Trump Trolls Red Hen....Their END Is Near

While i don't think Trump should be targeting them directly, people have a right to complain and boycott the restaurant for how they treat people: all people. The best way to keep a business honest is to be subjected to marketplace determining whether or not they're worthy of the public's business.

If they do shut down, what will be ironic as hell is that the owner asked Sarah to leave in the name of her employees not wanting her there. Her boss listened to her employees and now those employees may very well be out of a job because of it. Perfect example of why employees don't necessarily (and usually don't) know what's best for their company compared to the leaders of it.

The President of the United States should never take sides in such matters, he is supposed to represent us all. But Trump is a child and does not give a rats ass about the people.

You are correct that the proper response is to avoid the business if you disagree with the choice of the owner.

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and, it's all he said right?
While i don't think Trump should be targeting them directly, people have a right to complain and boycott the restaurant for how they treat people: all people. The best way to keep a business honest is to be subjected to marketplace determining whether or not they're worthy of the public's business.

If they do shut down, what will be ironic as hell is that the owner asked Sarah to leave in the name of her employees not wanting her there. Her boss listened to her employees and now those employees may very well be out of a job because of it. Perfect example of why employees don't necessarily (and usually don't) know what's best for their company compared to the leaders of it.

The President of the United States should never take sides in such matters, he is supposed to represent us all. But Trump is a child and does not give a rats ass about the people.

You are correct that the proper response is to avoid the business if you disagree with the choice of the owner.

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Coming off eight years of governing exclusively for illegals, bottom feeders and wack-jobs....This president vowed to do work for America’s Best....he’s made that very clear. Sucks for you huh?

Who are America's best? Implied in this ^^^ post is a comment from the book 1984:

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

I'm sure this ^^^ is too abstract for the poster [BrokeLoser] so I'll explain to him(?) that the quote's use of "animal" is in fact the human animal.
Incredibly disrespectful, this idiot kicked the President of the United States Press Secretary out of her restaurant, what a disgusting display of intolerance. Do you see who the left really are now? Zero tolerance for any views different from the liberal world view.

Wouldn't it be ironic now if the owner of the Red Hen had a fire or a robbery, or needed an ambulance or a taxi and the service provider hung up on her or kicked her out saying they chose not to serve her on moral grounds?
still don't understand why leftist owners want to shit on half the population. Don't they know that isn't good for business? i'm just saying.
Their telephone number is now a non working number. Even a yarn shop owned by the same woman is getting the treatment.

Be a pity if their windows started getting broken... $500 deductible....3 claims... insurance gets cancelled. :20:
be even funnier if some one caught breaking the windows gets shot

Every time something stupid like that happens, the perpetrator turns out to be a democrat.

Just sayin.

Black-Church Burnings & Race Hoaxes | [site:name] | National Review
Sad that a sitting President so often uses his position to personally attack Americans and their businesses.

They attacked him. Quid pro quo.
Yes the small little business attacked him. Thin skin Donnie has to make it a national story. :rolleyes:

Yep. The OWNER wasn't "thin-skinned." No one heard of the story until Trump weighed in, right? The Red Hen owner said: let's kick the PS of the president out and deny her her right to eat! Hungry people standing on the sidewalk now too late and with no reservation wandering around town now wondering what they will do about dinner! Wondering what other restaurateur they can trust to go to without humiliation. The Hen now without a working phone number, loss of business, thousands of bad Yelp reviews, other businesses not affiliated affected and lots more bad to come, all because the owner had such a board up her ass about the politics of a customer who just came in to eat and was minding her own business?

political views are.
the colour clothes they wear.
their hairdo.
the car they drive.
their sexual preferences.

As a restaurant, your only responsibility is to serve the damn food in a clean, fair, reasonable and healthy way. That the Left condones much less applauds such fascist attitudes shows why the party is doomed and what is wrong with America.
Thats what you get when you elect a pervert like Trump to do a man like Obama’s job.

Who would ever treat a customer like that holy shit.
You mean like a cake baker who hates gays in the name of religion?

Yes, idiot. :icon_rolleyes:

You do realize that Sanders is an asshole by choice & being gay is how you are born. Right?

^^^ I told you who liberals are, this one admits it. You see how nasty they get when they lose an election.

I saw how nasty you and other's supporters of the Republican Party acted during the eight years of Obama/s Presidency. Irrational hate, mocking the First Lady, claiming the President was not born in the US, Claiming he is a Muslim, a member of the far left SDS and Weathermen; mocking his Noble Prize, his Education and his Americanism.

Those who believe everything tweeted by or expressed by Trump is an effort to MAGA, and that everything said by Sanders, Nielsen and the rest of Trump&Co are heartfelt truths, are easily led and incurious fools.

Trump's behavior is that of an iconoclast who breaks every rule, ignores any council and has created a more toxic swamp; one where yes men and yes women are honored, and those who have the audacity to say, "No" are tossed under the bus and fired.

IMO, and I'm not alone, Trump is a man-child. He lacks maturity, experience and seeks adoration from all around him; he literally hates criticism and cannot learn from his mistakes.
Sad that a sitting President so often uses his position to personally attack Americans and their businesses.

They attacked him. Quid pro quo.
Yes the small little business attacked him. Thin skin Donnie has to make it a national story. :rolleyes:

Yep. The OWNER wasn't "thin-skinned." No one heard of the story until Trump weighed in, right? The Red Hen owner said: let's kick the PS of the president out and deny her her right to eat! Hungry people standing on the sidewalk now too late and with no reservation wandering around town now wondering what they will do about dinner! Wondering what other restaurateur they can trust to go to without humiliation. The Hen now without a working phone number, loss of business, thousands of bad Yelp reviews, other businesses not affiliated affected and lots more bad to come, all because the owner had such a board up her ass about the politics of a customer who just came in to eat and was minding her own business?

political views are.
the colour clothes they wear.
their hairdo.
the car they drive.
their sexual preferences.

As a restaurant, your only responsibility is to serve the damn food in a clean, fair, reasonable and healthy way. That the Left condones much less applauds such fascist attitudes shows why the party is doomed and what is wrong with America.
Loss of business? This will boost traffic like they’ve never seen. Best advertising they’ve ever had :thup:
Who would ever treat a customer like that holy shit.
You mean like a cake baker who hates gays in the name of religion?

Yes, idiot. :icon_rolleyes:

You do realize that Sanders is an asshole by choice & being gay is how you are born. Right?

^^^ I told you who liberals are, this one admits it. You see how nasty they get when they lose an election.

I saw how nasty you and other's supporters of the Republican Party acted during the eight years of Obama/s Presidency. Irrational hate, mocking the First Lady, claiming the President was not born in the US, Claiming he is a Muslim, a member of the far left SDS and Weathermen; mocking his Noble Prize, his Education and his Americanism.

Those who believe everything tweeted by or expressed by Trump is an effort to MAGA, and that everything said by Sanders, Nielsen and the rest of Trump&Co are heartfelt truths, are easily led and incurious fools.

Trump's behavior is that of an iconoclast who breaks every rule, ignores any council and has created a more toxic swamp; one where yes men and yes women are honored, and those who have the audacity to say, "No" are tossed under the bus and fired.

IMO, and I'm not alone, Trump is a man-child. He lacks maturity, experience and seeks adoration from all around him; he literally hates criticism and cannot learn from his mistakes.
obammy wasn't born in the US. he served his two terms, get over it. but he wasn't born in the US
While i don't think Trump should be targeting them directly, people have a right to complain and boycott the restaurant for how they treat people: all people. The best way to keep a business honest is to be subjected to marketplace determining whether or not they're worthy of the public's business.

If they do shut down, what will be ironic as hell is that the owner asked Sarah to leave in the name of her employees not wanting her there. Her boss listened to her employees and now those employees may very well be out of a job because of it. Perfect example of why employees don't necessarily (and usually don't) know what's best for their company compared to the leaders of it.

The President of the United States should never take sides in such matters, he is supposed to represent us all. But Trump is a child and does not give a rats ass about the people.

You are correct that the proper response is to avoid the business if you disagree with the choice of the owner.

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Coming off eight years of governing exclusively for illegals, bottom feeders and wack-jobs....This president vowed to do work for America’s Best....he’s made that very clear. Sucks for you huh?

Who are America's best? Implied in this ^^^ post is a comment from the book 1984:

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

I'm sure this ^^^ is too abstract for the poster [BrokeLoser] so I'll explain to him(?) that the quote's use of "animal" is in fact the human animal.

Haha...noble sentiment and all...a real tear jerker for the Loons.
That bunch of bullshit has never been true...anybody sane knows it.
It’s like that mother who tells her fat slob of a child that he/she isn’t fat he/she is just “big boned”. IT’S a lie fabricated to invoke the ‘feels’.

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