Trump will be deposed immediately if he blocks trade with China over N. Korea

End trade with anyone doing business with N. Korea --> The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

N. Korea continues to develop an offensive Nuclear weapons platform. Who in their right mind thinks that they won't use it?

Apparently, nearly every nation involved thinks that's a strong possibility (that they won't use it), or NoKo would already be a smoking hole on the map.

We can't ignore the possibility that those other nations involved are short sighted idiots.

One problem, there...a purchased good is not 'easily replaced", if the replacement costs much more. Stability in that region is vital to our national security and economic interests.

A 300 billion a year trade deficit with China is contrary to our national security and economic interests.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that trade deficit. There is a trade deficit because our economy is more well-developed. We can sustain that trade deficit literally forever with no ill consequences.

I live in the Rust Belt. We have ill consequences galore.

Not because of the trade deficit, you don't. And artificially shrinking that trade deficit would not relieve those problems. In fact, it would make them worse.
End trade with anyone doing business with N. Korea --> The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

N. Korea continues to develop an offensive Nuclear weapons platform. Who in their right mind thinks that they won't use it?

Apparently, nearly every nation involved thinks that's a strong possibility (that they won't use it), or NoKo would already be a smoking hole on the map.

We can't ignore the possibility that those other nations involved are short sighted idiots.

I'm not sure what that even means.... we have the capability to destroy the entire country of NoKo in place, ready to go at a moment's notice. that seems like the OPPOSITE of ignoring it...?

But, in the same spirit as your point: We can't ignore the possibility that we have a mentally ill President who often acts against the advice of everyone around him, ALL of whom are much smarter and more experienced than he is.
End trade with anyone doing business with N. Korea --> The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

N. Korea continues to develop an offensive Nuclear weapons platform. Who in their right mind thinks that they won't use it?

Apparently, nearly every nation involved thinks that's a strong possibility (that they won't use it), or NoKo would already be a smoking hole on the map.
That is a talking point that simply isn't true. However, a majority of those nations are not under threat of being hit by N. Korea's nuclear-tipped missiles.

So, if they wish to continue to benefit from our largess, they have to work with us in ridding the world of this threat.
End trade with anyone doing business with N. Korea --> The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

N. Korea continues to develop an offensive Nuclear weapons platform. Who in their right mind thinks that they won't use it?

Apparently, nearly every nation involved thinks that's a strong possibility (that they won't use it), or NoKo would already be a smoking hole on the map.

We can't ignore the possibility that those other nations involved are short sighted idiots.

I'm not sure what that even means.... we have the capability to destroy the entire country of NoKo in place, ready to go at a moment's notice. that seems like the OPPOSITE of ignoring it...?

But, in the same spirit as your point: We can't ignore the possibility that we have a mentally ill President who often acts against the advice of everyone around him, ALL of whom are much smarter and more experienced than he is.

Being able to quickly destroy North Korea is irrelevant. They have the population of Seoul as hostages.
End trade with anyone doing business with N. Korea --> The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

N. Korea continues to develop an offensive Nuclear weapons platform. Who in their right mind thinks that they won't use it?

Apparently, nearly every nation involved thinks that's a strong possibility (that they won't use it), or NoKo would already be a smoking hole on the map.

We can't ignore the possibility that those other nations involved are short sighted idiots.

I'm not sure what that even means.... we have the capability to destroy the entire country of NoKo in place, ready to go at a moment's notice. that seems like the OPPOSITE of ignoring it...?

But, in the same spirit as your point: We can't ignore the possibility that we have a mentally ill President who often acts against the advice of everyone around him, ALL of whom are much smarter and more experienced than he is.
With all those intelligent people we have millions out of work.
End trade with anyone doing business with N. Korea --> The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

N. Korea continues to develop an offensive Nuclear weapons platform. Who in their right mind thinks that they won't use it?

Apparently, nearly every nation involved thinks that's a strong possibility (that they won't use it), or NoKo would already be a smoking hole on the map.
That is a talking point that simply isn't true. However, a majority of those nations are not under threat of being hit by N. Korea's nuclear-tipped missiles.

So, if they wish to continue to benefit from our largess, they have to work with us in ridding the world of this threat.

Of course it is true... if any nation truly believed NoKo was about to initiate a nuclear attack on them, they would immediately strike NoKo. The fact that they haven't is compelling evidence that they believe there is a better than fair chance that NoKo can be deterred from this action.
End trade with anyone doing business with N. Korea --> The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

N. Korea continues to develop an offensive Nuclear weapons platform. Who in their right mind thinks that they won't use it?

Apparently, nearly every nation involved thinks that's a strong possibility (that they won't use it), or NoKo would already be a smoking hole on the map.

We can't ignore the possibility that those other nations involved are short sighted idiots.

I'm not sure what that even means.... we have the capability to destroy the entire country of NoKo in place, ready to go at a moment's notice. that seems like the OPPOSITE of ignoring it...?

But, in the same spirit as your point: We can't ignore the possibility that we have a mentally ill President who often acts against the advice of everyone around him, ALL of whom are much smarter and more experienced than he is.

Being able to quickly destroy North Korea is irrelevant. They have the population of Seoul as hostages.

It is not irrelevant, as a nuke strike from NoKo would be more damaging than what they would do to Seoul with conventional missiles.
End trade with anyone doing business with N. Korea --> The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

N. Korea continues to develop an offensive Nuclear weapons platform. Who in their right mind thinks that they won't use it?

Apparently, nearly every nation involved thinks that's a strong possibility (that they won't use it), or NoKo would already be a smoking hole on the map.
That is a talking point that simply isn't true. However, a majority of those nations are not under threat of being hit by N. Korea's nuclear-tipped missiles.

So, if they wish to continue to benefit from our largess, they have to work with us in ridding the world of this threat.

Of course it is true... if any nation truly believed NoKo was about to initiate a nuclear attack on them, they would immediately strike NoKo. The fact that they haven't is compelling evidence that they believe there is a better than fair chance that NoKo can be deterred from this action.
The inaction of anyone other than the US initiating military action proves that the US should no longer be the police force of the world.
End trade with anyone doing business with N. Korea --> The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

N. Korea continues to develop an offensive Nuclear weapons platform. Who in their right mind thinks that they won't use it?

Apparently, nearly every nation involved thinks that's a strong possibility (that they won't use it), or NoKo would already be a smoking hole on the map.
That is a talking point that simply isn't true. However, a majority of those nations are not under threat of being hit by N. Korea's nuclear-tipped missiles.

So, if they wish to continue to benefit from our largess, they have to work with us in ridding the world of this threat.

Of course it is true... if any nation truly believed NoKo was about to initiate a nuclear attack on them, they would immediately strike NoKo. The fact that they haven't is compelling evidence that they believe there is a better than fair chance that NoKo can be deterred from this action.
Waiting until they are ready to attack is the actions of children.

N. Korea can be deterred. By having their allies force them to heal. There is only one way to do that. The time is well past that we put an end to this threat.
North Korea will just go through places like Iran/indirectly from Russia to get all of their nuclear ammo and stuff..... :(
End trade with anyone doing business with N. Korea --> The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

N. Korea continues to develop an offensive Nuclear weapons platform. Who in their right mind thinks that they won't use it?

Apparently, nearly every nation involved thinks that's a strong possibility (that they won't use it), or NoKo would already be a smoking hole on the map.
That is a talking point that simply isn't true. However, a majority of those nations are not under threat of being hit by N. Korea's nuclear-tipped missiles.

So, if they wish to continue to benefit from our largess, they have to work with us in ridding the world of this threat.

Of course it is true... if any nation truly believed NoKo was about to initiate a nuclear attack on them, they would immediately strike NoKo. The fact that they haven't is compelling evidence that they believe there is a better than fair chance that NoKo can be deterred from this action.
Waiting until they are ready to attack is the actions of children.

N. Korea can be deterred. By having their allies force them to heal. There is only one way to do that. The time is well past that we put an end to this threat.

Yet, your suggestion includes waiting, in using deterrence instead of all-out war. Your post is self-contradictory, unless you are admitting that you are childlike.
End trade with anyone doing business with N. Korea --> The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

N. Korea continues to develop an offensive Nuclear weapons platform. Who in their right mind thinks that they won't use it?

Apparently, nearly every nation involved thinks that's a strong possibility (that they won't use it), or NoKo would already be a smoking hole on the map.

We can't ignore the possibility that those other nations involved are short sighted idiots.

I'm not sure what that even means.... we have the capability to destroy the entire country of NoKo in place, ready to go at a moment's notice. that seems like the OPPOSITE of ignoring it...?

But, in the same spirit as your point: We can't ignore the possibility that we have a mentally ill President who often acts against the advice of everyone around him, ALL of whom are much smarter and more experienced than he is.
With all those intelligent people we have millions out of work.

because economics is a force of nature, like an earthquake, or a hurricane. As smart as we can be, we can't just bend economics to our will every time we feel like it. Labor is a good itself. You can't just snap your fingers and create sweeping demand for it, without serious consequences elsewhere

At U.N. Obama Offers a Defense of a Liberal World Order Under Siege
End trade with anyone doing business with N. Korea --> The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

N. Korea continues to develop an offensive Nuclear weapons platform. Who in their right mind thinks that they won't use it?

Apparently, nearly every nation involved thinks that's a strong possibility (that they won't use it), or NoKo would already be a smoking hole on the map.

We can't ignore the possibility that those other nations involved are short sighted idiots.

I'm not sure what that even means.... we have the capability to destroy the entire country of NoKo in place, ready to go at a moment's notice. that seems like the OPPOSITE of ignoring it...?

But, in the same spirit as your point: We can't ignore the possibility that we have a mentally ill President who often acts against the advice of everyone around him, ALL of whom are much smarter and more experienced than he is.
With all those intelligent people we have millions out of work.

because economics is a force of nature, like an earthquake, or a hurricane. As smart as we can be, we can't just bend economics to our will every time we feel like it. Labor is a good itself. You can't just snap your fingers and create sweeping demand for it, without serious consequences elsewhere
I know plenty of people who became multi-millionaires prior to Reagan and prior to Clinton, GW and Obama.
The self-centered notion that one requires cheap slave labor in order to indulge in yet one more house that one doesn't need does not justify inundating our borders with trespassers and Business Visas.
It is the mission of business to make money.
It is the mission of government to quell unbridled greed that leads to excessive taxes on the middle class to support the greed of investors.
End trade with anyone doing business with N. Korea --> The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

N. Korea continues to develop an offensive Nuclear weapons platform. Who in their right mind thinks that they won't use it?

Apparently, nearly every nation involved thinks that's a strong possibility (that they won't use it), or NoKo would already be a smoking hole on the map.
That is a talking point that simply isn't true. However, a majority of those nations are not under threat of being hit by N. Korea's nuclear-tipped missiles.

So, if they wish to continue to benefit from our largess, they have to work with us in ridding the world of this threat.

Of course it is true... if any nation truly believed NoKo was about to initiate a nuclear attack on them, they would immediately strike NoKo. The fact that they haven't is compelling evidence that they believe there is a better than fair chance that NoKo can be deterred from this action.
Waiting until they are ready to attack is the actions of children.

N. Korea can be deterred. By having their allies force them to heal. There is only one way to do that. The time is well past that we put an end to this threat.

Yet, your suggestion includes waiting, in using deterrence instead of all-out war. Your post is self-contradictory, unless you are admitting that you are childlike.
In fact, it is a responisble and adult answer to this problem. An all-out-war would cost S. Korea thousands of lives, and turn a portion of the planet into a smoldering ruin (n. Korea). An embargo of trading partners with N. Korea kills no one and solves the problem. In addition, it may wake the US up to the fact that we should start making our own goods once again.

By saying that they haven't attacked us in the past and equating that to they won't is immature in the extreme. To wait until they can do serious damage to us before we act is outright anti-American. To say, we can obliterate N. Korea with our nukes if they attack us ignores the fact that if we nuke N. Korea, the fallout from that action lands squarely on us.

Much better this way.

:anj_stfu: you don't even know what you don't know which makes you the loser of society just like the rest of you pathetic sheep who can't see what is right in front of them. So far up the Gov. ass you think they protect you and love you to death like the idiots that you are. meanwhile you are clueless to the inner workings of the deep state and cover ups.

Half you dumbasses don't even realize how long we've been in a war nor why, why they are started and for what purpose.............

All of you Trump haters are so gawd dam stupid and that's why your Democratic pos wolves got you sheep following them. Wolf in sheeps clothing get it. of course not. So :anj_stfu: clueless.
End trade with anyone doing business with N. Korea --> The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

N. Korea continues to develop an offensive Nuclear weapons platform. Who in their right mind thinks that they won't use it?

Apparently, nearly every nation involved thinks that's a strong possibility (that they won't use it), or NoKo would already be a smoking hole on the map.

We can't ignore the possibility that those other nations involved are short sighted idiots.

I'm not sure what that even means.... we have the capability to destroy the entire country of NoKo in place, ready to go at a moment's notice. that seems like the OPPOSITE of ignoring it...?

But, in the same spirit as your point: We can't ignore the possibility that we have a mentally ill President who often acts against the advice of everyone around him, ALL of whom are much smarter and more experienced than he is.

Being able to quickly destroy North Korea is irrelevant. They have the population of Seoul as hostages.

It is not irrelevant, as a nuke strike from NoKo would be more damaging than what they would do to Seoul with conventional missiles.



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