Trump Runs Out of Promises to Keep

Why can't you make money when you're retired, troll?

Obviously you can. I'm retired and thanks to Trump's economy, making more than ever. :biggrin:
My 401k started making money right after Trump won the election.

If it was not making money before the election it was because the person running your 401k was ripping you off big time.
/——/ I ran my own 401k and IRA. Do you have proof I ripped myself off? Where’s the money? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

If this is true, then you know that you were making money prior to the election. If you claim otherwise you are either a liar or really fucking bad at doing it.

So, which is it? I am going with the former.
/——/ I was making money by trading options like covered calls. I was and still am 90% cash. I make money no matter who is in office. I don’t depend on politicians for my financial security. Do you?
There has never been a bill to actually repeal ObamaCare offered up for a vote since Trump was elected.

It's amazing the rubes don't even know that.

Why repeal it when you can hamstring it, by removing the things that finance it?

That's pretty much what Trump did.

Why repeal it when you can hamstring it? How about because all of the hospital killing rules and regulations are still in effect. But you sheep do not give a rats ass about such things, all you care about was the fucking mandate, which was nothing more than a shiny object to keep you dumb fucks distracted.
/——/ What about the killing rules at PlannedParenthood? Any fake outrage over that?

What rules have killed PP? Please elaborate
/——/ You claimed there are killing rules at hospitals. You actually think hospitals deliberately kill people? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

No you stupid fucking idiot, I claimed the rules were killing the hospitals is putting them out of business. ObamaCare forced so many changes at hospital that many smaller ones could not comply and still stay in business. Even at the larger ones they are forced to do things like have a higher patient to nurse ratio to try and stay afloat.
Obviously you can. I'm retired and thanks to Trump's economy, making more than ever. :biggrin:
My 401k started making money right after Trump won the election.

If it was not making money before the election it was because the person running your 401k was ripping you off big time.
/——/ I ran my own 401k and IRA. Do you have proof I ripped myself off? Where’s the money? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

If this is true, then you know that you were making money prior to the election. If you claim otherwise you are either a liar or really fucking bad at doing it.

So, which is it? I am going with the former.
/——/ I was making money by trading options like covered calls. I was and still am 90% cash. I make money no matter who is in office. I don’t depend on politicians for my financial security. Do you?

I am not the dumb fuck that claimed their 401k was not making money till Trump got elected...take it up with them
My 401k started making money right after Trump won the election.

If it was not making money before the election it was because the person running your 401k was ripping you off big time.
/——/ I ran my own 401k and IRA. Do you have proof I ripped myself off? Where’s the money? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

If this is true, then you know that you were making money prior to the election. If you claim otherwise you are either a liar or really fucking bad at doing it.

So, which is it? I am going with the former.
/——/ I was making money by trading options like covered calls. I was and still am 90% cash. I make money no matter who is in office. I don’t depend on politicians for my financial security. Do you?

I am not the dumb fuck that claimed their 401k was not making money till Trump got elected...take it up with them
/—-/ So why are you bitching to me?
Why repeal it when you can hamstring it, by removing the things that finance it?

That's pretty much what Trump did.

Why repeal it when you can hamstring it? How about because all of the hospital killing rules and regulations are still in effect. But you sheep do not give a rats ass about such things, all you care about was the fucking mandate, which was nothing more than a shiny object to keep you dumb fucks distracted.
/——/ What about the killing rules at PlannedParenthood? Any fake outrage over that?

What rules have killed PP? Please elaborate
/——/ You claimed there are killing rules at hospitals. You actually think hospitals deliberately kill people? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

No you stupid fucking idiot, I claimed the rules were killing the hospitals is putting them out of business. ObamaCare forced so many changes at hospital that many smaller ones could not comply and still stay in business. Even at the larger ones they are forced to do things like have a higher patient to nurse ratio to try and stay afloat.
/——/ Then learn how to communicate clearly. I actually agree with you.
For being conned I sure am making a lot more money.

Funny, on another thread you said you were retired.
Why can't you make money when you're retired, troll?

Obviously you can. I'm retired and thanks to Trump's economy, making more than ever. :biggrin:
My 401k started making money right after Trump won the election.

If it was not making money before the election it was because the person running your 401k was ripping you off big time.
I know you'd like to prove that but it happened just as I stated. We don't know who did what, but shortly after the election it stopped losing. So the question i have for your lying trolling hide, is why did this guy suddenly stop ripping us off stop after Trump got elected, unless, gasp, it was Obama himself! LOL!
Why can't you make money when you're retired, troll?

Obviously you can. I'm retired and thanks to Trump's economy, making more than ever. :biggrin:
My 401k started making money right after Trump won the election.

If it was not making money before the election it was because the person running your 401k was ripping you off big time.
/——/ I ran my own 401k and IRA. Do you have proof I ripped myself off? Where’s the money? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

If this is true, then you know that you were making money prior to the election. If you claim otherwise you are either a liar or really fucking bad at doing it.

So, which is it? I am going with the former.
Look how desperate this shill is to take any credit away from Trump for anything. What a useless degenerates these libs are.
"You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."
Nope. That's all on Trump. He hoaxed you, and now America is suffering with record high health care costs.
Nope, it's Obama's so called accomplishment, only the mandate was taken away. The rest is the same, so you own it.
/—-/ Here’s a list of how Trump has gutted Obozocare, Goober
Here are the 9 ways the president is trying to dismantle the law without help from Congress
Pulling Obamacare subsidies

The Trump administration announced it will end a key subsidy program that helps insurers pay medical bills for low-income customers. Many insurers said they had priced their 2018 plans higher in case Trump followed through on threats to nix the payments, which are worth an estimated $7 billion this year, but others may now withdraw from Obamacare’s marketplaces just weeks before the next enrollment period starts.

Rewriting the rules to entice healthy people away from Obamacare

Lifting Obama-era limits on short-term health plans

Rolled back Obamacare’s rule mandating birth control coverage

Gutted funding for outreach, marketing of Obamacare coverage

Shortened the enrollment season

Threatened to pull subsidies

HHS media office attacks on the law

Deleted useful information about the plan
Nope. That's all on Trump. He hoaxed you, and now America is suffering with record high health care costs.
Nope, it's Obama's so called accomplishment, only the mandate was taken away. The rest is the same, so you own it.
I don't own it. I never wanted ObamaCare.

Trump told you he had a replacement. You were stupid enough to bleev him.

You get what you deserve, rube.
Nope. That's all on Trump. He hoaxed you, and now America is suffering with record high health care costs.
Nope, it's Obama's so called accomplishment, only the mandate was taken away. The rest is the same, so you own it.
/—-/ Here’s a list of how Trump has gutted Obozocare, Goober
Here are the 9 ways the president is trying to dismantle the law without help from Congress
Pulling Obamacare subsidies

The Trump administration announced it will end a key subsidy program that helps insurers pay medical bills for low-income customers. Many insurers said they had priced their 2018 plans higher in case Trump followed through on threats to nix the payments, which are worth an estimated $7 billion this year, but others may now withdraw from Obamacare’s marketplaces just weeks before the next enrollment period starts.

Rewriting the rules to entice healthy people away from Obamacare

Lifting Obama-era limits on short-term health plans

Rolled back Obamacare’s rule mandating birth control coverage

Gutted funding for outreach, marketing of Obamacare coverage

Shortened the enrollment season

Threatened to pull subsidies

HHS media office attacks on the law

Deleted useful information about the plan
Trump has done such a great job that TrumpCare costs are skyrocketing to all new records.

Good job, Trump!

"You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."
Nope. That's all on Trump. He hoaxed you, and now America is suffering with record high health care costs.
Nope, it's Obama's so called accomplishment, only the mandate was taken away. The rest is the same, so you own it.
I don't own it. I never wanted ObamaCare.

Trump told you he had a replacement. You were stupid enough to bleev him.

You get what you deserve, rube.
Nope the good for nothing gop wouldn't do as they promised, I for one are gonna vote out the ones I can in November.
Trump wants socialized medicine. He loves socialized medicine. He has always advocated for socialized medicine.

Trump wants to repeal Obamacare and replace it with single payer health care. That's what he means by his plan costing you "a tiny fraction".

Deep down inside, you all know this.

And exactly three milliseconds after Trump announces he is going to seek single payer healthcare, you will all claim you have always been for a total government takeover of health care.

If Trump gets a Democratic Congress, he will revert to his true New York Democratic limousine liberal self. And single payer health care will be his first unmasking.
“As far as single payer, it works in Canada. It works incredibly well in Scotland." - Donald J. Trump, 2015.

Donald Trump in his book The America We Deserve:

We must have universal healthcare...I'm a conservative on most issues but a liberal on this one. We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by healthcare expenses...

Doctors might be paid less than they are now, as is the case in Canada, but they would be able to treat more patients because of the reduction in their paperwork..

The Canadian plan also helps Canadians live longer and healthier than Americans. There are fewer medical lawsuits, less loss of labor to sickness, and lower costs to companies paying for the medical care of their employees. If the program were in place in Massachusetts in 1999 it would have reduced administrative costs by $2.5 million. We need, as a nation, to reexamine the single-payer plan, as many individual states are doing.

Donald Trump on Larry King the first time he ran for President:

I'm quite liberal, and getting much more liberal, on health care and other things. What's the purpose of a country if you're not gonna have defense and health care? If you can’t take care of your sick in the country, forget it, it’s all over. So I'm very liberal when it comes to health care. I believe in universal healthcare.

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