than several election-related issues come up next year, where they'll make rulings that protect the integrity of the 2024 election, and make it impossible for the Democrats to cheat again. We'll probably see another good Democrat smackdown next May and June.
None of our self proclaimed ‘center fielders’ have seen this thread apparently…..WAKE UP!
Golfing Gator
Tumblin Tumbleweed
What’s your thoughts on the latest SCOTUS rulings….AND do the rulings lie with Trump?
Will independents, fence-sitters and moderates give credit to Trump for the recent rulings handed down by the high court or will they see the rulings a different way?
Probably pro on the AA and neg on the abortion.

Just a guess...

It's a mixed bag. Anything coming out of the SCOTUS is a mixed bag.
Neither side should politicize your courts. Your constitution is beautifully written and defended. Your judges should interpret it and law honestly and with fidelity
I agree, the Courts souls all neutral wen it comes to the judiciary, yet Democrats have deemed it not so. How many judge's have you witnessed or heard about judges that have made their decisions on their political ideologies and not the law?
None of our self proclaimed ‘center fielders’ have seen this thread apparently…..WAKE UP!
Golfing Gator
Tumblin Tumbleweed
What’s your thoughts on the latest SCOTUS rulings….AND do the rulings lie with Trump?

It was the 4th of July, some people go watch fireworks displays.

The recent rulings were a mixed bag, some were good, AA and the Web designers, some were bad, the Religious Accommodations.

Both sides will use these rulings to try and bring out their voters. Do you think the AA ruling will gain Trump votes in the black community?
As a semi-white, I believe the rulings are good for whites and not as much for non-whites, women, and gays etc.. That is obvious. Are they "fair" in the light of the Constitution is the question.
As a semi-white, I believe the rulings are good for whites and not as much for non-whites, women, and gays etc.. That is obvious. Are they "fair" in the light of the Constitution is the question.
Hiring someone purely based on merit is fairness and equality for ALL. To say that everyone but white males should get a head start is to say that everyone believes white males are more intelligent and talented at the starting gate. Isn't that a racist belief?
History will refer to them as McConnell's partisan court. Who's 3 latest members did not and could not meet the 60 vote threshold. They should be impeached/replaced for lying during their confirmation hearings.
History will refer to them as McConnell's partisan court. Who's 3 latest members did not and could not meet the 60 vote threshold. They should be impeached/replaced for lying during their confirmation hearings.
And yet the latest member to the court doesn't even know what a "woman" is. Brilliant!!
Both sides will use these rulings to try and bring out their voters. Do you think the AA ruling will gain Trump votes in the black community?
Trump, like any GOP’er will never gain the black vote as they’ll never offer enough free shit nor will they engage in the hate whitey, hate our history rhetoric that makes blacks all warm and fuzzy.

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