Trump Thinks He's King

So because crooksandliars reported didn't happen?

He didn't say that?

It happened and he did

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything

Hmm... Trump is the God-Emperor.
That is exactly what you Trumpers think. Thanks for admitting it.
One thing Trump has succeeded at is making it all about him. The country is entirely divided into those who adore him unquestioningly and those who despise him irrationally. Either way, he is the center around which all whirls ridiculously. He has achieved an totally undeserved importance in view of the reality of events in the world and the universe.
America has a propensity for this sort of thing, from a matter of an on-the-job blow job to an ex-football star's murder spree, things get blown to a proportion that should be laughable yet reveal a tragic fault in our society. There is a shocking lack of maturity of thought and reason in this country.
Now isn't funny how the left now understands Trump could not force States to comply with a National Shutdown and Lockdown when Trump claims he can force States to reopen...
No one ever said he HAD the authority to close things down.

He however could use the "bully pulpit" to demand states shut down . He refused to do that

You want an illustration?

Florida refused to close down and only did so when he pushed them too...last friggin WEEK.

He can "urge" states to reopen....and some their peril

But he does NOT have the authority he claims he has

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything

But havent you left wing idiot rubes been arguing for weeks that Trump had ignored calls from the "experts" to shut things down earlier ...

What's next states rights advocacy from the left :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Simpleton rubes they are indeed

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything

Hmm... Trump is the God-Emperor.
That is exactly what you Trumpers think. Thanks for admitting it.

The current American president is the God-Emperor.

The democratic choice does not even know where he is.

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything

But havent you left wing idiot rubes been arguing for weeks that Trump had ignored calls from the "experts" to shut things down earlier ...

What's next states rights advocacy from the left :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Simpleton rubes they are indeed

President Trump has been listening to experts two hours a day live on television.

But apparently he doesn't listen to the experts. That's the takeaway...

At this point, something is wrong with your intellectual faculties if you tolerate the leftist screech.

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything

Hmm... Trump is the God-Emperor.
That is exactly what you Trumpers think. Thanks for admitting it.

The current American president is the God-Emperor.

The democratic choice does not even know where he is.
I know you think that Trump is omnipotent and should overturn the constitution and make himself king.. That is why I thanked you for your admission. Your ilk will be the first in line to applaud when our constitutional republic dies.

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything

Hmm... Trump is the God-Emperor.
That is exactly what you Trumpers think. Thanks for admitting it.

The current American president is the God-Emperor.

The democratic choice does not even know where he is.
I know you think that Trump is omnipotent and should overturn the constitution and make himself king.. That is why I thanked you for your admission. Your ilk will be the first in line to applaud when our constitutional republic dies.

Which part of God-Emperor did you not understand?

God-Emperor is not a king you moron.

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything

Hmm... Trump is the God-Emperor.
That is exactly what you Trumpers think. Thanks for admitting it.

The current American president is the God-Emperor.

The democratic choice does not even know where he is.
I know you think that Trump is omnipotent and should overturn the constitution and make himself king.. That is why I thanked you for your admission. Your ilk will be the first in line to applaud when our constitutional republic dies.

Which part of God-Emperor did you not understand?

God-Emperor is not a king you moron.
As I said your ilk just can’t wait for the Trump coup and for Trump to declare himself a living God. By your own admission you think king is not good enough for Trump. You’re so far up Trump’s ass you think Trump is a living God. I have no doubt whatsoever that you believe that.
The previous occupant was abusing power, disregarding the constitution, starting new wars etc and yet silence then from libs, not a peep. But now the hand wringing. Lol. Those fake croc tears are falling to the ground and drying up quickley.
Bullshit. Obama never claimed "absolute authority"

Next bullshit claim please...
He was just more subtle. Remember his pen threat?
They are almost always the same
No one ever said he HAD the authority to close things down.

He however could use the "bully pulpit" to demand states shut down . He refused to do that

You want an illustration?

Florida refused to close down and only did so when he pushed them too...last friggin WEEK.

He can "urge" states to reopen....and some their peril

But he does NOT have the authority he claims he has
But havent you left wing idiot rubes been arguing for weeks that Trump had ignored calls from the "experts" to shut things down earlier ...
Here's an idea dumbass...actually READ the thread you comment on
What the dems were busy with :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:


The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything

Well, he doesn't, he knows it, and he shouldn't have said it.

The difference is: he doesn't act like he does. He has ceded power to the governors, as is correct. OTOH, most Democrats don't give their game away. They WANT total control and/or act like they already have it, and no one gives a single rip.

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything

Donald John Trump power as President is that he can close and reopen Federal Agencies and Lands.

As for State and Local agencies that are not within the Federal Jurisdiction he can not order their closing or reopening that falls on the Governors, County Officials and Mayors...

As for Private Businesses that fall on the private owner and unless they have Federal Contracts there is little Trump can do.

Now isn't it funny how the left now understands Trump could not force States to comply with a National Shutdown and Lockdown when Trump claims he can force States to reopen...

Nobody on the left thinks Trump could force states to comply with a national shutdown.

We think he could have and SHOULD HAVE gotten in front of cameras in February or early March and told the nation that this was serious and required that we severely curtail our social activities.

He did not do that. Instead, he minimized the seriousness and was not a leader when we needed a leader most.
The previous occupant was abusing power, disregarding the constitution, starting new wars etc and yet silence then from libs, not a peep. But now the hand wringing. Lol. Those fake croc tears are falling to the ground and drying up quickley.
Bullshit. Obama never claimed "absolute authority"

Next bullshit claim please...
He was just more subtle. Remember his pen threat?
They are almost always the same

Oh yeah, I do.

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