Trump is only parrotting what a large portion of Republican voters think

Trump is only parrotting what a large portion of Republican voters think. There is outrage by many Republicans, Democrats and Independents about what Trump is saying.
Trump is a slime bucket, snake oil salesman willing to say whatever necessary to receive votes.
He is just saying what a large portion of the conservative base think.
Should the outrage be against Trump or this significant portion of the conservative movement in the USA that thinks this way?
Not republican voters. Try fed up, pissed off Americans.
Try ignorant racist brainwashed GOP nutters...who've shot and killed more here than "jihadists" in the last year....
Uh, partner, polls show that a solid majority of all Americans oppose allowing more Syrian refugees into the country. So it's not just Republicans who are exercising some common sense here.

Why do you guys act like so crazy about logical, rational ideas? The one and only demographic group that has produced ALL the jihadists has been Muslims. So there is nothing illogical or unsound about temporarily halting Muslim immigration, especially given the events in San Bernardino and Paris, where first- and second-generation Muslim immigrants avoided detection and murdered dozens of people.
That is what Hitler told the Germans about the Jews.

Wow!! The Jews were murdering the Germans with suicide bombers and cowardly attacks?
Who knew? And kudos to the Jewish intelligence network for keeping this under wraps all these years.
The problem with so many simple minded people is they are not capable of critical thinking.
You do not see any similarity of classifying all people of a religious group as evil?
no new immigrants until every American who wants a job has a job that pays the living wage.
There are many jobs in the US that cannot be filled by American workers because they refuse to do them or there are not enough qualified/educated in the field.
Pay a fair wage and I bet they'll show up.
Paying minimum wage for back breaking labor isn't going to cut it.

If there wasnt such a glut of low wage workers those wages would go up on their own.
There's a glut because they use illegals to do the work. Get rid of the illegals you get rid of the glut and the wages have to go up in order to attract any employees.
Trump is only parrotting what a large portion of Republican voters think. There is outrage by many Republicans, Democrats and Independents about what Trump is saying.
Trump is a slime bucket, snake oil salesman willing to say whatever necessary to receive votes.
He is just saying what a large portion of the conservative base think.
Should the outrage be against Trump or this significant portion of the conservative movement in the USA that thinks this way?
If you change "many Republicans" to "some Republicans" you would be spot on.
There are polls that show 36% of Republicans support Trump. I feel that is many but not most.
Trump is only parrotting what a large portion of Republican voters think. There is outrage by many Republicans, Democrats and Independents about what Trump is saying.
Trump is a slime bucket, snake oil salesman willing to say whatever necessary to receive votes.
He is just saying what a large portion of the conservative base think.
Should the outrage be against Trump or this significant portion of the conservative movement in the USA that thinks this way?
Not republican voters. Try fed up, pissed off Americans.
Try ignorant racist brainwashed GOP nutters...who've shot and killed more here than "jihadists" in the last year....
They're Neeeegroes? I did not know that...
Uh, partner, polls show that a solid majority of all Americans oppose allowing more Syrian refugees into the country. So it's not just Republicans who are exercising some common sense here.

Why do you guys act like so crazy about logical, rational ideas? The one and only demographic group that has produced ALL the jihadists has been Muslims. So there is nothing illogical or unsound about temporarily halting Muslim immigration, especially given the events in San Bernardino and Paris, where first- and second-generation Muslim immigrants avoided detection and murdered dozens of people.
That is what Hitler told the Germans about the Jews.

Wow!! The Jews were murdering the Germans with suicide bombers and cowardly attacks?
Who knew? And kudos to the Jewish intelligence network for keeping this under wraps all these years.
The problem with so many simple minded people is they are not capable of critical thinking.
You do not see any similarity of classifying all people of a religious group as evil?

When they're trying to kill you? No.
And when someone such as yourself cant connect the dots between muslim radicals and allowing them into the country,you have zero grounds to accuse anyone of lacking critical thinking skills.
I love these Libtrds that cry their crocodile tears over Trump's idea that we restrict Muslims coming into this country until we get this Muslim terrorism thing sorted out.

These are the same stupid Libtards that see nothing wrong with allowing Muslims that practice Sharia Law and support terrorism but yet they demand that Christians like Kim Davis be thrown in jail for practicing their beliefs.

Hypocritical confused sonofabitches.
no new immigrants until every American who wants a job has a job that pays the living wage.
There are many jobs in the US that cannot be filled by American workers because they refuse to do them or there are not enough qualified/educated in the field.
Pay a fair wage and I bet they'll show up.
Paying minimum wage for back breaking labor isn't going to cut it.

If there wasnt such a glut of low wage workers those wages would go up on their own.
There's a glut because they use illegals to do the work. Get rid of the illegals you get rid of the glut and the wages have to go up in order to attract any employees.

Franco cant grasp this simple concept for some reason.
I love how one person can always claim they know what a significant number of others think or feel.
I know what everyone thinks including you.
I will not embarrass you and post what you think.
I know you don't think at all you simply pass off talking points and your uniformed opinion as facts and I'm not insecure enough to be embarassed by your opinion of what I think simply put your not that important. I'm going to talk with grown ups now talking to those at the kiddie table can be amusing but also boring have a nice night.
Trump is only parrotting what a large portion of Republican voters think. There is outrage by many Republicans, Democrats and Independents about what Trump is saying.
Trump is a slime bucket, snake oil salesman willing to say whatever necessary to receive votes.
He is just saying what a large portion of the conservative base think.
Should the outrage be against Trump or this significant portion of the conservative movement in the USA that thinks this way?

Are you saying that Republicans oppose Islamic Terror attacks that leave Americans dead or injured?

The Bastards!

Well at least Allah can count on you democrats to support Jihad.... :thup:

Standard Disclaimer: It's not that democrats are traitors - oh wait, yeah it is...

1- In 1949 , in order to grandstand for the powerful zionut lobby, Truman dispossessed or made homeless 1,500,000 Palestinians - who with a stroke of a pen became foreigners in their own land

2- The US has given Israhell over $130 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to perpetrate the Palestinian Holocaust

3- In order to continue to grandstand for the zionut lobby in 1990 the US invaded Iraq where it slaughtered millions of women and children - and remained in that Country for 18 years

4- In 2015 Obama invaded Syria where it has completely destroyed that country. forcing the Syrians to become international refugees


Allahu Akbar indeed.

You must have been so proud last Tuesday as your comrades did what you lack the guts to do...
Yeah. Like me. Amazing how desperate the establishment is on both sides of the isle.

All unified. Cheney, Bush, obama, FOX, cnn, nbc, all of them. All saying the same stuff.

All using the race card. All shouting from the rooftop.

Meanwhile, trump said stop all muslims from coming in UNTIL we find out what the hell is going in.

Is there any clearer example of how powerful, how pathetic, and controlled we are by this vast complex.

You can always count on the sheep to agree with them. We are in real trouble folks.
The Donald leaves alot to be desired....

Yet compared to the community organizing, apologist, neo-com douche that holds the office now, a significant upgrade....
IMO we should curb all immigration for a while

We have enough people in this country already we really don't need any more
I agree that we have too many people.

I would like to propose that we deport all people who support Trump.

That would reduce the number of people and raise the USA average IQ.
Then who would pay for your welfare checks? You really need to think thing through before you write stupid shit.
I love how one person can always claim they know what a significant number of others think or feel.
I know what everyone thinks including you.
I will not embarrass you and post what you think.
I know you don't think at all you simply pass off talking points and your uniformed opinion as facts and I'm not insecure enough to be embarassed by your opinion of what I think simply put your not that important. I'm going to talk with grown ups now talking to those at the kiddie table can be amusing but also boring have a nice night.
You shouldn't give up so easily

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