Trump, the GOP and 2018

Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

Under what grounds would you impeach him? It would fracture the party further I think because it would drag out, get very ugly and might not have the desired outcome.

It is too early to impeach

Incompetence is not grounds for impeachment. It's not like it was a blow job or something
Trump needs to be given more rope. Given the time, Trump will provide legitimate grounds for impeachment

Or he will simply be a lame duck. I think that is a better option.
The problem for Trump and his fans is, they asked for this.

They cheer Trump when he's the bull in the china shop, when he insults the very media that presents him to the public, when he says and "tweets" things that would embarrass most reasonable adults, when he acts like a spoiled 15-year old kid. They love it. They call this behavior "bluntness", even though it doesn't rise to that level.

Meanwhile, the Regressive Left is loving every minute of it, waiting in the wings, knowing that it probably won't need to change one damn thing about the way it behaves.

If what you warn against comes to fruition, Trump and his fans will be complicit.
i think it's more they accepted the bad with the good and it wasn't hillary.

and i don't know too many people who love his bullshit. the last few times i've seen him give speeches the applause was smattering at best and you could see the hurt look on his face.

like i said - he craves attention. quit giving it to him and he's likely to just leave and go elsewhere.

as for the left - they're 100% feeding the machine of hate. i don't believe for a minute they're waiting for trump to do himself in through all this. they're having the time of their life protesting for what is "real" even though they don't know what it is.
If that's the case, if they really don't like his behaviors, then they're just lying. Look around this board and you'll see a zillion examples of it. Say something about his behavior and they go OFF. That's partisan politics, dishonest to its core.

Sure, the Left is loving this, they want as much destruction as possible, as soon as possible. And Trump isn't disappointing them.
oh i see the examples. i put those in the extremists on both sides. you see, i also look around and find you. oldlady and several others that while on the "other side" you work to put objectivity and respect to others in as much as your opinions. that's there too. you can't swing a dead cat in a rodeo w/o hitting some clown being an asswhipe.

that doesn't mean the world is full of clowns, just that they're loud and seem more than they are. in my few days here i just ignored anyone doing the "you're a pussy" shit right off the bat and i just don't see the noise as much.
That's the key here: The crazies have the microphone. I've chewed on this for a long time, and I don't know how to get it away from them, and that worries me.

You'd think it would be doable: A few brave leaders (political, social, even sports & entertainment) come together and start a movement in the opposite direction from where we're headed. It just ain't happening.

Let me tell you what I KNOW right now, and it is obvious---------> The people who voted for Trump have smoke coming out their ears, and so do a few Democrats who see this as an assault on the Republic. If things keep going just the way they are without any revelations, just innuendos, the Democrats are going to get SMOKED in 18.

Leftists do not get it, this isn't about Trump......this is about EVERYTHING they pull. Doubt me? Ask people!

The left has Trumps base in a total lather, AND people who believe in the constitution, even many who do not really like Trump. The word impeachment is rampant, isn't it. You know what word I hear more? COUP! The Democrats are going to pay in 18 big, unless something changes, just ask the heartland, AGAIN. (unlike us, you people didn't ask them and thought Hilly was a shoe in, and you aren't asking again)

I am here to tell you AGAIN, unless something changes where they can actually show Trump colluded himself, the Democrats are going to get rolled out of existence except for a few states in 18. And with any kind of luck, the weak Republicans will get primaried and removed before the general. I doubted the data I was getting for the Presidential election, I won't do it AGAIN! As of now, the Democrats are done unless something changes!

The Left AND the Right need to STFU and let the investigation conclude without further stone walling and firings.
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

Under what grounds would you impeach him? It would fracture the party further I think because it would drag out, get very ugly and might not have the desired outcome.
Well, that's really the question. Given the fact that these people just care about their own re-election, would they go after to him to save their butts?

Republicans would throw their own mothers under the bus to get reelected. These are the same people who have promised the religious right that they will overturn abortion since Reagan ran for President, and then forgotten all about it once they get elected.
If the economy continues to improve and we move the illegals out, the border becomes more secure and the obamacare disaster is gone Trump will be reelected .

The public really doesn't care about Democrat angst. If people are doing okay in their own lives they will stick with that. The constant liberal hysteria has a definite half life. After that, it becomes a rerun, night after night the same old nag. The news is turning into nagging and preaching now.
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

Under what grounds would you impeach him? It would fracture the party further I think because it would drag out, get very ugly and might not have the desired outcome.

It is too early to impeach

Incompetence is not grounds for impeachment. It's not like it was a blow job or something
Trump needs to be given more rope. Given the time, Trump will provide legitimate grounds for impeachment

Or he will simply be a lame duck. I think that is a better option.
I really think Trump has nobody who will work with him
Not the Dems, not his own party, not foreign governments
His own staff is humiliated by him
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's to re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

I am funny that everyone is so convinced that the leftist attack campaign has worked. These guys will always cry and moan, no matter what. I don't understand why the republicans should dump Trump and suffer exactly the same fate as him next. Do you think they will run out of false allegations any time soon - ROFLMAO of course not!

Nah, the republicans must unite with Trump to defeat the fake news. Giving them anything is just more ammunitions to the enemy.
Can that really be done?

It can be done, but the question is one of will. It will be interesting to see how Trump reacts to the massive propaganda campaign.... will he stay strong or give in.
It will be interesting to see how Trump reacts to the massive propaganda campaign

If he predicates his approach on there being a "massive propaganda campaign," he won't be long for the WH should there turn out to be so much as a hint he was party to or aware of the Russians' involvement in election swaying.
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

Under what grounds would you impeach him? It would fracture the party further I think because it would drag out, get very ugly and might not have the desired outcome.

It is too early to impeach

Incompetence is not grounds for impeachment. It's not like it was a blow job or something
Trump needs to be given more rope. Given the time, Trump will provide legitimate grounds for impeachment

Or he will simply be a lame duck. I think that is a better option.
I really think Trump has nobody who will work with him
Not the Dems, not his own party, not foreign governments
His own staff is humiliated by him
His own staff is humiliated by him

That, dismayed and frustrated is the scuttlebut I've been hearing in "over the garden fence chats."
ask sharyl attkisson about 5hat.
shes the one who busted obama for fast n furious,n wound up getting told to stop it than hacked.

yea. st obama.
Fast and furious?
Investigated to death and nothing found
that happens when you tell people to quit it.
Fast and Furious
is that the best you have against Obama?
like it matters what i say. you deny n giggle then cry foul on trump.

rinse repeat
ask sharyl attkisson about 5hat.
shes the one who busted obama for fast n furious,n wound up getting told to stop it than hacked.

yea. st obama.
Fast and furious?
Investigated to death and nothing found
El Chapo’s Capture Puts ‘Operation Fast and Furious’ Back in the Headlines

feel free to look up what obama did to sharyl attkisson
Do your own research

Fast and Furious was a condemnation of lax gun laws in Arizona
i have you are full of shit.
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

Under what grounds would you impeach him? It would fracture the party further I think because it would drag out, get very ugly and might not have the desired outcome.

It is too early to impeach

Incompetence is not grounds for impeachment. It's not like it was a blow job or something
Trump needs to be given more rope. Given the time, Trump will provide legitimate grounds for impeachment
He has already crossed the impeachment line. The quicker the better.
If that's the case, if they really don't like his behaviors, then they're just lying. Look around this board and you'll see a zillion examples of it. Say something about his behavior and they go OFF. That's partisan politics, dishonest to its core.

Sure, the Left is loving this, they want as much destruction as possible, as soon as possible. And Trump isn't disappointing them.
oh i see the examples. i put those in the extremists on both sides. you see, i also look around and find you. oldlady and several others that while on the "other side" you work to put objectivity and respect to others in as much as your opinions. that's there too. you can't swing a dead cat in a rodeo w/o hitting some clown being an asswhipe.

that doesn't mean the world is full of clowns, just that they're loud and seem more than they are. in my few days here i just ignored anyone doing the "you're a pussy" shit right off the bat and i just don't see the noise as much.
That's the key here: The crazies have the microphone. I've chewed on this for a long time, and I don't know how to get it away from them, and that worries me.

You'd think it would be doable: A few brave leaders (political, social, even sports & entertainment) come together and start a movement in the opposite direction from where we're headed. It just ain't happening.

Let me tell you what I KNOW right now, and it is obvious---------> The people who voted for Trump have smoke coming out their ears, and so do a few Democrats who see this as an assault on the Republic. If things keep going just the way they are without any revelations, just innuendos, the Democrats are going to get SMOKED in 18.

Leftists do not get it, this isn't about Trump......this is about EVERYTHING they pull. Doubt me? Ask people!

The left has Trumps base in a total lather, AND people who believe in the constitution, even many who do not really like Trump. The word impeachment is rampant, isn't it. You know what word I hear more? COUP! The Democrats are going to pay in 18 big, unless something changes, just ask the heartland, AGAIN. (unlike us, you people didn't ask them and thought Hilly was a shoe in, and you aren't asking again)

I am here to tell you AGAIN, unless something changes where they can actually show Trump colluded himself, the Democrats are going to get rolled out of existence except for a few states in 18. And with any kind of luck, the weak Republicans will get primaried and removed before the general. I doubted the data I was getting for the Presidential election, I won't do it AGAIN! As of now, the Democrats are done unless something changes!
60% of the people oppose Trump
The press is doing its job. Exposing government ineptness and corruption
where the hell were they the last 8 years?
Reporting a lot of success from Obama, despite massive obstruction from the Republicans.
60% of the people oppose Trump
The press is doing its job. Exposing government ineptness and corruption
where the hell were they the last 8 years?
President Obama left office with a 60% approval rating. Historians have ranked him as the 12th best President
He also had one of the most scandal free presidency in modern times
ask sharyl attkisson about 5hat.
shes the one who busted obama for fast n furious,n wound up getting told to stop it than hacked.

yea. st obama.
Like you give a shit about fast and furious!

Where is your outrage over Trump's failed Yemen attack, which killed a SEAL?
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

Under what grounds would you impeach him? It would fracture the party further I think because it would drag out, get very ugly and might not have the desired outcome.
Well, that's really the question. Given the fact that these people just care about their own re-election, would they go after to him to save their butts?

Republicans would throw their own mothers under the bus to get reelected. These are the same people who have promised the religious right that they will overturn abortion since Reagan ran for President, and then forgotten all about it once they get elected.
I think that rule applies to both parties, sadly.
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

Under what grounds would you impeach him? It would fracture the party further I think because it would drag out, get very ugly and might not have the desired outcome.

It is too early to impeach

Incompetence is not grounds for impeachment. It's not like it was a blow job or something
Trump needs to be given more rope. Given the time, Trump will provide legitimate grounds for impeachment
He has already crossed the impeachment line. The quicker the better.
Trump can't be impeached yet.......he will pull a Reagan
I don't remember, I don't really know Flynn, I never said anything to the Russians and if I did, I can say what I want

Flynn and Manifort will take the fall.......but will they rat out Trump?
The Dems are going to get slaughtered in 2018.

They have no ideas.

They already were told by The NSA, CIA, FBI, Director of National Intelligence and The Treasury Department that there is Zero Evidence of Russian Collusion.

They still persist in promoting the False Narrative they KNOW IS FALSE.

Now they are going to have their noses rubbed in it by a highly respected, impartial no nonsense Independent Special Council, and many of The Dem Operatives loyal to Obama and Clinton who engaged in all of this Felonious Behavior are going to go down and never get up again.

Dems should get slaughtered
They normally do poorly in midterms, Republicans are only defending nine Senate seats with most being in solid red states, the Republicans have an unbreakable Gerrymander in the House...

But Democrats are going to rerun the GOP playbook....Make the election a referendum on Trump. Bury the Republicans with Trumpcare. Keep the scandals coming showing Republicans and Trump are inept

THe only question is, will your propaganda work better in 2018 then it did in 2016.

In 2016....Republicans had promises

Kill Obamacare, indict Hillary, balance the budget, tax reform, the wall, jobs, jobs, jobs

In 2018 when they have to show what they have accomplished....the voters will ask...What Happened?
Fool me once....

You said "scandals". Discussing the accomplishments of the GOP or lack there of is not "Scandals".

You know damn well that your side will NOT focus on issues, because that leads to questions about your policies for comparison.

What you will do is continue to lie and gin up bullshit scandals, as loud as you can as often as you can to destroy Trump's image so that no one even LOOKS at the issues.
Doing so would compound their previous betrayals of their base and end the GOP as a national party.
Yeah, they're in a tough position right now if they're not really thrilled with him.

You realize that "dumping" him would fuck up the entire country, perhaps irreversibly, right?
Impeachment? I dunno. If this were 50/50 and there were no Republicans/Conservatives who didn't like Trump, maybe. Of course, if that were the case, there wouldn't be votes for impeachment in the first place and it would never happen. This would all be moot.

But my (wild ass) guess is that there are quite a few Republicans/Conservatives who would like to see it happen, get Pence in there, and try to calm things down. That's the point of the thread, really, and no doubt some are making that calculation right now.

If the GOP loses a third of it's support, then they never win again.

And the Establishment should be thinking about how to dig itself out of the hole they dug by trying to steal the primary from Trump, not to mention a significant portion of them siding with FUCKING HILLARY.

Instead of digging it deeper.

You really want people like RW and Guno to have uncontested control over this country? Because we you are suggesting is how we get there, FAST.
My fear since the day he was elected was that he would screw up (or be PERCEIVED to screw up, your choice) so quickly and so badly that the Democratic party would have no need to go through its badly needed Reformation, and that his failure would usher the Regressive Left right into power.

Right now, so far, that's how it's playing out, so I'm pretty freakin' horrified by the whole thing.

The Regressive Left is all that there is other than Trump. We saw that when the Establishment GOP tried to steal the primary from Trump and half wanted Hillary to win.
Yeah, they're in a tough position right now if they're not really thrilled with him.

You realize that "dumping" him would fuck up the entire country, perhaps irreversibly, right?
Impeachment? I dunno. If this were 50/50 and there were no Republicans/Conservatives who didn't like Trump, maybe. Of course, if that were the case, there wouldn't be votes for impeachment in the first place and it would never happen. This would all be moot.

But my (wild ass) guess is that there are quite a few Republicans/Conservatives who would like to see it happen, get Pence in there, and try to calm things down. That's the point of the thread, really, and no doubt some are making that calculation right now.

If the GOP loses a third of it's support, then they never win again.

And the Establishment should be thinking about how to dig itself out of the hole they dug by trying to steal the primary from Trump, not to mention a significant portion of them siding with FUCKING HILLARY.

Instead of digging it deeper.

You really want people like RW and Guno to have uncontested control over this country? Because we you are suggesting is how we get there, FAST.
My fear since the day he was elected was that he would screw up (or be PERCEIVED to screw up, your choice) so quickly and so badly that the Democratic party would have no need to go through its badly needed Reformation, and that his failure would usher the Regressive Left right into power.

Right now, so far, that's how it's playing out, so I'm pretty freakin' horrified by the whole thing.

The Regressive Left is all that there is other than Trump. We saw that when the Establishment GOP tried to steal the primary from Trump and half wanted Hillary to win.
I'm not sure what you're saying. Trump horrifies & embarrasses me pretty much daily. Would you say I'm a Regressive Leftist?
The Dems are going to get slaughtered in 2018.

They have no ideas.

They already were told by The NSA, CIA, FBI, Director of National Intelligence and The Treasury Department that there is Zero Evidence of Russian Collusion.

They still persist in promoting the False Narrative they KNOW IS FALSE.

Now they are going to have their noses rubbed in it by a highly respected, impartial no nonsense Independent Special Council, and many of The Dem Operatives loyal to Obama and Clinton who engaged in all of this Felonious Behavior are going to go down and never get up again.

Dems should get slaughtered
They normally do poorly in midterms, Republicans are only defending nine Senate seats with most being in solid red states, the Republicans have an unbreakable Gerrymander in the House...

But Democrats are going to rerun the GOP playbook....Make the election a referendum on Trump. Bury the Republicans with Trumpcare. Keep the scandals coming showing Republicans and Trump are inept

THe only question is, will your propaganda work better in 2018 then it did in 2016.

In 2016....Republicans had promises

Kill Obamacare, indict Hillary, balance the budget, tax reform, the wall, jobs, jobs, jobs

In 2018 when they have to show what they have accomplished....the voters will ask...What Happened?
Fool me once....

You said "scandals". Discussing the accomplishments of the GOP or lack there of is not "Scandals".

You know damn well that your side will NOT focus on issues, because that leads to questions about your policies for comparison.

What you will do is continue to lie and gin up bullshit scandals, as loud as you can as often as you can to destroy Trump's image so that no one even LOOKS at the issues.
It is actually, both

Individual congressmen have been screaming for ten years about what they would accomplish if elected. If only Republicans were in charge, we would balance the budget, reduce the debt, repeal and replace Obamacare with something better, build a wall, bring back manufacturing jobs........Well, now they are in charge

Scandals are a different thing. Look what happened to Repblicans after Nixon resigned. Scandal paints with a broad brush. Republicans elected Trump......they will pay the price if he crashes and burns
The best way for Trump & the GOP to get off the mat & fight back? Cut taxes, reform the tax code & build the wall. It's the issues stupid.

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