Trump’s ex wife has passed away.

My first sentence covered what you say the post lacked.
Now kindly stick your head up your ass and roll down the sidewalk.

I can still you are spreading the hate. Guess what, (you ain't gonna like this one) I see that as a trait of a MAGA Rumpster Domestic Terrorist Traitor.
Actually it's a no fault. Ivana died of a heart attack, and they didn't publish it early on. I had correctly guessed it was a heart attack because her father died too young of a heart attack. Let's not use this obituary of an extraordinary woman as an excuse to pillory other USMB members. An obituary should be about the person who passed, and spare the family members who could arrive here someday and read the ugly on the passing of a loved or admired one, including grandchildren who are proud of their grandparent.

You shouldn't spread false information (fake news)

Ivana Trump, an ex-wife of former President Donald Trump, died of "blunt impact injuries" to the torso, New York City's medical examiner said Friday

Ivana Trump died when she accidentally fell down the stairs of her Manhattan home —
Everybody likes to see a regular person have the American dream come true. It shattered our little world when Marla Maples was overheard saying she was going to land Donald Trump. By then he had children, and Ivana was someone who was just likable, and we were rooting for her. It didn't matter. The American Dream marriage fell. For us middle class people, it was a sorry deal seeing a mother and her children getting dumped. Ivana settled for a divorce, a broken heart, and a minor role in one of the Trump family's businesses. There really isn't enough money in the world to fix a broken heart for being used and discarded when middle aged boredom set in. Besides, you only see what you imagined was a perfect union, not what was really going on behind closed doors. Some kids are very bitter about divorced parents, and nobody wins. And if one partner becomes a slave to a mind-altering substance, the children assert behaviors the law can't fix, so parents are worried when and if, because the one who started shooting his gun in the house like a crazy person on drugs, the mother has no choice but to throw the bum out, and the kids are without the other parent they thought cared for them, but sunk into Puff the Magic Dragon's world. If they're older, they want to know how it feels to be on tobacco and alcohol highs, or hard drugs if they have high allowance money. Today, the children can die from fentanyl because it is prevalent. It takes two parents to raise a child, and if the family breaks up, the children are mercilessly depressed and surrounded by other kids who tell them they'll be just fine if they take this or that sedative. Right now, the drug lords are calling their poison that look like certain medicines that treat personality disorders, and the link below did not enlarge on minors who died and adults. Most families have lost at least one to illicit drugs, and it's a bitter pill for loved ones to see a child who seems happy, but that comes from drug highs, not hard work of setting goals for his future life. If either parent imbibes or worships drugs, the children old enough to have jobs are frequently hit up for the parent's drug habits, so their college savings account gets sacked instead of growing from deposits.
  • Drug overdoses in the United States were deadlier than ever in 2021, according to provisional data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Nearly 108,000 people died of drug overdoses in 2021, and about two-thirds of those deaths involved fentanyl or another synthetic opioid. seriously expect me to read this?

I could not care much less whether she lived or died.

And she lived wealthy and to an old age.
So I have NO empathy for her croaking.

Hell...I would not want to live longer than 73 anyway.
I would care if most of the people on this forum died,.. you,.. I'd care a little bit more so because I don't know how many people would mourn you and I would feel sorry for you,.. but I sure wouldn't miss you.

Yeah, they looked and acted like they were still close friends so it probably is going to still be really hard for him. :(

Really? You haven't said a kind thing yet even a simple RIP on this thread and you still have the nerve to tell other people to grow up? I wouldn't cry about anybody dying on here, but I sure would miss them. You on the other hand I wish you would just go to Hell. Especially because of your shitty attitude about somebody's death. You're the one who should grow up.

I come here for fellowship with the conservatives, and telling the libtards such as yourself to fuck off. It's not much but it's a time killer. :)

Really? Another one? Then why the fuck do you people even come on this thread in the first place?

I don't really know what Trump did or didn't do and I couldn't care less at the moment because right now all of my focus is on what Biden is currently doing to this country,.. but I don't want to get off topic.

And what is it to you what I think about this old (dead) bat?
You shouldn't spread false information (fake news)

Ivana Trump, an ex-wife of former President Donald Trump, died of "blunt impact injuries" to the torso, New York City's medical examiner said Friday

Ivana Trump died when she accidentally fell down the stairs of her Manhattan home —
Or pushed.
she sure didn't deserve the willful attempted humiliation by donny when he would trapse his whore marla all over NYC, making sure the tabloids splashed it all over their front pages when their 3 shared spawn were little kids.

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