Trump Likely Eternally Impeached--No Witnesses, No Trial (Polls)

Five US Republican Senators concede that John Donald Trump is stuck there--he did it--and mostly polls tend to show that everyone else thinks so too!. Everyone else also tends to follow along that removal from office because of it is not so clear cut.

NBC/WSJ poll: Country remains divided over Trump’s impeachment trial

So going forward, there is no doubting that Impeachment was warranted. Any new evidence, further revelations, further engagement of foreign governments in US Domestic Politics: Keeps the Trump legacy, "Guilty as charged." The pending acquittal is off the public record even before it happens. Senators Alexander, Rubio, and Murkowski have openly declared. Senators Romney and Collins even voted for witnesses.

There may have been no vote to remove from office, but now there is no basis in a fair trial. it is straight partisan--the stuff of elections.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(3000 males would be slaughtered in the wake of the Golden Calf. Everyone got Usury Economics instead, Deut 23: 19-20--of the invisible murderer, even! Arithmetic is intentional!)
Impeachment is now the equivalent in significance to the Nobel Peace Prize.
One thing to have Nostra poster lying about DOJ, claiming it only does lies. One problem of the NYT revelations about a Bolton book is actually many(?). (1) There is the book itself, yea or nay. (2). There is the potential of a book about the book(?). (3) There is the Giuliani problem. (4) There is the Lev Parnas Problems. . . five and six and seven or more(?). Then there is the Mike Pence Problem, (9). A more real one some aide with information. (10).

The Senate denial of the witnesses quashes any sense of exoneration in any vote of Wednesday. Nostra poster or none: DOJ presents upwards of two dozen more problems.

Doesn't look at all too compelling for John Donald Trump, caught in the act(s)? That raises even more problems.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Thy Kingdom, Thy Will Be Done. . . .(Matt 25: 14-30): Day after they pray like that -- way more problems!)
Hmmm..........your case relies on the alt-left NYTs story that has no source.

You sound like one of the House Clowns with their hearsay impeachment.
trump goes down in history as IMPEACHED.
And exonerated.

The House Clowns will go down at losers who tried to undo an election.




Ok. Have I ever said he wasn't exonerated by the Senate?

He was fined and disbarred for his actual crimes, however.:21:

It is good that you accept the reality that Trump is about to be exonerated totally and completely.
I plan on telling the judge, next time that I am called to jury duty, that I have no need for witnesses or testimony, because my mind is made up.

You should tell the judge you have your own list of witnesses you'd like to call.
And that he will ignore the 13 witnesses that testified, and the thousands of documents submitted to the court.
The utter bald face 100% lies and fakery continues as the libs untruthfully wail that no witnesses were called
The side that calls witnesses did so. The side that hears the works of the witnesses did so and did not call any more because that is not their function
Libs wail that if the rules are not bent or broken to suit them then they are cheated.
Weather53 fails to read the concept of the trial in the Senate. The House created as many witnesses as they could, evidence of the charges. The trial in the Senate is Constitution-specific, and hearing from witnesses is a part of a trial. WEATHER53 poster can be likened to the poster who plans to not allow any witnesses as a juror: The mind made up already! WEATHER53 poster can be likened to the poster suggesting that the juror come up with an independent list of witnesses, instead(?)!

Five Republican Senators are Public with their Gross Denunciations of John Donald Trump. The supporters of John Donald Trump further include: Shown Weather53 poster, bripat9643 poster, Nostra poster, TipsyCatLover poster, and others. Not only is JDT guilty as charged, but what JDT did was wrong, the Five Senators of the Grand Old Ridiculous Party contend! What JDT did should never in fact have happened at all.

That is a monster strange denial of usual justice.

So off-radar it was, should have been: It all became public, and so got condemned. The continuing probability of a recurrence should actually create removal from office, way more immediately than those Five suggested.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Original Holocaust was killing 3000 Jewish males on the basis of a Golden Calf. The various ones up to the big one were mostly worse. Mostly everyone clearly so-claims,worldwide--excepting the part about the bogus deity, (in a few cases). So see the Five Republican Senators, and any supportive: Appearing to claim that illegal it was, and so it be a criminal act--one or more, exonerated(?). Anyone suspects that they would NOT accept the context as applicable. Anyone further suspects that they would not hang the Whistle Blower, instead! For now--other than the Democrats: That's all there was, and now including a possibly broader context!)
Weather53 fails to read the concept of the trial in the Senate. The House created as many witnesses as they could, evidence of the charges. The trial in the Senate is Constitution-specific, and hearing from witnesses is a part of a trial. WEATHER53 poster can be likened to the poster who plans to not allow any witnesses as a juror: The mind made up already! WEATHER53 poster can be likened to the poster suggesting that the juror come up with an independent list of witnesses, instead(?)!

Five Republican Senators are Public with their Gross Denunciations of John Donald Trump. The supporters of John Donald Trump further include: Shown Weather53 poster, bripat9643 poster, Nostra poster, TipsyCatLover poster, and others. Not only is JDT guilty as charged, but what JDT did was wrong, the Five Senators of the Grand Old Ridiculous Party contend! What JDT did should never in fact have happened at all.

That is a monster strange denial of usual justice.

So off-radar it was, should have been: It all became public, and so got condemned. The continuing probability of a recurrence should actually create removal from office, way more immediately than those Five suggested.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Original Holocaust was killing 3000 Jewish males on the basis of a Golden Calf. The various ones up to the big one were mostly worse. Mostly everyone clearly so-claims,worldwide--excepting the part about the bogus deity, (in a few cases). So see the Five Republican Senators, and any supportive: Appearing to claim that illegal it was, and so it be a criminal act--one or more, exonerated(?). Anyone suspects that they would NOT accept the context as applicable. Anyone further suspects that they would not hang the Whistle Blower, instead! For now--other than the Democrats: That's all there was, and now including a possibly broader context!)

The trial in the Senate is Constitution-specific, and hearing from witnesses is a part of a trial.

The Senators didn't read the testimony they gave in the House?
Five US Republican Senators concede that John Donald Trump is stuck there--he did it--and mostly polls tend to show that everyone else thinks so too!. Everyone else also tends to follow along that removal from office because of it is not so clear cut.

NBC/WSJ poll: Country remains divided over Trump’s impeachment trial

So going forward, there is no doubting that Impeachment was warranted. Any new evidence, further revelations, further engagement of foreign governments in US Domestic Politics: Keeps the Trump legacy, "Guilty as charged." The pending acquittal is off the public record even before it happens. Senators Alexander, Rubio, and Murkowski have openly declared. Senators Romney and Collins even voted for witnesses.

There may have been no vote to remove from office, but now there is no basis in a fair trial. it is straight partisan--the stuff of elections.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(3000 males would be slaughtered in the wake of the Golden Calf. Everyone got Usury Economics instead, Deut 23: 19-20--of the invisible murderer, even! Arithmetic is intentional!) guys......

No...Trump is really, really, really impeached for like doing stuff....and he is impeached forever and ever and ever and ever......

The more you doofuses say he is impeached, the less and less it actually means.....
The “hearing of witnesses” that you all so untruthfully muscharacterize is the hearing info from the witnesses that the House produced. It’s not the Senate finding new witnesses to produce on their own.
Two Republican Senators even objected to making up rules of corroboration or investigation in a Senate Impeachment Trial. It's on the permanent record, and forever. The matter is bi-partisan, according to some standards.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Trump Family, of the "Trump Family Zingers:" Has created its own public legacy, forever!)

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