Trump Hit With Backlash On East Palestine Visit: " He Should Be Apologizing "

There were over 4,000 Train Wrecks/Train Derailments during the Traitor one term. Of those over 4,000 Train Wrecks/Train Derailments, including those with casualties NONE.....repeat.....NONE were visited either by the Traitor or his Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao.

Mr. Biden signed an order making the East Palestine Derailment a National Emergency. FEMA has taken the clean up.

MAGA MAGGOT propaganda NOT withstanding.
None of those derailments so much as made the evening news, much less developed into an ecological and medical disaster of these proportions. Face it, this is politics and Quid Pro completely fumbled it. He allowed his rival unfettered access to the cameras and was 5,000 miles away. Oops.
It's the narrative that they're trying to establish. Just keep repeating something that sounds plausible until it's taken as a matter of faith, and once that happens, truth will just bounce off of it. This time around, though, the truth is actually in the race and has a good chance.
The truth that Biden failed to change Trumps policy? He changed just about every other one, and forgot this one.....

Another illiterate shitlib huh

Hey braniac......

From your own link here:

"However, although only 25 miles of the 402 miles constructed so far had no barrier before Trump took office while the rest replaced dilapidated sections of wall or parts that only had vehicle barriers, The New York Times reported this weekend."

The U.S./Mexico border is 1,951 miles long.
So Trump managed to build about 25 miles of NEW border wall.
The rest was already there and just needed upgrading.
Four hundred two miles down....only 1,549 miles to go.
And Mexico AIN'T paying for it!

You got conned sucker!

But if you act fast you MIGHT be able to get in on some of those great Trump Steaks they might have left in a warehouse somewhere!

Showed up and did what?
How did he help?
It looks like he just showed up, looked around, told some lies, and then left.
He basically just used other people's tragedy for his own photo op.
And for this you MAGAt Trumptards praise him.
You all seem to have some dismally low standards for this orange ape-man don't you?

He did stop for a Big Mac on the way out of town.
Showed up and did what?
How did he help?
It looks like he just showed up, looked around, told some lies, and then left.
He basically just used other people's tragedy for his own photo op.
And for this you MAGAt Trumptards praise him.
You all seem to have some dismally low standards for this orange ape-man don't you?
Did what a leader should do. Where was Biden?
The crowd reaction was off the charts. Maybe you should have gone there and made your comments.....LOL
Bullshit. I live here. That train didn't explode into flames, it derailed. The government and railroad decided to set it on fire and created the whole toxic mess. Then the EPA showed up and said, everything's great, no dead animals here, and the water's great. It's not, unless you like your water blue and orange and shiny.
Then there's this little twist:
After the government conveniently changed the criteria for vaccines so the clot shot would be able to be called a vaccine, they changed the deadly effects of vinyl chloride for the first time in 17 years right before the "accident". Then there is that emergency tracking experiment they wanted to roll out first in East Palestine, Ohio...


You live there? Then no doubt you’re perfectly aware of this. Right?

The NTSB was on the scene on Feb. 5, while the Environmental Protection Agency had been on the scene on Feb. 4, after the train derailed around 8:54 PM on Feb. 3.

You need Norfolk Southerns phone number?

And what exactly did Putins boyfriend do for you again?
You live there? Then no doubt you’re perfectly aware of this. Right?

The NTSB was on the scene on Feb. 5, while the Environmental Protection Agency had been on the scene on Feb. 4, after the train derailed around 8:54 PM on Feb. 3.

You need Norfolk Southerns phone number?

And what exactly did Putins boyfriend do for you again?
You still believe the lying Russia bullshit that Clinton paid for??? That makes you dense as hell.
A few folks showed up from the government to tell everyone that there's no problem.
Since you believe everything our government tells you, then buy some farmland in E. Palestine and grow your own vegetables.
Trump showed up. Where was Bidenski? Giving billions more of our money away...
Vote Trump. Take our country back from Putin, Zelensky and Xi...
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Hey dumbass, tell me what NO OBSTRUCTION, NO COLLUSION means
Hey you Trumper moron read this if you are able to.

"Trump’s Obstruction of Justice, From Mueller to Now"​

You still believe the lying Russia bullshit that Clinton paid for??? That makes you dense as hell.
A few folks showed up from the government to tell everyone that there's no problem.
Since you believe everything our government tells you, then buy some farmland in E. Palestine and grow your own vegetables.
Trump showed up. Where was Bidenski? Giving billions more of our money away...
Vote Trump. Take our country back from Putin, Zelensky and Xi...
Felix Sater and Paul Manafort were agents for the Russian oligarchy that acted as a go between for Trump. Fact.
Hey you Trumper moron read this if you are able to.

"Trump’s Obstruction of Justice, From Mueller to Now"​

LOL all I need to see is the picture of that They/Them freak who wrote it to know there is nothing of substance in what you posted
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LOL all I need to see is the picture of that They/Them freak who wrote it to know there is nothing if substance in what you posted

Shareprofit is willfully IGNORING what Mueller stated and is ignoring the FACT that Mueller never backed up the Obstruction claims with a recommendation to press charges which is why the AG and his deputy decided that the Obstruction claims are not viable.

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