Trump In A Panicked Sweat Posts 13 Lie Riddled Tweets About Get This - Hillary's Emails


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Unfortunately, the conservative junkies who are still addicted to fables about Clinton's emails are deadly serious. They are feeding a fetish that borders on being a psychotic compulsion. And they bring it up whenever they feel threatened by the onslaught of inconvenient facts that challenge their demented world view. And Trump is among those suffering from this manic neurosis.

The symptoms of Trump's mental disorder were on full display Saturday morning. The thirteen retweets of Judicial Watch propaganda must have seemed like the perfect antidote to the realities in the news that were so unpleasant for him. He just lost another one of his unethical cabinet flunkies (a record breaking achievement), Alexander Acosta, due to his relationship with pedophile rapist Jeffrey Epstein. Of course, Trump had his own relationship with Epstein who he said was a terrific guy.

Trump in a Panic Sweat Posts 13 Lie-Riddled Tweets About - Get This - Hillary's Emails
Unfortunately, the conservative junkies who are still addicted to fables about Clinton's emails are deadly serious. They are feeding a fetish that borders on being a psychotic compulsion. And they bring it up whenever they feel threatened by the onslaught of inconvenient facts that challenge their demented world view. And Trump is among those suffering from this manic neurosis.

The symptoms of Trump's mental disorder were on full display Saturday morning. The thirteen retweets of Judicial Watch propaganda must have seemed like the perfect antidote to the realities in the news that were so unpleasant for him. He just lost another one of his unethical cabinet flunkies (a record breaking achievement), Alexander Acosta, due to his relationship with pedophile rapist Jeffrey Epstein. Of course, Trump had his own relationship with Epstein who he said was a terrific guy.

Trump in a Panic Sweat Posts 13 Lie-Riddled Tweets About - Get This - Hillary's Emails
First, Trump does not panic. Second, this is just more crap from deranged haters.
"Feeding a fetish that borders on being a psychotic compulsion"? You gotta be kidding. The democrat majority in congress could solve the crisis on the border in a heartbeat but they need it and they want to keep it. Democrats thrive on anger and unrest and crisis and they think that open borders are the future of the new world.
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"Feeding a fetish that borders on being a psychotic compulsion"? You gotta be kidding. The democrat majority in congress could solve the crisis on the border in a heartbeat but they need it and they want to keep it. Democrats thrive on anger and unrest and crisis and they think that open borders are the future of the new world.
"Feeding a fetish that borders on being a psychotic compulsion"? You gotta be kidding. The democrat majority in congress could solve the crisis on the border in a heartbeat but they need it and they want to keep it. Democrats thrive on anger and unrest and crisis and they think that open borders are the future of the new world.

Not sure what that has to do with Trump whining about Hillary's email again. Care to tie them together for me?
Still can't believe after all these years the Clinton Crime family gets away with so much. From Crooked Hillary actually colluding with Russia and bleach bit her emails. To Bill Clinton being the rapist he is. We should thank the OP for bringing back the Clinton Crime family discussion.

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