Trump on USSC ruling: Civil rights issue of all time. Public money to religious schools.

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
President Trump touted a Supreme Court Tuesday ruling which struck down a state ban on taxpayer funding for religious schools, calling it a “historic win” for school choice.

Speaking to reporters while announcing an executive order on law enforcement reform, Trump said: “We’re fighting for school choice, which really is the civil rights [issue] of all-time in this country. Frankly, school choice is the civil rights statement of the year, of the decade and probably beyond. Because all children have to have access to quality education.”

"A child’s ZIP code in America should never determine their future, and that’s what was happening," he continued. "All children deserve equal opportunity because we are all made equal by God."

Tuesday's ruling is a victory for school choice proponents and some conservative religious groups who had challenged the provision in court. Montana's program was similar to many across the U.S., and other states have proposed tax-credit scholarship programs but not passed them due to confusion about their legality.

In the 5-4 ruling, the court essentially backed a Montana tax-credit scholarship programthat gave residents up to a $150 credit for donating to private scholarship organizations, helping students pay for their choice of private schools. The state's revenue department made a rule banning those tax-credit scholarships from going to religious schools before the state's supreme court later struck down the entire program.

“A State need not subsidize private education. But once a State decides to do so, it cannot disqualify some private schools solely because they are religious," Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the court's opinion.

Looks like RINO Roberts is trying to get some of his friends back. Even you righty TDS people have to understand that allowing Biden to take the presidency means a court will not come to decisions like this if he gets the opportunity to put in leftist control freak judges. This is a win for people that believe in religion, freedom and having choices.

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