Trump to soldier's widow, "He knew what he signed up for!"

Trump to soldier's widow, "He knew what he signed up for!"

This shows us how profoundly Trump and the GOP don't understand what motivates an American soldier and how they think.

Naturally, no one wants to die. But what is worse than dying is having your life wasted. Trump, letting those four soldiers be ambushed for no apparent reason is worse than Benghazi. At least in Benghazi, those soldiers were trying to defend an obstinate ambassador who wouldn't leave even when warned the situation was dangerous. Trump has no strategy or plan. He listens to the last person he talked to. Trump is definitely worse than Bush. But drunk or not, at least Bush actually served. Trump had five deferments.
You really, truly, don't have a clue, do you?

Do they let you out for exercise once a week?

I guess not. You better explain it to me:

This is what I said:
Naturally, no one wants to die. But what is worse than dying is having your life wasted. Trump, letting those four soldiers be ambushed for no apparent reason is worse than Benghazi. At least in Benghazi, those soldiers were trying to defend an obstinate ambassador who wouldn't leave even when warned the situation was dangerous. Trump has no strategy or plan. He listens to the last person he talked to. Trump is definitely worse than Bush. But drunk or not, at least Bush actually served. Trump had five deferments.

Maybe you can explain to me exactly how Trump "LET" those soldiers be ambushed. Did he know in advance? Did he direct them? What was the politics that prevented him from rescuing them? I mean, they did call for extraction, right? No? Gee ...

Now, we talk about Benghazi - they knew. Stevens called for assistance. It was sitting on a runway less than 3 hours away ---- the firefight lasted for 13 hours. He was intentionally abandoned for political reasons. Politics was more important than the lives of 4 Americans.

You got nothing - nothing --- well, except an overriding shame and constant embarrassment at how the Benghazi fiasco was mishandled. Now, you try to soothe your conscience by trying to create myth out of thin air about this incident.

It won't work ---- you'll still have that ugly taste in your mouth.
Trump to soldier's widow, "He knew what he signed up for!"

This shows us how profoundly Trump and the GOP don't understand what motivates an American soldier and how they think.

Naturally, no one wants to die. But what is worse than dying is having your life wasted. Trump, letting those four soldiers be ambushed for no apparent reason is worse than Benghazi. At least in Benghazi, those soldiers were trying to defend an obstinate ambassador who wouldn't leave even when warned the situation was dangerous. Trump has no strategy or plan. He listens to the last person he talked to. Trump is definitely worse than Bush. But drunk or not, at least Bush actually served. Trump had five deferments.
You really, truly, don't have a clue, do you?

Do they let you out for exercise once a week?

I guess not. You better explain it to me:

This is what I said:
Naturally, no one wants to die. But what is worse than dying is having your life wasted. Trump, letting those four soldiers be ambushed for no apparent reason is worse than Benghazi. At least in Benghazi, those soldiers were trying to defend an obstinate ambassador who wouldn't leave even when warned the situation was dangerous. Trump has no strategy or plan. He listens to the last person he talked to. Trump is definitely worse than Bush. But drunk or not, at least Bush actually served. Trump had five deferments.

Maybe you can explain to me exactly how Trump "LET" those soldiers be ambushed. Did he know in advance? Did he direct them? What was the politics that prevented him from rescuing them? I mean, they did call for extraction, right? No? Gee ...

Now, we talk about Benghazi - they knew. Stevens called for assistance. It was sitting on a runway less than 3 hours away ---- the firefight lasted for 13 hours. He was intentionally abandoned for political reasons. Politics was more important than the lives of 4 Americans.

You got nothing - nothing --- well, except an overriding shame and constant embarrassment at how the Benghazi fiasco was mishandled. Now, you try to soothe your conscience by trying to create myth out of thin air about this incident.

It won't work ---- you'll still have that ugly taste in your mouth.
Now you're just making sh!t up. But that's what your kind does.

We know everything about Benghazi because the Obama administration was transparent compared to Trump.

So why were those four soldiers out in the middle of nowhere and how were they ambushed? Stevenson didn't want to leave. They couldn't force him. But those four soldiers? No back up. No monitoring? Just sent out to die? Guess we'll see.

President Trump reportedly told the widow of a Green Beret who died in Niger that the soldier “knew what he signed up for” during a phone call on Tuesday.

Trump Calls Grieving Widow of Soldier Killed in Niger: ‘He Knew What He Signed Up For’

U.S. President Donald Trump told U.S. Army Sgt. La David Johnson’s widow Tuesday that “he knew what he signed up for …but when it happens it hurts anyway,” when he died serving in northwestern Africa, according to Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Miami Gardens.

“Yes, he said it,” Wilson said. “It’s so insensitive. He should have not have said that. He shouldn’t have said it.”


Yep, there was a US Representative right there when he said it.

Like I said, Republicans don't have a problem with this. Like they don't have a problem taking healthcare away from tens of millions of Americans.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

It's like when Republicans held millions of unemployed Americans hostage if Obama didn't extend the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts for the rich.

What kind of people are these Republicans? It's obvious.

Are you suggesting Green Berets are so dumb they do not know what they are signing up for? Or is it just that blacks are that dumb?
You won't understand this because it's over your tiny head.

No one signs up to die. They sign up to protect the country. They know they could die, but they don't expect to be left out in the middle of nowhere and left to die. How is that meaningful? Who were they protecting? Who were they saving? It looks like they were sacrificed for nothing.

At least with Benghazi, Stevenson didn't want to leave. He had a misplaced belief in the Libyan people.
Trump to soldier's widow, "He knew what he signed up for!"

This shows us how profoundly Trump and the GOP don't understand what motivates an American soldier and how they think.

Naturally, no one wants to die. But what is worse than dying is having your life wasted. Trump, letting those four soldiers be ambushed for no apparent reason is worse than Benghazi. At least in Benghazi, those soldiers were trying to defend an obstinate ambassador who wouldn't leave even when warned the situation was dangerous. Trump has no strategy or plan. He listens to the last person he talked to. Trump is definitely worse than Bush. But drunk or not, at least Bush actually served. Trump had five deferments.
You really, truly, don't have a clue, do you?

Do they let you out for exercise once a week?

I guess not. You better explain it to me:

This is what I said:
Naturally, no one wants to die. But what is worse than dying is having your life wasted. Trump, letting those four soldiers be ambushed for no apparent reason is worse than Benghazi. At least in Benghazi, those soldiers were trying to defend an obstinate ambassador who wouldn't leave even when warned the situation was dangerous. Trump has no strategy or plan. He listens to the last person he talked to. Trump is definitely worse than Bush. But drunk or not, at least Bush actually served. Trump had five deferments.

Maybe you can explain to me exactly how Trump "LET" those soldiers be ambushed. Did he know in advance? Did he direct them? What was the politics that prevented him from rescuing them? I mean, they did call for extraction, right? No? Gee ...

Now, we talk about Benghazi - they knew. Stevens called for assistance. It was sitting on a runway less than 3 hours away ---- the firefight lasted for 13 hours. He was intentionally abandoned for political reasons. Politics was more important than the lives of 4 Americans.

You got nothing - nothing --- well, except an overriding shame and constant embarrassment at how the Benghazi fiasco was mishandled. Now, you try to soothe your conscience by trying to create myth out of thin air about this incident.

It won't work ---- you'll still have that ugly taste in your mouth.
Now you're just making sh!t up. But that's what your kind does.

We know everything about Benghazi because the Obama administration was transparent compared to Trump.

So why were those four soldiers out in the middle of nowhere and how were they ambushed? Stevenson didn't want to leave. They couldn't force him. But those four soldiers? No back up. No monitoring? Just sent out to die? Guess we'll see.

Trump now has his own Ben-Gha-Zee problem.
Trump to soldier's widow, "He knew what he signed up for!"

This shows us how profoundly Trump and the GOP don't understand what motivates an American soldier and how they think.

Naturally, no one wants to die. But what is worse than dying is having your life wasted. Trump, letting those four soldiers be ambushed for no apparent reason is worse than Benghazi. At least in Benghazi, those soldiers were trying to defend an obstinate ambassador who wouldn't leave even when warned the situation was dangerous. Trump has no strategy or plan. He listens to the last person he talked to. Trump is definitely worse than Bush. But drunk or not, at least Bush actually served. Trump had five deferments.
You really, truly, don't have a clue, do you?

Do they let you out for exercise once a week?

I guess not. You better explain it to me:

This is what I said:
Naturally, no one wants to die. But what is worse than dying is having your life wasted. Trump, letting those four soldiers be ambushed for no apparent reason is worse than Benghazi. At least in Benghazi, those soldiers were trying to defend an obstinate ambassador who wouldn't leave even when warned the situation was dangerous. Trump has no strategy or plan. He listens to the last person he talked to. Trump is definitely worse than Bush. But drunk or not, at least Bush actually served. Trump had five deferments.

Maybe you can explain to me exactly how Trump "LET" those soldiers be ambushed. Did he know in advance? Did he direct them? What was the politics that prevented him from rescuing them? I mean, they did call for extraction, right? No? Gee ...

Now, we talk about Benghazi - they knew. Stevens called for assistance. It was sitting on a runway less than 3 hours away ---- the firefight lasted for 13 hours. He was intentionally abandoned for political reasons. Politics was more important than the lives of 4 Americans.

You got nothing - nothing --- well, except an overriding shame and constant embarrassment at how the Benghazi fiasco was mishandled. Now, you try to soothe your conscience by trying to create myth out of thin air about this incident.

It won't work ---- you'll still have that ugly taste in your mouth.
Now you're just making sh!t up. But that's what your kind does.

We know everything about Benghazi because the Obama administration was transparent compared to Trump.

So why were those four soldiers out in the middle of nowhere and how were they ambushed? Stevenson didn't want to leave. They couldn't force him. But those four soldiers? No back up. No monitoring? Just sent out to die? Guess we'll see.
So, NOW you want to backpedal? You no longer want to blame Trump - you want to wait and see?

Transparent? Are you kidding me? Ask Susan Rice - ask Hillary Clinton - then ask the people on the ground. It took publishing a book two years later to get to the truth.

Psst --- I'm sure Amb Stevens will be glad to see that you don't even know his name!
The Left doesn't know how to protect this country or keep national security secrets. Maybe we don't want the entire world knowing that we have an ongoing operation and presence in Niger? Liberal Dumbfucks constantly betray this country.

President Trump reportedly told the widow of a Green Beret who died in Niger that the soldier “knew what he signed up for” during a phone call on Tuesday.

Trump Calls Grieving Widow of Soldier Killed in Niger: ‘He Knew What He Signed Up For’

U.S. President Donald Trump told U.S. Army Sgt. La David Johnson’s widow Tuesday that “he knew what he signed up for …but when it happens it hurts anyway,” when he died serving in northwestern Africa, according to Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Miami Gardens.

“Yes, he said it,” Wilson said. “It’s so insensitive. He should have not have said that. He shouldn’t have said it.”


Yep, there was a US Representative right there when he said it.

Like I said, Republicans don't have a problem with this. Like they don't have a problem taking healthcare away from tens of millions of Americans.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

It's like when Republicans held millions of unemployed Americans hostage if Obama didn't extend the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts for the rich.

What kind of people are these Republicans? It's obvious.

Are you suggesting Green Berets are so dumb they do not know what they are signing up for? Or is it just that blacks are that dumb?
You won't understand this because it's over your tiny head.

No one signs up to die. They sign up to protect the country. They know they could die, but they don't expect to be left out in the middle of nowhere and left to die. How is that meaningful? Who were they protecting? Who were they saving? It looks like they were sacrificed for nothing.

At least with Benghazi, Stevenson didn't want to leave. He had a misplaced belief in the Libyan people.

Wrong. He had a misplaced faith in the Obama administration.
Who are you to make a judgment about military missions? Saw a war movie once and so now you think you're some kind of expert on military missions and how they should be conducted? Dream on,
Can someone explain why the one soldier's death causes a stink and not the others? What President Trump said applied to them all. Why no misplaced outrage for the others?
Everything Trump touches, he degrades.

Have reporters asked General Kelly about his son yet? After all, Trump invited them to.
Actaully every single thing that Obama touched turned into a big pile of shit.

True story. :cool:
White House chief of staff John Kelly thought President Donald Trump's remarks in a call to the widow of a Green Beret slain by Islamic State terrorists in Niger were "completely appropriate" and "respectful," press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Wednesday.

"Gen. Kelly was present for the call and thought it was completely appropriate," Sanders told reporters at the daily briefing.

"He thought the call was respectful — and he thought that the president did the best job he could under those circumstances to offer condolences on the part of the country."
White House chief of staff John Kelly thought President Donald Trump's remarks in a call to the widow of a Green Beret slain by Islamic State terrorists in Niger were "completely appropriate" and "respectful," press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Wednesday.

"Gen. Kelly was present for the call and thought it was completely appropriate," Sanders told reporters at the daily briefing.

"He thought the call was respectful — and he thought that the president did the best job he could under those circumstances to offer condolences on the part of the country."
Ok folks, back to the Russians! This segment of Leftie Fake News was brought to you by Preparation H, and Depends. We'll get back to you after these ads, brought to you by Soros and Co.

President Trump reportedly told the widow of a Green Beret who died in Niger that the soldier “knew what he signed up for” during a phone call on Tuesday.

Trump Calls Grieving Widow of Soldier Killed in Niger: ‘He Knew What He Signed Up For’

U.S. President Donald Trump told U.S. Army Sgt. La David Johnson’s widow Tuesday that “he knew what he signed up for …but when it happens it hurts anyway,” when he died serving in northwestern Africa, according to Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Miami Gardens.

“Yes, he said it,” Wilson said. “It’s so insensitive. He should have not have said that. He shouldn’t have said it.”


Yep, there was a US Representative right there when he said it.

Like I said, Republicans don't have a problem with this. Like they don't have a problem taking healthcare away from tens of millions of Americans.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

It's like when Republicans held millions of unemployed Americans hostage if Obama didn't extend the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts for the rich.

What kind of people are these Republicans? It's obvious.

Are you suggesting Green Berets are so dumb they do not know what they are signing up for? Or is it just that blacks are that dumb?
You won't understand this because it's over your tiny head.

No one signs up to die. They sign up to protect the country. They know they could die, but they don't expect to be left out in the middle of nowhere and left to die. How is that meaningful? Who were they protecting? Who were they saving? It looks like they were sacrificed for nothing.

At least with Benghazi, Stevenson didn't want to leave. He had a misplaced belief in the Libyan people.

Wrong. He had a misplaced faith in the Obama administration.
Who are you to make a judgment about military missions? Saw a war movie once and so now you think you're some kind of expert on military missions and how they should be conducted? Dream on,

Trump had 5 deferments so he must really be an expert. Ask Bin Laden, he would know.
What this entire sordid episode has show America is that Republicans are unfit. They don't even know why these parents are upset. They don't get it.

President Trump reportedly told the widow of a Green Beret who died in Niger that the soldier “knew what he signed up for” during a phone call on Tuesday.

Trump Calls Grieving Widow of Soldier Killed in Niger: ‘He Knew What He Signed Up For’

U.S. President Donald Trump told U.S. Army Sgt. La David Johnson’s widow Tuesday that “he knew what he signed up for …but when it happens it hurts anyway,” when he died serving in northwestern Africa, according to Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Miami Gardens.

“Yes, he said it,” Wilson said. “It’s so insensitive. He should have not have said that. He shouldn’t have said it.”


Yep, there was a US Representative right there when he said it.

Like I said, Republicans don't have a problem with this. Like they don't have a problem taking healthcare away from tens of millions of Americans.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

It's like when Republicans held millions of unemployed Americans hostage if Obama didn't extend the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts for the rich.

What kind of people are these Republicans? It's obvious.

Are you suggesting Green Berets are so dumb they do not know what they are signing up for? Or is it just that blacks are that dumb?
You won't understand this because it's over your tiny head.

No one signs up to die. They sign up to protect the country. They know they could die, but they don't expect to be left out in the middle of nowhere and left to die. How is that meaningful? Who were they protecting? Who were they saving? It looks like they were sacrificed for nothing.

At least with Benghazi, Stevenson didn't want to leave. He had a misplaced belief in the Libyan people.

Wrong. He had a misplaced faith in the Obama administration.
Who are you to make a judgment about military missions? Saw a war movie once and so now you think you're some kind of expert on military missions and how they should be conducted? Dream on,

Trump had 5 deferments so he must really be an expert. Ask Bin Laden, he would know.
"Al Queda is on the run..." Remember that lie? Which is the reason for the bigger Ben Ghazi cover up and lie.
What this entire sordid episode has show America is that Republicans are unfit. They don't even know why these parents are upset. They don't get it.
What this shows is that Democrats are so disgusting that they will even drag a grieving military mother into the fray just to score cheap political fake news points.
What this entire sordid episode has show America is that Republicans are unfit. They don't even know why these parents are upset. They don't get it.
What this shows is that Democrats are so disgusting that they will even drag a grieving military mother into the fray just to score cheap political fake news points.

yup it is who thy are

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