Trump, Republicans, and Winning!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
After over 65 million of my fellow Americans voted for a truly anti-American tradition, and incompetent, in 2012, many of us on the Right assumed the worst: the movement that Franklin Roosevelt set in motion, his American version of Stalinism, could not be stopped.

Of course, there were wise observers who attributed Obama's elections as much to good-hearted simpletons who wanted to put racism and discrimination behind us and voted more for skin-color and less for communism.....
...but either conclusion left America in a precarious position, on the precipice of oblivion.

In full disclosure, I never expected the Trump victory......
...but, then, neither did nearlly anyone else.

Now, in post-election analysis, Frontpage Mag illuminates the path.
Greenfield posits that the old rules no longer apply, and the time-honored memes need no longer be so honored.

1. Actually respond to the needs of your base!

The GOP .... doesn’t like being associated with the very voters who made 2016 happen. [The Democrats] just lost big because they ran out of working class white voters.....tried to manufacture their base using immigration, victimhood politics and identity politics.

Trump won by doing what the GOP could have done all along if its leadership hadn’t been too ashamed to talk to people it considered low class because they shop at WalMart..... he found the neglected base of working class white voters who had been left behind. He didn’t care about looking uncool by courting them. Instead he threw himself into it.

The GOP’s urban elites would like to create an imaginary cool party that would be just like the Democrats, but with fiscally conservative principles. That party can’t and won’t exist.

You can run with the base you have. Or you can lose."
5 Ways Trump Shows How to Win Elections

Rule #2.....coming right up.
Maybe he was right, maybe we'll win so much we'll ask to stop, because its been fucking beautiful so far.
Clinton is very close to getting more votes than Obama did in 2012.

That's your reality. You people on the right are in for a surprise if you think the electoral college is going to save you every time.
"Both" of these parties need to be drug out back and put down.

This is the sort of post one expects from those either too obtuse to compare the two parties, or too much of wimp to get off the fence.

So that I may address you correctly,.....which is it?
Dems need to work on their bench. The "PROGRESSIVE" party is run by rich old white people and that is all they offered to voters. How is that "PROGRESSIVE"?
Clinton is very close to getting more votes than Obama did in 2012.

That's your reality. You people on the right are in for a surprise if you think the electoral college is going to save you every time.

It's all going to depend on what Trump does over the next four years. If he starts to deliver on what he said he would they won't need to worry about the popular vote or EC
Clinton is very close to getting more votes than Obama did in 2012.

That's your reality. You people on the right are in for a surprise if you think the electoral college is going to save you every time.

In Super Bowl 50, the Panthers gained 315 yards, and Denver only gained 194 yards.

Denver "WON" the game, 24-10....but Carolina "REALLY" won because they gained more yards......RIGHT? :booze:
Dems need to work on their bench. The "PROGRESSIVE" party is run by rich old white people and that is all they offered to voters. How is that "PROGRESSIVE"?

"Dems need to work on their bench."

Au contraire.....they need to work on the principles that they stand for.

You're not actually asking them to provide young, non-white communists instead to their current crop of Bolsheviks.....are you?
Dems need to work on their bench. The "PROGRESSIVE" party is run by rich old white people and that is all they offered to voters. How is that "PROGRESSIVE"?

"Dems need to work on their bench."

Au contraire.....they need to work on the principles that they stand for.

You're not actually asking them to provide young, non-white communists instead to their current crop of Bolsheviks.....are you?

I am saying their messengers are not consistent with their message. They are all about identity politics, but much of what they offer America is rich old white people.

Their message is of course bullshit because they want a stupid and complacent electorate they can manipulate.
Dems need to work on their bench. The "PROGRESSIVE" party is run by rich old white people and that is all they offered to voters. How is that "PROGRESSIVE"?

"Dems need to work on their bench."

Au contraire.....they need to work on the principles that they stand for.

You're not actually asking them to provide young, non-white communists instead to their current crop of Bolsheviks.....are you?

I am saying their messengers are not consistent with their message. They are all about identity politics, but much of what they offer America is rich old white people.

Their message is of course bullshit because they want a stupid and complacent electorate they can manipulate.

Why is either 'rich' or 'white' a problem for anyone?
Clinton is very close to getting more votes than Obama did in 2012.

That's your reality. You people on the right are in for a surprise if you think the electoral college is going to save you every time.
if hildabeast won the EC and lost the Popular vote, you would be all for the EC. STFU hypocrite
Dems need to work on their bench. The "PROGRESSIVE" party is run by rich old white people and that is all they offered to voters. How is that "PROGRESSIVE"?

"Dems need to work on their bench."

Au contraire.....they need to work on the principles that they stand for.

You're not actually asking them to provide young, non-white communists instead to their current crop of Bolsheviks.....are you?

I am saying their messengers are not consistent with their message. They are all about identity politics, but much of what they offer America is rich old white people.

Their message is of course bullshit because they want a stupid and complacent electorate they can manipulate.

Why is either 'rich' or 'white' a problem for anyone?

I don't shouldn't be.

Maybe snowflakes from 2012 can explain why Romey being "RICH" and "WHITE" was a part of their negative campaigning.
There are new rules....and Republicans can either live by these, or lose.

Rule # 2. "Media and Celebrities Don’t Matter

The first rule of Republican politics is to look in the mirror and ask, “Are we trying to be Democrats?”

Twice Obama’s big glittering machine of celebrities, media and memes rolled over hapless Republicans. Republican operatives desperately wondered how they could run against Oprah, Beyonce and BuzzFeed.

How were they supposed to survive being mocked by Saturday Night Live and attacked by the media?
The answer was to find voters who weren’t making their decisions based on any of those things.

The Obama machine was great at influencing its target electorate of urban and suburban millennial college grads ... But that’s not the Republican base.

... the Trump campaign targeted a class of voters who didn’t care about those things. The white working class ...

Romney wanted everyone to like him. Being rejected hurt him so much because he wanted to be accepted. Trump ran as an outsider. Being rejected by the establishment was a badge of pride. He couldn’t be humiliated by being mocked by the cool kids ...

When Republicans commit to pursuing their base, they can stop worrying about what Saturday Night Live, Samantha Bee and random celebrities think of them.

And they can just be themselves.

The media sphere matters most when you care about it. When you don’t and when you focus on voters who don’t either, then it ends up as weak and impotent as it did in this election." 5 Ways Trump Shows How to Win Elections
After over 65 million of my fellow Americans voted for a truly anti-American tradition, and incompetent, in 2012, many of us on the Right assumed the worst: the movement that Franklin Roosevelt set in motion, his American version of Stalinism, could not be stopped.

Of course, there were wise observers who attributed Obama's elections as much to good-hearted simpletons who wanted to put racism and discrimination behind us and voted more for skin-color and less for communism.....
...but either conclusion left America in a precarious position, on the precipice of oblivion.

In full disclosure, I never expected the Trump victory......
...but, then, neither did nearlly anyone else.

Now, in post-election analysis, Frontpage Mag illuminates the path.
Greenfield posits that the old rules no longer apply, and the time-honored memes need no longer be so honored.

1. Actually respond to the needs of your base!

The GOP .... doesn’t like being associated with the very voters who made 2016 happen. [The Democrats] just lost big because they ran out of working class white voters.....tried to manufacture their base using immigration, victimhood politics and identity politics.

Trump won by doing what the GOP could have done all along if its leadership hadn’t been too ashamed to talk to people it considered low class because they shop at WalMart..... he found the neglected base of working class white voters who had been left behind. He didn’t care about looking uncool by courting them. Instead he threw himself into it.

The GOP’s urban elites would like to create an imaginary cool party that would be just like the Democrats, but with fiscally conservative principles. That party can’t and won’t exist.

You can run with the base you have. Or you can lose."
5 Ways Trump Shows How to Win Elections

Rule #2.....coming right up.

Trump won only because he took a stand against free trade.

Since you have a history on this board of being one of the most zealous free trade supporters here, even to the point of claiming (wrongly) that it was one of the Founders' most sacred beliefs,

it is truly a hoot to see you pretending to support Trump.
Dems need to work on their bench. The "PROGRESSIVE" party is run by rich old white people and that is all they offered to voters. How is that "PROGRESSIVE"?

"Dems need to work on their bench."

Au contraire.....they need to work on the principles that they stand for.

You're not actually asking them to provide young, non-white communists instead to their current crop of Bolsheviks.....are you?

I am saying their messengers are not consistent with their message. They are all about identity politics, but much of what they offer America is rich old white people.

Their message is of course bullshit because they want a stupid and complacent electorate they can manipulate.

Why is either 'rich' or 'white' a problem for anyone?

I don't shouldn't be.

Maybe snowflakes from 2012 can explain why Romey being "RICH" and "WHITE" was a part of their negative campaigning.

C'mon now.....if you can't find anything wrong with either....and I can't....then don't make their argument for them.

Stand up for what you believe.
Dems need to work on their bench. The "PROGRESSIVE" party is run by rich old white people and that is all they offered to voters. How is that "PROGRESSIVE"?

"Dems need to work on their bench."

Au contraire.....they need to work on the principles that they stand for.

You're not actually asking them to provide young, non-white communists instead to their current crop of Bolsheviks.....are you?

I am saying their messengers are not consistent with their message. They are all about identity politics, but much of what they offer America is rich old white people.

Their message is of course bullshit because they want a stupid and complacent electorate they can manipulate.

Why is either 'rich' or 'white' a problem for anyone?

I don't shouldn't be.

Maybe snowflakes from 2012 can explain why Romey being "RICH" and "WHITE" was a part of their negative campaigning.

C'mon now.....if you can't find anything wrong with either....and I can't....then don't make their argument for them.

Stand up for what you believe.

I was using the literary device referred to by some as "SARCASM" to illustrate the folly of their bullshit.
Winning is Oh so very sweet. Make America Great Again! Trump is putting together the greatest Cabinet of former military Generals and successful businessmen in history.
"Dems need to work on their bench."

Au contraire.....they need to work on the principles that they stand for.

You're not actually asking them to provide young, non-white communists instead to their current crop of Bolsheviks.....are you?

I am saying their messengers are not consistent with their message. They are all about identity politics, but much of what they offer America is rich old white people.

Their message is of course bullshit because they want a stupid and complacent electorate they can manipulate.

Why is either 'rich' or 'white' a problem for anyone?

I don't shouldn't be.

Maybe snowflakes from 2012 can explain why Romey being "RICH" and "WHITE" was a part of their negative campaigning.

C'mon now.....if you can't find anything wrong with either....and I can't....then don't make their argument for them.

Stand up for what you believe.

I was using the literary device referred to by some as "SARCASM" to illustrate the folly of their bullshit.

Perhaps you should be more articulate.

the ability to speak fluently and coherently.

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