Trump has lowest pres-elect popularity in many decades

the fact that trump won is the mandate. he wasn't supposed to get but 100 eletoral votes. he smashed her ass. and took in the house and senate. yes it is a mandate by every definition available. K?
Awesome! How much is that "mandate" worth if Trump doesn't produce results in his first 100 days? How much is that "mandate" worth if his polls don't rise because Americans don't have respect for a liar who engages in "Twitter wars" with every other fucking moron with a Twitter account?
So your only point is that Hillary is even more unfavorable than Trump. Thanks for the input, Captain Obvious.
Not even the main point, but I can see your partisan blinders prevent you from seeing anything other than what you want to see. No matter. Time will tell and, in a few months, we'll see what the American public thinks, not what you or I think.
dude they have to show progress in six months. That's all they get.
A new President's first 100 days are a traditional marker. Obama fucked his up by focusing so much on Obamacare and not the economy. It, literally, took him a couple of years to overcome that mistake. Even so, his reelection in 2012 was a near loss. Hence the "it was a video" spin regarding Benghazi just weeks before the election.

Trump and his supporters can sing hosannas and praise him as the Second Coming, but if they can't produce results within a few months (100 days) it'll hurt him and his administration. He doesn't have to finish the job; just show that the job is getting done. He can't bullshit his way out of it nor can he blame Obama, the media or anyone else. He's POTUS, it's his fucking job to get it done.
the fact that trump won is the mandate. he wasn't supposed to get but 100 eletoral votes. he smashed her ass. and took in the house and senate. yes it is a mandate by every definition available. K?
Awesome! How much is that "mandate" worth if Trump doesn't produce results in his first 100 days? How much is that "mandate" worth if his polls don't rise because Americans don't have respect for a liar who engages in "Twitter wars" with every other fucking moron with a Twitter account?
dude, settle down a bit. Didn't you read my other posts about expectations of the man and his team? Wow, I didn't consider you as a panicking type of a dude. Maybe I was wrong. What exactly do you think can possibly happen in 100 days? Implementation of any policy will take at least six months to transition in. I respect you, so please, stop behaving like you expect the fking world to rotate on a dime on March 1st. And, BTW, the stock market is up more than it ever has to begin a presidency. You don't take any of that into account? wow!
So your only point is that Hillary is even more unfavorable than Trump. Thanks for the input, Captain Obvious.
Not even the main point, but I can see your partisan blinders prevent you from seeing anything other than what you want to see. No matter. Time will tell and, in a few months, we'll see what the American public thinks, not what you or I think.
I already know what the American public thinks. They elected Trump, and kept a Republican Senate and House of Representatives. The mandate is clear.
So your only point is that Hillary is even more unfavorable than Trump. Thanks for the input, Captain Obvious.
Not even the main point, but I can see your partisan blinders prevent you from seeing anything other than what you want to see. No matter. Time will tell and, in a few months, we'll see what the American public thinks, not what you or I think.
that wasn't fair. The left gives two flying fickle fingers about Trump. So stop acting like the Trump supporters should just welcome everyone on board. Why the fk don't you come back to the planet you're from first?
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....Wow, I didn't consider you as a panicking type of a dude. ...
Quote me where you think I'm panicking then explain what you think I'm panicking about. Take your time. We have over three months to discuss it. :)
didn't I ask that you settle down on my reply to your post? What exactly didn't you understand? Obviously I felt your panic.
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Its easy to skew the polls in your favor ie against trump when you sample against the opposition 2-1. They're still manipulating polls and trying to regurgitate their lies. Lol. What an idiot fest.
It's because they think they're smarter than us. And the real truth is:
I already know what the American public thinks. They elected Trump, and kept a Republican Senate and House of Representatives. The mandate is clear.
Correct. Now how long do you think that "mandate" will last? November 2018? How long before the American public should expect the Trump administration stand on it's own feet and stop making excuses and/or blaming others?
didn't I asked that you settle down on my reply to your post? What exactly didn't you understand? Obviously I felt your panic.
Translation: I can't prove anything I said against you. I'm just making this shit up as I go along.

Thanks. I knew you couldn't produce any proof of your allegations about "panicking". You can't prove what doesn't exist. Are you going to apply for a job at the Ministry of Truth too?
Its easy to skew the polls in your favor ie against trump when you sample against the opposition 2-1. They're still manipulating polls and trying to regurgitate their lies. Lol. What an idiot fest.

The NBC poll showing Trump at 41% favorable polled 28% liberals and 35% conservatives.
One poll is interesting. Several polls from a variety of reputable sources indicate more accuracy of the results. The current RCP average is 41% favorable, 49% unfavorable. Of more interest to me is the "why" the polls are as they are.

Even Rasmussen indicates Trump's polls are 51%/47% favorable/unfavorable but the report isn't free to the public for review. 51% Now View Trump Favorably - Rasmussen Reports™

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable
I already know what the American public thinks. They elected Trump, and kept a Republican Senate and House of Representatives. The mandate is clear.
Correct. Now how long do you think that "mandate" will last? November 2018? How long before the American public should expect the Trump administration stand on it's own feet and stop making excuses and/or blaming others?
What you just said was what Obama "Inherited" from George Bush, and even after 4 years of his Failed Policies, continued to whine about George. Now instead of continuing to listen to the lickspittle liberal lapdog media, try doing some homework and find out what policies that Trump is talking about, will help ALL US "CITIZENS" and start reducing the illegal population that is present from Obama's attempt to fundamentally transform America.

Shame that CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, and MSNBC have turned into the new PRAVDA. Joseph Goebel would be proud.
didn't I asked that you settle down on my reply to your post? What exactly didn't you understand? Obviously I felt your panic.
Translation: I can't prove anything I said against you. I'm just making this shit up as I go along.

Thanks. I knew you couldn't produce any proof of your allegations about "panicking". You can't prove what doesn't exist. Are you going to apply for a job at the Ministry of Truth too?
dude, It is my right to perceive the intent of your post. You wish to clarify, completely within your right. But me, you seemed to be panicking. K?
Its easy to skew the polls in your favor ie against trump when you sample against the opposition 2-1. They're still manipulating polls and trying to regurgitate their lies. Lol. What an idiot fest.

The NBC poll showing Trump at 41% favorable polled 28% liberals and 35% conservatives.

NBC will not be fair to Trump, so more MSM biased puke from pretendland.

BTW, all you had to do was watch the John Lewis interview with Chuck Todd. or dodge.
You progressives can have all the polls you want. You take your "moral victory" from polls, we'll take our real victory of winning the election.
If you are satisfied with single payer universal health care, a huge infrastructure budget not met by budget reduction elsewhere, and fighting ISIS, then we are all good to go.

I am not satisfied with "single payer universal health care", as that normally implies income redistribution (bottom feeders paying nothing).
Budget reduction will come from defunding and hopefully eliminating useless agencies, like the Department of Education. There also needs to be massive reduction in the size of the Federal government. Not sure what you mean by "fighting ISIS". Obama's "fighting ISIS" has included being allies with Turkey and Saudi Arabia, who are financing ISIS. Keeping the Islamic world isolated is a better method. Let them kill each other off, we don't need to waste the ammo.
That means you lost the election, thehawk, even if Trump won.

Single payer will happen in the first term, I believe.

There will be no budget reduction: with tax reductions, no elimination of government Departments, massive bills for infrastructure, massive bills for the military, and so forth, there can be no reduction in government size or spending.

The Alt Right will have lost the election.
You progressives can have all the polls you want. You take your "moral victory" from polls, we'll take our real victory of winning the election.
If you are satisfied with single payer universal health care, a huge infrastructure budget not met by budget reduction elsewhere, and fighting ISIS, then we are all good to go.

I am not satisfied with "single payer universal health care", as that normally implies income redistribution (bottom feeders paying nothing).
Budget reduction will come from defunding and hopefully eliminating useless agencies, like the Department of Education. There also needs to be massive reduction in the size of the Federal government. Not sure what you mean by "fighting ISIS". Obama's "fighting ISIS" has included being allies with Turkey and Saudi Arabia, who are financing ISIS. Keeping the Islamic world isolated is a better method. Let them kill each other off, we don't need to waste the ammo.
That means you lost the election, thehawk, even if Trump won.

Single payer will happen in the first term, I believe.

There will be no budget reduction: with tax reductions, no elimination of government Departments, massive bills for infrastructure, massive bills for the military, and so forth, there can be no reduction in government size or spending.

The Alt Right will have lost the election.
You just can't make this crap up can you?

That means you lost the election, thehawk, even if Trump won.

Only in libturd pretendland folks. They won even though they lost.
I love it. And he's not even in office yet....

Yeah he brings it on himself. G.W. was in the same position, losing the popular vote by 500K and winning the electoral college vote. But G.W. had an approval rating of 54% at this same time, and Trump is all the way down to 32%.

This Russian hacking, all the midnight tweets, the mouth, the making claims that he has created jobs when he's not even in office yet, gets a little too much to take. Some of his cabinet picks are well beyond the fringe.
Trump gets facts wrong in attacks against NBC's "Today" show

Comrade Trump and his supporters have made a lot of enemies especially on the hill. Trump has offended our intelligence agencies, many Republican senators, and now he's after the media. Paybacks are coming.



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