Trump to Bypass Mainstream Media, Take Message Direct to the People


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Of course, the media will have a meltdown over this. They hate the thought of not being able to put their spin on things before letting the American people hear about the latest events. This way, Trump's words can't be twisted though you can bet the media will still try to spin things by claiming he means something other than what he is saying or they'll just claim it's false.

The media doesn't want people to make up their own minds and that is why they pick and choose which information to report. This should infuriate them that Trump doesn't see the need for bias middle men when talking to the American people.

"Incoming President Donald Trump will go around the mainstream media by making public policy announcements directly on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

The move, which is unprecedented for a president, is designed to limit the mainstream media’s role as an information filter by reaching the American people directly through social media.

“The fact of the matter is that when he tweets, he gets results,” incoming Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Sunday. “You know, with all due respect, I think it freaks the mainstream media out that he has this following of over 45 plus million people that follow him on social media, that he can have a direct conversation.”

“He doesn’t have to have it funneled through the media.”

The president’s use of Twitter will curtail the media’s ability to spin his message because mainstream reporters will no longer have insider privilege at the White House, which they did under past administration thanks to press events closed to the public.

And Trump’s move will likely spark a new era of citizen-journalism similar to colonial America in which independent newspapers thrived because, at the time, there wasn’t an establishment media controlling the flow of information.

The public will now have the same sources of information as mainstream reporters, which means the public will be able to draw their own conclusions about the Trump administration without being led like cattle to a predetermined “opinion” pushed by the establishment media.

Without public ignorance to the truth, the media will fail to advance the globalist agenda which accelerated after the technocratic takeover of the Carter administration.

It’s a new era of independent thought, so it’s not surprising why the mainstream media is having a panic attack.

“…The fact that the media suddenly finds itself locked out in this most important of information dissemination and filtration pathways, has unleashed the biggest period of soul-searching for the conventional press in decades,” Zero Hedge pointed out."

Trump to Bypass Mainstream Media, Take Message Direct to the People
Of course, the media will have a meltdown over this. They hate the thought of not being able to put their spin on things before letting the American people hear about the latest events. This way, Trump's words can't be twisted though you can bet the media will still try to spin things by claiming he means something other than what he is saying or they'll just claim it's false.

The media doesn't want people to make up their own minds and that is why they pick and choose which information to report. This should infuriate them that Trump doesn't see the need for bias middle men when talking to the American people.

"Incoming President Donald Trump will go around the mainstream media by making public policy announcements directly on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

The move, which is unprecedented for a president, is designed to limit the mainstream media’s role as an information filter by reaching the American people directly through social media.

“The fact of the matter is that when he tweets, he gets results,” incoming Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Sunday. “You know, with all due respect, I think it freaks the mainstream media out that he has this following of over 45 plus million people that follow him on social media, that he can have a direct conversation.”

“He doesn’t have to have it funneled through the media.”

The president’s use of Twitter will curtail the media’s ability to spin his message because mainstream reporters will no longer have insider privilege at the White House, which they did under past administration thanks to press events closed to the public.

And Trump’s move will likely spark a new era of citizen-journalism similar to colonial America in which independent newspapers thrived because, at the time, there wasn’t an establishment media controlling the flow of information.

The public will now have the same sources of information as mainstream reporters, which means the public will be able to draw their own conclusions about the Trump administration without being led like cattle to a predetermined “opinion” pushed by the establishment media.

Without public ignorance to the truth, the media will fail to advance the globalist agenda which accelerated after the technocratic takeover of the Carter administration.

It’s a new era of independent thought, so it’s not surprising why the mainstream media is having a panic attack.

“…The fact that the media suddenly finds itself locked out in this most important of information dissemination and filtration pathways, has unleashed the biggest period of soul-searching for the conventional press in decades,” Zero Hedge pointed out."

Trump to Bypass Mainstream Media, Take Message Direct to the People

Donald Trump scolded media big shots during an off-the-record Trump Tower sitdown on Monday, sources told The Post.

It was like a f−−−ing firing squad,” one source said of the encounter.

“Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said, ‘I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed,’ ” the source said.

“The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing-down,” the source added.

So the arrogant smugs went onto the sitdown expecting access, after turning themeslves into a full blown anti-Trump propaganda machines?

Just HOW smug can these people possibly be? Thank god they got a good old ass-whooping. Perhaps they will learn some manners now and an acceptable journalistic standard to boot.
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Of course, the media will have a meltdown over this. They hate the thought of not being able to put their spin on things before letting the American people hear about the latest events. This way, Trump's words can't be twisted though you can bet the media will still try to spin things by claiming he means something other than what he is saying or they'll just claim it's false.

The media doesn't want people to make up their own minds and that is why they pick and choose which information to report. This should infuriate them that Trump doesn't see the need for bias middle men when talking to the American people.

"Incoming President Donald Trump will go around the mainstream media by making public policy announcements directly on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

The move, which is unprecedented for a president, is designed to limit the mainstream media’s role as an information filter by reaching the American people directly through social media.

“The fact of the matter is that when he tweets, he gets results,” incoming Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Sunday. “You know, with all due respect, I think it freaks the mainstream media out that he has this following of over 45 plus million people that follow him on social media, that he can have a direct conversation.”

“He doesn’t have to have it funneled through the media.”

The president’s use of Twitter will curtail the media’s ability to spin his message because mainstream reporters will no longer have insider privilege at the White House, which they did under past administration thanks to press events closed to the public.

And Trump’s move will likely spark a new era of citizen-journalism similar to colonial America in which independent newspapers thrived because, at the time, there wasn’t an establishment media controlling the flow of information.

The public will now have the same sources of information as mainstream reporters, which means the public will be able to draw their own conclusions about the Trump administration without being led like cattle to a predetermined “opinion” pushed by the establishment media.

Without public ignorance to the truth, the media will fail to advance the globalist agenda which accelerated after the technocratic takeover of the Carter administration.

It’s a new era of independent thought, so it’s not surprising why the mainstream media is having a panic attack.

“…The fact that the media suddenly finds itself locked out in this most important of information dissemination and filtration pathways, has unleashed the biggest period of soul-searching for the conventional press in decades,” Zero Hedge pointed out."

Trump to Bypass Mainstream Media, Take Message Direct to the People

Donald Trump scolded media big shots during an off-the-record Trump Tower sitdown on Monday, sources told The Post.

It was like a f−−−ing firing squad,” one source said of the encounter.

“Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said, ‘I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed,’ ” the source said.

“The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing-down,” the source added.

So the arrogant smugs went onto the sitdown expecting access, after turning themeslves into a full blown anti-Trump propaganda machines?

Just HOW smug can these people possibly be? Thank god they got a good old ass-whooping. Perhaps they will learn some manners now and an acceptable journalistic standards now.

I love it. It's time someone put them in their place and let them know that they do not run things. When they use their position to push an agenda, they are of no value to this country. We need good reporters who are willing to do their jobs, not wealthy spin machines whose sole purpose is to spit out propaganda.
Nice move, I like it. Makes the administration more accountable and unable to hide behind the press if it comes straight from the horse's mouth (or horse's ass, depending upon one's view of Trump).
Incoming President Donald Trump will go around the mainstream media by making public policy announcements directly on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
this is a joke right?
Of course, the media will have a meltdown over this. They hate the thought of not being able to put their spin on things before letting the American people hear about the latest events. This way, Trump's words can't be twisted though you can bet the media will still try to spin things by claiming he means something other than what he is saying or they'll just claim it's false.

The media doesn't want people to make up their own minds and that is why they pick and choose which information to report. This should infuriate them that Trump doesn't see the need for bias middle men when talking to the American people.

"Incoming President Donald Trump will go around the mainstream media by making public policy announcements directly on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

The move, which is unprecedented for a president, is designed to limit the mainstream media’s role as an information filter by reaching the American people directly through social media.

“The fact of the matter is that when he tweets, he gets results,” incoming Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Sunday. “You know, with all due respect, I think it freaks the mainstream media out that he has this following of over 45 plus million people that follow him on social media, that he can have a direct conversation.”

“He doesn’t have to have it funneled through the media.”

The president’s use of Twitter will curtail the media’s ability to spin his message because mainstream reporters will no longer have insider privilege at the White House, which they did under past administration thanks to press events closed to the public.

And Trump’s move will likely spark a new era of citizen-journalism similar to colonial America in which independent newspapers thrived because, at the time, there wasn’t an establishment media controlling the flow of information.

The public will now have the same sources of information as mainstream reporters, which means the public will be able to draw their own conclusions about the Trump administration without being led like cattle to a predetermined “opinion” pushed by the establishment media.

Without public ignorance to the truth, the media will fail to advance the globalist agenda which accelerated after the technocratic takeover of the Carter administration.

It’s a new era of independent thought, so it’s not surprising why the mainstream media is having a panic attack.

“…The fact that the media suddenly finds itself locked out in this most important of information dissemination and filtration pathways, has unleashed the biggest period of soul-searching for the conventional press in decades,” Zero Hedge pointed out."

Trump to Bypass Mainstream Media, Take Message Direct to the People

But the media are spinning it, and Trump is making a fool of himself with misspellings and the like. It doesn't change anything. The problem is, what if someone hacks his Twitter account and declares war on China?
Nice move, I like it. Makes the administration more accountable and unable to hide behind the press if it comes straight from the horse's mouth (or horse's ass, depending upon one's view of Trump).

Except that we've seen Trump doesn't seem to be accountable for what he says.
Trump just wants to be the first to put a spin on news stories. It's as dopey a lie as that Bill O'Riley "No Spin Zone" show on FOX, which is one of the biggest spin promotional partisan commentary shows on TV. Also, a lot of people just don't believe anything the pathological serial liar ever says. He will not change after his inauguration.
This phenomenon is being called the "fireside tweet"

when JFK & FDR found ways to get around the press of their day & go straight to the folks, they were brilliant

Trump? Must be hiding something - right?

Truth is, Trump is demonstrating brilliance with this. Go right to the people &^ marginalize the opposition, and make no mistake, our media IS the opposition - they have zero interest in a powerful America - they want social justice and laws created by justices, nevermind that these laws could never make it through the legislative process - let's create "rights" and then then make the evil conservatives look heartless when they object

happy to see these whiney. lying bastards chasing their tails - it's gonna be a fun 8 years!
This phenomenon is being called the "fireside tweet"

when JFK & FDR found ways to get around the press of their day & go straight to the folks, they were brilliant

Trump? Must be hiding something - right?

Truth is, Trump is demonstrating brilliance with this. Go right to the people &^ marginalize the opposition, and make no mistake, our media IS the opposition - they have zero interest in a powerful America - they want social justice and laws created by justices, nevermind that these laws could never make it through the legislative process - let's create "rights" and then then make the evil conservatives look heartless when they object

happy to see these whiney. lying bastards chasing their tails - it's gonna be a fun 8 years!
The CHANGE will be epic and I HOPE it destroys the establishment......
Of course, the media will have a meltdown over this. They hate the thought of not being able to put their spin on things before letting the American people hear about the latest events. This way, Trump's words can't be twisted though you can bet the media will still try to spin things by claiming he means something other than what he is saying or they'll just claim it's false.

The media doesn't want people to make up their own minds and that is why they pick and choose which information to report. This should infuriate them that Trump doesn't see the need for bias middle men when talking to the American people.

"Incoming President Donald Trump will go around the mainstream media by making public policy announcements directly on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

The move, which is unprecedented for a president, is designed to limit the mainstream media’s role as an information filter by reaching the American people directly through social media.

“The fact of the matter is that when he tweets, he gets results,” incoming Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Sunday. “You know, with all due respect, I think it freaks the mainstream media out that he has this following of over 45 plus million people that follow him on social media, that he can have a direct conversation.”

“He doesn’t have to have it funneled through the media.”

The president’s use of Twitter will curtail the media’s ability to spin his message because mainstream reporters will no longer have insider privilege at the White House, which they did under past administration thanks to press events closed to the public.

And Trump’s move will likely spark a new era of citizen-journalism similar to colonial America in which independent newspapers thrived because, at the time, there wasn’t an establishment media controlling the flow of information.

The public will now have the same sources of information as mainstream reporters, which means the public will be able to draw their own conclusions about the Trump administration without being led like cattle to a predetermined “opinion” pushed by the establishment media.

Without public ignorance to the truth, the media will fail to advance the globalist agenda which accelerated after the technocratic takeover of the Carter administration.

It’s a new era of independent thought, so it’s not surprising why the mainstream media is having a panic attack.

“…The fact that the media suddenly finds itself locked out in this most important of information dissemination and filtration pathways, has unleashed the biggest period of soul-searching for the conventional press in decades,” Zero Hedge pointed out."

Trump to Bypass Mainstream Media, Take Message Direct to the People

Its a damned good idea and the reason he got elected. He got his message out there and it wasn't though the LSM.

He used Twitter and boy howdy did it work.

How he deals with the media will be interesting to watch. He doesn't really need to deal with them as long as Twitter is around but it should be interesting. LOL
Trump just wants to be the first to put a spin on news stories. It's as dopey a lie as that Bill O'Riley "No Spin Zone" show on FOX, which is one of the biggest spin promotional partisan commentary shows on TV. Also, a lot of people just don't believe anything the pathological serial liar ever says. He will not change after his inauguration.

Problem is there are enough who will believe him. Problem is when the shit hits the fan and people turn against him, it could go very badly for him.
Of course, the media will have a meltdown over this. They hate the thought of not being able to put their spin on things before letting the American people hear about the latest events. This way, Trump's words can't be twisted though you can bet the media will still try to spin things by claiming he means something other than what he is saying or they'll just claim it's false.

The media doesn't want people to make up their own minds and that is why they pick and choose which information to report. This should infuriate them that Trump doesn't see the need for bias middle men when talking to the American people.

"Incoming President Donald Trump will go around the mainstream media by making public policy announcements directly on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

The move, which is unprecedented for a president, is designed to limit the mainstream media’s role as an information filter by reaching the American people directly through social media.

“The fact of the matter is that when he tweets, he gets results,” incoming Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Sunday. “You know, with all due respect, I think it freaks the mainstream media out that he has this following of over 45 plus million people that follow him on social media, that he can have a direct conversation.”

“He doesn’t have to have it funneled through the media.”

The president’s use of Twitter will curtail the media’s ability to spin his message because mainstream reporters will no longer have insider privilege at the White House, which they did under past administration thanks to press events closed to the public.

And Trump’s move will likely spark a new era of citizen-journalism similar to colonial America in which independent newspapers thrived because, at the time, there wasn’t an establishment media controlling the flow of information.

The public will now have the same sources of information as mainstream reporters, which means the public will be able to draw their own conclusions about the Trump administration without being led like cattle to a predetermined “opinion” pushed by the establishment media.

Without public ignorance to the truth, the media will fail to advance the globalist agenda which accelerated after the technocratic takeover of the Carter administration.

It’s a new era of independent thought, so it’s not surprising why the mainstream media is having a panic attack.

“…The fact that the media suddenly finds itself locked out in this most important of information dissemination and filtration pathways, has unleashed the biggest period of soul-searching for the conventional press in decades,” Zero Hedge pointed out."

Trump to Bypass Mainstream Media, Take Message Direct to the People

Its a damned good idea and the reason he got elected. He got his message out there and it wasn't though the LSM.

He used Twitter and boy howdy did it work.

How he deals with the media will be interesting to watch. He doesn't really need to deal with them as long as Twitter is around but it should be interesting. LOL
The so-called mainstream media gave invaluable help to Trump during the campaign. His speeches and rallies were covered start to finish on all the major networks. The brainwashed follow the propaganda about the MSM giving a special advantage, but they are in reality profit driven entities and that is their priority. Trump was a rating magnet and so he got the billions of dollars worth of free coverage from the media. No other candidate got their speeches and events covered the way Trump did.
Nice move, I like it. Makes the administration more accountable and unable to hide behind the press if it comes straight from the horse's mouth (or horse's ass, depending upon one's view of Trump).
Your analysis left out the fact that the liberals do not cover Republican presidents favorably no matter what happens and seldom criticize the Democrats. It isn't an illusion, anyone not sleepwalking can see it. So how the hell you can think Trump could hide behind the press is a mystery. Or not.
Of course, the media will have a meltdown over this. They hate the thought of not being able to put their spin on things before letting the American people hear about the latest events. This way, Trump's words can't be twisted though you can bet the media will still try to spin things by claiming he means something other than what he is saying or they'll just claim it's false.

The media doesn't want people to make up their own minds and that is why they pick and choose which information to report. This should infuriate them that Trump doesn't see the need for bias middle men when talking to the American people.

"Incoming President Donald Trump will go around the mainstream media by making public policy announcements directly on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

The move, which is unprecedented for a president, is designed to limit the mainstream media’s role as an information filter by reaching the American people directly through social media.

“The fact of the matter is that when he tweets, he gets results,” incoming Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Sunday. “You know, with all due respect, I think it freaks the mainstream media out that he has this following of over 45 plus million people that follow him on social media, that he can have a direct conversation.”

“He doesn’t have to have it funneled through the media.”

The president’s use of Twitter will curtail the media’s ability to spin his message because mainstream reporters will no longer have insider privilege at the White House, which they did under past administration thanks to press events closed to the public.

And Trump’s move will likely spark a new era of citizen-journalism similar to colonial America in which independent newspapers thrived because, at the time, there wasn’t an establishment media controlling the flow of information.

The public will now have the same sources of information as mainstream reporters, which means the public will be able to draw their own conclusions about the Trump administration without being led like cattle to a predetermined “opinion” pushed by the establishment media.

Without public ignorance to the truth, the media will fail to advance the globalist agenda which accelerated after the technocratic takeover of the Carter administration.

It’s a new era of independent thought, so it’s not surprising why the mainstream media is having a panic attack.

“…The fact that the media suddenly finds itself locked out in this most important of information dissemination and filtration pathways, has unleashed the biggest period of soul-searching for the conventional press in decades,” Zero Hedge pointed out."

Trump to Bypass Mainstream Media, Take Message Direct to the People

Its a damned good idea and the reason he got elected. He got his message out there and it wasn't though the LSM.

He used Twitter and boy howdy did it work.

How he deals with the media will be interesting to watch. He doesn't really need to deal with them as long as Twitter is around but it should be interesting. LOL
The so-called mainstream media gave invaluable help to Trump during the campaign. His speeches and rallies were covered start to finish on all the major networks. The brainwashed follow the propaganda about the MSM giving a special advantage, but they are in reality profit driven entities and that is their priority. Trump was a rating magnet and so he got the billions of dollars worth of free coverage from the media. No other candidate got their speeches and events covered the way Trump did.
So called main stream media? What planet are you on anyway? No, major networks didn't cover his speeches in their entirety, some sound bites maybe, if they thought it would hurt him. He did not get favorable press from anyone besides Fox News but America is onto the bias that exists. You can bullshit but you can't sell it.
Of course, the media will have a meltdown over this. They hate the thought of not being able to put their spin on things before letting the American people hear about the latest events. This way, Trump's words can't be twisted though you can bet the media will still try to spin things by claiming he means something other than what he is saying or they'll just claim it's false.

The media doesn't want people to make up their own minds and that is why they pick and choose which information to report. This should infuriate them that Trump doesn't see the need for bias middle men when talking to the American people.

"Incoming President Donald Trump will go around the mainstream media by making public policy announcements directly on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

The move, which is unprecedented for a president, is designed to limit the mainstream media’s role as an information filter by reaching the American people directly through social media.

“The fact of the matter is that when he tweets, he gets results,” incoming Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Sunday. “You know, with all due respect, I think it freaks the mainstream media out that he has this following of over 45 plus million people that follow him on social media, that he can have a direct conversation.”

“He doesn’t have to have it funneled through the media.”

The president’s use of Twitter will curtail the media’s ability to spin his message because mainstream reporters will no longer have insider privilege at the White House, which they did under past administration thanks to press events closed to the public.

And Trump’s move will likely spark a new era of citizen-journalism similar to colonial America in which independent newspapers thrived because, at the time, there wasn’t an establishment media controlling the flow of information.

The public will now have the same sources of information as mainstream reporters, which means the public will be able to draw their own conclusions about the Trump administration without being led like cattle to a predetermined “opinion” pushed by the establishment media.

Without public ignorance to the truth, the media will fail to advance the globalist agenda which accelerated after the technocratic takeover of the Carter administration.

It’s a new era of independent thought, so it’s not surprising why the mainstream media is having a panic attack.

“…The fact that the media suddenly finds itself locked out in this most important of information dissemination and filtration pathways, has unleashed the biggest period of soul-searching for the conventional press in decades,” Zero Hedge pointed out."

Trump to Bypass Mainstream Media, Take Message Direct to the People

Its a damned good idea and the reason he got elected. He got his message out there and it wasn't though the LSM.

He used Twitter and boy howdy did it work.

How he deals with the media will be interesting to watch. He doesn't really need to deal with them as long as Twitter is around but it should be interesting. LOL
The so-called mainstream media gave invaluable help to Trump during the campaign. His speeches and rallies were covered start to finish on all the major networks. The brainwashed follow the propaganda about the MSM giving a special advantage, but they are in reality profit driven entities and that is their priority. Trump was a rating magnet and so he got the billions of dollars worth of free coverage from the media. No other candidate got their speeches and events covered the way Trump did.
Trump made the networks billions because people,wanted to hear and see Trump....

Sucks to be a loser Hillary voter like you....
Of course, the media will have a meltdown over this. They hate the thought of not being able to put their spin on things before letting the American people hear about the latest events. This way, Trump's words can't be twisted though you can bet the media will still try to spin things by claiming he means something other than what he is saying or they'll just claim it's false.

The media doesn't want people to make up their own minds and that is why they pick and choose which information to report. This should infuriate them that Trump doesn't see the need for bias middle men when talking to the American people.

"Incoming President Donald Trump will go around the mainstream media by making public policy announcements directly on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

The move, which is unprecedented for a president, is designed to limit the mainstream media’s role as an information filter by reaching the American people directly through social media.

“The fact of the matter is that when he tweets, he gets results,” incoming Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Sunday. “You know, with all due respect, I think it freaks the mainstream media out that he has this following of over 45 plus million people that follow him on social media, that he can have a direct conversation.”

“He doesn’t have to have it funneled through the media.”

The president’s use of Twitter will curtail the media’s ability to spin his message because mainstream reporters will no longer have insider privilege at the White House, which they did under past administration thanks to press events closed to the public.

And Trump’s move will likely spark a new era of citizen-journalism similar to colonial America in which independent newspapers thrived because, at the time, there wasn’t an establishment media controlling the flow of information.

The public will now have the same sources of information as mainstream reporters, which means the public will be able to draw their own conclusions about the Trump administration without being led like cattle to a predetermined “opinion” pushed by the establishment media.

Without public ignorance to the truth, the media will fail to advance the globalist agenda which accelerated after the technocratic takeover of the Carter administration.

It’s a new era of independent thought, so it’s not surprising why the mainstream media is having a panic attack.

“…The fact that the media suddenly finds itself locked out in this most important of information dissemination and filtration pathways, has unleashed the biggest period of soul-searching for the conventional press in decades,” Zero Hedge pointed out."

Trump to Bypass Mainstream Media, Take Message Direct to the People

Its a damned good idea and the reason he got elected. He got his message out there and it wasn't though the LSM.

He used Twitter and boy howdy did it work.

How he deals with the media will be interesting to watch. He doesn't really need to deal with them as long as Twitter is around but it should be interesting. LOL
The so-called mainstream media gave invaluable help to Trump during the campaign. His speeches and rallies were covered start to finish on all the major networks. The brainwashed follow the propaganda about the MSM giving a special advantage, but they are in reality profit driven entities and that is their priority. Trump was a rating magnet and so he got the billions of dollars worth of free coverage from the media. No other candidate got their speeches and events covered the way Trump did.
So called main stream media? What planet are you on anyway? No, major networks didn't cover his speeches in their entirety, some sound bites maybe, if they thought it would hurt him. He did not get favorable press from anyone besides Fox News but America is onto the bias that exists. You can bullshit but you can't sell it.
I will believe my own empirical experience instead of your misinformed bullshit or lies.
Trump just wants to be the first to put a spin on news stories. It's as dopey a lie as that Bill O'Riley "No Spin Zone" show on FOX, which is one of the biggest spin promotional partisan commentary shows on TV. Also, a lot of people just don't believe anything the pathological serial liar ever says. He will not change after his inauguration.

Problem is there are enough who will believe him. Problem is when the shit hits the fan and people turn against him, it could go very badly for him.
More meaningless leftist threats. The shit has been hitting the fan for a long time now, it would be difficult to screw up worse.

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