Trump Says Putin ‘Means It’ About Not Meddling


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
this just getting more and more crazy, what Putin has on Trump? no one in the WASHINGTON´s Oval Office can be that's stupid ...."Golden shower", miss universe 2013, or something much worst?


"Trump Says Putin Again Denied Election Meddling After Meeting at Asia Summit"

Trump says Putin again denied Russian meddling in 2016 election
""You can only ask so many times... he said he absolutely did not meddle in our election," the US president said." BBC
Oliver Stone: an attempt to find Russian interference in US elections is true witch hunting: a lot of smoke but no fire. You better look at Israel and Mr. Netanyahu who comes to USA and talks to the Congress just before the elections. Or look at our billionaires like Soros who donate millions to certain candidates. Or look at Israeli Lobby who works with our Congressmen so close. This is the real interference. Don’t talk about Russian interference: Russians are not pouring their money into US political processes.

Interview to a Russian TV channel
if you can't believe a former Soviet KGB spymaster who can you believe?

wherever all those bad wars came from comes from this same stance over the don being in the Russian mafia and its conspicuous, to people wearing vests of dynamite, and saddam and the vietcong

we're expensive people to keep alive

I hope youre kidnapped by shining path rebels in south America and left to die
Trump Sides With Putin Over U.S. Intelligence On Election Meddling
He also took multiple unprompted shots at Hillary Clinton.

Trump spoke with the Russian leader this week in Vietnam during a joint summit with other Asia-Pacific countries. When a reporter asked if the subject of Russian election interference came up, Trump replied, “He said he absolutely did not meddle in our election. He did not do what they are saying he did. ... Every time he sees me, he says, ‘I didn’t do that,’ and I really believe that when he tells me that, he means it. But he says, ‘I didn’t do that.’”

Donald, please just fess up, you pee'd on a few russian prostitutes...cause you thought they looked like pale white urinals with thier mouths open...anything will please your adoring fans, so the photo's mean nothing....but to continually deny Putin's his role in our'on orange guy....even Joe Wilson knows your lying about this one, pal

Can You Imagine the President of the United States asking Russia's Dictator:

DT: Hey Vlad, I have a question to ask.

VP: I told you, Master Putin.

DT: Oh, oh yea. MASTER Putin.

VP: OK, Donny, ask your question. And it better not be about that damn meddling or I WILL have to punish you.

DT: Uh, Mister Putin....


DT: Uh, MASTER you have any other instructions? Master Putin?

VL: No, not for now. Just keep smiling and pretend we are "friends".

DT: But Master Putin, we ARE friends.

VT: Don't presume fat boy. Now go. And keep smiling.

15 minutes later:

DT: (to press) I asked Master, er, MISTER Putin if Russia meddled in our elections and he assured me he could make it look like the Democrats.
and he would never meddle in our elections. AND I BELIEVE HIM! So there Fake Media!
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Clinton and podesta actually signed off on giving the russias uranium while wild bill was collecting checks for 500k from the russians while O and comey were looking the other way.

"The Obama Justice Department chose not to share this information with those government officials responsible for the October 2010 approval of the partial sale of Uranium One to Rosatom. If the FBI’s evidence of Rosatom’s violations of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act had been disclosed in a timely fashion, the chances for government approval of the Uranium One-Rosatom deal would have vanished, despite its high-level backing from The Podesta Group, Uranium One’s substantial payments to the Clinton Foundation, and Russia’s direct payments to Bill Clinton himself."

Why Was Obama's Justice Department Silent On Criminal Activity By Russia's Nuclear Agency?

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
And then we have this......

Saudi Royalty Arrests Rock Clinton-Obama Regime – Zach Haller – Medium

"As the story of the massive Saudi royalty purge develops, Americans should anticipate these arrests and the subsequent investigations will implicate Obama and Clinton in major ways. Investigations into Obama-Clinton impropriety by special counsel Robert Mueller encompass Obama and Clinton’s financial ties and dubious political alliances with both Saudi Arabia and Russia alike."

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