Trump Threatens To Sanction Iraq -- Why The F'k Are We Still There??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Trump Pushes Iraq, Threatens Sanctions After Vote to Expel U.S. Troops

I should have known most Trumpers were full of shit when it came to genuinely wanting to stop being policemen of the world.....I really thought Trump was serious when he said he wanted to get out of Iraq....but if this is true, why is he threatening to sanction Iraq just because they voted for US troops to leave their country?? We been in Iraq for 18 years and they ain't free yet?? Why are we there then??

"President Trump threatened Iraq with sanctions and a bill for billions of dollars if the U.S. is forced to withdraw its troops from the nation after the Iraqi parliament, responding to a U.S. airstrike that killed a powerful Iranian general on its soil, voted in favor of expelling American forces."

It was bad enough that the Iraqi Prime Minister objected to the strike at his airport, claiming Qassem Soleimani was a guest of his country -- why would the number 1 terrorist in the history of the world be invited as a guest in Iraq?? Now the Iraqi parliament voted to kick our US troops out of their country?? Like I said, why are we still there then??

And what is Trump's reaction?? "In response, Trump has threatened to sanction Baghdad "like they've never seen before ever," if Iraq were to expel US troops. 'It'll make Iranian sanctions look somewhat tame," he added, a reference to over 1,000 rounds of economic penalties imposed by the US on Tehran after the Trump administration pulled out of the multilateral Iran nuclear deal in 2018."

The last time we threatened to sanction Iraq -- Saddam Hussein was president -- what the fuck did we spend 18 years in Iraq for?? Why are we still there?? You can still have fun attacking Iran from bases in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, etc etc etc -- so using Iran as an excuse to stay in Iraq for another 18 years is not an excuse....I want Trumpers to really step back from their sycophancy and acknowledge the fact that Trump is actually trying to force Iraq to allow our troops to stay there -- after all of this talk of leaving Iraq and brining our troops home......why are we there??
Trump Pushes Iraq, Threatens Sanctions After Vote to Expel U.S. Troops

I should have known most Trumpers were full of shit when it came to genuinely wanting to stop being policemen of the world.....I really thought Trump was serious when he said he wanted to get out of Iraq....but if this is true, why is he threatening to sanction Iraq just because they voted for US troops to leave their country?? We been in Iraq for 18 years and they ain't free yet?? Why are we there then??

"President Trump threatened Iraq with sanctions and a bill for billions of dollars if the U.S. is forced to withdraw its troops from the nation after the Iraqi parliament, responding to a U.S. airstrike that killed a powerful Iranian general on its soil, voted in favor of expelling American forces."

It was bad enough that the Iraqi Prime Minister objected to the strike at his airport, claiming Qassem Soleimani was a guest of his country -- why would the number 1 terrorist in the history of the world be invited as a guest in Iraq?? Now the Iraqi parliament voted to kick our US troops out of their country?? Like I said, why are we still there then??

And what is Trump's reaction?? "In response, Trump has threatened to sanction Baghdad "like they've never seen before ever," if Iraq were to expel US troops. 'It'll make Iranian sanctions look somewhat tame," he added, a reference to over 1,000 rounds of economic penalties imposed by the US on Tehran after the Trump administration pulled out of the multilateral Iran nuclear deal in 2018."

The last time we threatened to sanction Iraq -- Saddam Hussein was president -- what the fuck did we spend 18 years in Iraq for?? Why are we still there?? You can still have fun attacking Iran from bases in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, etc etc etc -- so using Iran as an excuse to stay in Iraq for another 18 years is not an excuse....I want Trumpers to really step back from their sycophancy and acknowledge the fact that Trump is actually trying to force Iraq to allow our troops to stay there -- after all of this talk of leaving Iraq and brining our troops home......why are we there??
We saved the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein and now we are saving them from Iran.
I'd hate to be working in the Iraqi government when those bill collectors start calling because they haven't paid squat.
Trump Pushes Iraq, Threatens Sanctions After Vote to Expel U.S. Troops

I should have known most Trumpers were full of shit when it came to genuinely wanting to stop being policemen of the world.....I really thought Trump was serious when he said he wanted to get out of Iraq....but if this is true, why is he threatening to sanction Iraq just because they voted for US troops to leave their country?? We been in Iraq for 18 years and they ain't free yet?? Why are we there then??

"President Trump threatened Iraq with sanctions and a bill for billions of dollars if the U.S. is forced to withdraw its troops from the nation after the Iraqi parliament, responding to a U.S. airstrike that killed a powerful Iranian general on its soil, voted in favor of expelling American forces."

It was bad enough that the Iraqi Prime Minister objected to the strike at his airport, claiming Qassem Soleimani was a guest of his country -- why would the number 1 terrorist in the history of the world be invited as a guest in Iraq?? Now the Iraqi parliament voted to kick our US troops out of their country?? Like I said, why are we still there then??

And what is Trump's reaction?? "In response, Trump has threatened to sanction Baghdad "like they've never seen before ever," if Iraq were to expel US troops. 'It'll make Iranian sanctions look somewhat tame," he added, a reference to over 1,000 rounds of economic penalties imposed by the US on Tehran after the Trump administration pulled out of the multilateral Iran nuclear deal in 2018."

The last time we threatened to sanction Iraq -- Saddam Hussein was president -- what the fuck did we spend 18 years in Iraq for?? Why are we still there?? You can still have fun attacking Iran from bases in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, etc etc etc -- so using Iran as an excuse to stay in Iraq for another 18 years is not an excuse....I want Trumpers to really step back from their sycophancy and acknowledge the fact that Trump is actually trying to force Iraq to allow our troops to stay there -- after all of this talk of leaving Iraq and brining our troops home......why are we there??
We saved the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein and now we are saving them from Iran.

They need saved from us. Iraq was a secular fairly modern country before we invaded. Yes, it had some real problems but that hasn't changed. The only thing that changed is we have made it a third world country.
Trump Pushes Iraq, Threatens Sanctions After Vote to Expel U.S. Troops

I should have known most Trumpers were full of shit when it came to genuinely wanting to stop being policemen of the world.....I really thought Trump was serious when he said he wanted to get out of Iraq....but if this is true, why is he threatening to sanction Iraq just because they voted for US troops to leave their country?? We been in Iraq for 18 years and they ain't free yet?? Why are we there then??

"President Trump threatened Iraq with sanctions and a bill for billions of dollars if the U.S. is forced to withdraw its troops from the nation after the Iraqi parliament, responding to a U.S. airstrike that killed a powerful Iranian general on its soil, voted in favor of expelling American forces."

It was bad enough that the Iraqi Prime Minister objected to the strike at his airport, claiming Qassem Soleimani was a guest of his country -- why would the number 1 terrorist in the history of the world be invited as a guest in Iraq?? Now the Iraqi parliament voted to kick our US troops out of their country?? Like I said, why are we still there then??

And what is Trump's reaction?? "In response, Trump has threatened to sanction Baghdad "like they've never seen before ever," if Iraq were to expel US troops. 'It'll make Iranian sanctions look somewhat tame," he added, a reference to over 1,000 rounds of economic penalties imposed by the US on Tehran after the Trump administration pulled out of the multilateral Iran nuclear deal in 2018."

The last time we threatened to sanction Iraq -- Saddam Hussein was president -- what the fuck did we spend 18 years in Iraq for?? Why are we still there?? You can still have fun attacking Iran from bases in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, etc etc etc -- so using Iran as an excuse to stay in Iraq for another 18 years is not an excuse....I want Trumpers to really step back from their sycophancy and acknowledge the fact that Trump is actually trying to force Iraq to allow our troops to stay there -- after all of this talk of leaving Iraq and brining our troops home......why are we there??
We saved the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein and now we are saving them from Iran.

They need saved from us. Iraq was a secular fairly modern country before we invaded. Yes, it had some real problems but that hasn't changed. The only thing that changed is we have made it a third world country.
lol Iraq was neither secular nor modern under Saddam Hussein. The Sunni-Shia conflict continued and it was much less modern than it is now.
We shouldn't be. In fact, I'm all for pulling all troops and support personnel from the area and letting their backstabbing asses be overrun by ISIS again.

This is the problem with Middle East entanglements. These backwards fucks never learn. The whole shitting area has been at war since time began, I don't know why anyone thinks they can "bring democracy" and fix it.
Trump Pushes Iraq, Threatens Sanctions After Vote to Expel U.S. Troops

I should have known most Trumpers were full of shit when it came to genuinely wanting to stop being policemen of the world.....I really thought Trump was serious when he said he wanted to get out of Iraq....but if this is true, why is he threatening to sanction Iraq just because they voted for US troops to leave their country?? We been in Iraq for 18 years and they ain't free yet?? Why are we there then??

"President Trump threatened Iraq with sanctions and a bill for billions of dollars if the U.S. is forced to withdraw its troops from the nation after the Iraqi parliament, responding to a U.S. airstrike that killed a powerful Iranian general on its soil, voted in favor of expelling American forces."

It was bad enough that the Iraqi Prime Minister objected to the strike at his airport, claiming Qassem Soleimani was a guest of his country -- why would the number 1 terrorist in the history of the world be invited as a guest in Iraq?? Now the Iraqi parliament voted to kick our US troops out of their country?? Like I said, why are we still there then??

And what is Trump's reaction?? "In response, Trump has threatened to sanction Baghdad "like they've never seen before ever," if Iraq were to expel US troops. 'It'll make Iranian sanctions look somewhat tame," he added, a reference to over 1,000 rounds of economic penalties imposed by the US on Tehran after the Trump administration pulled out of the multilateral Iran nuclear deal in 2018."

The last time we threatened to sanction Iraq -- Saddam Hussein was president -- what the fuck did we spend 18 years in Iraq for?? Why are we still there?? You can still have fun attacking Iran from bases in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, etc etc etc -- so using Iran as an excuse to stay in Iraq for another 18 years is not an excuse....I want Trumpers to really step back from their sycophancy and acknowledge the fact that Trump is actually trying to force Iraq to allow our troops to stay there -- after all of this talk of leaving Iraq and brining our troops home......why are we there??
We saved the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein and now we are saving them from Iran.

They need saved from us. Iraq was a secular fairly modern country before we invaded. Yes, it had some real problems but that hasn't changed. The only thing that changed is we have made it a third world country.
lol Iraq was neither secular nor modern under Saddam Hussein. The Sunni-Shia conflict continued and it was much less modern than it is now.

Saddam feared that radical Islamic ideas—hostile to his secular rule—were rapidly spreading inside his country among the majority ...

Saddam Hussein - Wikipedia

First we invaded and destroyed Iraq — then we left it poisoned
We shouldn't be. In fact, I'm all for pulling all troops and support personnel from the area and letting their backstabbing asses be overrun by ISIS again.

This is the problem with Middle East entanglements. These backwards fucks never learn. The whole shitting area has been at war since time began, I don't know why anyone thinks they can "bring democracy" and fix it.

Seems we never learn.
We shouldn't be. In fact, I'm all for pulling all troops and support personnel from the area and letting their backstabbing asses be overrun by ISIS again.

This is the problem with Middle East entanglements. These backwards fucks never learn. The whole shitting area has been at war since time began, I don't know why anyone thinks they can "bring democracy" and fix it.
Actually, we did make Iraq into a functioning democracy and there is no reason to think the other countries couldn't be, too. If you look at all the conflicts in the ME from Lebanon to Syria to Iraq to Yemen, they are all part of the Sunni-Shia conflict and all of these conflicts trace back to Iran. In all these countries, Iran has as much power or more than the actual governments. So long as Iran is free to control these countries, there can be no peace, no democracy, no end to suffering.
Trump Pushes Iraq, Threatens Sanctions After Vote to Expel U.S. Troops

I should have known most Trumpers were full of shit when it came to genuinely wanting to stop being policemen of the world.....I really thought Trump was serious when he said he wanted to get out of Iraq....but if this is true, why is he threatening to sanction Iraq just because they voted for US troops to leave their country?? We been in Iraq for 18 years and they ain't free yet?? Why are we there then??

"President Trump threatened Iraq with sanctions and a bill for billions of dollars if the U.S. is forced to withdraw its troops from the nation after the Iraqi parliament, responding to a U.S. airstrike that killed a powerful Iranian general on its soil, voted in favor of expelling American forces."

It was bad enough that the Iraqi Prime Minister objected to the strike at his airport, claiming Qassem Soleimani was a guest of his country -- why would the number 1 terrorist in the history of the world be invited as a guest in Iraq?? Now the Iraqi parliament voted to kick our US troops out of their country?? Like I said, why are we still there then??

And what is Trump's reaction?? "In response, Trump has threatened to sanction Baghdad "like they've never seen before ever," if Iraq were to expel US troops. 'It'll make Iranian sanctions look somewhat tame," he added, a reference to over 1,000 rounds of economic penalties imposed by the US on Tehran after the Trump administration pulled out of the multilateral Iran nuclear deal in 2018."

The last time we threatened to sanction Iraq -- Saddam Hussein was president -- what the fuck did we spend 18 years in Iraq for?? Why are we still there?? You can still have fun attacking Iran from bases in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, etc etc etc -- so using Iran as an excuse to stay in Iraq for another 18 years is not an excuse....I want Trumpers to really step back from their sycophancy and acknowledge the fact that Trump is actually trying to force Iraq to allow our troops to stay there -- after all of this talk of leaving Iraq and brining our troops home......why are we there??
We saved the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein and now we are saving them from Iran.

They need saved from us. Iraq was a secular fairly modern country before we invaded. Yes, it had some real problems but that hasn't changed. The only thing that changed is we have made it a third world country.
lol Iraq was neither secular nor modern under Saddam Hussein. The Sunni-Shia conflict continued and it was much less modern than it is now.

Saddam feared that radical Islamic ideas—hostile to his secular rule—were rapidly spreading inside his country among the majority ...

Saddam Hussein - Wikipedia

First we invaded and destroyed Iraq — then we left it poisoned
lol Saddam's secular rule, in which the Sunni got everything and the Shia had nothing. Very funny.
Trump Pushes Iraq, Threatens Sanctions After Vote to Expel U.S. Troops

I should have known most Trumpers were full of shit when it came to genuinely wanting to stop being policemen of the world.....I really thought Trump was serious when he said he wanted to get out of Iraq....but if this is true, why is he threatening to sanction Iraq just because they voted for US troops to leave their country?? We been in Iraq for 18 years and they ain't free yet?? Why are we there then??

"President Trump threatened Iraq with sanctions and a bill for billions of dollars if the U.S. is forced to withdraw its troops from the nation after the Iraqi parliament, responding to a U.S. airstrike that killed a powerful Iranian general on its soil, voted in favor of expelling American forces."

It was bad enough that the Iraqi Prime Minister objected to the strike at his airport, claiming Qassem Soleimani was a guest of his country -- why would the number 1 terrorist in the history of the world be invited as a guest in Iraq?? Now the Iraqi parliament voted to kick our US troops out of their country?? Like I said, why are we still there then??

And what is Trump's reaction?? "In response, Trump has threatened to sanction Baghdad "like they've never seen before ever," if Iraq were to expel US troops. 'It'll make Iranian sanctions look somewhat tame," he added, a reference to over 1,000 rounds of economic penalties imposed by the US on Tehran after the Trump administration pulled out of the multilateral Iran nuclear deal in 2018."

The last time we threatened to sanction Iraq -- Saddam Hussein was president -- what the fuck did we spend 18 years in Iraq for?? Why are we still there?? You can still have fun attacking Iran from bases in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, etc etc etc -- so using Iran as an excuse to stay in Iraq for another 18 years is not an excuse....I want Trumpers to really step back from their sycophancy and acknowledge the fact that Trump is actually trying to force Iraq to allow our troops to stay there -- after all of this talk of leaving Iraq and brining our troops home......why are we there??
Iraq owes us a tremendous amount of money.
Trump Pushes Iraq, Threatens Sanctions After Vote to Expel U.S. Troops

I should have known most Trumpers were full of shit when it came to genuinely wanting to stop being policemen of the world.....I really thought Trump was serious when he said he wanted to get out of Iraq....but if this is true, why is he threatening to sanction Iraq just because they voted for US troops to leave their country?? We been in Iraq for 18 years and they ain't free yet?? Why are we there then??

"President Trump threatened Iraq with sanctions and a bill for billions of dollars if the U.S. is forced to withdraw its troops from the nation after the Iraqi parliament, responding to a U.S. airstrike that killed a powerful Iranian general on its soil, voted in favor of expelling American forces."

It was bad enough that the Iraqi Prime Minister objected to the strike at his airport, claiming Qassem Soleimani was a guest of his country -- why would the number 1 terrorist in the history of the world be invited as a guest in Iraq?? Now the Iraqi parliament voted to kick our US troops out of their country?? Like I said, why are we still there then??

And what is Trump's reaction?? "In response, Trump has threatened to sanction Baghdad "like they've never seen before ever," if Iraq were to expel US troops. 'It'll make Iranian sanctions look somewhat tame," he added, a reference to over 1,000 rounds of economic penalties imposed by the US on Tehran after the Trump administration pulled out of the multilateral Iran nuclear deal in 2018."

The last time we threatened to sanction Iraq -- Saddam Hussein was president -- what the fuck did we spend 18 years in Iraq for?? Why are we still there?? You can still have fun attacking Iran from bases in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, etc etc etc -- so using Iran as an excuse to stay in Iraq for another 18 years is not an excuse....I want Trumpers to really step back from their sycophancy and acknowledge the fact that Trump is actually trying to force Iraq to allow our troops to stay there -- after all of this talk of leaving Iraq and brining our troops home......why are we there??
Iraq owes us a tremendous amount of money.
And you really expect them to pay? God know if we stay it will only cost us more money
We shouldn't be. In fact, I'm all for pulling all troops and support personnel from the area and letting their backstabbing asses be overrun by ISIS again.

This is the problem with Middle East entanglements. These backwards fucks never learn. The whole shitting area has been at war since time began, I don't know why anyone thinks they can "bring democracy" and fix it.
Actually, we did make Iraq into a functioning democracy and there is no reason to think the other countries couldn't be, too. If you look at all the conflicts in the ME from Lebanon to Syria to Iraq to Yemen, they are all part of the Sunni-Shia conflict and all of these conflicts trace back to Iran. In all these countries, Iran has as much power or more than the actual governments. So long as Iran is free to control these countries, there can be no peace, no democracy, no end to suffering.

Not. Our. Problem.
We should have killed Bin Laden in Afghanistan and packed up and come home...never should have invaded Iraq....
Let's go home and let them fight it out between themselves. They have fought and hated for centuries, they know nothing else, nor do they want peace, even the Muslims fight and kill among themselves.
We shouldn't be. In fact, I'm all for pulling all troops and support personnel from the area and letting their backstabbing asses be overrun by ISIS again.

This is the problem with Middle East entanglements. These backwards fucks never learn. The whole shitting area has been at war since time began, I don't know why anyone thinks they can "bring democracy" and fix it.
Actually, we did make Iraq into a functioning democracy and there is no reason to think the other countries couldn't be, too. If you look at all the conflicts in the ME from Lebanon to Syria to Iraq to Yemen, they are all part of the Sunni-Shia conflict and all of these conflicts trace back to Iran. In all these countries, Iran has as much power or more than the actual governments. So long as Iran is free to control these countries, there can be no peace, no democracy, no end to suffering.

Not. Our. Problem.
If you're a part of the human race, it's everybody's problem but beyond issues of decency, much of the global economy is still dependent on ME oil and what affects the global economy affects our economy so we have an economic interest in what is happening there, and with modern nuclear and missile technology, the ME is right next door to us, so we have a national security interest in what is happening in the ME.
We shouldn't be. In fact, I'm all for pulling all troops and support personnel from the area and letting their backstabbing asses be overrun by ISIS again.

This is the problem with Middle East entanglements. These backwards fucks never learn. The whole shitting area has been at war since time began, I don't know why anyone thinks they can "bring democracy" and fix it.
Actually, we did make Iraq into a functioning democracy and there is no reason to think the other countries couldn't be, too. If you look at all the conflicts in the ME from Lebanon to Syria to Iraq to Yemen, they are all part of the Sunni-Shia conflict and all of these conflicts trace back to Iran. In all these countries, Iran has as much power or more than the actual governments. So long as Iran is free to control these countries, there can be no peace, no democracy, no end to suffering.

Not. Our. Problem.
If you're a part of the human race, it's everybody's problem but beyond issues of decency, much of the global economy is still dependent on ME oil and what affects the global economy affects our economy so we have an economic interest in what is happening there, and with modern nuclear and missile technology, the ME is right next door to us, so we have a national security interest in what is happening in the ME.

No we don't. Our job is to protect our own. We've been dicking around in the ME for over half a century and gained nothing but enemies and flagged draped caskets. Enough.
We shouldn't be. In fact, I'm all for pulling all troops and support personnel from the area and letting their backstabbing asses be overrun by ISIS again.

This is the problem with Middle East entanglements. These backwards fucks never learn. The whole shitting area has been at war since time began, I don't know why anyone thinks they can "bring democracy" and fix it.
Actually, we did make Iraq into a functioning democracy and there is no reason to think the other countries couldn't be, too. If you look at all the conflicts in the ME from Lebanon to Syria to Iraq to Yemen, they are all part of the Sunni-Shia conflict and all of these conflicts trace back to Iran. In all these countries, Iran has as much power or more than the actual governments. So long as Iran is free to control these countries, there can be no peace, no democracy, no end to suffering.

Not. Our. Problem.
If you're a part of the human race, it's everybody's problem but beyond issues of decency, much of the global economy is still dependent on ME oil and what affects the global economy affects our economy so we have an economic interest in what is happening there, and with modern nuclear and missile technology, the ME is right next door to us, so we have a national security interest in what is happening in the ME.

No we don't. Our job is to protect our own. We've been dicking around in the ME for over half a century and gained nothing but enemies and flagged draped caskets. Enough.
OK, so you are saying you don't care what happens to our economy or if nuclear armed missiles in the ME are targeting our cities. Bold statements.
We shouldn't be. In fact, I'm all for pulling all troops and support personnel from the area and letting their backstabbing asses be overrun by ISIS again.

This is the problem with Middle East entanglements. These backwards fucks never learn. The whole shitting area has been at war since time began, I don't know why anyone thinks they can "bring democracy" and fix it.
Actually, we did make Iraq into a functioning democracy and there is no reason to think the other countries couldn't be, too. If you look at all the conflicts in the ME from Lebanon to Syria to Iraq to Yemen, they are all part of the Sunni-Shia conflict and all of these conflicts trace back to Iran. In all these countries, Iran has as much power or more than the actual governments. So long as Iran is free to control these countries, there can be no peace, no democracy, no end to suffering.

Not. Our. Problem.
If you're a part of the human race, it's everybody's problem but beyond issues of decency, much of the global economy is still dependent on ME oil and what affects the global economy affects our economy so we have an economic interest in what is happening there, and with modern nuclear and missile technology, the ME is right next door to us, so we have a national security interest in what is happening in the ME.

No we don't. Our job is to protect our own. We've been dicking around in the ME for over half a century and gained nothing but enemies and flagged draped caskets. Enough.
OK, so you are saying you don't care what happens to our economy or if nuclear armed missiles in the ME are targeting our cities. Bold statements.

We are an oil exporter, we have no need for ME oil. Nuclear missiles that are aimed at us only become a problem if they are fired. Russia has had nukes pointed at us for 70 goddamn years, and we at them. It's called Mutually Assured Destruction and has been a successful deterrent for the duration. The ME, given their track record, is far more likely to nuke themselves anyways.

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