Trump lays into Sharpton, Van Jones for being two-faced at WH Black Leadership Summit

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Biz Pac Review ^ | 10/05/2019 | Frieda Powers

President Trump called out CNN’s Van Jones during a black leadership summit for not thanking him for his achievements in criminal justice reform.

Speaking to an audience attending the Young Black Leadership Summit held at the White House Friday, the president took a shot at Jones and MSNBC host Rev. Al Sharpton when he got to the topic of the much-lauded bipartisan criminal justice reform bill that was passed last year.

“So Van Jones was on about two weeks ago, and he came to me, and I am telling you, he was so nice,” Trump said at the summit hosted by Turning Points USA.

“He was sitting right there when I was doing it. I said thank you, Van Jones, thank you this one, this one, that one, that one, and that was it,” he said. “And he came up and thanked me. That was it.”

“Then about three weeks, I saw him on television — I don’t watch his show too much. Neither do too many,” Trump said, apparently referring to “The Van Jones Show” which airs on CNN Saturdays at 7 p.m.


God I hope he gets four more years, I am NOT even slightly tired of winning yet!
He can't lay into Al Sharpton. Sharpton is a Baptist minister, and I thought Baptist ministers are treated as sacrosanct.
God I hope he gets four more years, I am NOT even slightly tired of winning yet!
You deserve him, fer shure.
Unfortunately he is too good for you ABNORMALS!

He can't lay into Al Sharpton. Sharpton is a Baptist minister, and I thought Baptist ministers are treated as sacrosanct.

Sharpton is nothing but a self centered con man who victimizes his own race for personal gain just like Jesse Jackson. And smart blacks know it and are on to their game.

All this makes Sharpton the black version of graham and jeffress.
He can't lay into Al Sharpton. Sharpton is a Baptist minister, and I thought Baptist ministers are treated as sacrosanct.

Al Sharpton is no man of God
Yes he is. Maybe you ask the people he has helped instead of listening to racist whites who hate Sharpton because he's not a good black boy that just takes it without fighting back.
He can't lay into Al Sharpton. Sharpton is a Baptist minister, and I thought Baptist ministers are treated as sacrosanct.

Sharpton is nothing but a self centered con man who victimizes his own race for personal gain just like Jesse Jackson. And smart blacks know it and are on to their game.
Smart blacks support Sharpton. Bitch blacks think like you. I will not be debating this with anyone white. I am black and know how we feel.

Trump is nothing but a self centered con man who victimizes his own race for personal gain. And that's what he's done as president.
He can't lay into Al Sharpton. Sharpton is a Baptist minister, and I thought Baptist ministers are treated as sacrosanct.

Sharpton is nothing but a self centered con man who victimizes his own race for personal gain just like Jesse Jackson. And smart blacks know it and are on to their game.
Smart blacks support Sharpton. Bitch blacks think like you. I will not be debating this with anyone white. I am black and know how we feel.

Trump is nothing but a self centered con man who victimizes his own race for personal gain. And that's what he's done as president.
There you go again, knowing how all black people feel. You seem to know how all black people think too. I much prefer to believe everyone thinks and feels differently, or at least without needing to follow a cult.
He can't lay into Al Sharpton. Sharpton is a Baptist minister, and I thought Baptist ministers are treated as sacrosanct.

Sharpton is nothing but a self centered con man who victimizes his own race for personal gain just like Jesse Jackson. And smart blacks know it and are on to their game.
Smart blacks support Sharpton. Bitch blacks think like you. I will not be debating this with anyone white. I am black and know how we feel.

Trump is nothing but a self centered con man who victimizes his own race for personal gain. And that's what he's done as president.
I read where African American women vote 98% Prog Socialist. That is incredible. For they promote themselves as being fiercely independent. And tell you that whether you ask or not. And by those numbers seem to be the most dependent group besides children/handicapped in our nation. That is bad.
He can't lay into Al Sharpton. Sharpton is a Baptist minister, and I thought Baptist ministers are treated as sacrosanct.

Sharpton is nothing but a self centered con man who victimizes his own race for personal gain just like Jesse Jackson. And smart blacks know it and are on to their game.
Smart blacks support Sharpton. Bitch blacks think like you. I will not be debating this with anyone white. I am black and know how we feel.

Trump is nothing but a self centered con man who victimizes his own race for personal gain. And that's what he's done as president.
I read where African American women vote 98% Prog Socialist. That is incredible. For they promote themselves as being fiercely independent. And tell you that whether you ask or not. And by those numbers seem to be the most dependent group besides children/handicapped in our nation. That is bad.

The most dependent people in this country have always been whites. And you support the republican party because of that dependence.

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