Trump supporters: It won't happen this time

Republicans have switched votes to the creepy vegetable?

Dream on, all Americans have switches their vote to Trump.
Dream on indeed,what he convienetey fails to mention is the fact thousands are fleeing the democrat party in droves this year after it became obvious they are destroying the country plus the facts Biden’s speeches only draw a handful of supporters where trump draws them in
Trump Supporters: I know you want your guy to win again - - but it's not going to happen. Amid all your juvenile name calling, accusations of "fake news" reliving your 2016 victory, there lies some ugly facts:

* The polls were off in 2016, but....they were not off by very much. Trump lost the popular vote.

* Too many Republicans have now switched their votes to Biden, this is a double blow to Trump, since he's made no attempt to reach beyond his own voter base

* Lying about Mexico paying for that border wall strengthened the Democrats case that Trump can not be trusted to tell the truth.

* Trump's tax returns showing him drowning in debt has greatly weakened his case as a successful businessman.

* The sight of Trump prancing around on stage without a mask, while nearly a quarter million Americans have died from COVID 19 has cost him support among many voters, who've suffered COVID 19 greatly, and see this as irresponsible.

* Joe Biden's perceived mental dementia is wishful thinking. Most voters gave Joe Biden a solid victory in the debate.

So, enjoy your ride Trump supporters...because it's soon coming to an end. :bye1:
Trump won last election-----and since then. More blacks support him now, More Hispanics support him now. More cops and more unions support him now. And most people vote on autopilot------they vote for the candidate that has been office----------

the polls are lies-------meant to manipulate people using their own insecurities against them and that many people vote for the candidate that they think will win because they want to vote for a winner....

Then you have that whole dem fiasco of trying to scare people with the lockdown in order to get them to vote for change...all it did was piss off people in both parties---so even more dems are going to vote for anything not democrat.

People aren't trusting the polls---------------Think Trump wins by larger margins this year.
Trump Supporters: I know you want your guy to win again - - but it's not going to happen. Amid all your juvenile name calling...

I had to stop reading your bullshit right there.

Idiot, dipshit liberals in this country have raised "name calling" to an art form with their unrelenting attacks on Trump.

In three weeks, Donald Trump is going to be elected to a second term so that her can continue the important work he's been doing during his first.

Liberals like you will piss yourselves as you try to make sense of the fact that your side, once again, lost to a reality television star...
Well they've uplifted hollywood celebrities to the status of royalty's in this country, so I don't know why they disrespect Trump's time as a celebrity in which they worship so much in this country with any other celebrity. Oh wait I know why, it's because they are hypocrites. Hollywood hates Trump because he left the plantation without their being able to ruin him or either to brainwash him through excess and other. They hate him because they see him as a lose cannon without their grip on him. Like the Demoncrats, no one leaves the plantation until brainwashing is complete.

How do you brainwash a billionaire Hollywood ? You can't.
Republicans have switched votes to the creepy vegetable?

Dream on, all Americans have switches their vote to Trump.
Dream on indeed,what he convienetey fails to mention is the fact thousands are fleeing the democrat party in droves this year after it became obvious they are destroying the country plus the facts Biden’s speeches only draw a handful of supporters where trump draws them in

I sure haven't seen Walk Away videos from Republicans saying they're switching to the dem party.
Trump Supporters: I know you want your guy to win again - - but it's not going to happen. Amid all your juvenile name calling, accusations of "fake news" reliving your 2016 victory, there lies some ugly facts:

* The polls were off in 2016, but....they were not off by very much. Trump lost the popular vote.

* Too many Republicans have now switched their votes to Biden, this is a double blow to Trump, since he's made no attempt to reach beyond his own voter base

* Lying about Mexico paying for that border wall strengthened the Democrats case that Trump can not be trusted to tell the truth.

* Trump's tax returns showing him drowning in debt has greatly weakened his case as a successful businessman.

* The sight of Trump prancing around on stage without a mask, while nearly a quarter million Americans have died from COVID 19 has cost him support among many voters, who've suffered COVID 19 greatly, and see this as irresponsible.

* Joe Biden's perceived mental dementia is wishful thinking. Most voters gave Joe Biden a solid victory in the debate.

So, enjoy your ride Trump supporters...because it's soon coming to an end. :bye1:
Trump won in 2016...he beat a mentally sound woman before anyone knew just what or who Trump was...was he a sincere candidate or a showboater...the people now have a good look at how Trump kept every one of his promises and has worked his but off for all of us under very difficult times with a nagging little demdog nipping at his heals the entire time....and now he has the luxury of running against a man that is losing his ability to think and remember....oh yeah...he is going to win in November...he will win so huge it will blow your little mind....

Promises promises.
Trump Supporters: I know you want your guy to win again - - but it's not going to happen. Amid all your juvenile name calling, accusations of "fake news" reliving your 2016 victory, there lies some ugly facts:

* The polls were off in 2016, but....they were not off by very much. Trump lost the popular vote.

* Too many Republicans have now switched their votes to Biden, this is a double blow to Trump, since he's made no attempt to reach beyond his own voter base

* Lying about Mexico paying for that border wall strengthened the Democrats case that Trump can not be trusted to tell the truth.

* Trump's tax returns showing him drowning in debt has greatly weakened his case as a successful businessman.

* The sight of Trump prancing around on stage without a mask, while nearly a quarter million Americans have died from COVID 19 has cost him support among many voters, who've suffered COVID 19 greatly, and see this as irresponsible.

* Joe Biden's perceived mental dementia is wishful thinking. Most voters gave Joe Biden a solid victory in the debate.

So, enjoy your ride Trump supporters...because it's soon coming to an end. :bye1:
Trump won in 2016...he beat a mentally sound woman before anyone knew just what or who Trump was...was he a sincere candidate or a showboater...the people now have a good look at how Trump kept every one of his promises and has worked his but off for all of us under very difficult times with a nagging little demdog nipping at his heals the entire time....and now he has the luxury of running against a man that is losing his ability to think and remember....oh yeah...he is going to win in November...he will win so huge it will blow your little mind....
View attachment 401034

Promises promises.
Where did you find that stupid little mean nothing meme?...would you like me to run off the list of promises Trump has kept?...and then you can compare his number to the last 3 presidents....I'm going to assume you are over the edge beyond help.....and are not worthy of my valuable you do some homework...look up his achievements and promises kept and stay off the libtard meme sites.....
Trump Supporters: I know you want your guy to win again - - but it's not going to happen. Amid all your juvenile name calling, accusations of "fake news" reliving your 2016 victory, there lies some ugly facts:

* The polls were off in 2016, but....they were not off by very much. Trump lost the popular vote.

* Too many Republicans have now switched their votes to Biden, this is a double blow to Trump, since he's made no attempt to reach beyond his own voter base

* Lying about Mexico paying for that border wall strengthened the Democrats case that Trump can not be trusted to tell the truth.

* Trump's tax returns showing him drowning in debt has greatly weakened his case as a successful businessman.

* The sight of Trump prancing around on stage without a mask, while nearly a quarter million Americans have died from COVID 19 has cost him support among many voters, who've suffered COVID 19 greatly, and see this as irresponsible.

* Joe Biden's perceived mental dementia is wishful thinking. Most voters gave Joe Biden a solid victory in the debate.

So, enjoy your ride Trump supporters...because it's soon coming to an end. :bye1:
Yeah yeah. Your just trying to make yourself feel better, cause deep down, you scared.
Trump Supporters: I know you want your guy to win again - - but it's not going to happen. Amid all your juvenile name calling, accusations of "fake news" reliving your 2016 victory, there lies some ugly facts:

* The polls were off in 2016, but....they were not off by very much. Trump lost the popular vote.

* Too many Republicans have now switched their votes to Biden, this is a double blow to Trump, since he's made no attempt to reach beyond his own voter base

* Lying about Mexico paying for that border wall strengthened the Democrats case that Trump can not be trusted to tell the truth.

* Trump's tax returns showing him drowning in debt has greatly weakened his case as a successful businessman.

* The sight of Trump prancing around on stage without a mask, while nearly a quarter million Americans have died from COVID 19 has cost him support among many voters, who've suffered COVID 19 greatly, and see this as irresponsible.

* Joe Biden's perceived mental dementia is wishful thinking. Most voters gave Joe Biden a solid victory in the debate.

So, enjoy your ride Trump supporters...because it's soon coming to an end. :bye1:
Trump won in 2016...he beat a mentally sound woman before anyone knew just what or who Trump was...was he a sincere candidate or a showboater...the people now have a good look at how Trump kept every one of his promises and has worked his but off for all of us under very difficult times with a nagging little demdog nipping at his heals the entire time....and now he has the luxury of running against a man that is losing his ability to think and remember....oh yeah...he is going to win in November...he will win so huge it will blow your little mind....
He did not build the wall which was a huge promise.
Trump Supporters: I know you want your guy to win again - - but it's not going to happen. Amid all your juvenile name calling, accusations of "fake news" reliving your 2016 victory, there lies some ugly facts:

* The polls were off in 2016, but....they were not off by very much. Trump lost the popular vote.

* Too many Republicans have now switched their votes to Biden, this is a double blow to Trump, since he's made no attempt to reach beyond his own voter base

* Lying about Mexico paying for that border wall strengthened the Democrats case that Trump can not be trusted to tell the truth.

* Trump's tax returns showing him drowning in debt has greatly weakened his case as a successful businessman.

* The sight of Trump prancing around on stage without a mask, while nearly a quarter million Americans have died from COVID 19 has cost him support among many voters, who've suffered COVID 19 greatly, and see this as irresponsible.

* Joe Biden's perceived mental dementia is wishful thinking. Most voters gave Joe Biden a solid victory in the debate.

So, enjoy your ride Trump supporters...because it's soon coming to an end. :bye1:

Perhaps. But if Trump does lose he will have 3 SCOTUS picks by the time Biden takes office. That is HUGE. You won't see any Trump triggered supporters crying in the streets. It will be disappointing for sure, but life will go on and we'll redirect efforts to the 2024 election. Quite a difference to how triggered and miserable you will be if Biden loses.
That is because Biden is a good person and Trump is a nightmare.
Trump Supporters: I know you want your guy to win again - - but it's not going to happen. Amid all your juvenile name calling, accusations of "fake news" reliving your 2016 victory, there lies some ugly facts:

* The polls were off in 2016, but....they were not off by very much. Trump lost the popular vote.

* Too many Republicans have now switched their votes to Biden, this is a double blow to Trump, since he's made no attempt to reach beyond his own voter base

* Lying about Mexico paying for that border wall strengthened the Democrats case that Trump can not be trusted to tell the truth.

* Trump's tax returns showing him drowning in debt has greatly weakened his case as a successful businessman.

* The sight of Trump prancing around on stage without a mask, while nearly a quarter million Americans have died from COVID 19 has cost him support among many voters, who've suffered COVID 19 greatly, and see this as irresponsible.

* Joe Biden's perceived mental dementia is wishful thinking. Most voters gave Joe Biden a solid victory in the debate.

So, enjoy your ride Trump supporters...because it's soon coming to an end. :bye1:
Trump won in 2016...he beat a mentally sound woman before anyone knew just what or who Trump was...was he a sincere candidate or a showboater...the people now have a good look at how Trump kept every one of his promises and has worked his but off for all of us under very difficult times with a nagging little demdog nipping at his heals the entire time....and now he has the luxury of running against a man that is losing his ability to think and remember....oh yeah...he is going to win in November...he will win so huge it will blow your little mind....
View attachment 401034

Promises promises.

Trump did hold every promise he could.

Biden did not even attempt such thing. For starters, it is quite difficult to both ban fracking and not ban it.
Trump Supporters: I know you want your guy to win again - - but it's not going to happen. Amid all your juvenile name calling, accusations of "fake news" reliving your 2016 victory, there lies some ugly facts:

* The polls were off in 2016, but....they were not off by very much. Trump lost the popular vote.

* Too many Republicans have now switched their votes to Biden, this is a double blow to Trump, since he's made no attempt to reach beyond his own voter base

* Lying about Mexico paying for that border wall strengthened the Democrats case that Trump can not be trusted to tell the truth.

* Trump's tax returns showing him drowning in debt has greatly weakened his case as a successful businessman.

* The sight of Trump prancing around on stage without a mask, while nearly a quarter million Americans have died from COVID 19 has cost him support among many voters, who've suffered COVID 19 greatly, and see this as irresponsible.

* Joe Biden's perceived mental dementia is wishful thinking. Most voters gave Joe Biden a solid victory in the debate.

So, enjoy your ride Trump supporters...because it's soon coming to an end. :bye1:
Trump won in 2016...he beat a mentally sound woman before anyone knew just what or who Trump was...was he a sincere candidate or a showboater...the people now have a good look at how Trump kept every one of his promises and has worked his but off for all of us under very difficult times with a nagging little demdog nipping at his heals the entire time....and now he has the luxury of running against a man that is losing his ability to think and remember....oh yeah...he is going to win in November...he will win so huge it will blow your little mind....
He did not build the wall which was a huge promise.
Oh so I guess the wall we see being built, is just a figment of our imagination ? Riiiiightttt .... Rotflmbo
Trump Supporters: I know you want your guy to win again - - but it's not going to happen. Amid all your juvenile name calling, accusations of "fake news" reliving your 2016 victory, there lies some ugly facts:

* The polls were off in 2016, but....they were not off by very much. Trump lost the popular vote.

* Too many Republicans have now switched their votes to Biden, this is a double blow to Trump, since he's made no attempt to reach beyond his own voter base

* Lying about Mexico paying for that border wall strengthened the Democrats case that Trump can not be trusted to tell the truth.

* Trump's tax returns showing him drowning in debt has greatly weakened his case as a successful businessman.

* The sight of Trump prancing around on stage without a mask, while nearly a quarter million Americans have died from COVID 19 has cost him support among many voters, who've suffered COVID 19 greatly, and see this as irresponsible.

* Joe Biden's perceived mental dementia is wishful thinking. Most voters gave Joe Biden a solid victory in the debate.

So, enjoy your ride Trump supporters...because it's soon coming to an end. :bye1:

Perhaps. But if Trump does lose he will have 3 SCOTUS picks by the time Biden takes office. That is HUGE. You won't see any Trump triggered supporters crying in the streets. It will be disappointing for sure, but life will go on and we'll redirect efforts to the 2024 election. Quite a difference to how triggered and miserable you will be if Biden loses.
That is because Biden is a good person and Trump is a nightmare.
Put the crack pipe down please.
Trump Supporters: I know you want your guy to win again - - but it's not going to happen. Amid all your juvenile name calling, accusations of "fake news" reliving your 2016 victory, there lies some ugly facts:

* The polls were off in 2016, but....they were not off by very much. Trump lost the popular vote.

* Too many Republicans have now switched their votes to Biden, this is a double blow to Trump, since he's made no attempt to reach beyond his own voter base

* Lying about Mexico paying for that border wall strengthened the Democrats case that Trump can not be trusted to tell the truth.

* Trump's tax returns showing him drowning in debt has greatly weakened his case as a successful businessman.

* The sight of Trump prancing around on stage without a mask, while nearly a quarter million Americans have died from COVID 19 has cost him support among many voters, who've suffered COVID 19 greatly, and see this as irresponsible.

* Joe Biden's perceived mental dementia is wishful thinking. Most voters gave Joe Biden a solid victory in the debate.

So, enjoy your ride Trump supporters...because it's soon coming to an end. :bye1:

Perhaps. But if Trump does lose he will have 3 SCOTUS picks by the time Biden takes office. That is HUGE. You won't see any Trump triggered supporters crying in the streets. It will be disappointing for sure, but life will go on and we'll redirect efforts to the 2024 election. Quite a difference to how triggered and miserable you will be if Biden loses.
That is because Biden is a good person and Trump is a nightmare.
Put the crack pipe down please.
Are you saying that the wall is built. Some of what was built has already fallen into the river,
Trump Supporters: I know you want your guy to win again - - but it's not going to happen. Amid all your juvenile name calling, accusations of "fake news" reliving your 2016 victory, there lies some ugly facts:

* The polls were off in 2016, but....they were not off by very much. Trump lost the popular vote.

* Too many Republicans have now switched their votes to Biden, this is a double blow to Trump, since he's made no attempt to reach beyond his own voter base

* Lying about Mexico paying for that border wall strengthened the Democrats case that Trump can not be trusted to tell the truth.

* Trump's tax returns showing him drowning in debt has greatly weakened his case as a successful businessman.

* The sight of Trump prancing around on stage without a mask, while nearly a quarter million Americans have died from COVID 19 has cost him support among many voters, who've suffered COVID 19 greatly, and see this as irresponsible.

* Joe Biden's perceived mental dementia is wishful thinking. Most voters gave Joe Biden a solid victory in the debate.

So, enjoy your ride Trump supporters...because it's soon coming to an end. :bye1:

Perhaps. But if Trump does lose he will have 3 SCOTUS picks by the time Biden takes office. That is HUGE. You won't see any Trump triggered supporters crying in the streets. It will be disappointing for sure, but life will go on and we'll redirect efforts to the 2024 election. Quite a difference to how triggered and miserable you will be if Biden loses.
That is because Biden is a good person and Trump is a nightmare.
Put the crack pipe down please.
Are you saying that the wall is built. Some of what was built has already fallen into the river,
Who cares, it was built in some areas, and is still being built in others, so that makes you a liar to suggest that it wasn't being built or hasn't been built if that's what you're saying here.
Trump Supporters: I know you want your guy to win again - - but it's not going to happen. Amid all your juvenile name calling, accusations of "fake news" reliving your 2016 victory, there lies some ugly facts:

* The polls were off in 2016, but....they were not off by very much. Trump lost the popular vote.

* Too many Republicans have now switched their votes to Biden, this is a double blow to Trump, since he's made no attempt to reach beyond his own voter base

* Lying about Mexico paying for that border wall strengthened the Democrats case that Trump can not be trusted to tell the truth.

* Trump's tax returns showing him drowning in debt has greatly weakened his case as a successful businessman.

* The sight of Trump prancing around on stage without a mask, while nearly a quarter million Americans have died from COVID 19 has cost him support among many voters, who've suffered COVID 19 greatly, and see this as irresponsible.

* Joe Biden's perceived mental dementia is wishful thinking. Most voters gave Joe Biden a solid victory in the debate.

So, enjoy your ride Trump supporters...because it's soon coming to an end. :bye1:

Perhaps. But if Trump does lose he will have 3 SCOTUS picks by the time Biden takes office. That is HUGE. You won't see any Trump triggered supporters crying in the streets. It will be disappointing for sure, but life will go on and we'll redirect efforts to the 2024 election. Quite a difference to how triggered and miserable you will be if Biden loses.
That is because Biden is a good person and Trump is a nightmare.
Put the crack pipe down please.
Are you saying that the wall is built. Some of what was built has already fallen into the river,
Who cares, it was built in some areas, and is still being built in others, so that makes you a liar to suggest that it wasn't being built or hasn't been built if that's what you're saying here.
You are the liar because it has not been built.
Trump Supporters: I know you want your guy to win again - - but it's not going to happen. Amid all your juvenile name calling, accusations of "fake news" reliving your 2016 victory, there lies some ugly facts:

* The polls were off in 2016, but....they were not off by very much. Trump lost the popular vote.

* Too many Republicans have now switched their votes to Biden, this is a double blow to Trump, since he's made no attempt to reach beyond his own voter base

* Lying about Mexico paying for that border wall strengthened the Democrats case that Trump can not be trusted to tell the truth.

* Trump's tax returns showing him drowning in debt has greatly weakened his case as a successful businessman.

* The sight of Trump prancing around on stage without a mask, while nearly a quarter million Americans have died from COVID 19 has cost him support among many voters, who've suffered COVID 19 greatly, and see this as irresponsible.

* Joe Biden's perceived mental dementia is wishful thinking. Most voters gave Joe Biden a solid victory in the debate.

So, enjoy your ride Trump supporters...because it's soon coming to an end. :bye1:

Perhaps. But if Trump does lose he will have 3 SCOTUS picks by the time Biden takes office. That is HUGE. You won't see any Trump triggered supporters crying in the streets. It will be disappointing for sure, but life will go on and we'll redirect efforts to the 2024 election. Quite a difference to how triggered and miserable you will be if Biden loses.
That is because Biden is a good person and Trump is a nightmare.
Put the crack pipe down please.
Are you saying that the wall is built. Some of what was built has already fallen into the river,
Who cares, it was built in some areas, and is still being built in others, so that makes you a liar to suggest that it wasn't being built or hasn't been built if that's what you're saying here.
You are the liar because it has not been built.
Oh, have you been across the whole border?

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