Trump is Not a Conservative, but Does it Matter?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
He is a loudmouth who has brought much deserved attention to our economic and immigration problems, but all of his solutions are based on further increasing the power of the Executive Branch of our federal government while diminishing the power of the Legislative Branch. Is this what we want?
So he is not a true evangelical and not a true socialist , gee I like him more an more.
Well, must people want a real leader over someone that wants to send us back to the 18th century. Most people realize that some government is good as long as it is govern effectively and wisely by real leaders.

Enough with the extremist crap.
American taxonomy is garbled. Reactionary anarchists like the TEA Party guys are not conservatives. Trump is indeed a figure from the right wing comedia dell'arte, namely "the man on horseback." He appeals to those disadvantaged by socio-economic progress and promises a strong, paternal authority with which to restore the newly marginalized to their imagined former status. Trump lacks the usual military background but he did go to a military school and claims the military mentality. These guys are dangerous.

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