Trump will be deposed immediately if he blocks trade with China over N. Korea

An all-out-war would cost S. Korea thousands of lives, and turn a portion of the planet into a smoldering ruin (n. Korea). An embargo of trading partners with N. Korea kills no one and solves the problem. In addition, it may wake the US up to the fact that we should start making our own goods once again.

By saying that they haven't attacked us in the past and equating that to they won't is immature in the extreme. To wait until they can do serious damage to us before we act is outright anti-American. To say, we can obliterate N. Korea with our nukes if they attack us ignores the fact that if we nuke N. Korea, the fallout from that action lands squarely on us.

Much better this way.

We agree that it would cost many lives, but not as many as NoKo first dropping a nuke on Japan, for instance, and then the same all-out war occurring afterward. And, clearly, nobody believes that is a real possibility, else NoKo would already be a smoking hole in the ground. We are counting on the concept of M.A.D. to keep NoKo from nuking anyone. Agreed?

We agree that it would cost many lives, but not as many as NoKo first dropping a nuke on Japan, for instance, and then the same all-out war occurring afterward. And, clearly, nobody believes that is a real possibility, else NoKo would already be a smoking hole in the ground. We are counting on the concept of M.A.D. to keep NoKo from nuking anyone. Agreed?
Apparently, nearly every nation involved thinks that's a strong possibility (that they won't use it), or NoKo would already be a smoking hole on the map.

We can't ignore the possibility that those other nations involved are short sighted idiots.

I'm not sure what that even means.... we have the capability to destroy the entire country of NoKo in place, ready to go at a moment's notice. that seems like the OPPOSITE of ignoring it...?

But, in the same spirit as your point: We can't ignore the possibility that we have a mentally ill President who often acts against the advice of everyone around him, ALL of whom are much smarter and more experienced than he is.

Being able to quickly destroy North Korea is irrelevant. They have the population of Seoul as hostages.

It is not irrelevant, as a nuke strike from NoKo would be more damaging than what they would do to Seoul with conventional missiles.


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The crazy is strong with this one.
We agree that it would cost many lives, but not as many as NoKo first dropping a nuke on Japan, for instance, and then the same all-out war occurring afterward. And, clearly, nobody believes that is a real possibility, else NoKo would already be a smoking hole in the ground. We are counting on the concept of M.A.D. to keep NoKo from nuking anyone. Agreed?

We agree that it would cost many lives, but not as many as NoKo first dropping a nuke on Japan, for instance, and then the same all-out war occurring afterward. And, clearly, nobody believes that is a real possibility, else NoKo would already be a smoking hole in the ground. We are counting on the concept of M.A.D. to keep NoKo from nuking anyone. Agreed?
I don't agree.

Everyone thought that M.A.D. was the good policy with The Soviet Union too. They were afraid and scared to do anything about that. However, Ronald Reagan thought differently.

He challenged that 'lets not upset the applecart' mentality, and he was right.

There is only one good way to end this. Pressure. Economic pressure. N. Korea doesn't have an economy, per se. But their trading partners do. They are accomplices to what N. Korea has become.

Blocking trade with these countries will be twice as effective at zero the risk of death to our allies.

I just heard that China has a 2.5 billion dollar trade economy with N. Korea. They have an 800 billion dollar trade economy with the USA.

Which do you think they'll sacrifice first?

Sorry, but the status quo with N. Korea is wrong and must be put to an end.

What's to rally around?


That's what's going to happen concerning North Korea.

Oh, wait....yeah, I overlooked....
United Nations will hold an emergency meeting with champaign and free lunch then vote to send North Kora a very firm "Tut-Tut" memo.

NK could bomb Tokyo - nada.
NK could bomb Los Angeles - nada.
NK could bomb London - nada.

But bomb Brussels? Then NK wold be buried under millions of tons of French weapons surrendered en-masse. Crushing.
"Everyone thought that M.A.D. was the good policy with The Soviet Union too. They were afraid and scared to do anything about that. However, Ronald Reagan thought differently."

Utterly false. MAD enabled Reagan to do what he did. Reagan relied 100% on MAD, else he would have attacked Russia first. Relying on MAD enabled Reagan to wage economic warfare on the USSR. These were acts that would have precipitated conventional war in a heartbeat, pre-1940.
End trade with anyone doing business with N. Korea --> The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

N. Korea continues to develop an offensive Nuclear weapons platform. Who in their right mind thinks that they won't use it?

Apparently, nearly every nation involved thinks that's a strong possibility (that they won't use it), or NoKo would already be a smoking hole on the map.

We can't ignore the possibility that those other nations involved are short sighted idiots.

I'm not sure what that even means.... we have the capability to destroy the entire country of NoKo in place, ready to go at a moment's notice. that seems like the OPPOSITE of ignoring it...?

But, in the same spirit as your point: We can't ignore the possibility that we have a mentally ill President who often acts against the advice of everyone around him, ALL of whom are much smarter and more experienced than he is.

Being able to quickly destroy North Korea is irrelevant. They have the population of Seoul as hostages.

It is not irrelevant, as a nuke strike from NoKo would be more damaging than what they would do to Seoul with conventional missiles.

Either would be an humanitarian disaster of a scale enough to deter any aggressive action against North Korean in the past and into the future.
"Everyone thought that M.A.D. was the good policy with The Soviet Union too. They were afraid and scared to do anything about that. However, Ronald Reagan thought differently."

Utterly false. MAD enabled Reagan to do what he did. Reagan relied 100% on MAD, else he would have attacked Russia first. Relying on MAD enabled Reagan to wage economic warfare on the USSR. These were acts that would have precipitated conventional war in a heartbeat, pre-1940.
No, Ronald Reagan relied on the power of economics and correctly realized that the USSR could not continue to be a threat if their economy collapsed. It was the rest of the world that thought that M.A.D. was the ONLY way to ensure nothing bad happened. In fact, the best way was to eliminate the bad element in the equation.

That worked, and this will too.,
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean President Moon Jae-in and his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump agreed on Monday to scrap a warhead weight limit on South Korea’s missiles in the wake of North Korea’s sixth nuclear test, South Korea’s presidential office said. South Korea, U.S. to scrap warhead weight limit on South Korean missiles: Blue House We could also go the Reagan route and deploy nukes to South Korea.....

We could, but we already have nukes on subs that can hit North Korea. they know this.
"Everyone thought that M.A.D. was the good policy with The Soviet Union too. They were afraid and scared to do anything about that. However, Ronald Reagan thought differently."

Utterly false. MAD enabled Reagan to do what he did. Reagan relied 100% on MAD, else he would have attacked Russia first. Relying on MAD enabled Reagan to wage economic warfare on the USSR. These were acts that would have precipitated conventional war in a heartbeat, pre-1940.
No, Ronald Reagan relied on the power of economics and correctly realized that the USSR could not continue to be a threat if their economy collapsed. It was the rest of the world that thought that M.A.D. was the ONLY way to ensure nothing bad happened. In fact, the best way was to eliminate the bad element in the equation.

That worked, and this will too.,

"No, Ronald Reagan relied on the power of economics and correctly realized that the USSR could not continue to be a threat if their economy collapsed. "

And this strategy was 100% reliant on MAD. Else, this would have been declared an act of war, resulting in Russia declaring war on the United States.

Sorry, buddy, you are not going to get around MAD, the one ever-present principle that has maintained a fragile global peace since WWII.
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean President Moon Jae-in and his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump agreed on Monday to scrap a warhead weight limit on South Korea’s missiles in the wake of North Korea’s sixth nuclear test, South Korea’s presidential office said. South Korea, U.S. to scrap warhead weight limit on South Korean missiles: Blue House We could also go the Reagan route and deploy nukes to South Korea.....

We could, but we already have nukes on subs that can hit North Korea. they know this.
We had them when we put them in Europe too........
If Donald Trump blocks trade with China for being a North Korean trade partner, then he’ll be immediately overthrown, says WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange, responding to Trump’s tweet threatening to ban trade with states that do business with Pyongyang.
Trump will be ‘deposed immediately’ if he blocks trade with China over N. Korea – Assange

Well we will see where his informants take him will they feed Trump false information like good little puppet master slaves. Or will the real deal tell Trump what he must do in order to save our Country economically.
Trump already knows the answer and he is a business expert and for the idiots who think he lost a few companies or whatever.......... He sold them off and decided to get out of those deals. That's what business men do. Jackasses!

It's laughable, China would never give up its trade with the US for that mental midget in NK. China needs the US, otherwise it's economy would crash. China needs the US a lot more than we need China's cheap slave labor. We'd be better off moving all those factories to other countries or better yet our own. China is fed up with Kim Fag-boi.
Sure, I'd love to see the anti-Trumpers, rallying around fucking China.
You mean rallying for the U.S. economy. You know what? I hope Trump DOES end trade with China. It will only last a couple days once Trump realizes what he's done, and you inbreds will have learned an important lesson.
If you wont suffer some economic pain now to achieve some progress toward libs have some policy suggestions here.......
Peace... who has North Korea attacked lately? Why should we collapse 2 economies to stop an attack that's never going to happen?
They are threatening entire region.....

Yeah, they're a threat to world peace ain't they.


Defense spending accounts for about 20 percent of all U.S. federal spending. Peter G. Peterson Foundation

Why are we now interested in NK after selling them nuclerar reactors a mere two years before Bush placed them on an "axis of evil" list one might ask? Oh, the usual.

North Korea’s Enormous Reserves of Minerals Could Be a Game-Changer |

Largest known rare earth deposit discovered in North Korea |

North Korea could be sitting on trillions in untapped mineral resources

Russia To Revamp North Korea's Rail System, Eyes Mineral Resources

Only anti-American morons compare military spending in terms of US dollars. The US standard of living is so much higher, it's soldiers are paid so much more than any other country. Not to mention all the civilians working for the US military.

China alone has over a million more soldiers than the US. It's air force is less than half that of the US, but it has more tanks, more artillery, more rockets, a larger navy, and it's labor force is over 7 times that of the US.

Just because they get paid pennies to the dollar compared to US personnel, doesn't mean they aren't a huge threat, or that the US are bigger "war mongers".

China isn't far behind the US in % of GDP spent on the military, and other countries surpass the US (Russia, Saudi Arabia).

So, take your propaganda and shove it.
Just how bad would it be if we were forced to make, produce, buy from OUR OWN COUNTRY??? Why are we so damn dependent on another country for our needs???
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean President Moon Jae-in and his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump agreed on Monday to scrap a warhead weight limit on South Korea’s missiles in the wake of North Korea’s sixth nuclear test, South Korea’s presidential office said. South Korea, U.S. to scrap warhead weight limit on South Korean missiles: Blue House We could also go the Reagan route and deploy nukes to South Korea.....

We could, but we already have nukes on subs that can hit North Korea. they know this.
We had them when we put them in Europe too........
True....with the caveat the the geography is a lot different, yet still I see your point. I suppose that, if you want to make your point, you put them right in their face.

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