Trump’s letter to Turkish president is “utterly pathetic”

Yea we look real
I am reluctant to quote democrats criticizing republicans because I don’t always consider them to be objective. Obviously one party will criticize the other regardless of the validity and genuine nature of the criticism.

This deserves to be shared though. I barely know who this democrat is and don’t really care if he is a good public official or not but I can’t help but take note of his brashness here. Normally I would take issue with such strong words from a public official, but the man is right either way. Trump is pathetic. You would have to be a complete moron to think the Turkish President wouldn’t laugh his ass off at this. Trump’s usual attempt at trying to be tough by acting like a mindless Neanderthal backfires because of how goddamn stupid he comes across.

“Let's work out a good deal! you don't want to be responsible for slaughtering thousands of people, and i don't want to be responsible for destroying the Turkish economy — and I will. I've already given you a little sample with respect to Pastor Brunson.

“I have worked hard to solve some of your problems. Don't let the world down. You can make a great deal. General Mazloum is willing to negotiate with you, and he is willing to make concessions that they would never have made in the past. I am confidentially enclosing a copy of his letter to me, just received.

History will look upon you favorably if you get this done the right and humane way. It will look upon you forever as the devil if good things don't happen. Don't be a tough guy! Don't be a fool!

I will call you later.

Donald J. Trump”

‘It’s utterly pathetic’: Democratic lawmakers are flabbergasted by Trump’s ‘tough guy’ letter to Turkey

dems cannot imaginee, tolerate, or support a strong America. They miss the days of Barack doing a leBron on Turkish cock
Yea we look real strong bailing on the Kurds
Warmongering Left wants to spend our blood and treasure defending a border - in Syria.
Its posted on record in the board archives. Trump promised to bring our troops home so I voted for him and he delivered.
Lol you are something else. Right Trump brought the troops home. He waited 3 years and did it completely randomly, but that doesn’t matter because you worship him.

I destroyed you, it wasn't even difficult. :itsok:
That’s definitely not how this transcript reads... sorry man but you lost this one. You really shouldn’t parrot trumps talking points they just don’t make sense.

the issue isn’t about bringing the troops home, it’s about how he did it... but I think you know that
it's always an issue in how he does things. period. but i think you know that.

Syria strikes: Democrats demand congressional approval for further military action

hell at the time they were pissed about not having approval for military action. so he pulls them, now they're pissed at that.

The Democratic Party’s Silence on Syria

more here saying the dems feel we need to get out.

there comes a time you have zero point other than to be mad at what anyone else does as being wrong. this is where the dems are and they've only themselves to blame for never really taking a stand other than TRUMP SUCKS.
you can support getting out of Syria, that’s fine. The issue is how Trump left the Kurds out to dry and now they are being killed by Turkey. I think you know that ICE
the issue is that regardless of what trump does, its wrong.

that banter just gets old after all these years. even when he does what you want, you'll have the manner in which he does it. the only common theme is you hate.
Lol you are something else. Right Trump brought the troops home. He waited 3 years and did it completely randomly, but that doesn’t matter because you worship him.

I destroyed you, it wasn't even difficult. :itsok:
That’s definitely not how this transcript reads... sorry man but you lost this one. You really shouldn’t parrot trumps talking points they just don’t make sense.

the issue isn’t about bringing the troops home, it’s about how he did it... but I think you know that
it's always an issue in how he does things. period. but i think you know that.

Syria strikes: Democrats demand congressional approval for further military action

hell at the time they were pissed about not having approval for military action. so he pulls them, now they're pissed at that.

The Democratic Party’s Silence on Syria

more here saying the dems feel we need to get out.

there comes a time you have zero point other than to be mad at what anyone else does as being wrong. this is where the dems are and they've only themselves to blame for never really taking a stand other than TRUMP SUCKS.
you can support getting out of Syria, that’s fine. The issue is how Trump left the Kurds out to dry and now they are being killed by Turkey. I think you know that ICE
the issue is that regardless of what trump does, its wrong.

that banter just gets old after all these years. even when he does what you want, you'll have the manner in which he does it. the only common theme is you hate.
you can’t just say that every time there’s an issue about something Trump does. That is dismissing the entire argument. Look at what he did, what the objections are and make your case to either support or critique the issue at hand.
There are very valid points in contrast to Trumps moves in Syria. Many of his allies are speaking out about it. Writing this off as a partisan TDS thing just doesn’t hold water.

so do you or don’t you support how Trump has handled this Syria business?
Yea we look real
I am reluctant to quote democrats criticizing republicans because I don’t always consider them to be objective. Obviously one party will criticize the other regardless of the validity and genuine nature of the criticism.

This deserves to be shared though. I barely know who this democrat is and don’t really care if he is a good public official or not but I can’t help but take note of his brashness here. Normally I would take issue with such strong words from a public official, but the man is right either way. Trump is pathetic. You would have to be a complete moron to think the Turkish President wouldn’t laugh his ass off at this. Trump’s usual attempt at trying to be tough by acting like a mindless Neanderthal backfires because of how goddamn stupid he comes across.

“Let's work out a good deal! you don't want to be responsible for slaughtering thousands of people, and i don't want to be responsible for destroying the Turkish economy — and I will. I've already given you a little sample with respect to Pastor Brunson.

“I have worked hard to solve some of your problems. Don't let the world down. You can make a great deal. General Mazloum is willing to negotiate with you, and he is willing to make concessions that they would never have made in the past. I am confidentially enclosing a copy of his letter to me, just received.

History will look upon you favorably if you get this done the right and humane way. It will look upon you forever as the devil if good things don't happen. Don't be a tough guy! Don't be a fool!

I will call you later.

Donald J. Trump”

‘It’s utterly pathetic’: Democratic lawmakers are flabbergasted by Trump’s ‘tough guy’ letter to Turkey

dems cannot imaginee, tolerate, or support a strong America. They miss the days of Barack doing a leBron on Turkish cock
Yea we look real strong bailing on the Kurds
Warmongering Left wants to spend our blood and treasure defending a border - in Syria.

We were not fighting Turkey or Syria. We were there because neither Turkey nor Syria were able or willing to take necessary steps to deny ISIS territory, or a safe haven from which to operate. Trumpybear betrayed our allies, those who were willing to fight and die to take back the ISIS held territory.

Don't you guys remember shitting your pants over ISIS when Obama was President?
I am reluctant to quote democrats criticizing republicans because I don’t always consider them to be objective. Obviously one party will criticize the other regardless of the validity and genuine nature of the criticism.

This deserves to be shared though. I barely know who this democrat is and don’t really care if he is a good public official or not but I can’t help but take note of his brashness here. Normally I would take issue with such strong words from a public official, but the man is right either way. Trump is pathetic. You would have to be a complete moron to think the Turkish President wouldn’t laugh his ass off at this. Trump’s usual attempt at trying to be tough by acting like a mindless Neanderthal backfires because of how goddamn stupid he comes across.

“Let's work out a good deal! you don't want to be responsible for slaughtering thousands of people, and i don't want to be responsible for destroying the Turkish economy — and I will. I've already given you a little sample with respect to Pastor Brunson.

“I have worked hard to solve some of your problems. Don't let the world down. You can make a great deal. General Mazloum is willing to negotiate with you, and he is willing to make concessions that they would never have made in the past. I am confidentially enclosing a copy of his letter to me, just received.

History will look upon you favorably if you get this done the right and humane way. It will look upon you forever as the devil if good things don't happen. Don't be a tough guy! Don't be a fool!

I will call you later.

Donald J. Trump”

‘It’s utterly pathetic’: Democratic lawmakers are flabbergasted by Trump’s ‘tough guy’ letter to Turkey
For the love of hyena taint licking!!!!

Trump the mobster.

His tone and approach is not Uber-Commie Ernesto "Che" Guevara-level diplomacy (or lack thereof), but holy fuck.

Who drafted that shit? Who approved it?

Fire whomever drafted and/or approved it (including himself).

What a surprise, leftist assholes take Erdogan’s side versus our own President.

psst, Trump and Erdogan are on the same side, hence Trump signaling the green light for Turkey to take out our allies. It's also Trump's first NSA who ran into a little trouble by not register as a lobbyist for Turkey.

Remember that crazy plan where Flynn wanted to kidnap a Turkish dissident and take him back to Turkey to be killed?

Who's on the authoritarin leader of Turkey's side? You and Trump.

Psst, Erdogan and Obama are on the same side. That’s why the Hussein refused to back the Ataturks when it came time to overthrow the radical leadership, as they have done for decades. The Ataturks were wiped out by Erdogan, now we have a very radical Turkish government instead of a secular Ataturk one. President Trump knows this, and wants these assholes kicked out of NATO, otherwise we are bound by treaty to go to war for these radical Muslims. President Trump has exposed Turkey for the warmongering radicals they are. The next step is to get them booted from NATO. He’s given them their warning now. He’s counting on them to fuck up so we can finally kick them out of NATO.

President Trump’s foreign policy has always been to keep us out of Middle East entanglements, to isolate these Muslim barbarians, and let them kill each other off. You’re just too dumb to realize what’s going on.
In all honesty man, if you can’t see how poorly this Turkey thing was handled then there really is no helping you.

The Turks and Kurds have been going at it for decades, we have no business getting in the middle of it. The Turks were set on invading Syria, they refused to listen to us or other NATO allies, no reason to leave our folks in harms way.

Well then why weren’t you bitching when trump and his admin got in the middle of it by negotiating the DMZ between Turkey and Syria as they’ve been doing over the past year?

Wouldn't that fall in the category of trying to stop the invasion? Are you saying we should take on Turkey militarily to protect Syrian soil?

Its posted on record in the board archives. Trump promised to bring our troops home so I voted for him and he delivered.
Lol you are something else. Right Trump brought the troops home. He waited 3 years and did it completely randomly, but that doesn’t matter because you worship him.

I destroyed you, it wasn't even difficult. :itsok:
That’s definitely not how this transcript reads... sorry man but you lost this one. You really shouldn’t parrot trumps talking points they just don’t make sense.

the issue isn’t about bringing the troops home, it’s about how he did it... but I think you know that
it's always an issue in how he does things. period. but i think you know that.

Syria strikes: Democrats demand congressional approval for further military action

hell at the time they were pissed about not having approval for military action. so he pulls them, now they're pissed at that.

The Democratic Party’s Silence on Syria

more here saying the dems feel we need to get out.

there comes a time you have zero point other than to be mad at what anyone else does as being wrong. this is where the dems are and they've only themselves to blame for never really taking a stand other than TRUMP SUCKS.
you can support getting out of Syria, that’s fine. The issue is how Trump left the Kurds out to dry and now they are being killed by Turkey. I think you know that ICE
Can ANYBODY else help? Maybe somebody in that fucking hemisphere?

psst, Trump and Erdogan are on the same side, hence Trump signaling the green light for Turkey to take out our allies. It's also Trump's first NSA who ran into a little trouble by not register as a lobbyist for Turkey.

Remember that crazy plan where Flynn wanted to kidnap a Turkish dissident and take him back to Turkey to be killed?

Who's on the authoritarin leader of Turkey's side? You and Trump.

Psst, Erdogan and Obama are on the same side. That’s why the Hussein refused to back the Ataturks when it came time to overthrow the radical leadership, as they have done for decades. The Ataturks were wiped out by Erdogan, now we have a very radical Turkish government instead of a secular Ataturk one. President Trump knows this, and wants these assholes kicked out of NATO, otherwise we are bound by treaty to go to war for these radical Muslims. President Trump has exposed Turkey for the warmongering radicals they are. The next step is to get them booted from NATO. He’s given them their warning now. He’s counting on them to fuck up so we can finally kick them out of NATO.

President Trump’s foreign policy has always been to keep us out of Middle East entanglements, to isolate these Muslim barbarians, and let them kill each other off. You’re just too dumb to realize what’s going on.
In all honesty man, if you can’t see how poorly this Turkey thing was handled then there really is no helping you.

The Turks and Kurds have been going at it for decades, we have no business getting in the middle of it. The Turks were set on invading Syria, they refused to listen to us or other NATO allies, no reason to leave our folks in harms way.

Well then why weren’t you bitching when trump and his admin got in the middle of it by negotiating the DMZ between Turkey and Syria as they’ve been doing over the past year?

Wouldn't that fall in the category of trying to stop the invasion? Are you saying we should take on Turkey militarily to protect Syrian soil?

im saying that when we work with an ally and convince them to demilitarize in exchange for protection, it’s extremely fucked up to tuck tail and run to allow that ally to get attacked and murdered. Common sense dude. Why do you think Trump buddy’s are speaking out against him on this? It takes something really fucked up for that to happen.

clear your mind and look at this clearly and not as a blind trump defender.
Lol you are something else. Right Trump brought the troops home. He waited 3 years and did it completely randomly, but that doesn’t matter because you worship him.

I destroyed you, it wasn't even difficult. :itsok:
That’s definitely not how this transcript reads... sorry man but you lost this one. You really shouldn’t parrot trumps talking points they just don’t make sense.

the issue isn’t about bringing the troops home, it’s about how he did it... but I think you know that
it's always an issue in how he does things. period. but i think you know that.

Syria strikes: Democrats demand congressional approval for further military action

hell at the time they were pissed about not having approval for military action. so he pulls them, now they're pissed at that.

The Democratic Party’s Silence on Syria

more here saying the dems feel we need to get out.

there comes a time you have zero point other than to be mad at what anyone else does as being wrong. this is where the dems are and they've only themselves to blame for never really taking a stand other than TRUMP SUCKS.
you can support getting out of Syria, that’s fine. The issue is how Trump left the Kurds out to dry and now they are being killed by Turkey. I think you know that ICE
Can ANYBODY else help? Maybe somebody in that fucking hemisphere?

Lol you are something else. Right Trump brought the troops home. He waited 3 years and did it completely randomly, but that doesn’t matter because you worship him.

I destroyed you, it wasn't even difficult. :itsok:
That’s definitely not how this transcript reads... sorry man but you lost this one. You really shouldn’t parrot trumps talking points they just don’t make sense.

the issue isn’t about bringing the troops home, it’s about how he did it... but I think you know that
it's always an issue in how he does things. period. but i think you know that.

Syria strikes: Democrats demand congressional approval for further military action

hell at the time they were pissed about not having approval for military action. so he pulls them, now they're pissed at that.

The Democratic Party’s Silence on Syria

more here saying the dems feel we need to get out.

there comes a time you have zero point other than to be mad at what anyone else does as being wrong. this is where the dems are and they've only themselves to blame for never really taking a stand other than TRUMP SUCKS.
you can support getting out of Syria, that’s fine. The issue is how Trump left the Kurds out to dry and now they are being killed by Turkey. I think you know that ICE
Can ANYBODY else help? Maybe somebody in that fucking hemisphere?

Sure... would have been a great thing to line up before we broke our commitment and left our friends to die
Your threads are utterly pathetic yet you keep starting them and most here read them just for the laughs they provide.
If you’re going to accuse a post of being pathetic and laughable then you should write a substantive post proving that point and displaying how a good post should be written. Instead you fail to even explain your argument. Empty insults are meaningless. Do better
Your threads are utterly pathetic yet you keep starting them and most here read them just for the laughs they provide.
If you’re going to accuse a post of being pathetic and laughable then you should write a substantive post proving that point and displaying how a good post should be written. Instead you fail to even explain your argument. Empty insults are meaningless. Do better
he actually stated thread!!!
Your threads are utterly pathetic yet you keep starting them and most here read them just for the laughs they provide.
If you’re going to accuse a post of being pathetic and laughable then you should write a substantive post proving that point and displaying how a good post should be written. Instead you fail to even explain your argument. Empty insults are meaningless. Do better
First I said threads not post second second the OP threads are nothing more than variations on the same theme they hate Trump if that is all you have to post it is pathetic as is the phony outrage from the left over Trump wanting to leave Syria when they had no such concerns when Obama did the same in Iraq. I feel no need to give a substantive response to threads that are nothing more than partisan hypocrisy.
Your threads are utterly pathetic yet you keep starting them and most here read them just for the laughs they provide.
If you’re going to accuse a post of being pathetic and laughable then you should write a substantive post proving that point and displaying how a good post should be written. Instead you fail to even explain your argument. Empty insults are meaningless. Do better
First I said threads not post second second the OP threads are nothing more than variations on the same theme they hate Trump if that is all you have to post it is pathetic as is the phony outrage from the left over Trump wanting to leave Syria when they had no such concerns when Obama did the same in Iraq. I feel no need to give a substantive response to threads that are nothing more than partisan hypocrisy.
well the OP obviously dislikes Trump and wants to call out the things he objects to... nothing wrong with that, right?

perhaps the OP sees differences between what Obama did and what Trump did. I for one do.

I don’t object to getting troops out of Syria but I object about how it was done and the current situation we are in. Many republicans feel this way too. We learned much from how Obama pulled out of Iraq and the risks involved.

How about you, do you support what Trump did and how he did it?
Your threads are utterly pathetic yet you keep starting them and most here read them just for the laughs they provide.
If you’re going to accuse a post of being pathetic and laughable then you should write a substantive post proving that point and displaying how a good post should be written. Instead you fail to even explain your argument. Empty insults are meaningless. Do better
First I said threads not post second second the OP threads are nothing more than variations on the same theme they hate Trump if that is all you have to post it is pathetic as is the phony outrage from the left over Trump wanting to leave Syria when they had no such concerns when Obama did the same in Iraq. I feel no need to give a substantive response to threads that are nothing more than partisan hypocrisy.
well the OP obviously dislikes Trump and wants to call out the things he objects to... nothing wrong with that, right?

perhaps the OP sees differences between what Obama did and what Trump did. I for one do.

I don’t object to getting troops out of Syria but I object about how it was done and the current situation we are in. Many republicans feel this way too. We learned much from how Obama pulled out of Iraq and the risks involved.

How about you, do you support what Trump did and how he did it?
again, how was it wrong?
Psst, Erdogan and Obama are on the same side. That’s why the Hussein refused to back the Ataturks when it came time to overthrow the radical leadership, as they have done for decades. The Ataturks were wiped out by Erdogan, now we have a very radical Turkish government instead of a secular Ataturk one. President Trump knows this, and wants these assholes kicked out of NATO, otherwise we are bound by treaty to go to war for these radical Muslims. President Trump has exposed Turkey for the warmongering radicals they are. The next step is to get them booted from NATO. He’s given them their warning now. He’s counting on them to fuck up so we can finally kick them out of NATO.

President Trump’s foreign policy has always been to keep us out of Middle East entanglements, to isolate these Muslim barbarians, and let them kill each other off. You’re just too dumb to realize what’s going on.
In all honesty man, if you can’t see how poorly this Turkey thing was handled then there really is no helping you.

The Turks and Kurds have been going at it for decades, we have no business getting in the middle of it. The Turks were set on invading Syria, they refused to listen to us or other NATO allies, no reason to leave our folks in harms way.

Well then why weren’t you bitching when trump and his admin got in the middle of it by negotiating the DMZ between Turkey and Syria as they’ve been doing over the past year?

Wouldn't that fall in the category of trying to stop the invasion? Are you saying we should take on Turkey militarily to protect Syrian soil?

im saying that when we work with an ally and convince them to demilitarize in exchange for protection, it’s extremely fucked up to tuck tail and run to allow that ally to get attacked and murdered. Common sense dude. Why do you think Trump buddy’s are speaking out against him on this? It takes something really fucked up for that to happen.

clear your mind and look at this clearly and not as a blind trump defender.

You didn't answer my question, should we be shooting down Turkeys aircraft and bombing their positions in Syria? The 50 or so soldiers we had in the area couldn't stand against the Turkish military without massive support.

In all honesty man, if you can’t see how poorly this Turkey thing was handled then there really is no helping you.

The Turks and Kurds have been going at it for decades, we have no business getting in the middle of it. The Turks were set on invading Syria, they refused to listen to us or other NATO allies, no reason to leave our folks in harms way.

Well then why weren’t you bitching when trump and his admin got in the middle of it by negotiating the DMZ between Turkey and Syria as they’ve been doing over the past year?

Wouldn't that fall in the category of trying to stop the invasion? Are you saying we should take on Turkey militarily to protect Syrian soil?

im saying that when we work with an ally and convince them to demilitarize in exchange for protection, it’s extremely fucked up to tuck tail and run to allow that ally to get attacked and murdered. Common sense dude. Why do you think Trump buddy’s are speaking out against him on this? It takes something really fucked up for that to happen.

clear your mind and look at this clearly and not as a blind trump defender.

You didn't answer my question, should we be shooting down Turkeys aircraft and bombing their positions in Syria? The 50 or so soldiers we had in the area couldn't stand against the Turkish military without massive support.

I don’t think we should go attack right now. Going back to trumps call with Turkey... he should have stood by the Kurds and sent reinforcements. Turkey never would have attack and gone to war with US. We wouldn’t be in this mess
The Turks and Kurds have been going at it for decades, we have no business getting in the middle of it. The Turks were set on invading Syria, they refused to listen to us or other NATO allies, no reason to leave our folks in harms way.

Well then why weren’t you bitching when trump and his admin got in the middle of it by negotiating the DMZ between Turkey and Syria as they’ve been doing over the past year?

Wouldn't that fall in the category of trying to stop the invasion? Are you saying we should take on Turkey militarily to protect Syrian soil?

im saying that when we work with an ally and convince them to demilitarize in exchange for protection, it’s extremely fucked up to tuck tail and run to allow that ally to get attacked and murdered. Common sense dude. Why do you think Trump buddy’s are speaking out against him on this? It takes something really fucked up for that to happen.

clear your mind and look at this clearly and not as a blind trump defender.

You didn't answer my question, should we be shooting down Turkeys aircraft and bombing their positions in Syria? The 50 or so soldiers we had in the area couldn't stand against the Turkish military without massive support.

I don’t think we should go attack right now. Going back to trumps call with Turkey... he should have stood by the Kurds and sent reinforcements. Turkey never would have attack and gone to war with US. We wouldn’t be in this mess
we don't defend another's land without declaration of war. And we never declare war on our allies. so still waiting on what trump did wrong.
Here is the letter I think he should have sent.

trump letter.png
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