Trump on DeSantis: “No Personal Charisma” and “Dull Personality”

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Who cares? Of course Trump is attacking DeSantis, he likely sees him as his greatest opponent if he tries to re-elect Jo... ahem.. run for the republican nominee in 2024.

He will rant and rave about him and anyone else that is presumed to have a chance in 2024, it is in his nature.
DeSantis refuses to kiss the ring, so Trump is opening fire on his potential rival

So let trump and DeSantis run against each other and let the Republicans chose who they want to be their 2024 candidate.

DesSantis is the less obnoxious Trump.
I like Trump. But he is all washed up, De Santis actually does stuff. Trump supports a useless vaccine even the democrats rejected last year but they mandate NOW. Trump is done, "Out of here".
This is complete bullshit. More anonymous sources. Lol. Just the media trying to sow division around Trump and get clicks. Anyone who believes this is just looking for an excuse to criticize Trump (we know who you are) or is a nincompoop who doesn't realize when they're being lied to. Or both.
"Reportedly" "in private" "sources say that" "it is rumored that" "if true" BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH......
After 4 long years of that kind of continuous BS... they STILL "bite" every time. It's just another shot fired in panic because they're looking around, seeing devastation of their brand EVERYWHERE, and they know, deep down, that if he runs, he'll WIN. They also intuitively understand that just griping and bitching about him won't stop that. They're beginning to worry that even THEIR little piece of paradise might be troubled if he gets re-elected and a CWII begins.

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