Trump, the GOP and 2018

Here we go again. The popular vote doesn't mean jack shit, that's not how we elect presidents. Trump didn't campaign in California, I know the drill. And Hillary did not get the majority of the popular vote so the meme is for propaganda purposes only.

Well, it is kind of an important point. The people said "No". This is why Trump is so sensitive to inaugural crowds and claims the Russians helped him,because deep down, he knows the people didn't want him.
You realize that "dumping" him would fuck up the entire country, perhaps irreversibly, right?
Impeachment? I dunno. If this were 50/50 and there were no Republicans/Conservatives who didn't like Trump, maybe. Of course, if that were the case, there wouldn't be votes for impeachment in the first place and it would never happen. This would all be moot.

But my (wild ass) guess is that there are quite a few Republicans/Conservatives who would like to see it happen, get Pence in there, and try to calm things down. That's the point of the thread, really, and no doubt some are making that calculation right now.

If the GOP loses a third of it's support, then they never win again.

And the Establishment should be thinking about how to dig itself out of the hole they dug by trying to steal the primary from Trump, not to mention a significant portion of them siding with FUCKING HILLARY.

Instead of digging it deeper.

You really want people like RW and Guno to have uncontested control over this country? Because we you are suggesting is how we get there, FAST.
My fear since the day he was elected was that he would screw up (or be PERCEIVED to screw up, your choice) so quickly and so badly that the Democratic party would have no need to go through its badly needed Reformation, and that his failure would usher the Regressive Left right into power.

Right now, so far, that's how it's playing out, so I'm pretty freakin' horrified by the whole thing.

The Regressive Left is all that there is other than Trump. We saw that when the Establishment GOP tried to steal the primary from Trump and half wanted Hillary to win.
I'm not sure what you're saying. Trump horrifies & embarrasses me pretty much daily. Would you say I'm a Regressive Leftist?

I'm saying that if Trump fails, no one else will be able to challenge the lock on power the Regressive Left has for generations.

Trumps supporters'? What used to be called Middle America will be unrepresented in national policy and will have NO legal or political recourse to address their grievances for generations.
Impeachment? I dunno. If this were 50/50 and there were no Republicans/Conservatives who didn't like Trump, maybe. Of course, if that were the case, there wouldn't be votes for impeachment in the first place and it would never happen. This would all be moot.

But my (wild ass) guess is that there are quite a few Republicans/Conservatives who would like to see it happen, get Pence in there, and try to calm things down. That's the point of the thread, really, and no doubt some are making that calculation right now.

If the GOP loses a third of it's support, then they never win again.

And the Establishment should be thinking about how to dig itself out of the hole they dug by trying to steal the primary from Trump, not to mention a significant portion of them siding with FUCKING HILLARY.

Instead of digging it deeper.

You really want people like RW and Guno to have uncontested control over this country? Because we you are suggesting is how we get there, FAST.
My fear since the day he was elected was that he would screw up (or be PERCEIVED to screw up, your choice) so quickly and so badly that the Democratic party would have no need to go through its badly needed Reformation, and that his failure would usher the Regressive Left right into power.

Right now, so far, that's how it's playing out, so I'm pretty freakin' horrified by the whole thing.

The Regressive Left is all that there is other than Trump. We saw that when the Establishment GOP tried to steal the primary from Trump and half wanted Hillary to win.
I'm not sure what you're saying. Trump horrifies & embarrasses me pretty much daily. Would you say I'm a Regressive Leftist?

I'm saying that if Trump fails, no one else will be able to challenge the lock on power the Regressive Left has for generations.

Trumps supporters'? What used to be called Middle America will be unrepresented in national policy and will have NO legal or political recourse to address their grievances for generations.
That's been my fear, that he'd be the conduit for the Regressive Left to jump in, unimpeded. That's what I'm seeing, at least so far.
The Dems are going to get slaughtered in 2018.

They have no ideas.

They already were told by The NSA, CIA, FBI, Director of National Intelligence and The Treasury Department that there is Zero Evidence of Russian Collusion.

They still persist in promoting the False Narrative they KNOW IS FALSE.

Now they are going to have their noses rubbed in it by a highly respected, impartial no nonsense Independent Special Council, and many of The Dem Operatives loyal to Obama and Clinton who engaged in all of this Felonious Behavior are going to go down and never get up again.

Dems should get slaughtered
They normally do poorly in midterms, Republicans are only defending nine Senate seats with most being in solid red states, the Republicans have an unbreakable Gerrymander in the House...

But Democrats are going to rerun the GOP playbook....Make the election a referendum on Trump. Bury the Republicans with Trumpcare. Keep the scandals coming showing Republicans and Trump are inept

THe only question is, will your propaganda work better in 2018 then it did in 2016.

In 2016....Republicans had promises

Kill Obamacare, indict Hillary, balance the budget, tax reform, the wall, jobs, jobs, jobs

In 2018 when they have to show what they have accomplished....the voters will ask...What Happened?
Fool me once....

You said "scandals". Discussing the accomplishments of the GOP or lack there of is not "Scandals".

You know damn well that your side will NOT focus on issues, because that leads to questions about your policies for comparison.

What you will do is continue to lie and gin up bullshit scandals, as loud as you can as often as you can to destroy Trump's image so that no one even LOOKS at the issues.
It is actually, both

Individual congressmen have been screaming for ten years about what they would accomplish if elected. If only Republicans were in charge, we would balance the budget, reduce the debt, repeal and replace Obamacare with something better, build a wall, bring back manufacturing jobs........Well, now they are in charge

Scandals are a different thing. Look what happened to Repblicans after Nixon resigned. Scandal paints with a broad brush. Republicans elected Trump......they will pay the price if he crashes and burns

But your side, by it's actions shows that you don't WANT to focus on issues. That you WANT to make the conversation about bullshit that you just scream about over and over.

Talking about issue now, might get attention on them and get changes though Congress.

You wouldn't want THAT.

Hence the constant stream of manufactured scandal and outrage.

How is that One Party State looking to you now?
Dems should get slaughtered
They normally do poorly in midterms, Republicans are only defending nine Senate seats with most being in solid red states, the Republicans have an unbreakable Gerrymander in the House...

But Democrats are going to rerun the GOP playbook....Make the election a referendum on Trump. Bury the Republicans with Trumpcare. Keep the scandals coming showing Republicans and Trump are inept

THe only question is, will your propaganda work better in 2018 then it did in 2016.

In 2016....Republicans had promises

Kill Obamacare, indict Hillary, balance the budget, tax reform, the wall, jobs, jobs, jobs

In 2018 when they have to show what they have accomplished....the voters will ask...What Happened?
Fool me once....

You said "scandals". Discussing the accomplishments of the GOP or lack there of is not "Scandals".

You know damn well that your side will NOT focus on issues, because that leads to questions about your policies for comparison.

What you will do is continue to lie and gin up bullshit scandals, as loud as you can as often as you can to destroy Trump's image so that no one even LOOKS at the issues.
It is actually, both

Individual congressmen have been screaming for ten years about what they would accomplish if elected. If only Republicans were in charge, we would balance the budget, reduce the debt, repeal and replace Obamacare with something better, build a wall, bring back manufacturing jobs........Well, now they are in charge

Scandals are a different thing. Look what happened to Repblicans after Nixon resigned. Scandal paints with a broad brush. Republicans elected Trump......they will pay the price if he crashes and burns

But your side, by it's actions shows that you don't WANT to focus on issues. That you WANT to make the conversation about bullshit that you just scream about over and over.

Talking about issue now, might get attention on them and get changes though Congress.

You wouldn't want THAT.

Hence the constant stream of manufactured scandal and outrage.

How is that One Party State looking to you now?
Democrats have every intention of talking about issues. They have been gearing up for this healthcare fight for eight years

OK Republicans.......You claim you have a better plan? Why does it cover 24 million fewer people? why does it cost more? Why doesn't it cover pre- existing conditions?

Make the Republicans answer to the people. They have been afraid to do it at town halls
If the GOP loses a third of it's support, then they never win again.

And the Establishment should be thinking about how to dig itself out of the hole they dug by trying to steal the primary from Trump, not to mention a significant portion of them siding with FUCKING HILLARY.

Instead of digging it deeper.

You really want people like RW and Guno to have uncontested control over this country? Because we you are suggesting is how we get there, FAST.
My fear since the day he was elected was that he would screw up (or be PERCEIVED to screw up, your choice) so quickly and so badly that the Democratic party would have no need to go through its badly needed Reformation, and that his failure would usher the Regressive Left right into power.

Right now, so far, that's how it's playing out, so I'm pretty freakin' horrified by the whole thing.

that is the media line, don't buy into it. Trump is doing just fine.
lol just fine?? market off about 300 yesterday because people think they have a crooked con man in the wh? his policies aren't all bad I'll give you that but this bs with flynn only means one thing to me ...he's trying to get flynn to not give anything away anything that might get him impeached

a one day drop, and its back up today. BFD. Trump fired Flynn because he lied to the VP. If one of your employees lies, are you liable? you dems are so desperate that you are making yourselves look like circus clowns.
300 down 50 up?......and trump knew flynn was being investigated and still put him on

up again today. don't despair, the market will be just fine. He fired Flynn. He took care of the problem, that's what leaders do. nothing here, you are pissing into the wind and wondering why your shoes are wet.
Since when has anybody empaneled a Grand Jury to examine an indictment of President Big Mouth or any members of his official campaign or current members of his Administration? So far the only GJ I'm aware of is pursuant to Flynn's alleged malfeasance which is independent of any allegations of Trump Campaign collusion with Russia or any of the other allegations that have been leveled against the current Administration.

You must be looking in the mirror since your position is one that has apparently conflated Flynn's problems with the broader investigation surrounding election interference, collusion and other allegations of wrongdoing aimed at the Trump Administration and the Trump Campaign.
CNN exclusive: Grand jury subpoenas issued in FBI's Russia investigation -

"The Flynn inquiry is one piece of the broader investigation, which FBI Director James Comey testified in a Senate hearing last week is led jointly by the Alexandria US Attorney's Office and the Justice Department's National Security Division."
Ummm.. yeah that's what I figured; the problem with your position is two fold

1. The GJ in question has been empaneled pursuant to an investigatory function not a charging one, thus there is no reason to believe that any indictments are imminent until the investigation is complete.
2. The only confirmed connection between the Flynn investigation and the Russian-Collusion probe is that the subpoenas were issued by Dana Boente's office who is the U.S. Attorney in charge of National Security Investigations and thus is the lead for all of the "Russia related " investigations (including collusion and election tampering).

CNN hasn't provided anything (that I've seen) to verify its assertion that they're part of the Russia-Trump Campaign Collusion investigation and it really doesn't make any sense that it would be since the allegations against Flynn involve his personal conduct outside of any functions to do with the Trumpster Campaign.

Personally I suspect it's likely that Flynn will be indicted since the evidence of illegality that has been exposed so far appears strong but it's FAR too early to expect that to happen any time soon

You can attempt to minimize this as insignificant but that won't last long.
Who's attempting to "minimize" anything? I'm just trying to get the facts straight instead of doing what all the partisan munchkins are doing, namely speculating & fabricating.

18 documented cases of contact between team Trump and the Russians

Trump.....You got some splain'n to do

Holy shit, Trump talked to the Russians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy shit, the sky is falling !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good thing that Obama and Hillary never talked to the Russians---------------oh, wait.
About bypassing security by trump with his buddy Putin?? You go along with that ?? And trump didn't want to get rid of Flynn He has the goods on trump and trump was protecting him as the comey deal makes clear

Mods-------------please move this to the conspiracy forum. Or the fantasy dumbass forum.
THe only question is, will your propaganda work better in 2018 then it did in 2016.

In 2016....Republicans had promises

Kill Obamacare, indict Hillary, balance the budget, tax reform, the wall, jobs, jobs, jobs

In 2018 when they have to show what they have accomplished....the voters will ask...What Happened?
Fool me once....

You said "scandals". Discussing the accomplishments of the GOP or lack there of is not "Scandals".

You know damn well that your side will NOT focus on issues, because that leads to questions about your policies for comparison.

What you will do is continue to lie and gin up bullshit scandals, as loud as you can as often as you can to destroy Trump's image so that no one even LOOKS at the issues.
It is actually, both

Individual congressmen have been screaming for ten years about what they would accomplish if elected. If only Republicans were in charge, we would balance the budget, reduce the debt, repeal and replace Obamacare with something better, build a wall, bring back manufacturing jobs........Well, now they are in charge

Scandals are a different thing. Look what happened to Repblicans after Nixon resigned. Scandal paints with a broad brush. Republicans elected Trump......they will pay the price if he crashes and burns

But your side, by it's actions shows that you don't WANT to focus on issues. That you WANT to make the conversation about bullshit that you just scream about over and over.

Talking about issue now, might get attention on them and get changes though Congress.

You wouldn't want THAT.

Hence the constant stream of manufactured scandal and outrage.

How is that One Party State looking to you now?
Democrats have every intention of talking about issues. They have been gearing up for this healthcare fight for eight years

OK Republicans.......You claim you have a better plan? Why does it cover 24 million fewer people? why does it cost more? Why doesn't it cover pre- existing conditions?

Make the Republicans answer to the people. They have been afraid to do it at town halls

obozocare did not insure 100% of americans. The ones paying for it are paying higher premiums, higher deductibles, and getting worse coverage. Its great if you get it free, but for those paying, it sucks.

The GOP plan is still a work in progress. But anything would be better than obozocare.

Trump is right, the best thing for him politically would be to let obozocare self destruct. But he cares too much about the working americans to do that.
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's to re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

I am funny that everyone is so convinced that the leftist attack campaign has worked. These guys will always cry and moan, no matter what. I don't understand why the republicans should dump Trump and suffer exactly the same fate as him next. Do you think they will run out of false allegations any time soon - ROFLMAO of course not!

Nah, the republicans must unite with Trump to defeat the fake news. Giving them anything is just more ammunitions to the enemy.
Can that really be done?
does the GOP wish to fail? their failure will not be trump's in 2018. just saying.
Since when has anybody empaneled a Grand Jury to examine an indictment of President Big Mouth or any members of his official campaign or current members of his Administration? So far the only GJ I'm aware of is pursuant to Flynn's alleged malfeasance which is independent of any allegations of Trump Campaign collusion with Russia or any of the other allegations that have been leveled against the current Administration.

You must be looking in the mirror since your position is one that has apparently conflated Flynn's problems with the broader investigation surrounding election interference, collusion and other allegations of wrongdoing aimed at the Trump Administration and the Trump Campaign.
CNN exclusive: Grand jury subpoenas issued in FBI's Russia investigation -

"The Flynn inquiry is one piece of the broader investigation, which FBI Director James Comey testified in a Senate hearing last week is led jointly by the Alexandria US Attorney's Office and the Justice Department's National Security Division."
Ummm.. yeah that's what I figured; the problem with your position is two fold

1. The GJ in question has been empaneled pursuant to an investigatory function not a charging one, thus there is no reason to believe that any indictments are imminent until the investigation is complete.
2. The only confirmed connection between the Flynn investigation and the Russian-Collusion probe is that the subpoenas were issued by Dana Boente's office who is the U.S. Attorney in charge of National Security Investigations and thus is the lead for all of the "Russia related " investigations (including collusion and election tampering).

CNN hasn't provided anything (that I've seen) to verify its assertion that they're part of the Russia-Trump Campaign Collusion investigation and it really doesn't make any sense that it would be since the allegations against Flynn involve his personal conduct outside of any functions to do with the Trumpster Campaign.

Personally I suspect it's likely that Flynn will be indicted since the evidence of illegality that has been exposed so far appears strong but it's FAR too early to expect that to happen any time soon

You can attempt to minimize this as insignificant but that won't last long.
Who's attempting to "minimize" anything? I'm just trying to get the facts straight instead of doing what all the partisan munchkins are doing, namely speculating & fabricating.

18 documented cases of contact between team Trump and the Russians

Trump.....You got some splain'n to do

Holy shit, Trump talked to the Russians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy shit, the sky is falling !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good thing that Obama and Hillary never talked to the Russians---------------oh, wait.

If Trump discussed the weather and his golf game with the Russians, he has nothing to worry about
If he was discussing national policy before becoming President, he has violated many laws
If he discussed trading future policy concessions in return for information to help him win the Presidency....he has committed Treason

"tell Vladimir I will have more flexibility after the election" Know who said that? Obozo the great. Was he colluding? making promises? making deals? promising insider information?

Hillary, when SecState gave Russia 20% of our uranium stockpile. What did she expect in return? Was that collusion? bribery? treason?
the double standard of you libtardians is amazing
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

Under what grounds would you impeach him? It would fracture the party further I think because it would drag out, get very ugly and might not have the desired outcome.

It is too early to impeach

Incompetence is not grounds for impeachment. It's not like it was a blow job or something
Trump needs to be given more rope. Given the time, Trump will provide legitimate grounds for impeachment

if incompetence was grounds for impeachment, Obama would have been impeached in February 2008.

Trump will serve his entire 4 years, possibly 8 years. you are pissing into the wind.
If you are a democrat congressperson and you take into consideration the fake polling data that projected Hillary in a landslide and when you consider that democrats have gone from a political power to a whiny leaderless mob in less than a decade you have to be scared shitless.
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

Under what grounds would you impeach him? It would fracture the party further I think because it would drag out, get very ugly and might not have the desired outcome.

It is too early to impeach

Incompetence is not grounds for impeachment. It's not like it was a blow job or something
Trump needs to be given more rope. Given the time, Trump will provide legitimate grounds for impeachment

if incompetence was grounds for impeachment, Obama would have been impeached in February 2008.

Trump will serve his entire 4 years, possibly 8 years. you are pissing into the wind.

Obama was able to work with his party when he had a friendly congress, to accomplish some actual legislative achievements. Trump hasn't even been able to do that....with his own party in the majority....THAT's incompetence in spades. A president who, from his first day in office is ruling by Executive Order.
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

Under what grounds would you impeach him? It would fracture the party further I think because it would drag out, get very ugly and might not have the desired outcome.

It is too early to impeach

Incompetence is not grounds for impeachment. It's not like it was a blow job or something
Trump needs to be given more rope. Given the time, Trump will provide legitimate grounds for impeachment

if incompetence was grounds for impeachment, Obama would have been impeached in February 2008.

Trump will serve his entire 4 years, possibly 8 years. you are pissing into the wind.

Obama was able to work with his party when he had a friendly congress, to accomplish some actual legislative achievements. Trump hasn't even been able to do that....with his own party in the majority....THAT's incompetence in spades. A president who, from his first day in office is ruling by Executive Order.

Yeah, but maybe not so much his incompetence as that of the GOP in congress. Not that Trump hasn't been all that competent, but the fact that the GOP-controlled Congress can't seem to get shit done isn't really his fault. And BTW, I don't think Obama worked with Congress when it belonged to the Dems or when it didn't. It appeared to me that when Pelosi and Reid were in charge he pretty much stayed out of the fray and let them run their respective chambers.
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

Under what grounds would you impeach him? It would fracture the party further I think because it would drag out, get very ugly and might not have the desired outcome.

It is too early to impeach

Incompetence is not grounds for impeachment. It's not like it was a blow job or something
Trump needs to be given more rope. Given the time, Trump will provide legitimate grounds for impeachment

if incompetence was grounds for impeachment, Obama would have been impeached in February 2008.

Trump will serve his entire 4 years, possibly 8 years. you are pissing into the wind.

Obama was able to work with his party when he had a friendly congress, to accomplish some actual legislative achievements. Trump hasn't even been able to do that....with his own party in the majority....THAT's incompetence in spades. A president who, from his first day in office is ruling by Executive Order.

Yeah, but maybe not so much his incompetence as that of the GOP in congress. Not that Trump hasn't been all that competent, but the fact that the GOP-controlled Congress can't seem to get shit done isn't really his fault. And BTW, I don't think Obama worked with Congress when it belonged to the Dems or when it didn't. It appeared to me that when Pelosi and Reid were in charge he pretty much stayed out of the fray and let them run their respective chambers.

The GOP is splintered into factions - deeper but not too different then Obama's Democrats when they still held a number of conservative seats. It's the job of the President to work with them and unite them towards some common goals in order to get his agenda passed.
Under what grounds would you impeach him? It would fracture the party further I think because it would drag out, get very ugly and might not have the desired outcome.

It is too early to impeach

Incompetence is not grounds for impeachment. It's not like it was a blow job or something
Trump needs to be given more rope. Given the time, Trump will provide legitimate grounds for impeachment

if incompetence was grounds for impeachment, Obama would have been impeached in February 2008.

Trump will serve his entire 4 years, possibly 8 years. you are pissing into the wind.

Obama was able to work with his party when he had a friendly congress, to accomplish some actual legislative achievements. Trump hasn't even been able to do that....with his own party in the majority....THAT's incompetence in spades. A president who, from his first day in office is ruling by Executive Order.

Yeah, but maybe not so much his incompetence as that of the GOP in congress. Not that Trump hasn't been all that competent, but the fact that the GOP-controlled Congress can't seem to get shit done isn't really his fault. And BTW, I don't think Obama worked with Congress when it belonged to the Dems or when it didn't. It appeared to me that when Pelosi and Reid were in charge he pretty much stayed out of the fray and let them run their respective chambers.

The GOP is splintered into factions - deeper but not too different then Obama's Democrats when they still held a number of conservative seats. It's the job of the President to work with them and unite them towards some common goals in order to get his agenda passed.

You can lead a horse to water .....

Maybe those common goals you speak of are not all that common. Some of the Repub people in Congress have a different agenda and they may not be willing to budge. Not sure that's all his fault. You saw what happened to those Dems that held a number of conservative seats in Congress, and they got their asses kicked in 2010. I don't believe that lesson has been lost on the Repubs.
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

Under what grounds would you impeach him? It would fracture the party further I think because it would drag out, get very ugly and might not have the desired outcome.

It is too early to impeach

Incompetence is not grounds for impeachment. It's not like it was a blow job or something
Trump needs to be given more rope. Given the time, Trump will provide legitimate grounds for impeachment

if incompetence was grounds for impeachment, Obama would have been impeached in February 2008.

Trump will serve his entire 4 years, possibly 8 years. you are pissing into the wind.

Obama was able to work with his party when he had a friendly congress, to accomplish some actual legislative achievements. Trump hasn't even been able to do that....with his own party in the majority....THAT's incompetence in spades. A president who, from his first day in office is ruling by Executive Order.

Or it's a bunch of judges who love to abuse their authority and a Congress that is stupid enough to think that they won because of rhetoric, not issues.
Under what grounds would you impeach him? It would fracture the party further I think because it would drag out, get very ugly and might not have the desired outcome.

It is too early to impeach

Incompetence is not grounds for impeachment. It's not like it was a blow job or something
Trump needs to be given more rope. Given the time, Trump will provide legitimate grounds for impeachment

if incompetence was grounds for impeachment, Obama would have been impeached in February 2008.

Trump will serve his entire 4 years, possibly 8 years. you are pissing into the wind.

Obama was able to work with his party when he had a friendly congress, to accomplish some actual legislative achievements. Trump hasn't even been able to do that....with his own party in the majority....THAT's incompetence in spades. A president who, from his first day in office is ruling by Executive Order.

Yeah, but maybe not so much his incompetence as that of the GOP in congress. Not that Trump hasn't been all that competent, but the fact that the GOP-controlled Congress can't seem to get shit done isn't really his fault. And BTW, I don't think Obama worked with Congress when it belonged to the Dems or when it didn't. It appeared to me that when Pelosi and Reid were in charge he pretty much stayed out of the fray and let them run their respective chambers.

The GOP is splintered into factions - deeper but not too different then Obama's Democrats when they still held a number of conservative seats. It's the job of the President to work with them and unite them towards some common goals in order to get his agenda passed.

The GOP congress is not mindless blocks of wood. THey are a third of the government and they have a responsibility to represent their voters, the same voters that elected Trump.

ie, there is no reason to give those asshole a pass.
Newt said today if the investigation comes up empty Trump's reelection is a shoe in.

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