Trump Runs Out of Promises to Keep

That's right, cuckold. Just sit there and take it up the ass from Trump. Ignore the smart people telling you that you have been conned.

Trump counts on your stupidity. He absolutely relies on it.

For being conned I sure am making a lot more money.

Funny, on another thread you said you were retired.
Why can't you make money when you're retired, troll?

Obviously you can. I'm retired and thanks to Trump's economy, making more than ever. :biggrin:
I wonder how many Pinochios they'd give that one on Politifact?
Politafact are shill lib trolls.
So Now He’s Keeping Other Presidents’ Promises May 14, 2018
We got Kim Jong-un promising to denuke his country and to show everybody in a ceremony when it’s happening. We have the upcoming summit. We have trade negotiations redone, trade agreements renegotiated. We are pulling out of the Iran-Obama deal. We’ve pulled out of the Paris climate accords. We have a possible Middle East peace agreement. What has not been reported is that the Trump administration has a peace proposal for Israel and the Palestinians following the opening of the embassy today in Jerusalem when the time is right.

We have the economy roaring! We have tax cuts. The Democrats are puzzled why people aren’t angry at them. Record small-business profits. We have jobs for everyone. - Rush
We have the economy roaring!

You can thank Obama for that,
If Obama’s intent was to keep the economy shitty and finally get it working when Trump got into office, mission accomplished. Bravo.
So Now He’s Keeping Other Presidents’ Promises May 14, 2018
We got Kim Jong-un promising to denuke his country and to show everybody in a ceremony when it’s happening. We have the upcoming summit. We have trade negotiations redone, trade agreements renegotiated. We are pulling out of the Iran-Obama deal. We’ve pulled out of the Paris climate accords. We have a possible Middle East peace agreement. What has not been reported is that the Trump administration has a peace proposal for Israel and the Palestinians following the opening of the embassy today in Jerusalem when the time is right.

We have the economy roaring! We have tax cuts. The Democrats are puzzled why people aren’t angry at them. Record small-business profits. We have jobs for everyone. - Rush
We have the economy roaring!

You can thank Obama for that,
If Obama’s intent was to keep the economy shitty and finally get it working when Trump got into office, mission accomplished. Bravo.
The last eight years was the economy is fine, stop complaining, it’s the new normal get used to it. Trump fires this thing off in under two years and suddenly this was the economy the left was talking about. They’re fucking nuts.
Troll, no one here "bleevs" anything you post.
You don't have to believe me. Just open your eyes and see for yourself Trump has not repealed ObamaCare. He has not replaced ObamaCare. He has never put a replacement for ObamaCare on the table.

These facts are self-evident, dumbass!

It's pathetic I have to even point this out to you. It speaks to your amazingly profound willful blindness.

So what's your point? Do you not realize that at the end of the day, you've changed nothing. You've changed nobody's opinion one way or the other, and things go on as they are.

You're just one solitary person standing out there on a street corner, holding a cheap cardboard sign and babbling incoherently. But everyone either thinks you're a nutcase, or they're just ignoring you.

Why even bother?
That's right, cuckold. Just sit there and take it up the ass from Trump. Ignore the smart people telling you that you have been conned.

Trump counts on your stupidity. He absolutely relies on it.

For being conned I sure am making a lot more money.

Funny, on another thread you said you were retired.

Here's how it works skippy.....take note.
I retired 6 years ago at 46 because my dividends allowed it.
I bring in around 30k a year while doing nothing.
The wife will work for another 4 or 5 years bringing in around 170k a year plus a 30 or 40k bonus yearly.
Once her stocks mature we will have an income of 150k a year even if we dont collect SS,and that doesnt even include our individual 401k's.
It's called hard work and planning,something progressives dont seem to understand.
You don't have to believe me. Just open your eyes and see for yourself Trump has not repealed ObamaCare. He has not replaced ObamaCare. He has never put a replacement for ObamaCare on the table.

These facts are self-evident, dumbass!

It's pathetic I have to even point this out to you. It speaks to your amazingly profound willful blindness.

So what's your point? Do you not realize that at the end of the day, you've changed nothing. You've changed nobody's opinion one way or the other, and things go on as they are.

You're just one solitary person standing out there on a street corner, holding a cheap cardboard sign and babbling incoherently. But everyone either thinks you're a nutcase, or they're just ignoring you.

Why even bother?
That's right, cuckold. Just sit there and take it up the ass from Trump. Ignore the smart people telling you that you have been conned.

Trump counts on your stupidity. He absolutely relies on it.

For being conned I sure am making a lot more money.

Funny, on another thread you said you were retired.

Here's how it works skippy.....take note.
I retired 6 years ago at 46 because my dividends allowed it.
I bring in around 30k a year while doing nothing.
The wife will work for another 4 or 5 years bringing in around 170k a year plus a 30 or 40k bonus yearly.
Once her stocks mature we will have an income of 150k a year even if we dont collect SS,and that doesnt even include our individual 401k's.
It's called hard work and planning,something progressives dont seem to understand.

I'm curious...what stocks do you own that pay 30K a year in dividends....

Let me guess, you won't say because of _________________.
So what's your point? Do you not realize that at the end of the day, you've changed nothing. You've changed nobody's opinion one way or the other, and things go on as they are.

You're just one solitary person standing out there on a street corner, holding a cheap cardboard sign and babbling incoherently. But everyone either thinks you're a nutcase, or they're just ignoring you.

Why even bother?
That's right, cuckold. Just sit there and take it up the ass from Trump. Ignore the smart people telling you that you have been conned.

Trump counts on your stupidity. He absolutely relies on it.

For being conned I sure am making a lot more money.

Funny, on another thread you said you were retired.

Here's how it works skippy.....take note.
I retired 6 years ago at 46 because my dividends allowed it.
I bring in around 30k a year while doing nothing.
The wife will work for another 4 or 5 years bringing in around 170k a year plus a 30 or 40k bonus yearly.
Once her stocks mature we will have an income of 150k a year even if we dont collect SS,and that doesnt even include our individual 401k's.
It's called hard work and planning,something progressives dont seem to understand.

I'm curious...what stocks do you own that pay 30K a year in dividends....

Let me guess, you won't say because of _________________.

We own various stocks.
Some of which were free through business connections,mainly banking interest.
And ya have to remember,it's not always high end stocks but secure stocks and how many shares you own.
So what's your point? Do you not realize that at the end of the day, you've changed nothing. You've changed nobody's opinion one way or the other, and things go on as they are.

You're just one solitary person standing out there on a street corner, holding a cheap cardboard sign and babbling incoherently. But everyone either thinks you're a nutcase, or they're just ignoring you.

Why even bother?
That's right, cuckold. Just sit there and take it up the ass from Trump. Ignore the smart people telling you that you have been conned.

Trump counts on your stupidity. He absolutely relies on it.

For being conned I sure am making a lot more money.

Funny, on another thread you said you were retired.

Here's how it works skippy.....take note.
I retired 6 years ago at 46 because my dividends allowed it.
I bring in around 30k a year while doing nothing.
The wife will work for another 4 or 5 years bringing in around 170k a year plus a 30 or 40k bonus yearly.
Once her stocks mature we will have an income of 150k a year even if we dont collect SS,and that doesnt even include our individual 401k's.
It's called hard work and planning,something progressives dont seem to understand.

I'm curious...what stocks do you own that pay 30K a year in dividends....

Let me guess, you won't say because of _________________.
Because it's none of your business troll.
With dividends, it's all about the number of shares you own X how much the company pays out per quarter. Usually it's somewhere between a few pennies and a couple of bucks. It makes your claim of $30,000 in dividend income pretty dubious (GE pays a whopping $0.12 per quarter for example). You'd have to own over a million dollars of stock. Pretty much everyone I've ever met that had that kind of money was in real estate or bonds which are much more lucrative and much less volatile.
With dividends, it's all about the number of shares you own X how much the company pays out per quarter. Usually it's somewhere between a few pennies and a couple of bucks. It makes your claim of $30,000 in dividend income pretty dubious (GE pays a whopping $0.12 per quarter for example). You'd have to own over a million dollars of stock. Pretty much everyone I've ever met that had that kind of money was in real estate or bonds which are much more lucrative and much less volatile.

Now you're catching on.
We married at 23 and immediately started investing.
Our first house was paid off at 30 and we haven't had a mortgage since.
Banking is just as lucrative as Realestate when you consider it's directly tied. You may get a little less on your return but if you own sufficient stock it's very lucrative.
We did lose our ass when the oil crunch hit and all the NY bankers panicked and sold out while prices were in the shitter.
As Texans we're use to the fluctuations and not only held but bought at a discount.
It's paid off.
So Now He’s Keeping Other Presidents’ Promises May 14, 2018
We got Kim Jong-un promising to denuke his country and to show everybody in a ceremony when it’s happening. We have the upcoming summit. We have trade negotiations redone, trade agreements renegotiated. We are pulling out of the Iran-Obama deal. We’ve pulled out of the Paris climate accords. We have a possible Middle East peace agreement. What has not been reported is that the Trump administration has a peace proposal for Israel and the Palestinians following the opening of the embassy today in Jerusalem when the time is right.

We have the economy roaring! We have tax cuts. The Democrats are puzzled why people aren’t angry at them. Record small-business profits. We have jobs for everyone. - Rush

I read click bait such as this from time-to-time in here. The circle jerks are amusing, but this kind of shit is the new norm, making it almost... predictable. Might as well have some fun.

I gotta hand it to The Orange Virus. He is great at deception. The depths he will sink to deceive are no longer surprising. The swamp is filled with greedy CEO-types riding an unprecedented wave of prosperity because they were given the keys to our government. I can't think of a worse bunch of people to grant such power over decisions affecting our lives. CEOs do enough damage in the private sector affecting employment. Some of them are narcissists and even a few psychopaths. Yet we now grant them access to affecting our entire lives? Great job, America. Super smart.

This treasonous bunch are gearing up a kleptocracy to end all kleptocracies. Our government is becoming more corporate by the day. The Administration is bleeding people by the day. It's all starting to resemble... a board room.

Corporations aren't democratic. The idiots that voted for The Orange Virus got conned, fair and square. After all, his previous job as an ACTOR dovetailed nicely into his current show. He's the face of the corporation. It doesn't matter how much he lies, deceives and/or bullies his perceived 'enemies'. He's playing a role, and that role is to fleece this country for as much as he and the corporation can while maintaining public compliance.

Bread and circuses. We fall for it every time.
So Now He’s Keeping Other Presidents’ Promises May 14, 2018
We got Kim Jong-un promising to denuke his country and to show everybody in a ceremony when it’s happening. We have the upcoming summit. We have trade negotiations redone, trade agreements renegotiated. We are pulling out of the Iran-Obama deal. We’ve pulled out of the Paris climate accords. We have a possible Middle East peace agreement. What has not been reported is that the Trump administration has a peace proposal for Israel and the Palestinians following the opening of the embassy today in Jerusalem when the time is right.

We have the economy roaring! We have tax cuts. The Democrats are puzzled why people aren’t angry at them. Record small-business profits. We have jobs for everyone. - Rush

I read click bait such as this from time-to-time in here. The circle jerks are amusing, but this kind of shit is the new norm, making it almost... predictable. Might as well have some fun.

I gotta hand it to The Orange Virus. He is great at deception. The depths he will sink to deceive are no longer surprising. The swamp is filled with greedy CEO-types riding an unprecedented wave of prosperity because they were given the keys to our government. I can't think of a worse bunch of people to grant such power over decisions affecting our lives. CEOs do enough damage in the private sector affecting employment. Some of them are narcissists and even a few psychopaths. Yet we now grant them access to affecting our entire lives? Great job, America. Super smart.

This treasonous bunch are gearing up a kleptocracy to end all kleptocracies. Our government is becoming more corporate by the day. The Administration is bleeding people by the day. It's all starting to resemble... a board room.

Corporations aren't democratic. The idiots that voted for The Orange Virus got conned, fair and square. After all, his previous job as an ACTOR dovetailed nicely into his current show. He's the face of the corporation. It doesn't matter how much he lies, deceives and/or bullies his perceived 'enemies'. He's playing a role, and that role is to fleece this country for as much as he and the corporation can while maintaining public compliance.

Bread and circuses. We fall for it every time.
/——/ You need to dial back the meds, buttsore. You’re hysterical
There has never been a bill to actually repeal ObamaCare offered up for a vote since Trump was elected.

It's amazing the rubes don't even know that.

Why repeal it when you can hamstring it, by removing the things that finance it?

That's pretty much what Trump did.

Why repeal it when you can hamstring it? How about because all of the hospital killing rules and regulations are still in effect. But you sheep do not give a rats ass about such things, all you care about was the fucking mandate, which was nothing more than a shiny object to keep you dumb fucks distracted.
There has never been a bill to actually repeal ObamaCare offered up for a vote since Trump was elected.

It's amazing the rubes don't even know that.

Why repeal it when you can hamstring it, by removing the things that finance it?

That's pretty much what Trump did.

Why repeal it when you can hamstring it? How about because all of the hospital killing rules and regulations are still in effect. But you sheep do not give a rats ass about such things, all you care about was the fucking mandate, which was nothing more than a shiny object to keep you dumb fucks distracted.
/——/ What about the killing rules at PlannedParenthood? Any fake outrage over that?
That's right, cuckold. Just sit there and take it up the ass from Trump. Ignore the smart people telling you that you have been conned.

Trump counts on your stupidity. He absolutely relies on it.

For being conned I sure am making a lot more money.

Funny, on another thread you said you were retired.
Why can't you make money when you're retired, troll?

Obviously you can. I'm retired and thanks to Trump's economy, making more than ever. :biggrin:
My 401k started making money right after Trump won the election.

If it was not making money before the election it was because the person running your 401k was ripping you off big time.
There has never been a bill to actually repeal ObamaCare offered up for a vote since Trump was elected.

It's amazing the rubes don't even know that.

Why repeal it when you can hamstring it, by removing the things that finance it?

That's pretty much what Trump did.

Why repeal it when you can hamstring it? How about because all of the hospital killing rules and regulations are still in effect. But you sheep do not give a rats ass about such things, all you care about was the fucking mandate, which was nothing more than a shiny object to keep you dumb fucks distracted.
/——/ What about the killing rules at PlannedParenthood? Any fake outrage over that?

What rules have killed PP? Please elaborate
For being conned I sure am making a lot more money.

Funny, on another thread you said you were retired.
Why can't you make money when you're retired, troll?

Obviously you can. I'm retired and thanks to Trump's economy, making more than ever. :biggrin:
My 401k started making money right after Trump won the election.

If it was not making money before the election it was because the person running your 401k was ripping you off big time.
/——/ I ran my own 401k and IRA. Do you have proof I ripped myself off? Where’s the money? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Funny, on another thread you said you were retired.
Why can't you make money when you're retired, troll?

Obviously you can. I'm retired and thanks to Trump's economy, making more than ever. :biggrin:
My 401k started making money right after Trump won the election.

If it was not making money before the election it was because the person running your 401k was ripping you off big time.
/——/ I ran my own 401k and IRA. Do you have proof I ripped myself off? Where’s the money? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

If this is true, then you know that you were making money prior to the election. If you claim otherwise you are either a liar or really fucking bad at doing it.

So, which is it? I am going with the former.
There has never been a bill to actually repeal ObamaCare offered up for a vote since Trump was elected.

It's amazing the rubes don't even know that.

Why repeal it when you can hamstring it, by removing the things that finance it?

That's pretty much what Trump did.

Why repeal it when you can hamstring it? How about because all of the hospital killing rules and regulations are still in effect. But you sheep do not give a rats ass about such things, all you care about was the fucking mandate, which was nothing more than a shiny object to keep you dumb fucks distracted.
/——/ What about the killing rules at PlannedParenthood? Any fake outrage over that?

What rules have killed PP? Please elaborate
/——/ You claimed there are killing rules at hospitals. You actually think hospitals deliberately kill people? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

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