
You can divert all you want from the fact that a lying scum Trumpist claimed that the HuffPost called McCain a white supremacist, when they didn't, but I'm glad you are admitting The RAT, Russian Agent Tramp, IS a white supremacist.
Oh, I know you will never admit the truth. You're a leftist.
Oh, I know you will never TELL the truth. You're a Trumpist.
Here's some truth for you. Trump is your President and there's nothing you can do about it.
I'm not Russian!
You're not an American either.
I'm more American than Tramp could ever hope to be, and nobody knows that better than you.
Trump's bone spur is more American than any of you will ever be.
When Trump drinks a Diet Coke, it becomes greater than any other Diet Coke. Ever.
Every time Trump swings a golf club, he could hit a hole-in-one if he wanted to. He just chooses not to because he has nothing to prove. Believe me...believe me...believe me, folks.
I kept mine, as did the vast majority of the nation.
Thousands lost there doctor because of Obama care
Many millions were able to obtain health insurance they couldn’t previously.

“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” ~ Mr. Spock

And someone else had to pay for that...which is why you progressives lied your little asses off about what the ACA would mean!
So? Someone else has to pay for everything the government does. And again, there are no lies. They're exaggerations. You said so yourself.

Jonathon Gruber admitted that they lied about the ACA in order to get it passed, Faun. That's not even debate worthy at this point! He was so smug about them knowing what was "best" for the rest of us that he didn't even bother to lie about what they did! Gruber told several different audiences that the American people were basically too stupid to figure this stuff out and would believe whatever they were told. That isn't some over the top bragging like Trump is prone to do...that's a blatant lie told at the highest level of government with the complicity of the main stream media...all because they thought that THEIR agenda was so needed that the end justified the means!
Nope, Gruber admitted they exaggerated.

Have you forgotten already? Lies are no longer lies — they’re exaggerations.

Many millions were able to obtain health insurance they couldn’t previously.

“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” ~ Mr. Spock

And someone else had to pay for that...which is why you progressives lied your little asses off about what the ACA would mean!
So? Someone else has to pay for everything the government does. And again, there are no lies. They're exaggerations. You said so yourself.
America doesn’t guarantee you anything except
For a heads up from the government about foreign and domestic enemies .. that’s it my friend.. I think you might want to move.
Nope, it also guarantees the government will provide for the general welfare of the nation.

If you think the Founding Fathers defined that "general welfare of the nation" clause as the government giving people lots of freebies then you're incredibly naïve! They didn't think that way. I think they'd be horrified to see what our Federal Government has morphed into!
The Supreme Court disagrees with you.
Sadly, you remain permanently ignorant.

Social Security: See Helvering v. Davis

Welfare: See Anderson v. Roe

SNAP: See Department of Agriculture v. Moreno
Yes in the supreme court won’t intervene on things passed by Congress especially entitlements .. what don’t you understand
Dumbfuck, they did intervene. Dayum, are you ever rightarded. They heard those cases and ruled they were covered by the general welfare clause.
I agree with you! They didnt intervene ! It’s still here.. entitlements passed by a handful of left-wing coastal Democrats and a few bipartisan Republicans .. it will be gone soon
You’re deranged. :cuckoo: That’s not what I said.
So soon after the 1783 how come they didn’t make in mandatory that we pay for others health care? People were very sick back then, many hungry. Why not put it in the constitution??
I don’t know, maybe for the same reason they didn’t feel the need to put abortion or marriage specifically into the Constitution?

Coming from a leftard, that's just hilarious. HAHAHAHAHA
^ ^ ^
Thousands lost there doctor because of Obama care
Many millions were able to obtain health insurance they couldn’t previously.

“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” ~ Mr. Spock

And someone else had to pay for that...which is why you progressives lied your little asses off about what the ACA would mean!
So? Someone else has to pay for everything the government does. And again, there are no lies. They're exaggerations. You said so yourself.

Jonathon Gruber admitted that they lied about the ACA in order to get it passed, Faun. That's not even debate worthy at this point! He was so smug about them knowing what was "best" for the rest of us that he didn't even bother to lie about what they did! Gruber told several different audiences that the American people were basically too stupid to figure this stuff out and would believe whatever they were told. That isn't some over the top bragging like Trump is prone to do...that's a blatant lie told at the highest level of government with the complicity of the main stream media...all because they thought that THEIR agenda was so needed that the end justified the means!
Nope, Gruber admitted they exaggerated.

Have you forgotten already? Lies are no longer lies — they’re exaggerations.


That wasn't an admitting to an exaggeration...Gruber admitted that the Obama Administration deliberately lied to the American people about what the ACA would DO and what the ACA would COST!
Yes in the supreme court won’t intervene on things passed by Congress especially entitlements .. what don’t you understand
Dumbfuck, they did intervene. Dayum, are you ever rightarded. They heard those cases and ruled they were covered by the general welfare clause.
I agree with you! They didnt intervene ! It’s still here.. entitlements passed by a handful of left-wing coastal Democrats and a few bipartisan Republicans .. it will be gone soon
You’re deranged. :cuckoo: That’s not what I said.
So soon after the 1783 how come they didn’t make in mandatory that we pay for others health care? People were very sick back then, many hungry. Why not put it in the constitution??
I don’t know, maybe for the same reason they didn’t feel the need to put abortion or marriage specifically into the Constitution?
Did he just really ask that question? Tell me he was joking...
And someone else had to pay for that...which is why you progressives lied your little asses off about what the ACA would mean!
So? Someone else has to pay for everything the government does. And again, there are no lies. They're exaggerations. You said so yourself.
America doesn’t guarantee you anything except
For a heads up from the government about foreign and domestic enemies .. that’s it my friend.. I think you might want to move.
Nope, it also guarantees the government will provide for the general welfare of the nation.

If you think the Founding Fathers defined that "general welfare of the nation" clause as the government giving people lots of freebies then you're incredibly naïve! They didn't think that way. I think they'd be horrified to see what our Federal Government has morphed into!
The Supreme Court disagrees with you.

The Supreme Court thinks the Founding Fathers would be proud of what our Federal Government has become? Really? (eye roll)
It's insane. Any other President who lied this blatantly would be dead in the water

He called Tim Cook (Apple CEO) Tim "Apple"...and then denied he did it.

Despite the fact that it happened in public and of course was on video

Scarborough Can't Believe Trump Denies Calling Apple CEO 'Tim Apple'

Yeah in your book a mispronounced syllable is a lie. So they have video of a harmless word fart....OMG....the world shall now be round instead of flat!

What a bunch of useless fucks.

I mean you could at least find something intentional.

It's insane. Any other President who lied this blatantly would be dead in the water

He called Tim Cook (Apple CEO) Tim "Apple"...and then denied he did it.

Despite the fact that it happened in public and of course was on video

Scarborough Can't Believe Trump Denies Calling Apple CEO 'Tim Apple'

Still not as bad as lying about the deaths of an ambassador in Benghazi.
Maybe if you people actually didn't support liars, we would care when you cry about this liar.
It's insane. Any other President who lied this blatantly would be dead in the water

He called Tim Cook (Apple CEO) Tim "Apple"...and then denied he did it.

Despite the fact that it happened in public and of course was on video

Scarborough Can't Believe Trump Denies Calling Apple CEO 'Tim Apple'

Yeah in your book a mispronounced syllable is a lie. So they have video of a harmless word fart....OMG....the world shall now be round instead of flat!

What a bunch of useless fucks.

I mean you could at least find something intentional.


Scarborough's an idiot and has been an idiot for years now! He's the trained monkey who sits behind a desk at MSNBC and does his routine every day in return for a big paycheck.
Many millions were able to obtain health insurance they couldn’t previously.

“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” ~ Mr. Spock

And someone else had to pay for that...which is why you progressives lied your little asses off about what the ACA would mean!
So? Someone else has to pay for everything the government does. And again, there are no lies. They're exaggerations. You said so yourself.

Jonathon Gruber admitted that they lied about the ACA in order to get it passed, Faun. That's not even debate worthy at this point! He was so smug about them knowing what was "best" for the rest of us that he didn't even bother to lie about what they did! Gruber told several different audiences that the American people were basically too stupid to figure this stuff out and would believe whatever they were told. That isn't some over the top bragging like Trump is prone to do...that's a blatant lie told at the highest level of government with the complicity of the main stream media...all because they thought that THEIR agenda was so needed that the end justified the means!
Nope, Gruber admitted they exaggerated.

Have you forgotten already? Lies are no longer lies — they’re exaggerations.


That wasn't an admitting to an exaggeration...Gruber admitted that the Obama Administration deliberately lied to the American people about what the ACA would DO and what the ACA would COST!
That’s an exaggeration.

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