Trumps old Chief of Staff calls out Fox News

I think Trump gets on the wrong side of bureaucratic, government types because he expects a good days work from them. After a while, all government workers become dogs and are incapable of operating at a level Trump expects. In other words, most government workers are overpaid slugs. If they don't like it, get the hell out and get a real job.

Trump is an overpaid slug. Fat, lazy, stupid. He spends his morning on "Executive Time" - watching TV and tweeting and threatening vengeance on his "enemies". Shows up for work at 11:00, and he's done by 6:00. And he only works four days a week.

And still you fools believe he's doing right by you.

Look who's talking your clown in Canada is a joke. :auiqs.jpg:

I'd love to see Trudeau take on Trump in the boxing ring. But that would never happen. Trump is too chicken to visit the troops in a war zone, much less risk getting himself hurt. Most bullies are chickens. They pick on those less powerful than them and would never take on a real Alpha male.

The rest of the world doesn't laugh in Trudeau's face when he speaks at the United Nations, like they do with Dumb Donald. Trump is laughed at in public by other world leaders. The attitude in the rest of the world is to ignore the asshole, and work around him until he's gone.

Canada has joined the TPP with China and the rest of the Pacific Rim countries to increase trade within the region. We've signed a big new deal with Europe. Our agricultural products are more suited to the European markets because Canadians don't like Monsanto Frankenfood either.

And the Europeans signed their biggest trade deal ever, with Japan.

Thanks to Donald Trump, you have no trade deals with anyone - not the Chinese (that phony agreement with China really resolved nothing but after two years of pain for farmers he had to do something. It's too little, too late given all of the family farm bankruptcies, but the big corporate farmers are making out like bandits on the subsidies.

Like everything else Trump has done to the economy, the net effect is the small business people are being destroyed and the big corporations are picking up the piece. The rich get richer, the rest are falling further behind.

The gap between rich and poor under Trump is widening, and the rate the gap is widening is accelerating. Trump isn't helping American workers. He's helping American oligarchs.

Trump is too chicken to visit the troops in a war zone,

You really are an ignorant Canuck. Stick to Canadian politics, loser.

Trump makes surprise Thanksgiving visit to Afghanistan
When I moved to the US and saw FOX news the first first i thought it was satire and then I was like no there is no way anone in their right mind would listen to their garbage. Fast forward and I knew why fox news is popular, those that watch it have low IQ and are easily manipulated.
Only real news source America has
Explains a great deal.....gee, such a bad bit of luck that you didn't get accepted by our military (who accepts almost everyone)
John Kelly called out Fox News during a speech and not in a positive way. Interesting that a Conservative ex trump guy would point at Fox instead of the big bad MSM.

Analysis: John Kelly's biggest slam wasn't even about Trump — CNN Politics

"The media, in my view, and I feel very strongly about this, is not the enemy of the people," Kelly said. "We need a free media. That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."
Fox is part of the same international conglomerate as CNN and MSNBC.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American. Yes he owns a world wide empire of badly run news services, all of which attack liberals and promoted failed conservative fiscal policies. But it's still a privately owned company, and the owner is a billionaire promoting public policies that will put money in his pocket.

The purpose of FOX News is to ensure that everday people will vote against their own best interests and vote in favour of policies which which will make him richer. They've very good and effective at their propaganda work.

CNN is owned by AT&T/Time Warner - a publically traded company with a board of directors and shareholders, as is Comcast which owns NBC, Disney which owns ABC.

All of the major right wing media outlets, FOX News, local FOX Stations (the Sinclair Family) and Breitbart ( the Mercer Family) are privately owned by right wing billionaires with a personal stake in encouraging lower income Americans to continue to vote against their own best interests and continue the unabated transfer of the nations wealth to the top 10%.

You're so convinced that "communists liberals are out to destroy America" that you voted against accessible health care, against social programs to help the unemployed, against better schools, against anything that will help people get ahead. They label social programs "free shit" and make the false claim that they encourage sloth or laziness. Anything to keep poor blacks and poor white from voting for the same party and ending their theft of the wages of Amercan workers.

He who controls the media controls the message. The message poor white Americans get from FOX and the rest of the Billionaire Media is "immigrants and minorities are stealing your jobs". Lazy inner city minorities are living off the government. The only reason people are poor because they're stupid or lazy. You shouldn't have your tax dollars go to help them.

It's all lies designed to keep you poor, angry and willing to vote against your own best interests.
I have watched it but it's insipid, and they just flat out lie. A lot. I don't have much patience for liars. And they constantly try to gin up outrage against liberals. FOX heavily promoted the Birther lies. Stuff like that. Sometimes I just tune in for the entertainment value of watching something so bad that it's hard to believe anyone falls for this crap.

If anyone from CNN (another network I have little use for), had broadcast that Seth Rich fiction that Hannity broadcast, which FOX was forced to publically retract and apologize for, and which resulted in two lawsuits that FOX was forced to settle, that reporter would have been fired. Hannity got sent "on vacation" for a couple of weeks, and that was it.

There's also a total "dirty old man" vibe to FOX that just creeps me out. All of the women are young and blond, and dressed in short, tight, sleeveless dresses, sitting on sofas so you can peek up their skirts. The men are all much, much older. Few of the women do substantive reporting. That's left to the men. I felt this way LONG before I learned about Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly and their sexual harassment suit.
The real truth told deeply is not allowed. The real truth of the inner cities. The real truth of the gay communities. The real truth of the insidious quotas and political correctness that has diminished our nation as a competitor in the world. By the late 1960's more and more men stopped protecting women. Today it is more that will not defend a woman then do. A lot more. And a higher percentage of them that do are the deplorables. You compare people to much. Saying what is strong and what is not. Giving one the same position is not the same as proving oneself as one of the best. Or one of the best of the best. It is easy for you to spout this. For you and many of us in the west live off of men and women working in slave shops around the world. In the near future, perhaps a couple of decades or so, these nations are/will become more self sustainable and we won't be first on the list for their products. That is what is happening just in part.

Americans are eating because of the virtual slave labour of illegal immigrant farm workers. The plant and harvest the crops that end up on middle class tables. Farmers are desperate for workers to harvest crops and jurisdictions which have choked off illegal immigration have farmers whose crops are rotting in the field.

The American economy has always depended on a large pool of cheap labour to build wealth. First it was the indentured workers. Followed by the slaves, and then the "guest" workers - primarily from China, and then finally, illegal immigrants.

The wealthy have always feared the poor. They feared that if the poor whites and the poor blacks ever got together, they'd be attacked and their wealth stolen. So they set about pit poor whites against poor blacks so they would never have to fear a revolt against their wealth and power.

This continues to this day with Reagan's welfare queen lies, and the continual lies that lazy minorities are violent and dangerous. Crime isn't driven by race, it's driven by poverty, and in the USA, the highest rates of poverty are among blacks and Latinos, who face systemic racism and discrimination to this day.

Rural America now has higher crime rates than most inner cities - all because of the loss of manufacturing in the heartland and the opiod crisis. The opiod crisis was created by Big Pharma pushing opiod drugs to Americans. The medical industrial complex and Big Pharma have learned what every drug dealer knows, nothing is as reliably profitable as a drug addict. The opiod crisis has hit the hardest in areas which loss auto manufacturing plants. Drug addiciton, alcoholism and suicide are the "diseases of despair".

Who do Republicans blame for this mess? Mexicans, minorities, and bad choices by bad people. Not the companies who automated or who shipped jobs overseas for higher profits. Certainly not the government who didn't offer re-training, or skills upgrades to the workers their policies were affecting. Not Big Pharma companies which made BILLIONS by addicting Americans and then started developing expensive drugs to "cure" the addictions to profit further.

And still Republicans pit poor whites against poor black and keep ginning up the fear and loathing. When are poor whites people going to stop believing all of their lies and bullshit? Now you have the government turning your children into indentured servants to the student loans, saddling those who know they need a good education to get a good job, with $40,000 in student debt. And you have to repay this money, even if you go bankrupt.

When Ronald Reagan was elected President, you had a 20% chance of working your way out of poverty and into the middle class. Today, your chance is 2%. Republicans don't want poor white people to have a chance. They want to profit off your work, but you'll be working to pay off those student loans for the next 20 years.

And still you fools keep voting for Republicans waiting for the wealth to "trickle down" to you. Stop letting guy like Trump piss on you and tell you it's raining. When I applied for Business School, my tuition was $2,000 per year. If one of my grandkids wants to take that course, it's $20,000 per year. That's $80,000 for a business degree. This is a fiscal ball and chain on this general, and the government owns your ass.
So Americans live get better with millions of illegals taking our jobs then LOWERING OUR wages lol ahhh got cha

I was at a Home Depot the other day and The walk there I walked down the meth mile with all the junkies, I got there and saw many illegals waiting to be picked up for cheap labor... it occurred to me that if these low wage illegals weren’t here then a window of opportunity would have been open for one the kids Hooked on meth to say I’m done let me get this good wage job there is demand for me.. these people struggling can’t even get a dishwashing job because of the wages... and the lack of protection of our culture in these jobs that protect foreigners far more then us.. People that hate Americans and are enjoying this generation struggling are going to pay a major price

If a white fucked up kid on meth can't find a job in today's market then that's on him.
There are many jobs,, but the ones we used work have been flooded by 3rd worlders that stack one bed room apartments for years to save money to move back home. Lower wages.. Are you suggesting Americans take these low wages and stack 1 bed room apartments with other Americans until they die? lol do you know what a civilized country is?
Does it work better sitting on welfare, boy?
John Kelly called out Fox News during a speech and not in a positive way. Interesting that a Conservative ex trump guy would point at Fox instead of the big bad MSM.

Analysis: John Kelly's biggest slam wasn't even about Trump — CNN Politics

"The media, in my view, and I feel very strongly about this, is not the enemy of the people," Kelly said. "We need a free media. That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."
Fox is part of the same international conglomerate as CNN and MSNBC.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American. Yes he owns a world wide empire of badly run news services, all of which attack liberals and promoted failed conservative fiscal policies. But it's still a privately owned company, and the owner is a billionaire promoting public policies that will put money in his pocket.

The purpose of FOX News is to ensure that everday people will vote against their own best interests and vote in favour of policies which which will make him richer. They've very good and effective at their propaganda work.

CNN is owned by AT&T/Time Warner - a publically traded company with a board of directors and shareholders, as is Comcast which owns NBC, Disney which owns ABC.

All of the major right wing media outlets, FOX News, local FOX Stations (the Sinclair Family) and Breitbart ( the Mercer Family) are privately owned by right wing billionaires with a personal stake in encouraging lower income Americans to continue to vote against their own best interests and continue the unabated transfer of the nations wealth to the top 10%.

You're so convinced that "communists liberals are out to destroy America" that you voted against accessible health care, against social programs to help the unemployed, against better schools, against anything that will help people get ahead. They label social programs "free shit" and make the false claim that they encourage sloth or laziness. Anything to keep poor blacks and poor white from voting for the same party and ending their theft of the wages of Amercan workers.

He who controls the media controls the message. The message poor white Americans get from FOX and the rest of the Billionaire Media is "immigrants and minorities are stealing your jobs". Lazy inner city minorities are living off the government. The only reason people are poor because they're stupid or lazy. You shouldn't have your tax dollars go to help them.

It's all lies designed to keep you poor, angry and willing to vote against your own best interests.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American.

Neither are YOU. Noboby cares WTF you think about American politics.
I think Trump gets on the wrong side of bureaucratic, government types because he expects a good days work from them. After a while, all government workers become dogs and are incapable of operating at a level Trump expects. In other words, most government workers are overpaid slugs. If they don't like it, get the hell out and get a real job.

Trump is an overpaid slug. Fat, lazy, stupid. He spends his morning on "Executive Time" - watching TV and tweeting and threatening vengeance on his "enemies". Shows up for work at 11:00, and he's done by 6:00. And he only works four days a week.

And still you fools believe he's doing right by you.

Look who's talking your clown in Canada is a joke. :auiqs.jpg:

I'd love to see Trudeau take on Trump in the boxing ring. But that would never happen. Trump is too chicken to visit the troops in a war zone, much less risk getting himself hurt. Most bullies are chickens. They pick on those less powerful than them and would never take on a real Alpha male.

The rest of the world doesn't laugh in Trudeau's face when he speaks at the United Nations, like they do with Dumb Donald. Trump is laughed at in public by other world leaders. The attitude in the rest of the world is to ignore the asshole, and work around him until he's gone.

Canada has joined the TPP with China and the rest of the Pacific Rim countries to increase trade within the region. We've signed a big new deal with Europe. Our agricultural products are more suited to the European markets because Canadians don't like Monsanto Frankenfood either.

And the Europeans signed their biggest trade deal ever, with Japan.

Thanks to Donald Trump, you have no trade deals with anyone - not the Chinese (that phony agreement with China really resolved nothing but after two years of pain for farmers he had to do something. It's too little, too late given all of the family farm bankruptcies, but the big corporate farmers are making out like bandits on the subsidies.

Like everything else Trump has done to the economy, the net effect is the small business people are being destroyed and the big corporations are picking up the piece. The rich get richer, the rest are falling further behind.

The gap between rich and poor under Trump is widening, and the rate the gap is widening is accelerating. Trump isn't helping American workers. He's helping American oligarchs.

Trump is too chicken to visit the troops in a war zone,

You really are an ignorant Canuck. Stick to Canadian politics, loser.

Trump makes surprise Thanksgiving visit to Afghanistan

Took him three years and the media making a big stink about him to be the only President to have never visited the troops in the field - and he didn't visit the battle zones in Afghanistan. They had to embarass him into doing it.
John Kelly called out Fox News during a speech and not in a positive way. Interesting that a Conservative ex trump guy would point at Fox instead of the big bad MSM.

Analysis: John Kelly's biggest slam wasn't even about Trump — CNN Politics

"The media, in my view, and I feel very strongly about this, is not the enemy of the people," Kelly said. "We need a free media. That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."
Why doesn’t he and other democrats face off with Hannity or tucker and let the people decide who won the argument.. he won’t.. he’s a coward
Speaking of cowards.....who's that carnival barking clown with the orange make-up? And who supports him?
When I moved to the US and saw FOX news the first first i thought it was satire and then I was like no there is no way anone in their right mind would listen to their garbage. Fast forward and I knew why fox news is popular, those that watch it have low IQ and are easily manipulated.
Only real news source America has
Explains a great deal.....gee, such a bad bit of luck that you didn't get accepted by our military (who accepts almost everyone)
Huh?? Mary are you a little deranged this morning?? Lol
I think Trump gets on the wrong side of bureaucratic, government types because he expects a good days work from them. After a while, all government workers become dogs and are incapable of operating at a level Trump expects. In other words, most government workers are overpaid slugs. If they don't like it, get the hell out and get a real job.

Trump is an overpaid slug. Fat, lazy, stupid. He spends his morning on "Executive Time" - watching TV and tweeting and threatening vengeance on his "enemies". Shows up for work at 11:00, and he's done by 6:00. And he only works four days a week.

And still you fools believe he's doing right by you.

Look who's talking your clown in Canada is a joke. :auiqs.jpg:

I'd love to see Trudeau take on Trump in the boxing ring. But that would never happen. Trump is too chicken to visit the troops in a war zone, much less risk getting himself hurt. Most bullies are chickens. They pick on those less powerful than them and would never take on a real Alpha male.

The rest of the world doesn't laugh in Trudeau's face when he speaks at the United Nations, like they do with Dumb Donald. Trump is laughed at in public by other world leaders. The attitude in the rest of the world is to ignore the asshole, and work around him until he's gone.

Canada has joined the TPP with China and the rest of the Pacific Rim countries to increase trade within the region. We've signed a big new deal with Europe. Our agricultural products are more suited to the European markets because Canadians don't like Monsanto Frankenfood either.

And the Europeans signed their biggest trade deal ever, with Japan.

Thanks to Donald Trump, you have no trade deals with anyone - not the Chinese (that phony agreement with China really resolved nothing but after two years of pain for farmers he had to do something. It's too little, too late given all of the family farm bankruptcies, but the big corporate farmers are making out like bandits on the subsidies.

Like everything else Trump has done to the economy, the net effect is the small business people are being destroyed and the big corporations are picking up the piece. The rich get richer, the rest are falling further behind.

The gap between rich and poor under Trump is widening, and the rate the gap is widening is accelerating. Trump isn't helping American workers. He's helping American oligarchs.

Trump is too chicken to visit the troops in a war zone,

You really are an ignorant Canuck. Stick to Canadian politics, loser.

Trump makes surprise Thanksgiving visit to Afghanistan

Took him three years and the media making a big stink about him to be the only President to have never visited the troops in the field - and he didn't visit the battle zones in Afghanistan. They had to embarass him into doing it.

Link us up to all the "battle zones" Barry Hussein visited, Canuck.

The real truth told deeply is not allowed. The real truth of the inner cities. The real truth of the gay communities. The real truth of the insidious quotas and political correctness that has diminished our nation as a competitor in the world. By the late 1960's more and more men stopped protecting women. Today it is more that will not defend a woman then do. A lot more. And a higher percentage of them that do are the deplorables. You compare people to much. Saying what is strong and what is not. Giving one the same position is not the same as proving oneself as one of the best. Or one of the best of the best. It is easy for you to spout this. For you and many of us in the west live off of men and women working in slave shops around the world. In the near future, perhaps a couple of decades or so, these nations are/will become more self sustainable and we won't be first on the list for their products. That is what is happening just in part.

Americans are eating because of the virtual slave labour of illegal immigrant farm workers. The plant and harvest the crops that end up on middle class tables. Farmers are desperate for workers to harvest crops and jurisdictions which have choked off illegal immigration have farmers whose crops are rotting in the field.

The American economy has always depended on a large pool of cheap labour to build wealth. First it was the indentured workers. Followed by the slaves, and then the "guest" workers - primarily from China, and then finally, illegal immigrants.

The wealthy have always feared the poor. They feared that if the poor whites and the poor blacks ever got together, they'd be attacked and their wealth stolen. So they set about pit poor whites against poor blacks so they would never have to fear a revolt against their wealth and power.

This continues to this day with Reagan's welfare queen lies, and the continual lies that lazy minorities are violent and dangerous. Crime isn't driven by race, it's driven by poverty, and in the USA, the highest rates of poverty are among blacks and Latinos, who face systemic racism and discrimination to this day.

Rural America now has higher crime rates than most inner cities - all because of the loss of manufacturing in the heartland and the opiod crisis. The opiod crisis was created by Big Pharma pushing opiod drugs to Americans. The medical industrial complex and Big Pharma have learned what every drug dealer knows, nothing is as reliably profitable as a drug addict. The opiod crisis has hit the hardest in areas which loss auto manufacturing plants. Drug addiciton, alcoholism and suicide are the "diseases of despair".

Who do Republicans blame for this mess? Mexicans, minorities, and bad choices by bad people. Not the companies who automated or who shipped jobs overseas for higher profits. Certainly not the government who didn't offer re-training, or skills upgrades to the workers their policies were affecting. Not Big Pharma companies which made BILLIONS by addicting Americans and then started developing expensive drugs to "cure" the addictions to profit further.

And still Republicans pit poor whites against poor black and keep ginning up the fear and loathing. When are poor whites people going to stop believing all of their lies and bullshit? Now you have the government turning your children into indentured servants to the student loans, saddling those who know they need a good education to get a good job, with $40,000 in student debt. And you have to repay this money, even if you go bankrupt.

When Ronald Reagan was elected President, you had a 20% chance of working your way out of poverty and into the middle class. Today, your chance is 2%. Republicans don't want poor white people to have a chance. They want to profit off your work, but you'll be working to pay off those student loans for the next 20 years.

And still you fools keep voting for Republicans waiting for the wealth to "trickle down" to you. Stop letting guy like Trump piss on you and tell you it's raining. When I applied for Business School, my tuition was $2,000 per year. If one of my grandkids wants to take that course, it's $20,000 per year. That's $80,000 for a business degree. This is a fiscal ball and chain on this general, and the government owns your ass.
So Americans live get better with millions of illegals taking our jobs then LOWERING OUR wages lol ahhh got cha

I was at a Home Depot the other day and The walk there I walked down the meth mile with all the junkies, I got there and saw many illegals waiting to be picked up for cheap labor... it occurred to me that if these low wage illegals weren’t here then a window of opportunity would have been open for one the kids Hooked on meth to say I’m done let me get this good wage job there is demand for me.. these people struggling can’t even get a dishwashing job because of the wages... and the lack of protection of our culture in these jobs that protect foreigners far more then us.. People that hate Americans and are enjoying this generation struggling are going to pay a major price

If a white fucked up kid on meth can't find a job in today's market then that's on him.
There are many jobs,, but the ones we used work have been flooded by 3rd worlders that stack one bed room apartments for years to save money to move back home. Lower wages.. Are you suggesting Americans take these low wages and stack 1 bed room apartments with other Americans until they die? lol do you know what a civilized country is?
Does it work better sitting on welfare, boy?
John Kelly called out Fox News during a speech and not in a positive way. Interesting that a Conservative ex trump guy would point at Fox instead of the big bad MSM.

Analysis: John Kelly's biggest slam wasn't even about Trump — CNN Politics

"The media, in my view, and I feel very strongly about this, is not the enemy of the people," Kelly said. "We need a free media. That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."
Fox is part of the same international conglomerate as CNN and MSNBC.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American. Yes he owns a world wide empire of badly run news services, all of which attack liberals and promoted failed conservative fiscal policies. But it's still a privately owned company, and the owner is a billionaire promoting public policies that will put money in his pocket.

The purpose of FOX News is to ensure that everday people will vote against their own best interests and vote in favour of policies which which will make him richer. They've very good and effective at their propaganda work.

CNN is owned by AT&T/Time Warner - a publically traded company with a board of directors and shareholders, as is Comcast which owns NBC, Disney which owns ABC.

All of the major right wing media outlets, FOX News, local FOX Stations (the Sinclair Family) and Breitbart ( the Mercer Family) are privately owned by right wing billionaires with a personal stake in encouraging lower income Americans to continue to vote against their own best interests and continue the unabated transfer of the nations wealth to the top 10%.

You're so convinced that "communists liberals are out to destroy America" that you voted against accessible health care, against social programs to help the unemployed, against better schools, against anything that will help people get ahead. They label social programs "free shit" and make the false claim that they encourage sloth or laziness. Anything to keep poor blacks and poor white from voting for the same party and ending their theft of the wages of Amercan workers.

He who controls the media controls the message. The message poor white Americans get from FOX and the rest of the Billionaire Media is "immigrants and minorities are stealing your jobs". Lazy inner city minorities are living off the government. The only reason people are poor because they're stupid or lazy. You shouldn't have your tax dollars go to help them.

It's all lies designed to keep you poor, angry and willing to vote against your own best interests.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American.

Neither are YOU. Noboby cares WTF you think about American politics.
The real truth told deeply is not allowed. The real truth of the inner cities. The real truth of the gay communities. The real truth of the insidious quotas and political correctness that has diminished our nation as a competitor in the world. By the late 1960's more and more men stopped protecting women. Today it is more that will not defend a woman then do. A lot more. And a higher percentage of them that do are the deplorables. You compare people to much. Saying what is strong and what is not. Giving one the same position is not the same as proving oneself as one of the best. Or one of the best of the best. It is easy for you to spout this. For you and many of us in the west live off of men and women working in slave shops around the world. In the near future, perhaps a couple of decades or so, these nations are/will become more self sustainable and we won't be first on the list for their products. That is what is happening just in part.

Americans are eating because of the virtual slave labour of illegal immigrant farm workers. The plant and harvest the crops that end up on middle class tables. Farmers are desperate for workers to harvest crops and jurisdictions which have choked off illegal immigration have farmers whose crops are rotting in the field.

The American economy has always depended on a large pool of cheap labour to build wealth. First it was the indentured workers. Followed by the slaves, and then the "guest" workers - primarily from China, and then finally, illegal immigrants.

The wealthy have always feared the poor. They feared that if the poor whites and the poor blacks ever got together, they'd be attacked and their wealth stolen. So they set about pit poor whites against poor blacks so they would never have to fear a revolt against their wealth and power.

This continues to this day with Reagan's welfare queen lies, and the continual lies that lazy minorities are violent and dangerous. Crime isn't driven by race, it's driven by poverty, and in the USA, the highest rates of poverty are among blacks and Latinos, who face systemic racism and discrimination to this day.

Rural America now has higher crime rates than most inner cities - all because of the loss of manufacturing in the heartland and the opiod crisis. The opiod crisis was created by Big Pharma pushing opiod drugs to Americans. The medical industrial complex and Big Pharma have learned what every drug dealer knows, nothing is as reliably profitable as a drug addict. The opiod crisis has hit the hardest in areas which loss auto manufacturing plants. Drug addiciton, alcoholism and suicide are the "diseases of despair".

Who do Republicans blame for this mess? Mexicans, minorities, and bad choices by bad people. Not the companies who automated or who shipped jobs overseas for higher profits. Certainly not the government who didn't offer re-training, or skills upgrades to the workers their policies were affecting. Not Big Pharma companies which made BILLIONS by addicting Americans and then started developing expensive drugs to "cure" the addictions to profit further.

And still Republicans pit poor whites against poor black and keep ginning up the fear and loathing. When are poor whites people going to stop believing all of their lies and bullshit? Now you have the government turning your children into indentured servants to the student loans, saddling those who know they need a good education to get a good job, with $40,000 in student debt. And you have to repay this money, even if you go bankrupt.

When Ronald Reagan was elected President, you had a 20% chance of working your way out of poverty and into the middle class. Today, your chance is 2%. Republicans don't want poor white people to have a chance. They want to profit off your work, but you'll be working to pay off those student loans for the next 20 years.

And still you fools keep voting for Republicans waiting for the wealth to "trickle down" to you. Stop letting guy like Trump piss on you and tell you it's raining. When I applied for Business School, my tuition was $2,000 per year. If one of my grandkids wants to take that course, it's $20,000 per year. That's $80,000 for a business degree. This is a fiscal ball and chain on this general, and the government owns your ass.
So Americans live get better with millions of illegals taking our jobs then LOWERING OUR wages lol ahhh got cha

I was at a Home Depot the other day and The walk there I walked down the meth mile with all the junkies, I got there and saw many illegals waiting to be picked up for cheap labor... it occurred to me that if these low wage illegals weren’t here then a window of opportunity would have been open for one the kids Hooked on meth to say I’m done let me get this good wage job there is demand for me.. these people struggling can’t even get a dishwashing job because of the wages... and the lack of protection of our culture in these jobs that protect foreigners far more then us.. People that hate Americans and are enjoying this generation struggling are going to pay a major price

If a white fucked up kid on meth can't find a job in today's market then that's on him.
There are many jobs,, but the ones we used work have been flooded by 3rd worlders that stack one bed room apartments for years to save money to move back home. Lower wages.. Are you suggesting Americans take these low wages and stack 1 bed room apartments with other Americans until they die? lol do you know what a civilized country is?
Does it work better sitting on welfare, boy?

Notice how Jitss complains about the "illegals stealing our jobs", and working for shit wages, but says nothing about the rich guys who hire the illegals or the politicians who refuse to prosecute them. They're the ones stealing your wages and giving your jobs to illegals. They're the ones Jitss should be going after.

Not once ever do any of these Trumpists ever call out Donald Trump or any of the other billionaires for the thousands of illegals HE hires. They actually think the greedy pig is helping them. They defend his hiring of illegals as "he doesn't check everybody's citizenship". Yet numerous illegals who worked for Trump companies said that they knew Trump personally and he KNEW there were illegal. Trump employees helped them to obtain fake ID's.

This is what Republicans want. They want low income voters to go after and blame minorities and immigrants so they can maintain the status quo. Locking up illegals is lining the pockets of the for profit prison companies who donated to Trump's inauguration. He gave then all untendered government contracts, paying them $700 per day per prisoner.

Trump billionaire buddies get rich, he locks up minorities, his base thinks he's a hero, he gets to abuse women and children, and the brainwashed FOX News voters cheer him as a hero.
John Kelly called out Fox News during a speech and not in a positive way. Interesting that a Conservative ex trump guy would point at Fox instead of the big bad MSM.

Analysis: John Kelly's biggest slam wasn't even about Trump — CNN Politics

"The media, in my view, and I feel very strongly about this, is not the enemy of the people," Kelly said. "We need a free media. That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."
Fox is part of the same international conglomerate as CNN and MSNBC.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American. Yes he owns a world wide empire of badly run news services, all of which attack liberals and promoted failed conservative fiscal policies. But it's still a privately owned company, and the owner is a billionaire promoting public policies that will put money in his pocket.

The purpose of FOX News is to ensure that everday people will vote against their own best interests and vote in favour of policies which which will make him richer. They've very good and effective at their propaganda work.

CNN is owned by AT&T/Time Warner - a publically traded company with a board of directors and shareholders, as is Comcast which owns NBC, Disney which owns ABC.

All of the major right wing media outlets, FOX News, local FOX Stations (the Sinclair Family) and Breitbart ( the Mercer Family) are privately owned by right wing billionaires with a personal stake in encouraging lower income Americans to continue to vote against their own best interests and continue the unabated transfer of the nations wealth to the top 10%.

You're so convinced that "communists liberals are out to destroy America" that you voted against accessible health care, against social programs to help the unemployed, against better schools, against anything that will help people get ahead. They label social programs "free shit" and make the false claim that they encourage sloth or laziness. Anything to keep poor blacks and poor white from voting for the same party and ending their theft of the wages of Amercan workers.

He who controls the media controls the message. The message poor white Americans get from FOX and the rest of the Billionaire Media is "immigrants and minorities are stealing your jobs". Lazy inner city minorities are living off the government. The only reason people are poor because they're stupid or lazy. You shouldn't have your tax dollars go to help them.

It's all lies designed to keep you poor, angry and willing to vote against your own best interests.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American.

Neither are YOU. Noboby cares WTF you think about American politics.
Americans are eating because of the virtual slave labour of illegal immigrant farm workers. The plant and harvest the crops that end up on middle class tables. Farmers are desperate for workers to harvest crops and jurisdictions which have choked off illegal immigration have farmers whose crops are rotting in the field.

The American economy has always depended on a large pool of cheap labour to build wealth. First it was the indentured workers. Followed by the slaves, and then the "guest" workers - primarily from China, and then finally, illegal immigrants.

The wealthy have always feared the poor. They feared that if the poor whites and the poor blacks ever got together, they'd be attacked and their wealth stolen. So they set about pit poor whites against poor blacks so they would never have to fear a revolt against their wealth and power.

This continues to this day with Reagan's welfare queen lies, and the continual lies that lazy minorities are violent and dangerous. Crime isn't driven by race, it's driven by poverty, and in the USA, the highest rates of poverty are among blacks and Latinos, who face systemic racism and discrimination to this day.

Rural America now has higher crime rates than most inner cities - all because of the loss of manufacturing in the heartland and the opiod crisis. The opiod crisis was created by Big Pharma pushing opiod drugs to Americans. The medical industrial complex and Big Pharma have learned what every drug dealer knows, nothing is as reliably profitable as a drug addict. The opiod crisis has hit the hardest in areas which loss auto manufacturing plants. Drug addiciton, alcoholism and suicide are the "diseases of despair".

Who do Republicans blame for this mess? Mexicans, minorities, and bad choices by bad people. Not the companies who automated or who shipped jobs overseas for higher profits. Certainly not the government who didn't offer re-training, or skills upgrades to the workers their policies were affecting. Not Big Pharma companies which made BILLIONS by addicting Americans and then started developing expensive drugs to "cure" the addictions to profit further.

And still Republicans pit poor whites against poor black and keep ginning up the fear and loathing. When are poor whites people going to stop believing all of their lies and bullshit? Now you have the government turning your children into indentured servants to the student loans, saddling those who know they need a good education to get a good job, with $40,000 in student debt. And you have to repay this money, even if you go bankrupt.

When Ronald Reagan was elected President, you had a 20% chance of working your way out of poverty and into the middle class. Today, your chance is 2%. Republicans don't want poor white people to have a chance. They want to profit off your work, but you'll be working to pay off those student loans for the next 20 years.

And still you fools keep voting for Republicans waiting for the wealth to "trickle down" to you. Stop letting guy like Trump piss on you and tell you it's raining. When I applied for Business School, my tuition was $2,000 per year. If one of my grandkids wants to take that course, it's $20,000 per year. That's $80,000 for a business degree. This is a fiscal ball and chain on this general, and the government owns your ass.
So Americans live get better with millions of illegals taking our jobs then LOWERING OUR wages lol ahhh got cha

I was at a Home Depot the other day and The walk there I walked down the meth mile with all the junkies, I got there and saw many illegals waiting to be picked up for cheap labor... it occurred to me that if these low wage illegals weren’t here then a window of opportunity would have been open for one the kids Hooked on meth to say I’m done let me get this good wage job there is demand for me.. these people struggling can’t even get a dishwashing job because of the wages... and the lack of protection of our culture in these jobs that protect foreigners far more then us.. People that hate Americans and are enjoying this generation struggling are going to pay a major price

If a white fucked up kid on meth can't find a job in today's market then that's on him.
There are many jobs,, but the ones we used work have been flooded by 3rd worlders that stack one bed room apartments for years to save money to move back home. Lower wages.. Are you suggesting Americans take these low wages and stack 1 bed room apartments with other Americans until they die? lol do you know what a civilized country is?
Does it work better sitting on welfare, boy?

Notice how Jitss complains about the "illegals stealing our jobs", and working for shit wages, but says nothing about the rich guys who hire the illegals or the politicians who refuse to prosecute them. They're the ones stealing your wages from and giving your jobs to illegals.

Not once ever do any of these Trumpists ever call out Donald Trump or any of the other billionaires for the thousands of illegals HE hires. They actually think the greedy pig is helping them. They actually defend his hiring of illegals as "he doesn't check everybody's citizenship".

This is what Republicans want. They want low income voters to go after and blame minoritiers and immigrants so they can maintain the status quo. Locking up illegals is lining the pockets of the for profit prison companies who donated to Trump's inauguration. He gave then all untendered government contracts, paying them $700 per day per prisoner.

His billionaire buddies get rich, he locks up minorities, his base thinks he's a hero, he gets to abuse women and children, and the brainwashed FOX News voters cheer him as a hero.
Huh? I talk about rich people all
The time. I tell Congress to change our immigration laws build the wall, go back to do wht Texas rangers used to do to illegals.

I Agree it a small business owner directly hires low wage workers they should be burned at the stake!
I think Trump gets on the wrong side of bureaucratic, government types because he expects a good days work from them. After a while, all government workers become dogs and are incapable of operating at a level Trump expects. In other words, most government workers are overpaid slugs. If they don't like it, get the hell out and get a real job.

Trump is an overpaid slug. Fat, lazy, stupid. He spends his morning on "Executive Time" - watching TV and tweeting and threatening vengeance on his "enemies". Shows up for work at 11:00, and he's done by 6:00. And he only works four days a week.

And still you fools believe he's doing right by you.

Look who's talking your clown in Canada is a joke. :auiqs.jpg:

I'd love to see Trudeau take on Trump in the boxing ring. But that would never happen. Trump is too chicken to visit the troops in a war zone, much less risk getting himself hurt. Most bullies are chickens. They pick on those less powerful than them and would never take on a real Alpha male.

The rest of the world doesn't laugh in Trudeau's face when he speaks at the United Nations, like they do with Dumb Donald. Trump is laughed at in public by other world leaders. The attitude in the rest of the world is to ignore the asshole, and work around him until he's gone.

Canada has joined the TPP with China and the rest of the Pacific Rim countries to increase trade within the region. We've signed a big new deal with Europe. Our agricultural products are more suited to the European markets because Canadians don't like Monsanto Frankenfood either.

And the Europeans signed their biggest trade deal ever, with Japan.

Thanks to Donald Trump, you have no trade deals with anyone - not the Chinese (that phony agreement with China really resolved nothing but after two years of pain for farmers he had to do something. It's too little, too late given all of the family farm bankruptcies, but the big corporate farmers are making out like bandits on the subsidies.

Like everything else Trump has done to the economy, the net effect is the small business people are being destroyed and the big corporations are picking up the piece. The rich get richer, the rest are falling further behind.

The gap between rich and poor under Trump is widening, and the rate the gap is widening is accelerating. Trump isn't helping American workers. He's helping American oligarchs.

Trump is too chicken to visit the troops in a war zone,

You really are an ignorant Canuck. Stick to Canadian politics, loser.

Trump makes surprise Thanksgiving visit to Afghanistan

Took him three years and the media making a big stink about him to be the only President to have never visited the troops in the field - and he didn't visit the battle zones in Afghanistan. They had to embarass him into doing it.

List all the "battle zones" your Canuck Cuck Trudeau has visited. Gotta be a lot since Canada has been keep America safe for decades.

John Kelly called out Fox News during a speech and not in a positive way. Interesting that a Conservative ex trump guy would point at Fox instead of the big bad MSM.

Analysis: John Kelly's biggest slam wasn't even about Trump — CNN Politics

"The media, in my view, and I feel very strongly about this, is not the enemy of the people," Kelly said. "We need a free media. That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."
Why doesn’t he and other democrats face off with Hannity or tucker and let the people decide who won the argument.. he won’t.. he’s a coward
Speaking of cowards.....who's that carnival barking clown with the orange make-up? And who supports him?

I and 63 million other "deplorables" that totally comprehend that Trump is a loud, braggart, boisterous, nouveau riche (a term you I'm sure don't understand!)Queens New Yorker. But evidently unlike YOU, loves his family. Loves his country. Loves law enforcement and the military. AND he gets things done! So while I might find Trump has all those above characteristics, I'm a bigger, more forgiving, and definitely less pompous person than you are and appreciate all he has done. See below!
Trump Administration Accomplishments | Sean Hannity
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John Kelly called out Fox News during a speech and not in a positive way. Interesting that a Conservative ex trump guy would point at Fox instead of the big bad MSM.

Analysis: John Kelly's biggest slam wasn't even about Trump — CNN Politics

"The media, in my view, and I feel very strongly about this, is not the enemy of the people," Kelly said. "We need a free media. That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."
Fox is part of the same international conglomerate as CNN and MSNBC.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American. Yes he owns a world wide empire of badly run news services, all of which attack liberals and promoted failed conservative fiscal policies. But it's still a privately owned company, and the owner is a billionaire promoting public policies that will put money in his pocket.

The purpose of FOX News is to ensure that everday people will vote against their own best interests and vote in favour of policies which which will make him richer. They've very good and effective at their propaganda work.

CNN is owned by AT&T/Time Warner - a publically traded company with a board of directors and shareholders, as is Comcast which owns NBC, Disney which owns ABC.

All of the major right wing media outlets, FOX News, local FOX Stations (the Sinclair Family) and Breitbart ( the Mercer Family) are privately owned by right wing billionaires with a personal stake in encouraging lower income Americans to continue to vote against their own best interests and continue the unabated transfer of the nations wealth to the top 10%.

You're so convinced that "communists liberals are out to destroy America" that you voted against accessible health care, against social programs to help the unemployed, against better schools, against anything that will help people get ahead. They label social programs "free shit" and make the false claim that they encourage sloth or laziness. Anything to keep poor blacks and poor white from voting for the same party and ending their theft of the wages of Amercan workers.

He who controls the media controls the message. The message poor white Americans get from FOX and the rest of the Billionaire Media is "immigrants and minorities are stealing your jobs". Lazy inner city minorities are living off the government. The only reason people are poor because they're stupid or lazy. You shouldn't have your tax dollars go to help them.

It's all lies designed to keep you poor, angry and willing to vote against your own best interests.

How do you know what Fox reports? You said you never watch them!
But again... what can we expect from truly uninformed people. Opinions, based on assumptions based on hearsay based on biased news!
Unlike you, I deal in facts.
Simple illustration...
A video compilation from the Washington Free Beacon highlights the mainstream media’s obsession with anti-Trump attorney Michael Avenatti, who was celebrated as a “savior,” a “beast” and “Donald Trump’s worst nightmare” before news of his conviction Friday.
The video, released following Avenatti’s conviction on three charges of extortion against shoe giant Nike Friday, shows pundits from various mainstream outlets, including HBO, MSNBC, CNN, ABC and CBS, all commending him for going after President Trump.

He’s Donald Trump’s worst nightmare,” HBO’s Bill Maher says, introducing the former attorney for porn star Stormy Daniels.
“Jon Meacham says [Avenatti] may be the savior of the republic,” gushes another MSNBC pundit, adding later, “Michael Avenatti is a beast.”
All of the above... where is their Avenatti adulation today?

Compilation: MSM Gushes Over “Donald Trump’s worst nightmare” Michael Avenatti
John Kelly called out Fox News during a speech and not in a positive way. Interesting that a Conservative ex trump guy would point at Fox instead of the big bad MSM.

Analysis: John Kelly's biggest slam wasn't even about Trump — CNN Politics

"The media, in my view, and I feel very strongly about this, is not the enemy of the people," Kelly said. "We need a free media. That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."
Fox is part of the same international conglomerate as CNN and MSNBC.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American. Yes he owns a world wide empire of badly run news services, all of which attack liberals and promoted failed conservative fiscal policies. But it's still a privately owned company, and the owner is a billionaire promoting public policies that will put money in his pocket.

The purpose of FOX News is to ensure that everday people will vote against their own best interests and vote in favour of policies which which will make him richer. They've very good and effective at their propaganda work.

CNN is owned by AT&T/Time Warner - a publically traded company with a board of directors and shareholders, as is Comcast which owns NBC, Disney which owns ABC.

All of the major right wing media outlets, FOX News, local FOX Stations (the Sinclair Family) and Breitbart ( the Mercer Family) are privately owned by right wing billionaires with a personal stake in encouraging lower income Americans to continue to vote against their own best interests and continue the unabated transfer of the nations wealth to the top 10%.

You're so convinced that "communists liberals are out to destroy America" that you voted against accessible health care, against social programs to help the unemployed, against better schools, against anything that will help people get ahead. They label social programs "free shit" and make the false claim that they encourage sloth or laziness. Anything to keep poor blacks and poor white from voting for the same party and ending their theft of the wages of Amercan workers.

He who controls the media controls the message. The message poor white Americans get from FOX and the rest of the Billionaire Media is "immigrants and minorities are stealing your jobs". Lazy inner city minorities are living off the government. The only reason people are poor because they're stupid or lazy. You shouldn't have your tax dollars go to help them.

It's all lies designed to keep you poor, angry and willing to vote against your own best interests.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American.

Neither are YOU. Noboby cares WTF you think about American politics.
So Americans live get better with millions of illegals taking our jobs then LOWERING OUR wages lol ahhh got cha

I was at a Home Depot the other day and The walk there I walked down the meth mile with all the junkies, I got there and saw many illegals waiting to be picked up for cheap labor... it occurred to me that if these low wage illegals weren’t here then a window of opportunity would have been open for one the kids Hooked on meth to say I’m done let me get this good wage job there is demand for me.. these people struggling can’t even get a dishwashing job because of the wages... and the lack of protection of our culture in these jobs that protect foreigners far more then us.. People that hate Americans and are enjoying this generation struggling are going to pay a major price

If a white fucked up kid on meth can't find a job in today's market then that's on him.
There are many jobs,, but the ones we used work have been flooded by 3rd worlders that stack one bed room apartments for years to save money to move back home. Lower wages.. Are you suggesting Americans take these low wages and stack 1 bed room apartments with other Americans until they die? lol do you know what a civilized country is?
Does it work better sitting on welfare, boy?

Notice how Jitss complains about the "illegals stealing our jobs", and working for shit wages, but says nothing about the rich guys who hire the illegals or the politicians who refuse to prosecute them. They're the ones stealing your wages from and giving your jobs to illegals.

Not once ever do any of these Trumpists ever call out Donald Trump or any of the other billionaires for the thousands of illegals HE hires. They actually think the greedy pig is helping them. They actually defend his hiring of illegals as "he doesn't check everybody's citizenship".

This is what Republicans want. They want low income voters to go after and blame minoritiers and immigrants so they can maintain the status quo. Locking up illegals is lining the pockets of the for profit prison companies who donated to Trump's inauguration. He gave then all untendered government contracts, paying them $700 per day per prisoner.

His billionaire buddies get rich, he locks up minorities, his base thinks he's a hero, he gets to abuse women and children, and the brainwashed FOX News voters cheer him as a hero.
Huh? I talk about rich people all
The time. I tell Congress to change our immigration laws build the wall, go back to do wht Texas rangers used to do to illegals.

I Agree it a small business owner directly hires low wage workers they should be burned at the stake!
John Kelly called out Fox News during a speech and not in a positive way. Interesting that a Conservative ex trump guy would point at Fox instead of the big bad MSM.

Analysis: John Kelly's biggest slam wasn't even about Trump — CNN Politics

"The media, in my view, and I feel very strongly about this, is not the enemy of the people," Kelly said. "We need a free media. That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."
Fox is part of the same international conglomerate as CNN and MSNBC.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American. Yes he owns a world wide empire of badly run news services, all of which attack liberals and promoted failed conservative fiscal policies. But it's still a privately owned company, and the owner is a billionaire promoting public policies that will put money in his pocket.

The purpose of FOX News is to ensure that everday people will vote against their own best interests and vote in favour of policies which which will make him richer. They've very good and effective at their propaganda work.

CNN is owned by AT&T/Time Warner - a publically traded company with a board of directors and shareholders, as is Comcast which owns NBC, Disney which owns ABC.

All of the major right wing media outlets, FOX News, local FOX Stations (the Sinclair Family) and Breitbart ( the Mercer Family) are privately owned by right wing billionaires with a personal stake in encouraging lower income Americans to continue to vote against their own best interests and continue the unabated transfer of the nations wealth to the top 10%.

You're so convinced that "communists liberals are out to destroy America" that you voted against accessible health care, against social programs to help the unemployed, against better schools, against anything that will help people get ahead. They label social programs "free shit" and make the false claim that they encourage sloth or laziness. Anything to keep poor blacks and poor white from voting for the same party and ending their theft of the wages of Amercan workers.

He who controls the media controls the message. The message poor white Americans get from FOX and the rest of the Billionaire Media is "immigrants and minorities are stealing your jobs". Lazy inner city minorities are living off the government. The only reason people are poor because they're stupid or lazy. You shouldn't have your tax dollars go to help them.

It's all lies designed to keep you poor, angry and willing to vote against your own best interests.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American.

Neither are YOU. Noboby cares WTF you think about American politics.
So Americans live get better with millions of illegals taking our jobs then LOWERING OUR wages lol ahhh got cha

I was at a Home Depot the other day and The walk there I walked down the meth mile with all the junkies, I got there and saw many illegals waiting to be picked up for cheap labor... it occurred to me that if these low wage illegals weren’t here then a window of opportunity would have been open for one the kids Hooked on meth to say I’m done let me get this good wage job there is demand for me.. these people struggling can’t even get a dishwashing job because of the wages... and the lack of protection of our culture in these jobs that protect foreigners far more then us.. People that hate Americans and are enjoying this generation struggling are going to pay a major price

If a white fucked up kid on meth can't find a job in today's market then that's on him.
There are many jobs,, but the ones we used work have been flooded by 3rd worlders that stack one bed room apartments for years to save money to move back home. Lower wages.. Are you suggesting Americans take these low wages and stack 1 bed room apartments with other Americans until they die? lol do you know what a civilized country is?
Does it work better sitting on welfare, boy?

Notice how Jitss complains about the "illegals stealing our jobs", and working for shit wages, but says nothing about the rich guys who hire the illegals or the politicians who refuse to prosecute them. They're the ones stealing your wages from and giving your jobs to illegals.

Not once ever do any of these Trumpists ever call out Donald Trump or any of the other billionaires for the thousands of illegals HE hires. They actually think the greedy pig is helping them. They actually defend his hiring of illegals as "he doesn't check everybody's citizenship".

This is what Republicans want. They want low income voters to go after and blame minoritiers and immigrants so they can maintain the status quo. Locking up illegals is lining the pockets of the for profit prison companies who donated to Trump's inauguration. He gave then all untendered government contracts, paying them $700 per day per prisoner.

His billionaire buddies get rich, he locks up minorities, his base thinks he's a hero, he gets to abuse women and children, and the brainwashed FOX News voters cheer him as a hero.
Huh? I talk about rich people all
The time. I tell Congress to change our immigration laws build the wall, go back to do wht Texas rangers used to do to illegals.

I Agree it a small business owner directly hires low wage workers they should be burned at the stake!

It's not the small business owners who are screwing you over, it's the big guys. It's the guys hiring hundreds of illegals. In Mississippi, ICE rounded up close to 700 hundred illegals working for 5 different corporations. None of the companies have been charged, including Koch Foods (the Koch Brothers) Peco Foods - the 8th largest poulty producer in the USA.

Trump has rounded up and jailed over 40,000 illegal immigrants and is paying out millions of dollars holding them in custody, but his Administration is yet to charge ANY employer for hiring them, even though all of the companies have long histories of hiring illegals and some of the people arrested were wearing ankle bracelets while awaiting deportation hearings.

Democrats have been trying to get pass changes to immigration laws since Reagan was in office and at every turn, Republicans refuse to consider any legislation.

But now Trump comes along and blames illegals and pretends he's doing something about it. The wall is a waste of money. It looks like he's doing something but he really isn't. As long as illegals can easily find work in the USA, as long as employers can hire them with impunity, illegals will find a way across the border and no wall will stop them.

Trump and the Republicans are lying to you about wanting to solve the problem. They conning you into wasting $50 billion on a useless wall, with billions more going to big money constructions (more billions to the wealthy, paid for by the middle class), and keeping you angry at the immigrants.

Wake up man. Start jailing the pricks who hire them and you'll be amazed at how quickly the problem solves itself.

We have 3000 miles of open border and cradle to grave social programs, and we don't a have people sneaking into our country for free shit. That's because we prosecute people who hire illegals - $10,000 fine per employee just for failing to obtain proper Rev Canada documentation on new hires. If you accept fake or unverified ID by mistake - $10,000 fine. The Canadian government considers hiring illegals "tax evasion" and they prosecute to the full extent of the law.

Trump's anti-immigrant crusade is a con job.
Fox is part of the same international conglomerate as CNN and MSNBC.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American. Yes he owns a world wide empire of badly run news services, all of which attack liberals and promoted failed conservative fiscal policies. But it's still a privately owned company, and the owner is a billionaire promoting public policies that will put money in his pocket.

The purpose of FOX News is to ensure that everday people will vote against their own best interests and vote in favour of policies which which will make him richer. They've very good and effective at their propaganda work.

CNN is owned by AT&T/Time Warner - a publically traded company with a board of directors and shareholders, as is Comcast which owns NBC, Disney which owns ABC.

All of the major right wing media outlets, FOX News, local FOX Stations (the Sinclair Family) and Breitbart ( the Mercer Family) are privately owned by right wing billionaires with a personal stake in encouraging lower income Americans to continue to vote against their own best interests and continue the unabated transfer of the nations wealth to the top 10%.

You're so convinced that "communists liberals are out to destroy America" that you voted against accessible health care, against social programs to help the unemployed, against better schools, against anything that will help people get ahead. They label social programs "free shit" and make the false claim that they encourage sloth or laziness. Anything to keep poor blacks and poor white from voting for the same party and ending their theft of the wages of Amercan workers.

He who controls the media controls the message. The message poor white Americans get from FOX and the rest of the Billionaire Media is "immigrants and minorities are stealing your jobs". Lazy inner city minorities are living off the government. The only reason people are poor because they're stupid or lazy. You shouldn't have your tax dollars go to help them.

It's all lies designed to keep you poor, angry and willing to vote against your own best interests.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American.

Neither are YOU. Noboby cares WTF you think about American politics.
If a white fucked up kid on meth can't find a job in today's market then that's on him.
There are many jobs,, but the ones we used work have been flooded by 3rd worlders that stack one bed room apartments for years to save money to move back home. Lower wages.. Are you suggesting Americans take these low wages and stack 1 bed room apartments with other Americans until they die? lol do you know what a civilized country is?
Does it work better sitting on welfare, boy?

Notice how Jitss complains about the "illegals stealing our jobs", and working for shit wages, but says nothing about the rich guys who hire the illegals or the politicians who refuse to prosecute them. They're the ones stealing your wages from and giving your jobs to illegals.

Not once ever do any of these Trumpists ever call out Donald Trump or any of the other billionaires for the thousands of illegals HE hires. They actually think the greedy pig is helping them. They actually defend his hiring of illegals as "he doesn't check everybody's citizenship".

This is what Republicans want. They want low income voters to go after and blame minoritiers and immigrants so they can maintain the status quo. Locking up illegals is lining the pockets of the for profit prison companies who donated to Trump's inauguration. He gave then all untendered government contracts, paying them $700 per day per prisoner.

His billionaire buddies get rich, he locks up minorities, his base thinks he's a hero, he gets to abuse women and children, and the brainwashed FOX News voters cheer him as a hero.
Huh? I talk about rich people all
The time. I tell Congress to change our immigration laws build the wall, go back to do wht Texas rangers used to do to illegals.

I Agree it a small business owner directly hires low wage workers they should be burned at the stake!
Fox is part of the same international conglomerate as CNN and MSNBC.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American. Yes he owns a world wide empire of badly run news services, all of which attack liberals and promoted failed conservative fiscal policies. But it's still a privately owned company, and the owner is a billionaire promoting public policies that will put money in his pocket.

The purpose of FOX News is to ensure that everday people will vote against their own best interests and vote in favour of policies which which will make him richer. They've very good and effective at their propaganda work.

CNN is owned by AT&T/Time Warner - a publically traded company with a board of directors and shareholders, as is Comcast which owns NBC, Disney which owns ABC.

All of the major right wing media outlets, FOX News, local FOX Stations (the Sinclair Family) and Breitbart ( the Mercer Family) are privately owned by right wing billionaires with a personal stake in encouraging lower income Americans to continue to vote against their own best interests and continue the unabated transfer of the nations wealth to the top 10%.

You're so convinced that "communists liberals are out to destroy America" that you voted against accessible health care, against social programs to help the unemployed, against better schools, against anything that will help people get ahead. They label social programs "free shit" and make the false claim that they encourage sloth or laziness. Anything to keep poor blacks and poor white from voting for the same party and ending their theft of the wages of Amercan workers.

He who controls the media controls the message. The message poor white Americans get from FOX and the rest of the Billionaire Media is "immigrants and minorities are stealing your jobs". Lazy inner city minorities are living off the government. The only reason people are poor because they're stupid or lazy. You shouldn't have your tax dollars go to help them.

It's all lies designed to keep you poor, angry and willing to vote against your own best interests.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American.

Neither are YOU. Noboby cares WTF you think about American politics.
If a white fucked up kid on meth can't find a job in today's market then that's on him.
There are many jobs,, but the ones we used work have been flooded by 3rd worlders that stack one bed room apartments for years to save money to move back home. Lower wages.. Are you suggesting Americans take these low wages and stack 1 bed room apartments with other Americans until they die? lol do you know what a civilized country is?
Does it work better sitting on welfare, boy?

Notice how Jitss complains about the "illegals stealing our jobs", and working for shit wages, but says nothing about the rich guys who hire the illegals or the politicians who refuse to prosecute them. They're the ones stealing your wages from and giving your jobs to illegals.

Not once ever do any of these Trumpists ever call out Donald Trump or any of the other billionaires for the thousands of illegals HE hires. They actually think the greedy pig is helping them. They actually defend his hiring of illegals as "he doesn't check everybody's citizenship".

This is what Republicans want. They want low income voters to go after and blame minoritiers and immigrants so they can maintain the status quo. Locking up illegals is lining the pockets of the for profit prison companies who donated to Trump's inauguration. He gave then all untendered government contracts, paying them $700 per day per prisoner.

His billionaire buddies get rich, he locks up minorities, his base thinks he's a hero, he gets to abuse women and children, and the brainwashed FOX News voters cheer him as a hero.
Huh? I talk about rich people all
The time. I tell Congress to change our immigration laws build the wall, go back to do wht Texas rangers used to do to illegals.

I Agree it a small business owner directly hires low wage workers they should be burned at the stake!

It's not the small business owners who are screwing you over, it's the big guys. It's the guys hiring hundreds of illegals. In Mississippi, ICE rounded up close to 700 hundred illegals working for 5 different corporations. None of the companies have been charged, including Koch Foods (the Koch Brothers) Peco Foods - the 8th largest poulty producer in the USA.

Trump has rounded up and jailed over 40,000 illegal immigrants and is paying out millions of dollars holding them in custody, but his Administration is yet to charge ANY employer for hiring them, even though all of the companies have long histories of hiring illegals and some of the people arrested were wearing ankle bracelets while awaiting deportation hearings.

Democrats have been trying to get pass changes to immigration laws since Reagan was in office and at every turn, Republicans refuse to consider any legislation.

But now Trump comes along and blames illegals and pretends he's doing something about it. The wall is a waste of money. It looks like he's doing something but he really isn't. As long as illegals can easily find work in the USA, as long as employers can hire them with impunity, illegals will find a way across the border and no wall will stop them.

Trump and the Republicans are lying to you about wanting to solve the problem. They conning you into wasting $50 billion on a useless wall, with billions more going to big money constructions (more billions to the wealthy, paid for by the middle class), and keeping you angry at the immigrants.

Wake up man. Start jailing the pricks who hire them and you'll be amazed at how quickly the problem solves itself.

We have 3000 miles of open border and cradle to grave social programs, and we don't a have people sneaking into our country for free shit. That's because we prosecute people who hire illegals - $10,000 fine per employee just for failing to obtain proper Rev Canada documentation on new hires. If you accept fake or unverified ID by mistake - $10,000 fine. The Canadian government considers hiring illegals "tax evasion" and they prosecute to the full extent of the law.
Do the illegals I work with are getting paid by a big Corp??? Lol the illegals at Home Depot were waiting for a big Corp to pick them up?? Huh..... where do you live?
The swamp criticizes Fox? What else is new? The old General should take his pension and fade away rather than playing in left wing politics.
Fox is part of the same international conglomerate as CNN and MSNBC.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American. Yes he owns a world wide empire of badly run news services, all of which attack liberals and promoted failed conservative fiscal policies. But it's still a privately owned company, and the owner is a billionaire promoting public policies that will put money in his pocket.

The purpose of FOX News is to ensure that everday people will vote against their own best interests and vote in favour of policies which which will make him richer. They've very good and effective at their propaganda work.

CNN is owned by AT&T/Time Warner - a publically traded company with a board of directors and shareholders, as is Comcast which owns NBC, Disney which owns ABC.

All of the major right wing media outlets, FOX News, local FOX Stations (the Sinclair Family) and Breitbart ( the Mercer Family) are privately owned by right wing billionaires with a personal stake in encouraging lower income Americans to continue to vote against their own best interests and continue the unabated transfer of the nations wealth to the top 10%.

You're so convinced that "communists liberals are out to destroy America" that you voted against accessible health care, against social programs to help the unemployed, against better schools, against anything that will help people get ahead. They label social programs "free shit" and make the false claim that they encourage sloth or laziness. Anything to keep poor blacks and poor white from voting for the same party and ending their theft of the wages of Amercan workers.

He who controls the media controls the message. The message poor white Americans get from FOX and the rest of the Billionaire Media is "immigrants and minorities are stealing your jobs". Lazy inner city minorities are living off the government. The only reason people are poor because they're stupid or lazy. You shouldn't have your tax dollars go to help them.

It's all lies designed to keep you poor, angry and willing to vote against your own best interests.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American.

Neither are YOU. Noboby cares WTF you think about American politics.
If a white fucked up kid on meth can't find a job in today's market then that's on him.
There are many jobs,, but the ones we used work have been flooded by 3rd worlders that stack one bed room apartments for years to save money to move back home. Lower wages.. Are you suggesting Americans take these low wages and stack 1 bed room apartments with other Americans until they die? lol do you know what a civilized country is?
Does it work better sitting on welfare, boy?

Notice how Jitss complains about the "illegals stealing our jobs", and working for shit wages, but says nothing about the rich guys who hire the illegals or the politicians who refuse to prosecute them. They're the ones stealing your wages from and giving your jobs to illegals.

Not once ever do any of these Trumpists ever call out Donald Trump or any of the other billionaires for the thousands of illegals HE hires. They actually think the greedy pig is helping them. They actually defend his hiring of illegals as "he doesn't check everybody's citizenship".

This is what Republicans want. They want low income voters to go after and blame minoritiers and immigrants so they can maintain the status quo. Locking up illegals is lining the pockets of the for profit prison companies who donated to Trump's inauguration. He gave then all untendered government contracts, paying them $700 per day per prisoner.

His billionaire buddies get rich, he locks up minorities, his base thinks he's a hero, he gets to abuse women and children, and the brainwashed FOX News voters cheer him as a hero.
Huh? I talk about rich people all
The time. I tell Congress to change our immigration laws build the wall, go back to do wht Texas rangers used to do to illegals.

I Agree it a small business owner directly hires low wage workers they should be burned at the stake!
Fox is part of the same international conglomerate as CNN and MSNBC.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American. Yes he owns a world wide empire of badly run news services, all of which attack liberals and promoted failed conservative fiscal policies. But it's still a privately owned company, and the owner is a billionaire promoting public policies that will put money in his pocket.

The purpose of FOX News is to ensure that everday people will vote against their own best interests and vote in favour of policies which which will make him richer. They've very good and effective at their propaganda work.

CNN is owned by AT&T/Time Warner - a publically traded company with a board of directors and shareholders, as is Comcast which owns NBC, Disney which owns ABC.

All of the major right wing media outlets, FOX News, local FOX Stations (the Sinclair Family) and Breitbart ( the Mercer Family) are privately owned by right wing billionaires with a personal stake in encouraging lower income Americans to continue to vote against their own best interests and continue the unabated transfer of the nations wealth to the top 10%.

You're so convinced that "communists liberals are out to destroy America" that you voted against accessible health care, against social programs to help the unemployed, against better schools, against anything that will help people get ahead. They label social programs "free shit" and make the false claim that they encourage sloth or laziness. Anything to keep poor blacks and poor white from voting for the same party and ending their theft of the wages of Amercan workers.

He who controls the media controls the message. The message poor white Americans get from FOX and the rest of the Billionaire Media is "immigrants and minorities are stealing your jobs". Lazy inner city minorities are living off the government. The only reason people are poor because they're stupid or lazy. You shouldn't have your tax dollars go to help them.

It's all lies designed to keep you poor, angry and willing to vote against your own best interests.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American.

Neither are YOU. Noboby cares WTF you think about American politics.
If a white fucked up kid on meth can't find a job in today's market then that's on him.
There are many jobs,, but the ones we used work have been flooded by 3rd worlders that stack one bed room apartments for years to save money to move back home. Lower wages.. Are you suggesting Americans take these low wages and stack 1 bed room apartments with other Americans until they die? lol do you know what a civilized country is?
Does it work better sitting on welfare, boy?

Notice how Jitss complains about the "illegals stealing our jobs", and working for shit wages, but says nothing about the rich guys who hire the illegals or the politicians who refuse to prosecute them. They're the ones stealing your wages from and giving your jobs to illegals.

Not once ever do any of these Trumpists ever call out Donald Trump or any of the other billionaires for the thousands of illegals HE hires. They actually think the greedy pig is helping them. They actually defend his hiring of illegals as "he doesn't check everybody's citizenship".

This is what Republicans want. They want low income voters to go after and blame minoritiers and immigrants so they can maintain the status quo. Locking up illegals is lining the pockets of the for profit prison companies who donated to Trump's inauguration. He gave then all untendered government contracts, paying them $700 per day per prisoner.

His billionaire buddies get rich, he locks up minorities, his base thinks he's a hero, he gets to abuse women and children, and the brainwashed FOX News voters cheer him as a hero.
Huh? I talk about rich people all
The time. I tell Congress to change our immigration laws build the wall, go back to do wht Texas rangers used to do to illegals.

I Agree it a small business owner directly hires low wage workers they should be burned at the stake!

It's not the small business owners who are screwing you over, it's the big guys. It's the guys hiring hundreds of illegals. In Mississippi, ICE rounded up close to 700 hundred illegals working for 5 different corporations. None of the companies have been charged, including Koch Foods (the Koch Brothers) Peco Foods - the 8th largest poulty producer in the USA.

Trump has rounded up and jailed over 40,000 illegal immigrants and is paying out millions of dollars holding them in custody, but his Administration is yet to charge ANY employer for hiring them, even though all of the companies have long histories of hiring illegals and some of the people arrested were wearing ankle bracelets while awaiting deportation hearings.

Democrats have been trying to get pass changes to immigration laws since Reagan was in office and at every turn, Republicans refuse to consider any legislation.

But now Trump comes along and blames illegals and pretends he's doing something about it. The wall is a waste of money. It looks like he's doing something but he really isn't. As long as illegals can easily find work in the USA, as long as employers can hire them with impunity, illegals will find a way across the border and no wall will stop them.

Trump and the Republicans are lying to you about wanting to solve the problem. They conning you into wasting $50 billion on a useless wall, with billions more going to big money constructions (more billions to the wealthy, paid for by the middle class), and keeping you angry at the immigrants.

Wake up man. Start jailing the pricks who hire them and you'll be amazed at how quickly the problem solves itself.

We have 3000 miles of open border and cradle to grave social programs, and we don't a have people sneaking into our country for free shit. That's because we prosecute people who hire illegals - $10,000 fine per employee just for failing to obtain proper Rev Canada documentation on new hires. If you accept fake or unverified ID by mistake - $10,000 fine. The Canadian government considers hiring illegals "tax evasion" and they prosecute to the full extent of the law.

Trump's anti-immigrant crusade is a con job.

Trump has rounded up and jailed over 40,000 illegal immigrants and is paying out millions of dollars holding them in custody, but his Administration is yet to charge ANY employer for hiring them,

You are completely incapable of posting without lying.

Feds: Only 11 Employers Prosecuted for Hiring Illegal Aliens in Last Year
John Kelly called out Fox News during a speech and not in a positive way. Interesting that a Conservative ex trump guy would point at Fox instead of the big bad MSM.

Analysis: John Kelly's biggest slam wasn't even about Trump — CNN Politics

"The media, in my view, and I feel very strongly about this, is not the enemy of the people," Kelly said. "We need a free media. That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."
Why doesn’t he and other democrats face off with Hannity or tucker and let the people decide who won the argument.. he won’t.. he’s a coward
Speaking of cowards.....who's that carnival barking clown with the orange make-up? And who supports him?

I and 63 million other "deplorables" that totally comprehend that Trump is a loud, braggart, boisterous, nouveau riche (a term you I'm sure don't understand!)Queens New Yorker. But evidently unlike YOU, loves his family. Loves his country. Loves law enforcement and the military. AND he gets things done! So while I might find Trump has all those above characteristics, I'm a bigger, more forgiving, and definitely less pompous person than you are and
appreciate all he has done. See below!
View attachment 306836

Remember Obama told us..
During a PBS town hall that aired Wednesday, Obama referenced Trump's promise to bring back jobs to the United States when talking about manufacturing.
Well, how exactly are you going to do that? What exactly are you going to do? There’s no answer to it," Obama said.
What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer.”
Obama to Trump: 'What magic wand do you have?'

See above list AND one more that can be added to the list:
And compared with when President Trump took office, in 2017, there were roughly 12,000 more manufacturing establishments.
President Trump's Davos speech fact-checked

NOTE: The above link is from BBC supposedly considered most fair news outlet...
YET note the article is replete with negative aspects regarding Trump. NOT facts just counter statements to the news!
For example: right after the above "12,000 factories" comment... the BBC's biased "reality check"... comment:
Most of these are small businesses, with fewer than five employees.
One more glaringly BBC biased negative comment:

Trump's claim:
Unemployment rates among African Americans have reached record lows

Reality Check
: The African-American unemployment rate hit 5.5% in September 2019, the lowest rate recorded since the US Labor Department started collecting these statistics, in 1972.

The unemployment rate has since risen slightly to 5.9%.

However, there is a disparity in weekly wages between racial groups. Black men on average earn 26% less than white men and the disparity between Hispanic men and white men is wider still, according to the latest official statistics.

Why other than to report a negative statement to Trump's regarding unemployment rates raise the issue of Black men wage disparity?
That was NEVER the claim Trump put forth BUT the biased BBC had to make a statement that was totally irrelevant!

Again... biased MSM from what was suppose to be perceived as Most Trusted... BBC!


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