Trump is THE model for a leader (Reuters poll result)

Ignores the fact that every ruling in courts with standing ruled against fraud. Buzz off with your straw man. There is ZERO evidence of meaningful fraud. Zero.
You didn't watch it.
Sure I did. Argued that the 6-3 majority wasn’t right... well it was a 6-3 majority by definition it was right. Quoted the dissent that none of the complaints affected this election as well... you miss that?
No... Because the video really wasn't about fraud at all. It's about the reason why they didn't take the case. They didn't take it because it was MOOT...
Democrats are capitalists. AOC fully embraces capitalism. So does Bernie.
Wasn't it AOC that said capitalism is irredeemable?

She is a Democratic Socialist. citygator is. not CEO material.
Do they believe in social programs? Yep. Do they think there is too much capital in the hands of too few? Yep. Do they still hock their wares in the capital market like everyone else? Yep. They aren’t mutually exclusive.
They want to tax the rich at 90%. LOL

Wuhan virus…started in a lab. They don’t believe that. Why? They are morons. Want to have social programs? Stop taxing small businesses and implementing min wage increases.
Your 90% is bullshit. You can’t argue facts so you make shit up. Biden has put out his tax plan and it’s slight increases in $400k and up earners and slight increase in corporate taxes.

Why you right wing nuts want to act like you have any idea where a virus originated is nucking futs. I assume it’s tribalism and you think by pretending the virus was released by China it will erase the culpability of Trump and his supporters of murder for lying and mishandling the response.

Keep making stuff up.
I said AOC and Sanders, not Biden. Link that the increases are slight. They are introducing a budget that is higher than that of WW2 with a $1.3Trn deficit. I am not a RW. I have told you this 100x. You just see what you want to see. Definitely not CEO material.
It’s a message board. I’m not preparing a PowerPoint on your political leanings which seems that you believe you should pay no taxes and any tax level is crooked. It’s irrational. What makes the level that collects historically low levels from rich and corporations the right level? Cant you add? Not being able to add is a RW trait.
Ignores the fact that every ruling in courts with standing ruled against fraud. Buzz off with your straw man. There is ZERO evidence of meaningful fraud. Zero.
You didn't watch it.
Sure I did. Argued that the 6-3 majority wasn’t right... well it was a 6-3 majority by definition it was right. Quoted the dissent that none of the complaints affected this election as well... you miss that?
No... Because the video really wasn't about fraud at all. It's about the reason why they didn't take the case. They didn't take it because it was MOOT...
so you did miss the dissent that capitulated that the current election wasn’t affect but that he was mad they weren’t taking it up for future election clarity? Burning clarity on election not being affected by dispute.
From what I heard, the courts refused to listen to the evidence and threw the challenges out on procedural grounds or legalistic technical reasons, not because the evidence failed to prove anything
You heard wrong. In fact, the “plaintiff” Giuliani specifically said multiple times they were not claiming fraud.

Interesting. I claim that the courts refused to look at actual evidence and threw the cases out of procedural and legalistic technical grounds, not because the evidence failed to prove anything,

and you respond with a comment about a legal technicality.

Liberals. All the self awareness of a potted plant. If that plant is dead.
Interesting you neglect to admit that all one has to have is standing and evidence to bring a court case and all those cases were thrown out for both.
That's all BS! As an example, Texas had standing (although the justices claimed that Texas did not). Texas had evidence but ir was not allowed to be presented.

I think he knows that. NOte how he avoided any discussion of evidence, and focused on technical legal matters.

Some people believe that if an Authority says something, that it DEFINES REALITY.
Listen. In order to believe your bullshit story you have to believe:
  • Republicans are too dumb to find someone with standing to sue 89 times

And again, we see that, to you, if an Authority figure said it, it has to be true.

Are you unaware of the possibility that judges are using legalistic technicalities to avoid having a history making case with the potential to completely undermine our democracy, happen on their watch?
From what I heard, the courts refused to listen to the evidence and threw the challenges out on procedural grounds or legalistic technical reasons, not because the evidence failed to prove anything
You heard wrong. In fact, the “plaintiff” Giuliani specifically said multiple times they were not claiming fraud.

Interesting. I claim that the courts refused to look at actual evidence and threw the cases out of procedural and legalistic technical grounds, not because the evidence failed to prove anything,

and you respond with a comment about a legal technicality.

Liberals. All the self awareness of a potted plant. If that plant is dead.
Interesting you neglect to admit that all one has to have is standing and evidence to bring a court case and all those cases were thrown out for both.
That's all BS! As an example, Texas had standing (although the justices claimed that Texas did not). Texas had evidence but ir was not allowed to be presented.

I think he knows that. NOte how he avoided any discussion of evidence, and focused on technical legal matters.

Some people believe that if an Authority says something, that it DEFINES REALITY.
Listen. In order to believe your bullshit story you have to believe:
  • Republicans are too dumb to find someone with standing to sue 89 times

And again, we see that, to you, if an Authority figure said it, it has to be true.

Are you unaware of the possibility that judges are using legalistic technicalities to avoid having a history making case with the potential to completely undermine our democracy, happen on their watch?
How do you know who your father is? Cuz your momma told you so?
Ignores the fact that every ruling in courts with standing ruled against fraud. Buzz off with your straw man. There is ZERO evidence of meaningful fraud. Zero.
You didn't watch it.
Sure I did. Argued that the 6-3 majority wasn’t right... well it was a 6-3 majority by definition it was right. Quoted the dissent that none of the complaints affected this election as well... you miss that?
No... Because the video really wasn't about fraud at all. It's about the reason why they didn't take the case. They didn't take it because it was MOOT...
so you did miss the dissent that capitulated that the current election wasn’t affect but that he was mad they weren’t taking it up for future election clarity? Burning clarity on election not being affected by dispute.
Yes... Good... No I didn't miss it. That was the point. That's why we should address it. Fuck the other bullshit, it's done and over with. But if you don't take before because there is no victims, and then you don't take it up after because it's already done... When the hell are you supposed to do it?

If the "enemy" party ever gets into the seat that made these decisions... Do you really want them to have the ability to change the rules willy nilly?
Democrats are capitalists. AOC fully embraces capitalism. So does Bernie.
Wasn't it AOC that said capitalism is irredeemable?

She is a Democratic Socialist. citygator is. not CEO material.
Do they believe in social programs? Yep. Do they think there is too much capital in the hands of too few? Yep. Do they still hock their wares in the capital market like everyone else? Yep. They aren’t mutually exclusive.
They want to tax the rich at 90%. LOL

Wuhan virus…started in a lab. They don’t believe that. Why? They are morons. Want to have social programs? Stop taxing small businesses and implementing min wage increases.
Your 90% is bullshit. You can’t argue facts so you make shit up. Biden has put out his tax plan and it’s slight increases in $400k and up earners and slight increase in corporate taxes.

Why you right wing nuts want to act like you have any idea where a virus originated is nucking futs. I assume it’s tribalism and you think by pretending the virus was released by China it will erase the culpability of Trump and his supporters of murder for lying and mishandling the response.

Keep making stuff up.
I said AOC and Sanders, not Biden. Link that the increases are slight. They are introducing a budget that is higher than that of WW2 with a $1.3Trn deficit. I am not a RW. I have told you this 100x. You just see what you want to see. Definitely not CEO material.
It’s a message board. I’m not preparing a PowerPoint on your political leanings which seems that you believe you should pay no taxes and any tax level is crooked. It’s irrational. What makes the level that collects historically low levels from rich and corporations the right level? Cant you add? Not being able to add is a RW trait.
My point is that your memory sucks as you keep calling me a right winger. Don’t need a PP presentation to have a good memory.

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