Trump Hatred


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
It's so easy to hate Trump. The media can turn any decent human-being into the Anti-Christ.
Give them enough time they can turn Jesus Christ into Joseph Stalin.

February 22, 2024

The mystery of Trump-hate​

By David Carlin

I can understand why millions of people don’t like Donald Trump.

After all, he has many traits of personality and moral character that are easy to dislike. I too dislike him — even though I voted for him in 2020 and will very probably vote for him again in 2020.
I can even understand why many people dislike him so much that, despite the fact that they can name nothing they object to in the policies he followed when he was president, they didn’t vote for him in 2020 and wouldn’t dream of voting for him in 2024. Something about his person they find so obnoxious that they cannot be bothered to examine his policies.
What I cannot understand, however, despite having tried hard to achieve such an understanding, is why many people, probably millions, go so far in their dislike of Trump that they actually HATE him. They hate him as if he is the incarnation of pure evil. Now, I could understand this hatred if he had personally poisoned their dogs or at least stolen lollipops from their little children. But he hasn’t done this.

If you ask these Trump-haters what he has done to merit their great hatred, they will answer, not with something he has actually done, but with things he is going to do if elected president again.

He is going to do away with American democracy, they will tell you. He is going to throw his political critics in jail. He is going to make himself a dictator. In other words, he is guilty of truly horrible crimes — crimes he hasn’t yet committed.
This is awfully far-fetched, but most Trump-haters seem actually to believe it — although some, e.g., certain cynical talking heads on T.V., only pretend to believe it.

You don’t have to be a professional psychiatrist to see that the genuine haters don’t hate him because of the bad things they fear he will do. No, it’s the other way around. They fear he will do these things because they hate him. The hatred comes first.
It’s like the little boy who has a hard time sleeping at night because of his fear of the monster who hides in his closet. The monster doesn’t cause his fear. His fear causes the monster.
The Trump-monster is a really scary being created by their Trump-hatred. They have convinced themselves that Trump is something very like Hitler, and that his fans are something like Nazi brownshirts, and that in fighting to defeat Trump they are fighting a last-ditch battle to save America, not to mention Western civilization.

Once you convince yourself that Trump is like Hitler, certain other things follow.
1. Trump is a racist — for Hitler was a racist.

2. Trump hates Jews — for Hitler hated Jews.
3. Trump plans to abolish democracy — for that’s what Hitler did.
4. Trump plans to establish a police state — for that’s what Hitler did.
I’m surprised that the Trump-haters have not accused him, at least not so far, of being in a great fan of Wagner’s music. If he is elected, they may soon be telling us, Trump will make “The Flight of the Valkyries” our new national anthem.
What further follows, once you decide that Trump is like Hitler, is that almost any means, no matter how dirty, are justified in stopping him. You can, for example, mislabel a riot as an “insurrection” and blame it on Trump. Or you can create a Congressional kangaroo court (the January 6 committee) to “investigate” the “insurrection.” Or you can bring civil and criminal actions against him in jurisdictions made up overwhelmingly of anti-Trump voters, where it will be almost impossible to get an impartial jury. Or you can fine him about $400 million for committing a “fraud” that did nobody any harm. Or you can keep him tied up in a variety of courts in order to hinder his ability to campaign.
Is there any limit to these dirty tricks? What will they think of next?
I can observe and, at least to a degree, describe the strange effects of Trump-hatred. But as I said near the beginning of this comment, I am unable to understand it. What is it that drives so many people to hate Trump with a hatred vastly disproportionate to any evil he has done or is likely to do? What has driven them mad?
It’s a mystery — at least it is to me.

Hatred of Trump on the Left is mainly a smokescreen. They load the "airwaves" with personal slander (racist, sexist, criminal, pervert, Putin-loving bastard, and so on) because they can't really get any traction criticizing his policies or actions as President - if they are truthful about it.

Who is going to be repulsed by, "That bastard tried to seal our southern border!" "He wants our NATO allies to live up to their financial commitments!" "He's trying to make the Chinese deal with us fairly!" "He thinks the Washington bureaucracy ["the Deep State"] is running wild!"

People actually agree with all that, so there no option but to slander President Trump with false memes.
It's so easy to hate Trump. The media can turn any decent human-being into the Anti-Christ.
Give them enough time they can turn Jesus Christ into Joseph Stalin.

No one need do a damn thing to turn Cheeto-Boy into the ass he is.

Was it the media who forced Trump to take a full page ad condemning several black tees for a murder they did not commit?
Was it the media ho forced Trump to play Redline games in his properties?
Was it the media who forced Trump to insult war heroes, war dad, and serving military?

He's an ass without the first iota of humanity and his followers are nothing but asslets.
It's so easy to hate Trump. The media can turn any decent human-being into the Anti-Christ.
Give them enough time they can turn Jesus Christ into Joseph Stalin.


You nailed it.

And how sorry is it that so many millions of Americans have ABSOLUTELY little enough brain that they will allow a clown on TV to tell them what they believe?

Hatred of Trump on the Left is mainly a smokescreen. They load the "airwaves" with personal slander (racist, sexist, criminal, pervert, Putin-loving bastard, and so on) because they can't really get any traction criticizing his policies or actions as President - if they are truthful about it.

Who is going to be repulsed by, "That bastard tried to seal our southern border!" "He wants our NATO allies to live up to their financial commitments!" "He's trying to make the Chinese deal with us fairly!" "He thinks the Washington bureaucracy ["the Deep State"] is running wild!"

People actually agree with all that, so there no option but to slander President Trump with false memes.
First, if it's true, it ain't slander.
Second: Extorting a foreign government, abandoning NATO, sucking up to Putin, Kim, Xi and every other dictator on the planet...There's many reasons to oppose Trump on action and policy.
Third: See #1 and #2. They ain't "false" and 70$ of people don't agree.

Which gets us to
#4: You're lying. Of course you're lying. How could anyone support Trump without lying incessantly.

This is the president of/for stupid people.


Trump suggests 'injection' of disinfectant to beat ...​

NBC News › politics › donald-trump › tr...

Apr 24, 2020 — President Donald Trump suggested the possibility of an "injection" of disinfectant in a person infected with the coronavirus at the White ...

Water, the American President Explains, Is Wet​

Esquire › news-politics › president-trum...

Sep 19, 2018 — "This is a tough hurricane, one of the wettest we've ever seen, from the standpoint of water."

President Trump on Puerto Rico relief efforts - NBC News​

X · NBCNews
11.9K+ likes · 6 years ago

President Trump on Puerto Rico relief efforts: "This is an island. Surrounded by water. Big water. Ocean water."


Trump Says Revolutionary War Troops 'Took Over the ...​

Time Magazine › Politics › Donald Trump

Jul 5, 2019 — President Trump said that the Continental Army "took over the airports" from the British during the American Revolutionary War during his ...
People shouldn't hate Trump. He's playing the hand he's been dealt, as damaged as that is.

He should be viewed as a symbol, a totem, of a profoundly larger and more dangerous sociological problem.
Thanks for proving my point.
He's merely a symbol of everything folks like you hate about America.

And the only sociological danger is that Trump represents a barrier to communism.
This is the president of/for stupid people.

View attachment 906485

Trump suggests 'injection' of disinfectant to beat ...​

View attachment 906487
NBC News › politics › donald-trump › tr...
Apr 24, 2020 — President Donald Trump suggested the possibility of an "injection" of disinfectant in a person infected with the coronavirus at the White ...

Water, the American President Explains, Is Wet​

View attachment 906489
Esquire › news-politics › president-trum...
Sep 19, 2018 — "This is a tough hurricane, one of the wettest we've ever seen, from the standpoint of water."

President Trump on Puerto Rico relief efforts - NBC News​

View attachment 906490
X · NBCNews
11.9K+ likes · 6 years ago
President Trump on Puerto Rico relief efforts: "This is an island. Surrounded by water. Big water. Ocean water."

View attachment 906491

Trump Says Revolutionary War Troops 'Took Over the ...​

View attachment 906488
Time Magazine › Politics › Donald Trump
Jul 5, 2019 — President Trump said that the Continental Army "took over the airports" from the British during the American Revolutionary War during his ...

Trump's glaring is just asinine. He thinks he's intimidating.

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