Trumps biggest sacrifice.......uh, uh, give me a decade or two, uh, uh......

Thanks, ace.....every single day I wake up, I keeping hoping this racist orange fuck was just a bad dream, sadly its all so real.

I don't hope, hope is for losers, I do however know that every single day this moron will post something that only confirms how functionally retarded the minority controlled left is.

I don't really like Trump, but I absolutely hate Hillary and the American left, so I am voting Trump and hope he wins if for no other reason than to give these folks one giant middle finger
You guys gave us the middle finger voting in a majority GOP congress and it all backfired on you. You gave us the finger with Bush for an extra 4 years and he practically ruined the financial for Trump and hoping the finger will make you feel better is a lose lose for you white fucks....yaw gotta understand one thing, when shit goes bad, its you white fucks that get it the worse, haven't you noticed that by now? The GOP has never ever ever been a benefit to you nuts, not ever, especially these morons you nuts keep placing all your hopes dreams upon. Us minorities, we've had it bad all our lives, so hard times are nothing to us, but you white fucks, you're the ones who end up on the shit end of things when you think like this....good luck pal, your gonna need it.
The crooked financial institutions did the damage to the finances with their fraudulent made up paperwork and they were stripping the public coffers via government back loans. How long do you think they could keep lying their asses off in Wall Street passing everyone a bunch of worthless paper while the CEO's pocketed multiple millions every year in bonuses with their cooked books?

Nothing to do with the topic, but btw, what political party backed TARP and which opposed it? which party said in 2006 that there was no housing bubble?
I'd have to go back and look at all the details as in 2006 we were still up to our asses in vicious alligators and vipers trying to survive it all from the counterfeiting of settlement docs. on our case. I recall Barnie Frank saying there was no problem. I can say that the same thugs did the same game back in the seventies and the so called bubble hit then too. Then it was call Production Credit Association and also HUD was involved (can't say which bank names). Family farms were also being wiped out at the same time then. Gas went from $00.29 a gallon up to almost a dollar and people were losing houses right and left. My grandfather in-law offered me a business proposition to buy a half a dozen houses on his dime if I would manage it all in Southern California in San Bernardino County and I turned it down because the children's biological dad had a fit. He could not conceive why his grandfather would offer me that and not him.
Thanks, ace.....every single day I wake up, I keeping hoping this racist orange fuck was just a bad dream, sadly its all so real.

I don't hope, hope is for losers, I do however know that every single day this moron will post something that only confirms how functionally retarded the minority controlled left is.

I don't really like Trump, but I absolutely hate Hillary and the American left, so I am voting Trump and hope he wins if for no other reason than to give these folks one giant middle finger
You guys gave us the middle finger voting in a majority GOP congress and it all backfired on you. You gave us the finger with Bush for an extra 4 years and he practically ruined the financial for Trump and hoping the finger will make you feel better is a lose lose for you white fucks....yaw gotta understand one thing, when shit goes bad, its you white fucks that get it the worse, haven't you noticed that by now? The GOP has never ever ever been a benefit to you nuts, not ever, especially these morons you nuts keep placing all your hopes dreams upon. Us minorities, we've had it bad all our lives, so hard times are nothing to us, but you white fucks, you're the ones who end up on the shit end of things when you think like this....good luck pal, your gonna need it.
The crooked financial institutions did the damage to the finances with their fraudulent made up paperwork and they were stripping the public coffers via government back loans. How long do you think they could keep lying their asses off in Wall Street passing everyone a bunch of worthless paper while the CEO's pocketed multiple millions every year in bonuses with their cooked books?

Nothing to do with the topic, but btw, what political party backed TARP and which opposed it? which party said in 2006 that there was no housing bubble?
Here we go....white fuck heads stressing over shit that hasn't happened, probably won't at this point and that's good, but why are you stressing over shit that hasn't impacted you or your family one damned bit? Like the taking away your guns shit, banning sex with goats...relax pal, wait til the shit happens and then wet your diaper.
Dodd Frank gave us four very large banks and put all the small town banks out of business. Nice going democrats.

Dodd-Frank, Community Bank Decline, And The Effect On U.S. Cities And Towns
The only reason, Willow this was allowed to happen, was because as always the GOP watered down the bill...if you do anything moving forward in life, please take note of'll help your brain function better, k?
Oh bullshittery.
Big difference here, Sassy, she's not going around the country denegrading minorities, slashing away at foreigner and challenging the eithics and loyalty of American immigrant, Trump either put up or shut up and as you know I'm not a Hillary fan, I will say, having to deal with Bill all them years without getting a charge....I'd say she sacrificed her scruples.

American immigrants are not loyal anymore. They wave Mexican flags, put allah before country, cost more than they give, and take every chance they get to tell me how I have wronged them. Fuck immigrants, they are ruining this place

You didn't like minorities or immigrants then....... Why in the world you like them this time?
Because he hates himself.

no, I just hate you and the parasite immigrants

How can you sleep at night under the bridge?
By laying on a bunch of fat nasty white people with pop bellies, works wonders ya know!!
Still waiting on Hillary's great sacrifice....tick tock
Big difference here, Sassy, she's not going around the country denegrading minorities, slashing away at foreigner and challenging the eithics and loyalty of American immigrant, Trump either put up or shut up and as you know I'm not a Hillary fan, I will say, having to deal with Bill all them years without getting a charge....I'd say she sacrificed her scruples.

American immigrants are not loyal anymore. They wave Mexican flags, put allah before country, cost more than they give, and take every chance they get to tell me how I have wronged them. Fuck immigrants, they are ruining this place
Kinda like them white immigrants back in the day, ruining this country, eh? Listen, blaming immigrants for NAFTA, fucked up politicians and greedy fucks on Wall Street is not gonna fly with me. Find mirror pal and start pointing the finger at the problem...its people like you not having a welcoming mentality that causes the stress for so many immigrants.

white immigrants built this place, white folks pay your welfare check, better STFU
Yeah, they might have built shit and got paid for it...but nigga's created the wealth through slave labor that made it possible for you white fucks to build shit...don't get it twisted hommie and since when do you tell me to shut up? And welfare is white thing called SSI.
Oh yes, SSI another piece of democrat dumbfuckery.
And trying their very best to deflect when people bring up Hillary calling a Benghazi parent an outright liar. Where's teh liberal outrage on Hillary's lack of sensitivity?
I'm certainly with Trump on this one tho - frickin Muslim feels like somehow his sacrifice is special when thousands and thousands of American parents have given their children to fight wars his religion started so his sorry ass can come to America and start whining.
Thanks, ace.....every single day I wake up, I keeping hoping this racist orange fuck was just a bad dream, sadly its all so real.

I don't hope, hope is for losers, I do however know that every single day this moron will post something that only confirms how functionally retarded the minority controlled left is.

I don't really like Trump, but I absolutely hate Hillary and the American left, so I am voting Trump and hope he wins if for no other reason than to give these folks one giant middle finger
You guys gave us the middle finger voting in a majority GOP congress and it all backfired on you. You gave us the finger with Bush for an extra 4 years and he practically ruined the financial for Trump and hoping the finger will make you feel better is a lose lose for you white fucks....yaw gotta understand one thing, when shit goes bad, its you white fucks that get it the worse, haven't you noticed that by now? The GOP has never ever ever been a benefit to you nuts, not ever, especially these morons you nuts keep placing all your hopes dreams upon. Us minorities, we've had it bad all our lives, so hard times are nothing to us, but you white fucks, you're the ones who end up on the shit end of things when you think like this....good luck pal, your gonna need it.
The crooked financial institutions did the damage to the finances with their fraudulent made up paperwork and they were stripping the public coffers via government back loans. How long do you think they could keep lying their asses off in Wall Street passing everyone a bunch of worthless paper while the CEO's pocketed multiple millions every year in bonuses with their cooked books?

Nothing to do with the topic, but btw, what political party backed TARP and which opposed it? which party said in 2006 that there was no housing bubble?
Here we go....white fuck heads stressing over shit that hasn't happened, probably won't at this point and that's good, but why are you stressing over shit that hasn't impacted you or your family one damned bit? Like the taking away your guns shit, banning sex with goats...relax pal, wait til the shit happens and then wet your diaper.

the housing bubble never happened eh? man you are one stupid piece of shit
You didn't like minorities or immigrants then....... Why in the world you like them this time?
Because he hates himself.

no, I just hate you and the parasite immigrants
Wow, that was deep, God only knows how much sleep I'm gonna lose now over you...bitch please, as if!!

as if what? you actually have valid points and an IQ over 90?
Put it this way, I can go heads up with you and any of the neo nuts that come here to whine about shit. You diaper wearing roaches are nothing but thin skinned trashy that think the whole fuckin world gives a rats fuck about you and what the fuck you short, fuck off lice ball

if you grade by number of caps, yes you win fuctard, but if you grade by actual logic then you are the loser. love how you declare yourself winner, what a jackass
Big difference here, Sassy, she's not going around the country denegrading minorities, slashing away at foreigner and challenging the eithics and loyalty of American immigrant, Trump either put up or shut up and as you know I'm not a Hillary fan, I will say, having to deal with Bill all them years without getting a charge....I'd say she sacrificed her scruples.

American immigrants are not loyal anymore. They wave Mexican flags, put allah before country, cost more than they give, and take every chance they get to tell me how I have wronged them. Fuck immigrants, they are ruining this place

You didn't like minorities or immigrants then....... Why in the world you like them this time?
Because he hates himself.

no, I just hate you and the parasite immigrants

How can you sleep at night under the bridge?

how can you function with that cephalic disorder?
Thanks, ace.....every single day I wake up, I keeping hoping this racist orange fuck was just a bad dream, sadly its all so real.

I don't hope, hope is for losers, I do however know that every single day this moron will post something that only confirms how functionally retarded the minority controlled left is.

I don't really like Trump, but I absolutely hate Hillary and the American left, so I am voting Trump and hope he wins if for no other reason than to give these folks one giant middle finger
You guys gave us the middle finger voting in a majority GOP congress and it all backfired on you. You gave us the finger with Bush for an extra 4 years and he practically ruined the financial for Trump and hoping the finger will make you feel better is a lose lose for you white fucks....yaw gotta understand one thing, when shit goes bad, its you white fucks that get it the worse, haven't you noticed that by now? The GOP has never ever ever been a benefit to you nuts, not ever, especially these morons you nuts keep placing all your hopes dreams upon. Us minorities, we've had it bad all our lives, so hard times are nothing to us, but you white fucks, you're the ones who end up on the shit end of things when you think like this....good luck pal, your gonna need it.
The crooked financial institutions did the damage to the finances with their fraudulent made up paperwork and they were stripping the public coffers via government back loans. How long do you think they could keep lying their asses off in Wall Street passing everyone a bunch of worthless paper while the CEO's pocketed multiple millions every year in bonuses with their cooked books?

Nothing to do with the topic, but btw, what political party backed TARP and which opposed it? which party said in 2006 that there was no housing bubble?
I'd have to go back and look at all the details as in 2006 we were still up to our asses in vicious alligators and vipers trying to survive it all from the counterfeiting of settlement docs. on our case. I recall Barnie Frank saying there was no problem. I can say that the same thugs did the same game back in the seventies and the so called bubble hit then too. Then it was call Production Credit Association and also HUD was involved (can't say which bank names). Family farms were also being wiped out at the same time then. Gas went from $00.29 a gallon up to almost a dollar and people were losing houses right and left. My grandfather in-law offered me a business proposition to buy a half a dozen houses on his dime if I would manage it all in Southern California in San Bernardino County and I turned it down because the children's biological dad had a fit. He could not conceive why his grandfather would offer me that and not him.

oh you would have to 'go back and look'? so you spoke without knowing anything, I see business as usual at the liberal braintrust
Still waiting on Hillary's great sacrifice....tick tock
Big difference here, Sassy, she's not going around the country denegrading minorities, slashing away at foreigner and challenging the eithics and loyalty of American immigrant, Trump either put up or shut up and as you know I'm not a Hillary fan, I will say, having to deal with Bill all them years without getting a charge....I'd say she sacrificed her scruples.

American immigrants are not loyal anymore. They wave Mexican flags, put allah before country, cost more than they give, and take every chance they get to tell me how I have wronged them. Fuck immigrants, they are ruining this place
Kinda like them white immigrants back in the day, ruining this country, eh? Listen, blaming immigrants for NAFTA, fucked up politicians and greedy fucks on Wall Street is not gonna fly with me. Find mirror pal and start pointing the finger at the problem...its people like you not having a welcoming mentality that causes the stress for so many immigrants.

white immigrants built this place, white folks pay your welfare check, better STFU
Yeah, they might have built shit and got paid for it...but nigga's created the wealth through slave labor that made it possible for you white fucks to build shit...don't get it twisted hommie and since when do you tell me to shut up? And welfare is white thing called SSI.

cotton picking slaves didn't build this place you absolute dumbass, they were not even allowed in the north where most of the wealth was, and what happened 160 years ago has little to do with the economy today.

how the fuck do you get through life?
Still waiting on Hillary's great sacrifice....tick tock
30 years of having her family slimed by the GOP. Of someone like Rush Limbaugh holding up a picture of her twelve year old daughter and saying here's the family dog.
30 years of being called crooked, cankles, thief and murderer.
Having her family tragedies made fun of.

I would say she has sacrificed quite a lot.
Still waiting on Hillary's great sacrifice....tick tock
30 years of having her family slimed by the GOP. Of someone like Rush Limbaugh holding up a picture of her twelve year old daughter and saying here's the family dog.
30 years of being called crooked, cankles, thief and murderer.
Having her family tragedies made fun of.

I would say she has sacrificed quite a lot.

and the left never makes fun of others? go fuck a truck
I don't hope, hope is for losers, I do however know that every single day this moron will post something that only confirms how functionally retarded the minority controlled left is.

I don't really like Trump, but I absolutely hate Hillary and the American left, so I am voting Trump and hope he wins if for no other reason than to give these folks one giant middle finger
You guys gave us the middle finger voting in a majority GOP congress and it all backfired on you. You gave us the finger with Bush for an extra 4 years and he practically ruined the financial for Trump and hoping the finger will make you feel better is a lose lose for you white fucks....yaw gotta understand one thing, when shit goes bad, its you white fucks that get it the worse, haven't you noticed that by now? The GOP has never ever ever been a benefit to you nuts, not ever, especially these morons you nuts keep placing all your hopes dreams upon. Us minorities, we've had it bad all our lives, so hard times are nothing to us, but you white fucks, you're the ones who end up on the shit end of things when you think like this....good luck pal, your gonna need it.
The crooked financial institutions did the damage to the finances with their fraudulent made up paperwork and they were stripping the public coffers via government back loans. How long do you think they could keep lying their asses off in Wall Street passing everyone a bunch of worthless paper while the CEO's pocketed multiple millions every year in bonuses with their cooked books?

Nothing to do with the topic, but btw, what political party backed TARP and which opposed it? which party said in 2006 that there was no housing bubble?
I'd have to go back and look at all the details as in 2006 we were still up to our asses in vicious alligators and vipers trying to survive it all from the counterfeiting of settlement docs. on our case. I recall Barnie Frank saying there was no problem. I can say that the same thugs did the same game back in the seventies and the so called bubble hit then too. Then it was call Production Credit Association and also HUD was involved (can't say which bank names). Family farms were also being wiped out at the same time then. Gas went from $00.29 a gallon up to almost a dollar and people were losing houses right and left. My grandfather in-law offered me a business proposition to buy a half a dozen houses on his dime if I would manage it all in Southern California in San Bernardino County and I turned it down because the children's biological dad had a fit. He could not conceive why his grandfather would offer me that and not him.

oh you would have to 'go back and look'? so you spoke without knowing anything, I see business as usual at the liberal braintrust
Another retard troll that thinks someone should go do their research because they say so. Just what the board needs another spouting prick with ears. Talk your trash to someone who really cares what your opinion is.
You guys gave us the middle finger voting in a majority GOP congress and it all backfired on you. You gave us the finger with Bush for an extra 4 years and he practically ruined the financial for Trump and hoping the finger will make you feel better is a lose lose for you white fucks....yaw gotta understand one thing, when shit goes bad, its you white fucks that get it the worse, haven't you noticed that by now? The GOP has never ever ever been a benefit to you nuts, not ever, especially these morons you nuts keep placing all your hopes dreams upon. Us minorities, we've had it bad all our lives, so hard times are nothing to us, but you white fucks, you're the ones who end up on the shit end of things when you think like this....good luck pal, your gonna need it.
The crooked financial institutions did the damage to the finances with their fraudulent made up paperwork and they were stripping the public coffers via government back loans. How long do you think they could keep lying their asses off in Wall Street passing everyone a bunch of worthless paper while the CEO's pocketed multiple millions every year in bonuses with their cooked books?

Nothing to do with the topic, but btw, what political party backed TARP and which opposed it? which party said in 2006 that there was no housing bubble?
I'd have to go back and look at all the details as in 2006 we were still up to our asses in vicious alligators and vipers trying to survive it all from the counterfeiting of settlement docs. on our case. I recall Barnie Frank saying there was no problem. I can say that the same thugs did the same game back in the seventies and the so called bubble hit then too. Then it was call Production Credit Association and also HUD was involved (can't say which bank names). Family farms were also being wiped out at the same time then. Gas went from $00.29 a gallon up to almost a dollar and people were losing houses right and left. My grandfather in-law offered me a business proposition to buy a half a dozen houses on his dime if I would manage it all in Southern California in San Bernardino County and I turned it down because the children's biological dad had a fit. He could not conceive why his grandfather would offer me that and not him.

oh you would have to 'go back and look'? so you spoke without knowing anything, I see business as usual at the liberal braintrust
Another retard troll that thinks someone should go do their research because they say so. Just what the board needs another spouting prick with ears. Talk your trash to someone who really cares what your opinion is.

speaking the truth, you said 'you would have to go back and look' which means you don't know the answer to a simple relevant question that I know the answer to. If asking you to actually know what the fuck you are talking about is trash talking, so be it
American immigrants are not loyal anymore. They wave Mexican flags, put allah before country, cost more than they give, and take every chance they get to tell me how I have wronged them. Fuck immigrants, they are ruining this place

You didn't like minorities or immigrants then....... Why in the world you like them this time?
Because he hates himself.

no, I just hate you and the parasite immigrants

How can you sleep at night under the bridge?

how can you function with that cephalic disorder?

Dude..... You are calling people parasites....... People that talk like that is a clear indication that you are hybrid helminths. Grow the fuck up idiot.
I don't hope, hope is for losers, I do however know that every single day this moron will post something that only confirms how functionally retarded the minority controlled left is.

I don't really like Trump, but I absolutely hate Hillary and the American left, so I am voting Trump and hope he wins if for no other reason than to give these folks one giant middle finger
You guys gave us the middle finger voting in a majority GOP congress and it all backfired on you. You gave us the finger with Bush for an extra 4 years and he practically ruined the financial for Trump and hoping the finger will make you feel better is a lose lose for you white fucks....yaw gotta understand one thing, when shit goes bad, its you white fucks that get it the worse, haven't you noticed that by now? The GOP has never ever ever been a benefit to you nuts, not ever, especially these morons you nuts keep placing all your hopes dreams upon. Us minorities, we've had it bad all our lives, so hard times are nothing to us, but you white fucks, you're the ones who end up on the shit end of things when you think like this....good luck pal, your gonna need it.
The crooked financial institutions did the damage to the finances with their fraudulent made up paperwork and they were stripping the public coffers via government back loans. How long do you think they could keep lying their asses off in Wall Street passing everyone a bunch of worthless paper while the CEO's pocketed multiple millions every year in bonuses with their cooked books?

Nothing to do with the topic, but btw, what political party backed TARP and which opposed it? which party said in 2006 that there was no housing bubble?
Here we go....white fuck heads stressing over shit that hasn't happened, probably won't at this point and that's good, but why are you stressing over shit that hasn't impacted you or your family one damned bit? Like the taking away your guns shit, banning sex with goats...relax pal, wait til the shit happens and then wet your diaper.

the housing bubble never happened eh? man you are one stupid piece of shit
I don't hope, hope is for losers, I do however know that every single day this moron will post something that only confirms how functionally retarded the minority controlled left is.

I don't really like Trump, but I absolutely hate Hillary and the American left, so I am voting Trump and hope he wins if for no other reason than to give these folks one giant middle finger
You guys gave us the middle finger voting in a majority GOP congress and it all backfired on you. You gave us the finger with Bush for an extra 4 years and he practically ruined the financial for Trump and hoping the finger will make you feel better is a lose lose for you white fucks....yaw gotta understand one thing, when shit goes bad, its you white fucks that get it the worse, haven't you noticed that by now? The GOP has never ever ever been a benefit to you nuts, not ever, especially these morons you nuts keep placing all your hopes dreams upon. Us minorities, we've had it bad all our lives, so hard times are nothing to us, but you white fucks, you're the ones who end up on the shit end of things when you think like this....good luck pal, your gonna need it.
The crooked financial institutions did the damage to the finances with their fraudulent made up paperwork and they were stripping the public coffers via government back loans. How long do you think they could keep lying their asses off in Wall Street passing everyone a bunch of worthless paper while the CEO's pocketed multiple millions every year in bonuses with their cooked books?

Nothing to do with the topic, but btw, what political party backed TARP and which opposed it? which party said in 2006 that there was no housing bubble?
Here we go....white fuck heads stressing over shit that hasn't happened, probably won't at this point and that's good, but why are you stressing over shit that hasn't impacted you or your family one damned bit? Like the taking away your guns shit, banning sex with goats...relax pal, wait til the shit happens and then wet your diaper.

the housing bubble never happened eh? man you are one stupid piece of shit
So you ass ho's are still stressing over 2007?

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