Trump Voter Claims He Is Still President, But Can't Articulate How

I can't believe Americans are even listening to Trump. He's one sick creep.

Here ya go: Ponder this for awhile. Then go curl up in your closet in a fetal position, suck your thumb, and cry yourself to sleep...

Seems to involve more worrying about other people's genitals.

Funny that.
There’s no worry about your genitals. No cocks and balls in women’s sports and keep your freak bullshit out of kids view.
You Lefties claim our diversity is our strength but you can’t articulate how.
You Lefties claim we are better for our multiculturalism but you can’t articulate how.
You Lefties claim we need more of Mexico’s people but you can’t articulate why.
You Lefties claim men can become women but you can’t articulate how.
You Lefties claim homosexuals are good for a moral society but you can’t articulate how.
You Lefties claim a Godless society is a better society but you can’t articulate how.
The first 2 things have not only been explained, you have seen it work in application. It is you on the right who uses cheap Mexican labor. Women become men also but the right is dumb. You racists should not talk about a moral or godly society.
The Democrats installed Biden through a fake election so Trump is really still POTUS. Just look at Biden, he can't walk, he can't talk, he can't remember, can't find his way off stage, and, not to mention, has completely ruined the U.S. economy and is instrumental starting two wars and the tragic Afghanistan pull out where we left Americans behind along with billions worth of weapons which are now being used against US. He's nothing but a shell manipulated by Obama and the shadow Marxists that have infiltrated the Democrat party. Tell me, did you vote for this shit?
This is the kind of insanity we’re dealing with here folks.

And it stems from Trump
The Democrats installed Biden through a fake election so Trump is really still POTUS. Just look at Biden, he can't walk, he can't talk, he can't remember, can't find his way off stage, and, not to mention, has completely ruined the U.S. economy and is instrumental starting two wars and the tragic Afghanistan pull out where we left Americans behind along with billions worth of weapons which are now being used against US. He's nothing but a shell manipulated by Obama and the shadow Marxists that have infiltrated the Democrat party. Tell me, did you vote for this shit?
I voted for Joe Biden, the stuff you're saying is made up.
And once again we get these condescending "I know something you don't know" smirks from ignorant, manipulated people who believe the insanity.

Trumpsters are walking, talking examples of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
Exactly. That’s why quite a few posters only deserve ridicule. They shit on the floor and expect everyone to seriously discuss the merits of doing so while unaware that they just shit on the floor.
So, you're trying to throw an entire party and it's front runner under the bus by posting about what some random nobodies are saying on the streets? Come on, in the spectrum of your "I hate trump" highly contextualized and illconceived posts this one is reaching.

You're calling out everyday people. Yet you ignore the actual real democratic politicians that publicly said trump was an illegitimate president, he used Russia for election interference, that he stole the election in 2016 and so on.

I mean Hillary Clinton said he is illegitimate and he stole the election in 2016 and still said it years later.

But because you're a contrarian and because you enjoy purposefully staging posts in order to try and anger people you won't recognize any of that. Our world has enough people trying to inject their unhappiness on others, we don't need yet someone else doing it.

We’re well beyond any reasonable doubt.
Trump’s history is well known.

Yeah, it's funny, but it's also sad and alarming because as the person who posted this interview on X pointed out she is hardly alone. My first real foray into politics was when Mitt Romney ran for governor in 2002. I had voted for the first time in 2000 for Al Gore because in Boston everyone was pretty much a Democrat and I never paid much attention, but a friend of mine got me involved in the Romney campaign and then after 9-11 I gravitated over to the Republicans during the Bush administration. This was when the Republicans were the adults in the room and it was the Democrats who used to throw fits and make a spectacle of themselves in the media and on the floor of Congress. Bush got reelected because the party won the debate on policy and treated people, even the media who beat him up daily, with respect. Reagan had a successful eight years because he too, won the debate on policy and treated people with kindness and respect. He won 49 states on his reelection and only lost the 50th state by half a point. Reagan welcomed a big tent party. Today this is what the GOP is catering to:

Today's party is night and day from just 20 years ago. Now, the Republican Party is being led by an egocentric narcissist who does nothing but sew division throughout our country. They want to make his daughter-in-law a fixture in the RNC and are already touting his son for 2028. The party platform is now rife with paranoid warnings of conspiracies around every corner. A majority of Republican primary voters still believe the 2020 election was stolen despite that theory being thoroughly debunked, even by Trump's own appointed judges and former staff. It is now the Democrats, even with their share of extremists, who are taking on the role of "Dad." They are coming across as more reasonable and palatable to the electorate which is why they have been largely successful in the last three election cycles. The Republicans will not survive as a party if these people continue to make up their base.

The oldest trick in the leftwing book is to interview 100 people, throw out the 97% who didn't give you what you wanted, then broadcast the three who who did, and present them as the majority. Stupid people believe it.

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