Trump Optimism vs Clinton Crybabies

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
The stock markets up, optimism for the future seems up, eh, good things seem to be happening .. meanwhile .. the main street media continue to spin pessimistic dirt on every issue relating to Trump and the future .... :wtf:

I just wonder if many Clinton devotees are ready to move on, hope for the best and kinda wish the media would stop pissing and moaning as well, show some good ole American optimism?

:salute: ..
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... :eusa_doh:


They truly can't believe they lost. The looney lefts angst is palpable and pathetic.


The main street media look more like Trump parasites for bucks than reputable journalists .. basically, nothing has changed for them, alas, that eating crow thing is tough on them as well..... :laugh:
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They truly can't believe they lost. The looney lefts angst is palpable and pathetic.

What's just as pathetic is the grade school mentality of beating a dead horse called gloating...When you win, shake hands, say good job and move on..

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