
Help us own the libs and Big Tech by sending President Trump your money for our frivolous lawsuit!

Dunce caps.
Trump is using this lawsuit to raise money. The suit will go nowhere. If not dismissed by the courts, Trumps lawyers will withdraw from the lawsuit before it goes to discovery.
Positively stupid statement.

Trump didn't hire the tobacco lawsuit plaintiff lawyers to raise money....They're big time expensive.
Look at what you just said. Trump hires some very expensive lawyers, and then asks for the money to pay for them.

People wouldn't send him money if he hired cheap lawyers that he could easily pay for himself.
That is the most moronic thing I've seen you post....And that covers a lot of moronic shit.
Legal person refers to a human or non-human entity that is treated as a person for limited legal purposes. Typically, a legal persons can sue and be sued, own property, and enter into contracts.
I've studied this topic extensively, Gomer Pyle.
That's the frightening part. You studied it extensively and still got it wrong.
You don't know what you're blabbering about, dullard....Just STFU and quit while you're behind.
I've studied this topic extensively, Gomer Pyle.
That's the frightening part. You studied it extensively and still got it wrong.
You don't know what you're blabbering about, dullard....Just STFU and quit while you're behind.
I looked up the legal definition according to cornell law school, an authority on such things.

You on the other hand, seemed to have pulled your opinion out of your ass.
Help us own the libs and Big Tech by sending President Trump your money for our frivolous lawsuit!

Dunce caps.
I don't even know what that's supposed to mean.
This lawsuit isn't going to go anywhere. It's a donation seeking grift and nothing more.
Donation grifters hire cheap help and pocket the difference.

What's your evidence of the claim, other than lamer media blabbering points?
This lawsuit isn't going to go anywhere. It's a donation seeking grift and nothing more.
If the lawsuit goes through, Trump would have to sit for a deposition under oath.

His lawyers would never let him do that.
This lawsuit isn't going to go anywhere. It's a donation seeking grift and nothing more.
Donation grifters hire cheap help and pocket the difference.
Which is why Trump has hired expensive lawyers so people don't recognize the grift.

In fact he's using the cost of the lawyers to justify how much money he needs.
This lawsuit isn't going to go anywhere. It's a donation seeking grift and nothing more.
Donation grifters hire cheap help and pocket the difference.
Which is why Trump has hired expensive lawyers so people don't recognize the grift.

In fact he's using the cost of the lawyers to justify how much money he needs.
So he can raise more money for the lawyers....As though he has nothing better to do with himself than to raise money to pay lawyers.

Grifters go to the grift to line their pockets, not those of others, dope.

Give us money and you'll be on a list President Trump sees! :lol:
I know what a "person" is jackass.

Learn all the legal ins-and-outs of SANTA CLARA COUNTY vs. SOUTHERN PACIFIC (CAPS on purpose), and get back to us with your report, ignoramus.
The headnote marked the first occasion on which the Supreme Court indicated that the Equal Protection Clause granted constitutional protections to corporations as well as to natural persons.

Help take on big tech by giving us your money. lol
So he can raise more money for the lawyers....As though he has nothing better to do with himself than to raise money to pay lawyers.

Grifters go to the grift to line their pockets, not those of others, dope.
Let me educate you. Trump raised money to pay Rudy Giuliani

And then he didn't pay Rudy Giuliani.

Get it now?
Trump 'refusing to pay' Rudy Giuliani's legal fees after falling out

President Donald Trump, irritated at being impeached for a second time, has told people to stop paying Rudy Giuliani's legal fees
They don't want to be sued they should apply there so called community standards fairly. Facebook and Twitter want to claim they are platforms for free speech where all can express their views and opinions yet they routinely block, censor and ban people opinions and information they don't agree with or like. That is not the act of a free speech platform it's the act of a publisher and they should be treated as such Facebook and Twitter have had it both ways for far to long it's time for that to end. Time will tell if Trumps lawsuit succeds or fails but it will bring Facebook and Twitter and their actions and double standards into the spotlight which is a good thing and the last thing they want.
They don't want to be sued they should apply there so called community standards fairly. Facebook and Twitter want to claim they are platforms for free speech where all can express their views and opinions yet they routinely block, censor and ban people opinions and information they don't agree with or like.
Facebrook, Twitter etc were hauled before congress and read the riot act. Either clean up your act, or congress will start passing draconian laws against them.

In response they picked cleaning up their own act, which meant stepped up enforcement of blocking "foreign propaganda", dangerous "fake news", and other posts that would violate their terms of service.

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