Trump Supporter Says He’d Trust The President Before Jesus Christ


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
“If Jesus Christ gets down off the cross and told me Trump is with Russia, I would tell him, ‘Hold on a second, I need to check with the president if it’s true.’”

An extremely zealous supporter of President Donald Trump appeared on CNN’s “New Day” Monday morning and showed just how far some voters’ loyalty to the president goes.

Florida business owner Mark Lee, who was on the show as part of a panel of Trump voters, told host Alisyn Camerota that if Jesus Christ himself said Trump had colluded with Russia to influence last year’s presidential election, he’d still be skeptical.

“Let me tell you. If Jesus Christ gets down off the cross and told me Trump is with Russia, I would tell him, ‘Hold on a second, I need to check with the president if it’s true,’” Lee said.

Camerota asked Lee why he’d believe Trump over everybody else.

“I believe in him. He’s a good man,” Lee replied. “He has taken so much shots for us ... It’s based on everything he’s been doing. He’s been winning.”

More: Trump Supporter Says He'd Trust The President Before Jesus Christ

Trump before Jesus? OMG and holy shit. I can't begin to imagine how dumb this person is. I know Jesus is only a fictional character, but that's beside the point. That is scary dumb.
Trump Supporter Says He’d Trust The President Before Jesus Christ

Well, depending the context, that may not in all instances be such a bad thing. Jesus has surely been the root cause of more deaths than has Trump.

“Let me tell you. If Jesus Christ gets down off the cross and told me Trump is with Russia, I would tell him, ‘Hold on a second, I need to check with the president if it’s true,’” Lee said.

The thing with that particular situation is that checking with Trump himself isn't assured of yielding the truth on the matter, so often has it been shown that Trump lies about all manners of objective points of fact great and small. After all, Trump got on a telephone and spoke with people to whom he was known and pretended to be a publicist rather than attesting to being himself.
Strange how some of the atheist of the board think this is a big story.
Atheism has nothing to do with realizing Jesus if he existed was a ridiculous failed neo-essene Jewish messiah. Not "God" if we agree "God" is supernatural. The New Testament addition to the Jewish Bible is basically a fabricated character who was mentally ill without going into details here. The secret societies figured it would be effective to draw the Western World and manipulate it by tweaking their jewish character to go from hating Whites to being their savior as if they needed one which is ridiculous being the dominant and benign culture and society on Earth.
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“If Jesus Christ gets down off the cross and told me Trump is with Russia, I would tell him, ‘Hold on a second, I need to check with the president if it’s true.’”

An extremely zealous supporter of President Donald Trump appeared on CNN’s “New Day” Monday morning and showed just how far some voters’ loyalty to the president goes.

Florida business owner Mark Lee, who was on the show as part of a panel of Trump voters, told host Alisyn Camerota that if Jesus Christ himself said Trump had colluded with Russia to influence last year’s presidential election, he’d still be skeptical.

“Let me tell you. If Jesus Christ gets down off the cross and told me Trump is with Russia, I would tell him, ‘Hold on a second, I need to check with the president if it’s true,’” Lee said.

Camerota asked Lee why he’d believe Trump over everybody else.

“I believe in him. He’s a good man,” Lee replied. “He has taken so much shots for us ... It’s based on everything he’s been doing. He’s been winning.”

More: Trump Supporter Says He'd Trust The President Before Jesus Christ

Trump before Jesus? OMG and holy shit. I can't begin to imagine how dumb this person is. I know Jesus is only a fictional character, but that's beside the point. That is scary dumb.
Trumpophrenia is a mental disease.
Well, Jesus probably was not even a real person, so I would trust a real person over a grotesque figment of one's diseased imagination.

Unless.....Trump is not....





The US will never gain respect again after Trump.....what a fucking childish ****.
“I believe in him. He’s a good man,” Lee replied. “He has taken so much shots for us ... It’s based on everything he’s been doing. He’s been winning.”

Well, lets look at it from this idiot's point of view......

Jesus sacrificed himself to save us from our collective sins......

Trump is "sacrificing" many more hours at the golf course to save us from Clinton and that 'half-black" guy.

Yep......this idiot makes a lot of sense.....LOL
Trumpophrenia is a mental disease.

Actually, what these Trump/Moore supporters are showing, is the very "best" definition of what it is like to be part of a CULT membership.
I used to think that ObamaBots - the boot-licking, brown-nosed, arse-sniffing cult followers of the Failed Messiah - were the absolute worst.

Man-oh-man, was I wrong.


Some of these TrumpBot retards have got 'em beat by a mile.

I can see manifesting support for any President - even misguided support in the face of overriding and opposing fact and circumstances.

But... not only equating The Creature with Jesus of Nazareth, but actually preferring the word of The Creature over a messenger of peace and love?


Supporters of The Creature = misguided Americans, but, Americans, nonetheless.

TrumpBots (hyper-supporters like the idiot featured in the article) = Retards of the first order.

Extraordinarily vile scum - the lowest of the low - dangerous to The People and the Republic.
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“If Jesus Christ gets down off the cross and told me Trump is with Russia, I would tell him, ‘Hold on a second, I need to check with the president if it’s true.’”

An extremely zealous supporter of President Donald Trump appeared on CNN’s “New Day” Monday morning and showed just how far some voters’ loyalty to the president goes.

Florida business owner Mark Lee, who was on the show as part of a panel of Trump voters, told host Alisyn Camerota that if Jesus Christ himself said Trump had colluded with Russia to influence last year’s presidential election, he’d still be skeptical.

“Let me tell you. If Jesus Christ gets down off the cross and told me Trump is with Russia, I would tell him, ‘Hold on a second, I need to check with the president if it’s true,’” Lee said.

Camerota asked Lee why he’d believe Trump over everybody else.

“I believe in him. He’s a good man,” Lee replied. “He has taken so much shots for us ... It’s based on everything he’s been doing. He’s been winning.”

More: Trump Supporter Says He'd Trust The President Before Jesus Christ

Trump before Jesus? OMG and holy shit. I can't begin to imagine how dumb this person is. I know Jesus is only a fictional character, but that's beside the point. That is scary dumb.
...funny...I thought the left's Messiah was....
An extremely zealous supporter of President Donald Trump appeared on CNN’s “New Day” Monday morning and showed just how far some voters’ loyalty to the president goes.

Florida business owner Mark Lee, who was on the show as part of a panel of Trump voters, told host Alisyn Camerota that if Jesus Christ himself said Trump had colluded with Russia to influence last year’s presidential election, he’d still be skeptical.

“Let me tell you. If Jesus Christ gets down off the cross and told me Trump is with Russia, I would tell him, ‘Hold on a second, I need to check with the president if it’s true,’” Lee said.

FWIW, I saw that guy this morning. He was on this morning as a member of the panel of CNN's ongoing "Pulse of the People" series that interviews Trump supporters and asks them about how they see various current events.

Unrelated to Mr. Lee's remarks, the moderator asked the panelists which of them felt that, at this point, heir lives were better off. With typical Trumpkin insipidity, one woman (front row; far left side as viewers look at the group) responded that it is "too soon to tell." I wondered who the hell is living her life for her and not telling her whether it's better than it was a year ago? How the hell can one not tell whether one's life is better now than it was prior to Trump taking office?

I mean, really. How the hell can one expect to be taken seriously or receive any degree of respect for one's points of view when, in response to a simple question about oneself (not someone else or the polity in general) and one's current status or what one thinks, one's response amounts to "I don't know?" That's what children and idiot adults say when asked a serious question, not what mature, coherent, thoughtful adults say.

People are invited to be panelists in political discussions because it's presumed that they have views, are savvy about how public policy and politicians actions affect them, and therefore know WTF their views are and can, in turn, articulate them. At the very least, one knows one hasn't thought about it, in which case the truthful response is "I have no thoughts about it because I haven't thought about it." "I don't know what I think" and "I haven't thought about it" are not the same things. That's the kind of profound absurdity not knowing what one thinks is what apparently and routinely suffuses the minds of Trumpkins. In short, WTF do they know if they don't know their own existential status? Not much. Period.
An extremely zealous supporter of President Donald Trump appeared on CNN’s “New Day” Monday morning and showed just how far some voters’ loyalty to the president goes.

Florida business owner Mark Lee, who was on the show as part of a panel of Trump voters, told host Alisyn Camerota that if Jesus Christ himself said Trump had colluded with Russia to influence last year’s presidential election, he’d still be skeptical.

“Let me tell you. If Jesus Christ gets down off the cross and told me Trump is with Russia, I would tell him, ‘Hold on a second, I need to check with the president if it’s true,’” Lee said.

FWIW, I saw that guy this morning. He was on this morning as a member of the panel of CNN's ongoing "Pulse of the People" series that interviews Trump supporters and asks them about how they see various current events.

Unrelated to Mr. Lee's remarks, the moderator asked the panelists which of them felt that, at this point, heir lives were better off. With typical Trumpkin insipidity, one woman (front row; far left side as viewers look at the group) responded that it is "too soon to tell." I wondered who the hell is living her life for her and not telling her whether it's better than it was a year ago? How the hell can one not tell whether one's life is better now than it was prior to Trump taking office?

I mean, really. How the hell can one expect to be taken seriously or receive any degree of respect for one's points of view when, in response to a simple question about oneself (not someone else or the polity in general) and one's current status or what one thinks, one's response amounts to "I don't know?" That's what children and idiot adults say when asked a serious question, not what mature, coherent, thoughtful adults say.

People are invited to be panelists in political discussions because it's presumed that they have views, are savvy about how public policy and politicians actions affect them, and therefore know WTF their views are and can, in turn, articulate them. At the very least, one knows one hasn't thought about it, in which case the truthful response is "I have no thoughts about it because I haven't thought about it." "I don't know what I think" and "I haven't thought about it" are not the same things. That's the kind of profound absurdity not knowing what one thinks is what apparently and routinely suffuses the minds of Trumpkins. In short, WTF do they know if they don't know their own existential status? Not much. Period.

You just admitted you like to watch a news outlet that is terribly biased and closely tied to the D party, by admitting you watch CNN.

You would never watch a news outlet tied to the R party.
An extremely zealous supporter of President Donald Trump appeared on CNN’s “New Day” Monday morning and showed just how far some voters’ loyalty to the president goes.

Florida business owner Mark Lee, who was on the show as part of a panel of Trump voters, told host Alisyn Camerota that if Jesus Christ himself said Trump had colluded with Russia to influence last year’s presidential election, he’d still be skeptical.

“Let me tell you. If Jesus Christ gets down off the cross and told me Trump is with Russia, I would tell him, ‘Hold on a second, I need to check with the president if it’s true,’” Lee said.

FWIW, I saw that guy this morning. He was on this morning as a member of the panel of CNN's ongoing "Pulse of the People" series that interviews Trump supporters and asks them about how they see various current events.

Unrelated to Mr. Lee's remarks, the moderator asked the panelists which of them felt that, at this point, heir lives were better off. With typical Trumpkin insipidity, one woman (front row; far left side as viewers look at the group) responded that it is "too soon to tell." I wondered who the hell is living her life for her and not telling her whether it's better than it was a year ago? How the hell can one not tell whether one's life is better now than it was prior to Trump taking office?

I mean, really. How the hell can one expect to be taken seriously or receive any degree of respect for one's points of view when, in response to a simple question about oneself (not someone else or the polity in general) and one's current status or what one thinks, one's response amounts to "I don't know?" That's what children and idiot adults say when asked a serious question, not what mature, coherent, thoughtful adults say.

People are invited to be panelists in political discussions because it's presumed that they have views, are savvy about how public policy and politicians actions affect them, and therefore know WTF their views are and can, in turn, articulate them. At the very least, one knows one hasn't thought about it, in which case the truthful response is "I have no thoughts about it because I haven't thought about it." "I don't know what I think" and "I haven't thought about it" are not the same things. That's the kind of profound absurdity not knowing what one thinks is what apparently and routinely suffuses the minds of Trumpkins. In short, WTF do they know if they don't know their own existential status? Not much. Period.

You just admitted you like to watch a news outlet that is terribly biased and closely tied to the D party, by admitting you watch CNN.

You would never watch a news outlet tied to the R party.

Dude, you just earned a spot on my ignore list. Not for being offensive, but because you routinely demonstrate that you cannot distinguish between what people write and your unsound inferences based on what they write. I'm just weary of reading your poorly reasoned comments. Ciao.

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