Trump slams intel community again...and himself in the process


Gold Member
Sep 28, 2016
Intel agencies pushed their Trump meeting to Friday.

Trump, being the total ass he is, said that it meant they needed more time to build their case against Russia.

If that is what delaying something means, then it totally explains why Trump keeps delaying his news conference where he is supposedly going to tell us how he will handle his businesses & investments. Trump needed more time to hide all his shit & figure out how to maintain control while hiding it.

A real President would be angry with Russia for their actions.
Intel agencies pushed their Trump meeting to Friday.

Trump, being the total ass he is, said that it meant they needed more time to build their case against Russia.

If that is what delaying something means, then it totally explains why Trump keeps delaying his news conference where he is supposedly going to tell us how he will handle his businesses & investments. Trump needed more time to hide all his shit & figure out how to maintain control while hiding it.

A real President would be angry with Russia for their actions.

He's probably right. From what I've read they have nothing to connect the Russians with the hack.

A real President waits for all the facts before he issues his thoughts.

But then you don't have brains enough to think of that now do you. Idiot. LOL
Intel agencies pushed their Trump meeting to Friday.

Trump, being the total ass he is, said that it meant they needed more time to build their case against Russia.

If that is what delaying something means, then it totally explains why Trump keeps delaying his news conference where he is supposedly going to tell us how he will handle his businesses & investments. Trump needed more time to hide all his shit & figure out how to maintain control while hiding it.

A real President would be angry with Russia for their actions.
Someone with a brain would understand what happened. The "intel community" acted on behalf of a vindictive immature president. Their "findings" were bullshit, the software was widely available and no evidence linked anything to the Russian government.

The report was lame and served only to try to discredit the GOP win. Plus, let's not forget we are talking about Democrat corruption being revealed, you libturds always ignore that.

A real president would not create potential harm to us to score political points.
Trump is an ass on this issue, and the intel agencies are handing it to him.
If a real President waits until they have all the information before they jump to conclusions, then why did Trump jump to conclusions that it wasn't the Russians before getting a full briefing from the intelligence agencies?
Intel agencies pushed their Trump meeting to Friday.

Trump, being the total ass he is, said that it meant they needed more time to build their case against Russia.

If that is what delaying something means, then it totally explains why Trump keeps delaying his news conference where he is supposedly going to tell us how he will handle his businesses & investments. Trump needed more time to hide all his shit & figure out how to maintain control while hiding it.

A real President would be angry with Russia for their actions.

He's probably right. From what I've read they have nothing to connect the Russians with the hack.

A real President waits for all the facts before he issues his thoughts.

But then you don't have brains enough to think of that now do you. Idiot. LOL
So your 'Real" President has believed Assange, a thief that put our troops in danger, and Putin, a thug & murderer over our intelligence community.

'Really. You call that Presidential?
Intel agencies pushed their Trump meeting to Friday.

Trump, being the total ass he is, said that it meant they needed more time to build their case against Russia.

If that is what delaying something means, then it totally explains why Trump keeps delaying his news conference where he is supposedly going to tell us how he will handle his businesses & investments. Trump needed more time to hide all his shit & figure out how to maintain control while hiding it.

A real President would be angry with Russia for their actions.

He's probably right. From what I've read they have nothing to connect the Russians with the hack.

A real President waits for all the facts before he issues his thoughts.

But then you don't have brains enough to think of that now do you. Idiot. LOL
So your 'Real" President has believed Assange, a thief that put our troops in danger, and Putin, a thug & murderer over our intelligence community.

'Really. You call that Presidential?

Out intelligence community has no proof that Russia did anything.

Of course that would never bother you. I mean you sure wouldn't want any facts to interfere with your dopey thoughts now would you?

Trump won. Hillary lost. Get over it. Or not. LOL

Carry on clueless.
Intel agencies pushed their Trump meeting to Friday.

Trump, being the total ass he is, said that it meant they needed more time to build their case against Russia.

If that is what delaying something means, then it totally explains why Trump keeps delaying his news conference where he is supposedly going to tell us how he will handle his businesses & investments. Trump needed more time to hide all his shit & figure out how to maintain control while hiding it.

A real President would be angry with Russia for their actions.

He's probably right. From what I've read they have nothing to connect the Russians with the hack.

A real President waits for all the facts before he issues his thoughts.

But then you don't have brains enough to think of that now do you. Idiot. LOL
So your 'Real" President has believed Assange, a thief that put our troops in danger, and Putin, a thug & murderer over our intelligence community.

'Really. You call that Presidential?

Out intelligence community has no proof that Russia did anything.

Of course that would never bother you. I mean you sure wouldn't want any facts to interfere with your dopey thoughts now would you?

Trump won. Hillary lost. Get over it. Or not. LOL

Carry on clueless.

So, you also say our intelligence community is inept & full of liars & instead believe Putin, Assange & the Giant Cheeto.

Some American you are.
Intel agencies pushed their Trump meeting to Friday.

Trump, being the total ass he is, said that it meant they needed more time to build their case against Russia.

If that is what delaying something means, then it totally explains why Trump keeps delaying his news conference where he is supposedly going to tell us how he will handle his businesses & investments. Trump needed more time to hide all his shit & figure out how to maintain control while hiding it.

A real President would be angry with Russia for their actions.

He's probably right. From what I've read they have nothing to connect the Russians with the hack.

A real President waits for all the facts before he issues his thoughts.

But then you don't have brains enough to think of that now do you. Idiot. LOL
So your 'Real" President has believed Assange, a thief that put our troops in danger, and Putin, a thug & murderer over our intelligence community.

'Really. You call that Presidential?

Out intelligence community has no proof that Russia did anything.

Of course that would never bother you. I mean you sure wouldn't want any facts to interfere with your dopey thoughts now would you?

Trump won. Hillary lost. Get over it. Or not. LOL

Carry on clueless.

So, you also say our intelligence community is inept & full of liars & instead believe Putin, Assange & the Giant Cheeto.

Some American you are.

Learn to read. They have no tie from Russia to the hacks. That's what I've read. They have no proof.

God you are a biased hack.
Intel agencies pushed their Trump meeting to Friday.

Trump, being the total ass he is, said that it meant they needed more time to build their case against Russia.

If that is what delaying something means, then it totally explains why Trump keeps delaying his news conference where he is supposedly going to tell us how he will handle his businesses & investments. Trump needed more time to hide all his shit & figure out how to maintain control while hiding it.

A real President would be angry with Russia for their actions.
Dave, CNN one day before the Hillary email broke, this last time before the election, Rudi Guliana made reference to some big surprise that was coming about the Hillary emails....and he was asked about this by a CNN host. He said, that he knew people inside the FBI who were retired, who had given him this it. I am 1000% sure, when Trump said during the start of his campaign, "he wished Russia would release all the Clinton emails" unquote....He along with the rest of his people had had an ongoing relationship with Russia and deals were made. I am convinced he was contacted. Too much shit has gone on for this not to be the case. Anything going against Russia, will expose Trump....he's played a hand that will eventually take him down and you heard it hear first.
You read from whom? Russia?

Russia hacked the Dems. I am sure they also hacked the GOP and Trump. They used the Dem hacks to influence our election. They will use the the GOP and Trump hacks after 20Jan17. The sane in the GOP realize what the Russian hacking means, and are joining in an bipartisan effort to have a major investigation into just how bad and deep it goes. And who is being used as a result of those hacks.
Intel agencies pushed their Trump meeting to Friday.

Trump, being the total ass he is, said that it meant they needed more time to build their case against Russia.

If that is what delaying something means, then it totally explains why Trump keeps delaying his news conference where he is supposedly going to tell us how he will handle his businesses & investments. Trump needed more time to hide all his shit & figure out how to maintain control while hiding it.

A real President would be angry with Russia for their actions.

He's probably right. From what I've read they have nothing to connect the Russians with the hack.

A real President waits for all the facts before he issues his thoughts.

But then you don't have brains enough to think of that now do you. Idiot. LOL
So your 'Real" President has believed Assange, a thief that put our troops in danger, and Putin, a thug & murderer over our intelligence community.

'Really. You call that Presidential?

Out intelligence community has no proof that Russia did anything.

Of course that would never bother you. I mean you sure wouldn't want any facts to interfere with your dopey thoughts now would you?

Trump won. Hillary lost. Get over it. Or not. LOL

Carry on clueless.

So, you also say our intelligence community is inept & full of liars & instead believe Putin, Assange & the Giant Cheeto.

Some American you are.

Learn to read. They have no tie from Russia to the hacks. That's what I've read. They have no proof.

God you are a biased hack.
The intel community says it doers. But hey, keep believe Agent Orange, Assange & Putin.
Intel agencies pushed their Trump meeting to Friday.

Trump, being the total ass he is, said that it meant they needed more time to build their case against Russia.

If that is what delaying something means, then it totally explains why Trump keeps delaying his news conference where he is supposedly going to tell us how he will handle his businesses & investments. Trump needed more time to hide all his shit & figure out how to maintain control while hiding it.

A real President would be angry with Russia for their actions.

He's probably right. From what I've read they have nothing to connect the Russians with the hack.

A real President waits for all the facts before he issues his thoughts.

But then you don't have brains enough to think of that now do you. Idiot. LOL
So your 'Real" President has believed Assange, a thief that put our troops in danger, and Putin, a thug & murderer over our intelligence community.

'Really. You call that Presidential?

Out intelligence community has no proof that Russia did anything.

Of course that would never bother you. I mean you sure wouldn't want any facts to interfere with your dopey thoughts now would you?

Trump won. Hillary lost. Get over it. Or not. LOL

Carry on clueless.

So, you also say our intelligence community is inept & full of liars & instead believe Putin, Assange & the Giant Cheeto.

Some American you are.
This rallying behind the Russian's coming from a party that spent decades scaring the American Stupid on the ill of communism and socialism. The same party, ie the GOP-igs, back in the day, that destroyed more lives than necessary, if you so much as said the word Soviet Union. A bunch of fuckin hypocrites, they are.
If Trump has info no one else has, where did it get it?

Think about that statement.
Intel agencies pushed their Trump meeting to Friday.

Trump, being the total ass he is, said that it meant they needed more time to build their case against Russia.

If that is what delaying something means, then it totally explains why Trump keeps delaying his news conference where he is supposedly going to tell us how he will handle his businesses & investments. Trump needed more time to hide all his shit & figure out how to maintain control while hiding it.

A real President would be angry with Russia for their actions.

He's probably right. From what I've read they have nothing to connect the Russians with the hack.

A real President waits for all the facts before he issues his thoughts.

But then you don't have brains enough to think of that now do you. Idiot. LOL
So your 'Real" President has believed Assange, a thief that put our troops in danger, and Putin, a thug & murderer over our intelligence community.

'Really. You call that Presidential?

Out intelligence community has no proof that Russia did anything.

Of course that would never bother you. I mean you sure wouldn't want any facts to interfere with your dopey thoughts now would you?

Trump won. Hillary lost. Get over it. Or not. LOL

Carry on clueless.

So, you also say our intelligence community is inept & full of liars & instead believe Putin, Assange & the Giant Cheeto.

Some American you are.
This rallying behind the Russian's coming from a party that spent decades scaring the American Stupid on the ill of communism and socialism. The same party, ie the GOP-igs, back in the day, that destroyed more lives than necessary, if you so much as said the word Soviet Union. A bunch of fuckin hypocrites, they are.

LMAO This from a racist bastard like you.

Cry me a fucking river you racist asshole.
You read from whom? Russia?

Russia hacked the Dems. I am sure they also hacked the GOP and Trump. They used the Dem hacks to influence our election. They will use the the GOP and Trump hacks after 20Jan17. The sane in the GOP realize what the Russian hacking means, and are joining in an bipartisan effort to have a major investigation into just how bad and deep it goes. And who is being used as a result of those hacks.
Duh? Is there any question, when you have an incoming president, wanting to just forget about it and move on????

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