Trump "one of the great masterminds of peace" in world history.


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
How do you poor TDS Sufferers like the Title of this Post? I expect it eats into your vitals, as we sometimes say out here in the Heartland---where Sanity still predominates. Unlike the rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century.

It comes from this article by a smart man named Charles Hurt.

"President Trump's critics are always going into hysterics about how he does things differently. They don't like who he talks to. They don't like how he talks, but this right here, this is the fruit of somebody doing something differently..."

"Hurt said the deal could lead to a number of peace deals and normalization agreements in the Middle East that, if written about truthfully by the media, would cast Trump as "one of the great masterminds of peace" in world history."

Trump is getting them united because everybody realizes that something has to be done about Obama's favorite country---IRAN. Can you believe it. Obama was set to let Mullahs and Ayatollahs!!!!! have a nuclear weapon in about 4 more years. Mullahs and Ayatollahs with a Nuclear weapon! Those truly insane religious fanatics who wake up every morning hoping this is the "End of Days".

Thank you Don Trump---Peacemaker!

No new wars in the Middle East, unlike the Hussein who turned Libya into a shit hole, and caused the rise of ISIS.

In 2018 the neocons and all Democrats (except Gabbard) were clamoring for war. Even CNN was telling us we had to take Assad out. Tucker was the only guy on TV asking the question, “why?” President Trump followed his instincts and refused to send troops in. No one could prove Assad used chemical weapons, and it made no sense for him to.

If Biden is elected, we will go to war in Syria.
How do you poor TDS Sufferers like the Title of this Post? I expect it eats into your vitals, as we sometimes say out here in the Heartland---where Sanity still predominates. Unlike the rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century.

It comes from this article by a smart man named Charles Hurt.

"President Trump's critics are always going into hysterics about how he does things differently. They don't like who he talks to. They don't like how he talks, but this right here, this is the fruit of somebody doing something differently..."

"Hurt said the deal could lead to a number of peace deals and normalization agreements in the Middle East that, if written about truthfully by the media, would cast Trump as "one of the great masterminds of peace" in world history."

Trump is getting them united because everybody realizes that something has to be done about Obama's favorite country---IRAN. Can you believe it. Obama was set to let Mullahs and Ayatollahs!!!!! have a nuclear weapon in about 4 more years. Mullahs and Ayatollahs with a Nuclear weapon! Those truly insane religious fanatics who wake up every morning hoping this is the "End of Days".

Thank you Don Trump---Peacemaker!


Good timing, I was thinking this today. The only thing separating us from full PROG-created Orwell's 1984 is the wars of which Demorats love and honor. Trump is the GOAT.
How do you poor TDS Sufferers like the Title of this Post? I expect it eats into your vitals, as we sometimes say out here in the Heartland---where Sanity still predominates. Unlike the rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century.

It comes from this article by a smart man named Charles Hurt.

"President Trump's critics are always going into hysterics about how he does things differently. They don't like who he talks to. They don't like how he talks, but this right here, this is the fruit of somebody doing something differently..."

"Hurt said the deal could lead to a number of peace deals and normalization agreements in the Middle East that, if written about truthfully by the media, would cast Trump as "one of the great masterminds of peace" in world history."

Trump is getting them united because everybody realizes that something has to be done about Obama's favorite country---IRAN. Can you believe it. Obama was set to let Mullahs and Ayatollahs!!!!! have a nuclear weapon in about 4 more years. Mullahs and Ayatollahs with a Nuclear weapon! Those truly insane religious fanatics who wake up every morning hoping this is the "End of Days".

Thank you Don Trump---Peacemaker!

A 'peacemaker' who talks about bombing the hell out of Iran and who brags about being talked out of assassinating Assad..LOL!!
How do you poor TDS Sufferers like the Title of this Post? I expect it eats into your vitals, as we sometimes say out here in the Heartland---where Sanity still predominates. Unlike the rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century.

It comes from this article by a smart man named Charles Hurt.

"President Trump's critics are always going into hysterics about how he does things differently. They don't like who he talks to. They don't like how he talks, but this right here, this is the fruit of somebody doing something differently..."

"Hurt said the deal could lead to a number of peace deals and normalization agreements in the Middle East that, if written about truthfully by the media, would cast Trump as "one of the great masterminds of peace" in world history."

Trump is getting them united because everybody realizes that something has to be done about Obama's favorite country---IRAN. Can you believe it. Obama was set to let Mullahs and Ayatollahs!!!!! have a nuclear weapon in about 4 more years. Mullahs and Ayatollahs with a Nuclear weapon! Those truly insane religious fanatics who wake up every morning hoping this is the "End of Days".

Thank you Don Trump---Peacemaker!

A 'peacemaker' who talks about bombing the hell out of Iran and who brags about being talked out of assassinating Assad..LOL!!

Indeed. Peace through strength.
I hope Obama has packaged his peace prize, ready for shipping.
Maybe Trump can just have one made up so he can hang it on the he did that Time Magazine thing.
How do you poor TDS Sufferers like the Title of this Post? I expect it eats into your vitals, as we sometimes say out here in the Heartland---where Sanity still predominates. Unlike the rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century.

It comes from this article by a smart man named Charles Hurt.

"President Trump's critics are always going into hysterics about how he does things differently. They don't like who he talks to. They don't like how he talks, but this right here, this is the fruit of somebody doing something differently..."

"Hurt said the deal could lead to a number of peace deals and normalization agreements in the Middle East that, if written about truthfully by the media, would cast Trump as "one of the great masterminds of peace" in world history."

Trump is getting them united because everybody realizes that something has to be done about Obama's favorite country---IRAN. Can you believe it. Obama was set to let Mullahs and Ayatollahs!!!!! have a nuclear weapon in about 4 more years. Mullahs and Ayatollahs with a Nuclear weapon! Those truly insane religious fanatics who wake up every morning hoping this is the "End of Days".

Thank you Don Trump---Peacemaker!


Good timing, I was thinking this today. The only thing separating us from full PROG-created Orwell's 1984 is the wars of which Demorats love and honor. Trump is the GOAT.
If you say so Putin
How do you poor TDS Sufferers like the Title of this Post? I expect it eats into your vitals, as we sometimes say out here in the Heartland---where Sanity still predominates. Unlike the rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century.

It comes from this article by a smart man named Charles Hurt.

"President Trump's critics are always going into hysterics about how he does things differently. They don't like who he talks to. They don't like how he talks, but this right here, this is the fruit of somebody doing something differently..."

"Hurt said the deal could lead to a number of peace deals and normalization agreements in the Middle East that, if written about truthfully by the media, would cast Trump as "one of the great masterminds of peace" in world history."

Trump is getting them united because everybody realizes that something has to be done about Obama's favorite country---IRAN. Can you believe it. Obama was set to let Mullahs and Ayatollahs!!!!! have a nuclear weapon in about 4 more years. Mullahs and Ayatollahs with a Nuclear weapon! Those truly insane religious fanatics who wake up every morning hoping this is the "End of Days".

Thank you Don Trump---Peacemaker!


Kicking neocon, leftist, globalist, collectivist, environmentalist and extremist asses.
The Israeli zionist's and the U.S. neocon's brag about a groundbreaking peace deal without including one-half of the equation, the Palestinians.
Bizarro world. ... :cuckoo:

Half, hardly. Maybe 1/10th. Evidently the Palestinians have grossly exaggerated their own importance. They best go along to get along or they'll find themselves out in the cold.


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