Trump sells US short; US is dominant

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
In his speech on foreign policy this week, Trump explained that America is being bested by countries like China, Japan and Mexico because their leaders are "smarter, more cunning, and sharper than our leaders."

"They're killing us," he often says.

"The U.S. has come out of the 2008 crisis better than all the others," says Ruchir Sharma, head of global macro investing at Morgan Stanley.

"Americans have reduced their debt burden more than the Europeans, while China's debt has skyrocketed to extremely dangerous levels. If you look outside of China, U.S. growth is actually faster even than the emerging markets.

"Since the 2008 crisis, U.S. equity markets have outperformed all others — in fact nine out of the 10 most valuable companies in the world are now American. The dollar is the currency of choice. Global growth is not what it used to be, but in a bad neighborhood, the U.S. has the best house by far."

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Fareed Zakaria: Trump Sells America Short — U.S. Is Dominant
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Thank you, Mr. President.
oh for crying out loud. Instead of you children all so worried about Trump trump trump trump. Why aren't you worried about Obama and that Democrat party, SELLING US OUT? What commie country haven't they bowed to yet? Why aren't you all worried over Obama groveling up to a country that screams; Death to America? instead you find this pettiness over Trump. there are times I truly believe you left/dem/libs shouldn't be allowed to vote for our lives.

and people kick out this Progressive/Democrat party come 2016 and NEVER put them in power over us again
oh for crying out loud. Instead of you children all so worried about Trump trump trump trump. Why aren't you worried about Obama and that Democrat party, SELLING US OUT? What commie country haven't they bowed to yet? Why aren't you all worried over Obama groveling up to a country that screams; Death to America? instead you find this pettiness over Trump. there are times I truly believe you left/dem/libs shouldn't be allowed to vote for our lives.

and people kick out this Progressive/Democrat party come 2016 and NEVER put them in power over us again
Except President Obama and the Democrat Party is not selling us out.
This America sucks crap coming out of Trump and his cult has gotten pretty old and should be recognized for it's anti American distortions. America is still the greatest country in the world.
oh for crying out loud. Instead of you children all so worried about Trump trump trump trump. Why aren't you worried about Obama and that Democrat party, SELLING US OUT? What commie country haven't they bowed to yet? Why aren't you all worried over Obama groveling up to a country that screams; Death to America? instead you find this pettiness over Trump. there are times I truly believe you left/dem/libs shouldn't be allowed to vote for our lives.

and people kick out this Progressive/Democrat party come 2016 and NEVER put them in power over us again

So,you didn't read the OP, didn't go to the link, I presume, because you are stupid.

In his speech on foreign policy this week, Trump explained that America is being bested by countries like China, Japan and Mexico because their leaders are "smarter, more cunning, and sharper than our leaders."

"They're killing us," he often says.

"The U.S. has come out of the 2008 crisis better than all the others," says Ruchir Sharma, head of global macro investing at Morgan Stanley.

"Americans have reduced their debt burden more than the Europeans, while China's debt has skyrocketed to extremely dangerous levels. If you look outside of China, U.S. growth is actually faster even than the emerging markets.

"Since the 2008 crisis, U.S. equity markets have outperformed all others — in fact nine out of the 10 most valuable companies in the world are now American. The dollar is the currency of choice. Global growth is not what it used to be, but in a bad neighborhood, the U.S. has the best house by far."

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Fareed Zakaria: Trump Sells America Short — U.S. Is Dominant
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Thank you, Mr. President.
This is simply Trump rhetoric.

If you want a real world example of "selling the U.S. short", take note of Obama's refusal to approve the Keystone XL pipeline as well as his stand against exporting domestic crude oil. :slap:
In his speech on foreign policy this week, Trump explained that America is being bested by countries like China, Japan and Mexico because their leaders are "smarter, more cunning, and sharper than our leaders."

"They're killing us," he often says.

"The U.S. has come out of the 2008 crisis better than all the others," says Ruchir Sharma, head of global macro investing at Morgan Stanley.

"Americans have reduced their debt burden more than the Europeans, while China's debt has skyrocketed to extremely dangerous levels. If you look outside of China, U.S. growth is actually faster even than the emerging markets.

"Since the 2008 crisis, U.S. equity markets have outperformed all others — in fact nine out of the 10 most valuable companies in the world are now American. The dollar is the currency of choice. Global growth is not what it used to be, but in a bad neighborhood, the U.S. has the best house by far."

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Fareed Zakaria: Trump Sells America Short — U.S. Is Dominant
Follow us: @IBDinvestors on Twitter | InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook

Thank you, Mr. President.
This is simply Trump rhetoric.

If you want a real world example of "selling the U.S. short", take note of Obama's refusal to approve the Keystone XL pipeline as well as his stand against exporting domestic crude oil. :slap:
Neither of those things is selling America short. They are based on what he and many others believe are rational and pragmatic opinions that differ with supporters of big oil and a philosophy that whatever is best for big corporate business is good for the whole country.
In his speech on foreign policy this week, Trump explained that America is being bested by countries like China, Japan and Mexico because their leaders are "smarter, more cunning, and sharper than our leaders."

"They're killing us," he often says.

"The U.S. has come out of the 2008 crisis better than all the others," says Ruchir Sharma, head of global macro investing at Morgan Stanley.

"Americans have reduced their debt burden more than the Europeans, while China's debt has skyrocketed to extremely dangerous levels. If you look outside of China, U.S. growth is actually faster even than the emerging markets.

"Since the 2008 crisis, U.S. equity markets have outperformed all others — in fact nine out of the 10 most valuable companies in the world are now American. The dollar is the currency of choice. Global growth is not what it used to be, but in a bad neighborhood, the U.S. has the best house by far."

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Fareed Zakaria: Trump Sells America Short — U.S. Is Dominant
Follow us: @IBDinvestors on Twitter | InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook

Thank you, Mr. President.
This is simply Trump rhetoric.

If you want a real world example of "selling the U.S. short", take note of Obama's refusal to approve the Keystone XL pipeline as well as his stand against exporting domestic crude oil. :slap:
Neither of those things is selling America short. They are based on what he and many others believe are rational and pragmatic opinions that differ with supporters of big oil and a philosophy that whatever is best for big corporate business is good for the whole country.

oh for crying out loud. Instead of you children all so worried about Trump trump trump trump. Why aren't you worried about Obama and that Democrat party, SELLING US OUT? What commie country haven't they bowed to yet? Why aren't you all worried over Obama groveling up to a country that screams; Death to America? instead you find this pettiness over Trump. there are times I truly believe you left/dem/libs shouldn't be allowed to vote for our lives.

and people kick out this Progressive/Democrat party come 2016 and NEVER put them in power over us again

oh for crying out loud. Instead of you children all so worried about Trump trump trump trump. Why aren't you worried about Obama and that Democrat party, SELLING US OUT? What commie country haven't they bowed to yet? Why aren't you all worried over Obama groveling up to a country that screams; Death to America? instead you find this pettiness over Trump. there are times I truly believe you left/dem/libs shouldn't be allowed to vote for our lives.

and people kick out this Progressive/Democrat party come 2016 and NEVER put them in power over us again
Except President Obama and the Democrat Party is not selling us out.


Thank you, President Obama & Democrats!


Thank you, President Obama
"Since the 2008 crisis, U.S. equity markets have outperformed all others — in fact nine out of the 10 most valuable companies in the world are now American. The dollar is the currency of choice.

If you are a blue collar worker that means nothing. Nor does the GDP or the stock market.

The fact remains that our corporations have abandoned the U.S. worker in favor of low wage foreigners and there is no future for (what may be the majority) of Americans.

Everybody can't work in a cubicle.
our corporations have abandoned the U.S. worker in favor of low wage foreigners.

wrong wrong wrong!! not corporations but liberals who drove the corporations off shore with liberal unions, liberal taxes, and liberal deficits.
Eliminate the liberal input and you'd have 20 million new jobs tomorrow!!

Eliminate the illegals and you'd have another 20 million jobs

Eliminate the liberal war on the family and schools and you have another 20 million people qualified for high paying middle class jobs.

Do you understand?
So why have the Repubs consistently blocked Obama's plan to give companies a tax break if they stay on US soil?

our corporations have abandoned the U.S. worker in favor of low wage foreigners.

wrong wrong wrong!! not corporations but liberals who drove the corporations off shore with liberal unions, liberal taxes, and liberal deficits.
Eliminate the liberal input and you'd have 20 million new jobs tomorrow!!

Eliminate the illegals and you'd have another 20 million jobs

Eliminate the liberal war on the family and schools and you have another 20 million people qualified for high paying middle class jobs.

Do you understand?

You don't understand!

Even non-union workers are being replaced by low wage foreign imports.

Eliminating the illegals would leave jobs undone until wages are raised to a living wage for Americans.

Your contempt for working people may be clouding your perception.
Even non-union workers are being replaced by low wage foreign imports.

dear, employment here is 95% so almost everyone has a job even after the offshoring. If we killed the liberal unions, liberal taxes and liberal deficits 30 million jobs that had been offshored , union and non union alike, would come back and there would be tremendous upward pressure on wages.

Welcome to your very first lesson in economics
If we killed the liberal unions, liberal taxes and liberal deficits 30 million jobs that had been offshored , union and non union alike, would come back and there would be tremendous upward pressure on wages.

Let me understand this; if we eliminate unions companies that are paying labor $2/day will rush back to the U.S. and pay.... what? On how low a wage can an American survive?

What the hell is a "liberal union"?

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