Trump has no constitutional duty to comply with ‘runaway DemonRATS’ ‘hijacked’ impeachment process

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The Left, media, and academics have spent the last week claiming that President Donald Trump’s refusal to participate in the Democrats’ so-called impeachment inquiry is a “constitutional crisis.” On his radio program Friday night, LevinTV host Mark Levin destroyed those arguments point-by-point by looking at what the Founders meant the impeachment process to be.

Levin explained how during the Constitutional Convention, the Founders were very careful to shield the executive from a “specific faction” in the House. Levin then said the Founders specifically called for a two-thirds majority to convict in the Senate to prevent that “specific faction” from undermining “the independence of a president.”

Levin said, “There is absolutely nothing in the Constitution that compels a president to comply with a House of Representatives that is conducting itself this way.”

“What is misunderstood here is the president is not required to sit there and take it,” Levin continued.

Listen:... Levin: Trump has no constitutional duty to comply with ‘runaway Democratic Party’s’ ‘hijacked’ impeachment process

And just think the DemonRAT CONGRESS has only one way to TRY and arrest people for unanswered letters (supposed subpoenas as the MSM reports wrongly...again) the Dept. Of Justice run by AG Barr...good luck with that!)
Trump has no constitutional duty to comply with ‘runaway DemonRATS’
Trump has been fulfilling his Constitutional duty for three years now in the face of a hostile, internal subversive group seeking to usurp the electoral process of the United States of America ~ ~ ~ ~

He is giving them the bronze cheer and the middle finger salute.

:finger3: :fu::finger3: :fu: :finger3: :fu: :finger3:

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