Trump WH Revokes Brennan Security Clearance

How exactly is this an attack on free speech? Brennon has no need of a security clearance. It’s not like Trump will ever call on him for a consultation. All this really does is block rennons acesess to new and all other classified information. Doing this in no way limits his ability to free speech. If Brennons card getting pulled is an attack on free speech because his clearance is somehow a right, then WE should be by right entitled to see all things top secret right? This isn’t the end of the world. Been on will live...... Sadly.

As stated, the reason why ex-officials retain their clearances is because officials who are still active might want to consult with them. Not Trump, because he's a moron, but the people who actually know what they are doing.

And dude, you really need to stop using your phone's auto-correct feature to think for you.

This is about a President trying to silence a critic, something Obama never did, Bush never did, Clinton never did.

The Republican Party has joined the dark side. Trump punished Brennan for exercising his First Amendment rights, political speech. Though being critical of Trump, Brennan has not divulged classified information. Trump punished Brennan for being critical of him, and a number of Republicans support Trump in his infringement of First Amendment rights.

This is surreal.

Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn, the chamber's second-ranking Republican, said he doesn't understand why former employees have access to classified information at all. Perhaps it is because the persons on Trump's enemies list have over 300 years combined experience in political and intelligence matters.

GOP Sen. Cory Gardner of Colorado called Brennan's comments on the administration "disgraceful" to the country.
"I think what John Brennan has said about this country over the past several months has been disgraceful," Gardner said. Brennan has not been critical of the country. He has been critical of Trump. Gardner's intelligence may be an issue. What a foolish statement.

South Carolina Republican Sen. Tim Scott responded, "why should I find it to be troubling. I don't think it's retribution," Scott said. "However, I think it's clear that Brennan has found a way to monetize a part of his national security clearance and I'm not sure how that served our national security." What politician hasn't done that? Is Scott really that naive or does he think the folks in South Carolina are stupid?

South Carolina GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham said Brennan brought it upon himself. "I think Mr. Brennan brought this upon himself by being so outrageous in his comments, making conclusions that I don't think are supported by the evidence. When you look at CIA policy of how a former director should carry themselves, I think Mr. Brennan stepped well over the line."

Now that is interesting, coming from Graham. Brennan said this about Helsinki. "Donald Trump's press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of 'high crimes & misdemeanors.' It was nothing short of treasonous," Brennan, obviously, was not in government when he said that.

Lindsey Graham, a sitting Senator and a member of Trump's party, had this to say about Helsinki. “Missed opportunity by President Trump to firmly hold Russia accountable for 2016 meddling and deliver a strong warning ... This answer by President Trump will be seen by Russia as a sign of weakness and create far more problems than it solves.”

That sure sounds treasonous to me.

“Today’s press conference in Helsinki was one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory. The damage inflicted by President Trump’s naiveté, egotism, false equivalence, and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate ... The summit in Helsinki was a tragic mistake. No prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant.” Republican Senator John McCain.

At Helsinki Trump rejected the American intelligence community and accepted Putin's word because he was forceful. “The Russians are not our friends and I entirely believe the assessment of our intelligence community.” Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell.

“The president must appreciate that Russia is not our ally. There is no moral equivalence between the United States and Russia, which remains hostile to our most basic values and ideals.” House Speaker Paul Ryan.

To Cornyn, Gardner, Scott, Graham, I have only one question. What did Brennan get wrong?

Now the guileless Trump admits to the Wall Street Journal that the Russian probe was the reason for the action taken against Brennan. In other words the spineless Republicans are now cheering Trump's attempt at obstruction of justice.

As a Republican this is making me sick.
How exactly is this an attack on free speech? Brennon has no need of a security clearance. It’s not like Trump will ever call on him for a consultation. All this really does is block rennons acesess to new and all other classified information. Doing this in no way limits his ability to free speech. If Brennons card getting pulled is an attack on free speech because his clearance is somehow a right, then WE should be by right entitled to see all things top secret right? This isn’t the end of the world. Been on will live...... Sadly.

As stated, the reason why ex-officials retain their clearances is because officials who are still active might want to consult with them. Not Trump, because he's a moron, but the people who actually know what they are doing.

And dude, you really need to stop using your phone's auto-correct feature to think for you.

This is about a President trying to silence a critic, something Obama never did, Bush never did, Clinton never did.

The Republican Party has joined the dark side. Trump punished Brennan for exercising his First Amendment rights, political speech. Though being critical of Trump, Brennan has not divulged classified information. Trump punished Brennan for being critical of him, and a number of Republicans support Trump in his infringement of First Amendment rights.

This is surreal.

Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn, the chamber's second-ranking Republican, said he doesn't understand why former employees have access to classified information at all. Perhaps it is because the persons on Trump's enemies list have over 300 years combined experience in political and intelligence matters.

GOP Sen. Cory Gardner of Colorado called Brennan's comments on the administration "disgraceful" to the country.
"I think what John Brennan has said about this country over the past several months has been disgraceful," Gardner said. Brennan has not been critical of the country. He has been critical of Trump. Gardner's intelligence may be an issue. What a foolish statement.

South Carolina Republican Sen. Tim Scott responded, "why should I find it to be troubling. I don't think it's retribution," Scott said. "However, I think it's clear that Brennan has found a way to monetize a part of his national security clearance and I'm not sure how that served our national security." What politician hasn't done that? Is Scott really that naive or does he think the folks in South Carolina are stupid?

South Carolina GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham said Brennan brought it upon himself. "I think Mr. Brennan brought this upon himself by being so outrageous in his comments, making conclusions that I don't think are supported by the evidence. When you look at CIA policy of how a former director should carry themselves, I think Mr. Brennan stepped well over the line."

Now that is interesting, coming from Graham. Brennan said this about Helsinki. "Donald Trump's press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of 'high crimes & misdemeanors.' It was nothing short of treasonous," Brennan, obviously, was not in government when he said that.

Lindsey Graham, a sitting Senator and a member of Trump's party, had this to say about Helsinki. “Missed opportunity by President Trump to firmly hold Russia accountable for 2016 meddling and deliver a strong warning ... This answer by President Trump will be seen by Russia as a sign of weakness and create far more problems than it solves.”

That sure sounds treasonous to me.

“Today’s press conference in Helsinki was one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory. The damage inflicted by President Trump’s naiveté, egotism, false equivalence, and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate ... The summit in Helsinki was a tragic mistake. No prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant.” Republican Senator John McCain.

At Helsinki Trump rejected the American intelligence community and accepted Putin's word because he was forceful. “The Russians are not our friends and I entirely believe the assessment of our intelligence community.” Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell.

“The president must appreciate that Russia is not our ally. There is no moral equivalence between the United States and Russia, which remains hostile to our most basic values and ideals.” House Speaker Paul Ryan.

To Cornyn, Gardner, Scott, Graham, I have only one question. What did Brennan get wrong?

Now the guileless Trump admits to the Wall Street Journal that the Russian probe was the reason for the action taken against Brennan. In other words the spineless Republicans are now cheering Trump's attempt at obstruction of justice.

As a Republican this is making me sick.

Wrongs bongo
Then they can be granted a temporary clearance. The FBI does it all the time. And the people who have had and are under consideration for having the clearance yanked have demonstrated a tendency to be irresponsible with the privlaged.

Bullshit, buddy. The only reason Trump pulled his clearance is because he pointed out the obvious that sucking Putin's dick on Live TV wasn't in our best interest.

And you are triggered.
In the real world these people don't need a security clearance. If they need to consult they can be temporeraly cleared and brought up to speed. It happens all the time. Honestly, all people who are done serving in their position in whatever department should have to give up the clearance.

Hey, did you notice that no less than 12 former CIA and FBI directors have denounced what trump did today? ARe they all wrong?
If they're leftists, they're traitors. So yes - they're wrong.

Oh man :) that made my day lolol.

Thanks to you I spilled my beer laughing :iyfyus.jpg:
In the real world these people don't need a security clearance. If they need to consult they can be temporeraly cleared and brought up to speed. It happens all the time. Honestly, all people who are done serving in their position in whatever department should have to give up the clearance.

Hey, did you notice that no less than 12 former CIA and FBI directors have denounced what trump did today? ARe they all wrong?

None that matter. They are political hacks who see a threat to their ability to make money. No one needs to keep the clearance after their service.

Just when we thought the left could not possibly get any more ridiculous.

Sooooo, brennan has all of this evidence of collusion? Well, he has had security clearance for how long? He claimed emphatically that Trump is guilty.

Is there a particular reason in the minds of the toad brains on the left that brennan has not given that evidence of treason to mewler?

He has had Federal security clearance all of this time and he claims Trump is guilty. Is he withholding evidence?

Well left wing morons. How do you answer that? LOL!!!!!
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Yes we know! In general the left are idiots and consumed with hatred, unable to think a single original thought!
As someone who was responsible for classifying sensitive material, I often wondered why there wasn't a more comprehensive set of rules for what information should receive classification at what level.

You're gonna love this.

One of my jobs was to read the local Austrian newspapers and magazines every day. When I found items that might be of interest to our superiors, my boss and I would translate them and provide an English summary up the chain of command.

Guess what? Our SOP told us to classify them "For official use only"

Nobody should have a clearance who no longer holds a position in government. No one! Period.
None that matter. They are political hacks who see a threat to their ability to make money. No one needs to keep the clearance after their service.

Guy, you seem to spend an awful lot of your time justifying what Trump does...

Are you carding people who buy groceries now because Trump Said So.

Mm, you are to stupid to carry on with. You are speaking from your vagina rather then from common sense.
None that matter. They are political hacks who see a threat to their ability to make money. No one needs to keep the clearance after their service.

Guy, you seem to spend an awful lot of your time justifying what Trump does...

Are you carding people who buy groceries now because Trump Said So.

And it’s not so much Trump. Had this thing world action been launched against the token negro I would be just as outraged. This shit is not cool and only a moron would leave shanks laying around for folks to stab them with. I would have supported Bammers decision to pull security clearances to.
Brennans Security Clearance should have been pulled when he lied to Congress about Obama’s administration spying on Americans.

Lefties used to be against that type of shit, but it was fine when Kenyan Jesus did it.
And it’s not so much Trump. Had this thing world action been launched against the token negro I would be just as outraged. This shit is not cool and only a moron would leave shanks laying around for folks to stab them with. I would have supported Bammers decision to pull security clearances to.

Oh, bullshit. If Obama had pulled the security clearance from one of the talking heads on Faux News, you guys would be screaming to the high heavens and you know it.

Brennans Security Clearance should have been pulled when he lied to Congress about Obama’s administration spying on Americans.

Lefties used to be against that type of shit, but it was fine when Kenyan Jesus did it.

Meh, you guys should have done something about it at the time six years ago, not whine about it now because Brennan hurt the feeling of Cheeto Jesus...
And it’s not so much Trump. Had this thing world action been launched against the token negro I would be just as outraged. This shit is not cool and only a moron would leave shanks laying around for folks to stab them with. I would have supported Bammers decision to pull security clearances to.

Oh, bullshit. If Obama had pulled the security clearance from one of the talking heads on Faux News, you guys would be screaming to the high heavens and you know it.

Brennans Security Clearance should have been pulled when he lied to Congress about Obama’s administration spying on Americans.

Lefties used to be against that type of shit, but it was fine when Kenyan Jesus did it.

Meh, you guys should have done something about it at the time six years ago, not whine about it now because Brennan hurt the feeling of Cheeto Jesus...

No better time to fix mistakes than the present.


No soup for you.

I will add to that list anyone who isn’t an active member of the US government or being paid as a contractor, consultant, or advisor by the US government should not have access to top secret documents.

It’s stupid to argue that once you get a security clearance, you have access to classified information for your life.
No better time to fix mistakes than the present.


No soup for you.

I will add to that list anyone who isn’t an active member of the US government or being paid as a contractor, consultant, or advisor by the US government should not have access to top secret documents.

It’s stupid to argue that once you get a security clearance, you have access to classified information for your life.

None of these people do... that's the thing. They aren't getting daily briefings. If they aren't working on a project,t hey aren't getting access to information.

But this wasn't about any need to close gaps in information loops.

This was because Trump didn't like Brennan dissing him after he got up on international TV and sucked Putin's dick.
No better time to fix mistakes than the present.


No soup for you.

I will add to that list anyone who isn’t an active member of the US government or being paid as a contractor, consultant, or advisor by the US government should not have access to top secret documents.

It’s stupid to argue that once you get a security clearance, you have access to classified information for your life.

None of these people do... that's the thing. They aren't getting daily briefings. If they aren't working on a project,t hey aren't getting access to information.

But this wasn't about any need to close gaps in information loops.

This was because Trump didn't like Brennan dissing him after he got up on international TV and sucked Putin's dick.
How come you always sound like a whiny bitch?
No better time to fix mistakes than the present.


No soup for you.

I will add to that list anyone who isn’t an active member of the US government or being paid as a contractor, consultant, or advisor by the US government should not have access to top secret documents.

It’s stupid to argue that once you get a security clearance, you have access to classified information for your life.

None of these people do... that's the thing. They aren't getting daily briefings. If they aren't working on a project,t hey aren't getting access to information.

But this wasn't about any need to close gaps in information loops.

This was because Trump didn't like Brennan dissing him after he got up on international TV and sucked Putin's dick.

I know, you preferred Obama being pound in the ass with a nice reach around by Iran. Pallets of cash and whatnot.

People not in government do not need security clearances. I don’t care how much you hate your tax cut or ho much you are devastated that more Americans are working.
I know, you preferred Obama being pound in the ass with a nice reach around by Iran. Pallets of cash and whatnot.

You mean cash we actually owed them? Oh my God, we gave them their own money back!!!! How awful.

People not in government do not need security clearances. I don’t care how much you hate your tax cut or ho much you are devastated that more Americans are working.

Guy, most of us aren't getting tax cuts. We get a little more back now in our weekly paycheck, and then when we file our 1040's next year, we will find we get a lot less back because we can't claim our state income and property taxes anymore as deductions.

That Trump is still benefiting from Obama's economic boom is nothing to be impressed about. He'll fuck it up pretty soon.

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