Trump Likely Eternally Impeached--No Witnesses, No Trial (Polls)

.......So going forward, there is no doubting that Impeachment was warranted.........

Jesus, another ignorant sack of shit.

I REPEAT: The whole impeachment farce was a Nazi fascist overthrow of an elected president.

REMEMBER: The Democrats called for Impeachment BEFORE Trump was even in office! That is illegal. A number of Democrats are on record saying they wanted to impeach Trump before he even took office. That is proof that these fascist Democrats from day one have had a sentence in search of a crime . They already knew the sentence: Removal from office. For three years they have been in search of a crime. They thought the Mueller investigation would provide it but it failed. They tried emoluments, obstruction, and all manner of stupid crimes but they failed too. At the last minute they cooked up these faulty impeachment articles that don't even contain crimes!!

Next: No "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" were even listed in the Articles of Impeachment, because there were none.

Next: Due Process was violated every step of the way.

Next: This was all based on a bought and paid for dossier by that CriminalCunt Crooked Hillary, which was illegally used by the deep state to wiretap Trump.

This entire three year drama has been fascist, illegal and disgusting.

But here is the frightening thing: Millions of Americans knew it all and cheered it on anyway. This is how Reich's are formed. Millions of willing fascists cheering lusting in their hate and lies.

Democrats are the party of baby-killers, socialists, homosexuals, lawless open borders, massive taxes, and now pure unadulterated Fascism. Democrats are the embodiment of pure evil in today's world as are all leftists. They form a demonic union with Islamo-Fascists, Communists and perverts, all of whom have one hatred in common: Hatred for Western Christian Civilization.
That's a nice list of talking points.

There's nothing true or factual there, but it is a nice list.
And what the fuck does this stupid shit mean: "Trump Likely Eternally Impeached"

Do you know how ignorant that is? "Impeached" just means "charged". Nobody is eternally charged with a crime you half-witted imbecile.

FUCK!! Why is our country doomed to be populated with ignorant assfucks like you
He means that no-one will really believe he was innocent.

Try using your head for something besides holding up your hat for a change.
"The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments."

Contending that a trial has no basis in further investigation even betrays the concept, "Time," when further evidence can tell!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Phony Republican partisanship versus empirical evidence, witnesses, and trial(?): Not the Democratic legacy of recent weeks!)
"The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments."

Contending that a trial has no basis in further investigation even betrays the concept, "Time," when further evidence can tell!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Phony Republican partisanship versus empirical evidence, witnesses, and trial(?): Not the Democratic legacy of recent weeks!)

The impeachment was tried. YOUR House Clowns failed to make a case.

They lost. You lost. Deal with it.
Five US Republican Senators concede that John Donald Trump is stuck there--he did it--and mostly polls tend to show that everyone else thinks so too!. Everyone else also tends to follow along that removal from office because of it is not so clear cut.

NBC/WSJ poll: Country remains divided over Trump’s impeachment trial

So going forward, there is no doubting that Impeachment was warranted. Any new evidence, further revelations, further engagement of foreign governments in US Domestic Politics: Keeps the Trump legacy, "Guilty as charged." The pending acquittal is off the public record even before it happens. Senators Alexander, Rubio, and Murkowski have openly declared. Senators Romney and Collins even voted for witnesses.

There may have been no vote to remove from office, but now there is no basis in a fair trial. it is straight partisan--the stuff of elections.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(3000 males would be slaughtered in the wake of the Golden Calf. Everyone got Usury Economics instead, Deut 23: 19-20--of the invisible murderer, even! Arithmetic is intentional!)

The utter stupidity of the left if full display, there were SEVENTEEN Witnesses, that the House brought up, those are the Witnesses testimony that were available at the Senate Trial.

They did ask Bolton to testify, but he resisted through his lawyer (You moonbats deliberately overlook that part) then they drop him saying they already have a case for impeachment.

The upcoming expected acquittal is valid and legal, get over it!
There were no witnesses, no real trial.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Then as for foaling: See what people pray for: Matthew 25; 14-30)
It's the House that calls all the witnesses. They called 17. Then they wanted to hurry up.
Time doesn't tell at GOP--not disputed(?)! New witnesses and new evidence is still forthcoming, GOP supporters posting: Seem to suggest that it will go unchallenged, which happens in trials, even!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Accounting is an arithmetic act, even--Accountability counts it all up!)
Five US Republican Senators concede that John Donald Trump is stuck there--he did it--and mostly polls tend to show that everyone else thinks so too!. Everyone else also tends to follow along that removal from office because of it is not so clear cut.

NBC/WSJ poll: Country remains divided over Trump’s impeachment trial

So going forward, there is no doubting that Impeachment was warranted. Any new evidence, further revelations, further engagement of foreign governments in US Domestic Politics: Keeps the Trump legacy, "Guilty as charged." The pending acquittal is off the public record even before it happens. Senators Alexander, Rubio, and Murkowski have openly declared. Senators Romney and Collins even voted for witnesses.

There may have been no vote to remove from office, but now there is no basis in a fair trial. it is straight partisan--the stuff of elections.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(3000 males would be slaughtered in the wake of the Golden Calf. Everyone got Usury Economics instead, Deut 23: 19-20--of the invisible murderer, even! Arithmetic is intentional!)
Yes the Republican-controlled Senate saved the Constitutional process from the democrat controlled house overreach and power grab.
Time doesn't tell at GOP--not disputed(?)! New witnesses and new evidence is still forthcoming, GOP supporters posting: Seem to suggest that it will go unchallenged, which happens in trials, even!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Accounting is an arithmetic act, even--Accountability counts it all up!)
You lost, loser.

Grow up and accept the fact YOUR House Clowns failed to make a case.
Time doesn't tell at GOP--not disputed(?)! New witnesses and new evidence is still forthcoming, GOP supporters posting: Seem to suggest that it will go unchallenged, which happens in trials, even!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Accounting is an arithmetic act, even--Accountability counts it all up!)
not anymore
Lol.....after Wednesday, nobody is going to care.

Actually the whole point of the thread is that after Wednesday people will still care.

This isn't that hard to figure out, kids.

Nah.....maybe people on message boards but regular voters will be moving on to see what Congress will do for the people now. Less than 1% of voters have any interest in what the talking heads are saying. The see the headlines and go grab their Happy Meal at McDonalds.
Time has even told Republicans that the ant-American, foreigner-engager: Has more accusers than the 3000 murdered over the golden calf.

Shithead Nostra poster got Deut 23: 19-20, instead: Supportive in that manner even of the Holocaust!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(People cast out, Matt 25: 14-30, even in the prayers!)
See poll in OP link. Then that trial was mandated in a Constitutional process. The acquittal is only half a loaf, going back centuries.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Letting even penis in(?): Seeing the intent to toss the newly foaled out: Matt 25:14-30 is actually more eternal, and an intentional behavior!
You have to give the under educated a hand.
Pelosi stated the underlying case for the houses impeachment. It is not about facts, it is about innuendo and perception.
At least some democrats were honest about why they felt impeachment was necessary. We can not trust that the American public will not elect Trump again.
When the house first started the impeachment they started it not on a vote but on Pelosi's say. They allowed only certain witnesses, only certain questions, questions were limited to certain people. One of the heads of the impeachment process even read in a false transcript of the call. The same head could not keep straight how many times and for how long he had contact with the main reason for the impeachment. He was also someone that claimed for years that he had absolute proof that Trump colluded with Russia then finally had to admit that it was a lie.
When the house voted on the articles of impeachment they claimed a rock solid case. They claimed that it was time sensitive. Yet sat on the articles for almost a month. When it got to the senate they bagged for more evidence. What happened to their case?
During Clinton's impeachment Democrats were screaming that impeachment MUST NEVER be partisan. Now not only is a partisan impeachment mandatory but it is considered a sin not to be on the partisan bandwagon. Every agreed upon rule of impeachment which started with Johnson, was again agreed upon with Clinton and talked about when it looked like Nixon would be impeached were suddenly thrown out the window.
So here we have people upset because the Democrats did not do the job they needed to do. Things did not go the way the partisans wanted. Now it looks as if the democrats will be forced to have the DNC choose the best candidate out of all the bad. They will again be forced to not only cheat to try and get their candidate elected but have someone or some entity to blame when they lose.
Five US Republican Senators concede that John Donald Trump is stuck there--he did it--and mostly polls tend to show that everyone else thinks so too!. Everyone else also tends to follow along that removal from office because of it is not so clear cut.

NBC/WSJ poll: Country remains divided over Trump’s impeachment trial

So going forward, there is no doubting that Impeachment was warranted. Any new evidence, further revelations, further engagement of foreign governments in US Domestic Politics: Keeps the Trump legacy, "Guilty as charged." The pending acquittal is off the public record even before it happens. Senators Alexander, Rubio, and Murkowski have openly declared. Senators Romney and Collins even voted for witnesses.

There may have been no vote to remove from office, but now there is no basis in a fair trial. it is straight partisan--the stuff of elections.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(3000 males would be slaughtered in the wake of the Golden Calf. Everyone got Usury Economics instead, Deut 23: 19-20--of the invisible murderer, even! Arithmetic is intentional!)
so guilty until proven innocent???? that IS the way the nazis did it
Five US Republican Senators concede that John Donald Trump is stuck there--he did it--and mostly polls tend to show that everyone else thinks so too!. Everyone else also tends to follow along that removal from office because of it is not so clear cut.

NBC/WSJ poll: Country remains divided over Trump’s impeachment trial

So going forward, there is no doubting that Impeachment was warranted. Any new evidence, further revelations, further engagement of foreign governments in US Domestic Politics: Keeps the Trump legacy, "Guilty as charged." The pending acquittal is off the public record even before it happens. Senators Alexander, Rubio, and Murkowski have openly declared. Senators Romney and Collins even voted for witnesses.

There may have been no vote to remove from office, but now there is no basis in a fair trial. it is straight partisan--the stuff of elections.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(3000 males would be slaughtered in the wake of the Golden Calf. Everyone got Usury Economics instead, Deut 23: 19-20--of the invisible murderer, even! Arithmetic is intentional!)
Revelation 19:5 - thy is a pillock who denigrates tribal leaders
Then this country has it's first dictator and guarantees in the future that it will happen again. The sad part is it will always be a hate party dictator till the democrats do the same. They may have destroyed this country selling us out and pissing on the flag.
House could have allowed more witnesses and let the courts adjudicate on the contested subpoenas.

Schiff and Nadler said they proved their case. There was no need for additional witnesses. The house voted.

House Dimms screwed themselves by rushing the process. Oh well.

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