Trump Thinks He's King

If he were a king.............all the Media's heads and reporters would be beheaded

If he were a God........he'd shoot fire balls from his ass and burn all the liberal opposition from the face of the earth.

You guys get back to me when that happens.............LOL

he thought he could have FCC licenses revoked because ' they ' were being mean to him. that's dictatorship 101.

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Drunky makes herself look stupid again. Deliberately putting out phony stories and lies (as your beloved CNN and mSDNC have done countless times) is grounds for forfeiture of your broadcast license. So Trump is right and you are wrong. As usual.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! you're such a deficient asshole.
God damn, you just love showing how fucking STUPID you are don’t you drunky? Try learning about licensing and guidelines you idiot. Then maybe you won’t look like so big an uneducated drunk asshole. You truly are a moron.

uh-huh. seems they are still on air - so fuck off, troll. you fail.

Where did I say they were off air. Quote it asshole drunk. Just because your drunk ass doesn’t know about guidelines and licensing you go on a drunken rant. I didn’t fail. YOU did. As usual.

god damn how illiterate are you? i didn't say you claimed that. you bringing up ' licensing & guidelines ' like you had some refudiation - means they were somehow violating them & trump could get their licenses' revoked.

<<<<buzzer>>> wrong on both parts douchebag. trump has NO authority to do that AND since they are still airing, that = they violated NOTHING.

guess you stayed home the day they taught how to think critically.

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Put down the bottle you damn drunk illiterate bitch and learn how to read. Airing false stories IS a federal licensing violation which MAY result in license forfeiture. Since the false stories ARE about Trump, he can file a complaint if he so desires. Better to just allow the public to laugh at you and them. Just because they are still airing does not mean there are no violations. Fines and other penalties also apply. So drunky, you just got schooled. Again. See asshole, false stories are guideline violations. Now STFU before you embarrass yourself again.

& yet nothing was done. that means they didn't violate anything cause they still have their licenses' & twittler was just bloviating per usual.

neener neener.
Typical response from a drunk with the education of a 4 year old. Having your license DOES NOT MEAN you didn’t commit any violations you illiterate. There are other penalties that may be applied. But of course your can’t read. By the way asshole, FOX is still on air and still beating the crap out of your lying libtard networks.They are stil on air despite Obozo doing all he could. There’s your neener neener drunky.

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^^^ that is what makes you drunk ^^^
You lose again drunky. Resorting to memes. Your total surrender and forfeit is accepted.
This thread has now become relevant.

Trump threatening to adjourn Congress (without proper grounds [the only ground being when they can't agree on when to do it themselves]) IS, in my opinion, acting like a King. That is bullshit.

I believe Trump pushes buttons. He sees how far he can go to people who have no issue with doing it to him. As for being King. He is called that by some and then when he does not he is not presidential and weak. We should be glad a Prog is not in power.

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