Trump has already accomplished more than Obama


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The stories that have been coming out are truly astounding. Just on the news of his election, in less than two weeks, the markets have skyrocketed. World leaders have talked about peace and their confidence in Donald Trump. And now this. This. Apple will be making the iPhone in America. The company that set the record for the highest valuation ever is bringing manufacturing of their flagship product in the U.S.

He's months away from being sworn in and already Donald Trump has accomplished more in a week and a half than Obama did in 8 years as president. More indisputable proof that the progressive ideology is a failed ideology. Just ask Venezuela. They implemented the progressive utopia and have completely collapsed. We were headed in that direction but thankfully the American people saw the failure and reversed course.

Silicon Valley Bows to Trump: Apple to Build iPhones in America
This thread makes for an excellent case study. How do Democrats combat blatantly false news stories such as this one, when this type of fake news has already cemented itself as the only source of information for the conservative segment of America? They've even managed to convince themselves that fact checking these obviously biased articles is the lie, and not the obvious spin job in the original article itself.

So how do we prove to people like P@triot that the premise of the story is no sense, without him immediately assuming we're liars?
So how do we prove to people like P@triot that the premise of the story is no sense, without him immediately assuming we're liars?
No sense in wasting your time trying to do that. Sponge brains like him are totally indoctrinated.
This thread makes for an excellent case study. How do Democrats combat blatantly false news stories such as this one, when this type of fake news has already cemented itself as the only source of information for the conservative segment of America? They've even managed to convince themselves that fact checking these obviously biased articles is the lie, and not the obvious spin job in the original article itself.

So how do we prove to people like P@triot that the premise of the story is no sense, without him immediately assuming we're liars?

Too funny. Even the liberal news stations are reporting the news. Apple is exploring moving iPhone production to the US: Report

This is why you asshats lost the election. You libs have no reality. Go back to getting your news from Comedy Central.

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americans just aren't interested in reality, so we retreat into into tribal memes invented by the aristocracy and quibble amongst ourselves while the societal wealth extraction continues unabated.
This thread makes for an excellent case study. How do Democrats combat blatantly false news stories such as this one, when this type of fake news has already cemented itself as the only source of information for the conservative segment of America? They've even managed to convince themselves that fact checking these obviously biased articles is the lie, and not the obvious spin job in the original article itself.

So how do we prove to people like P@triot that the premise of the story is no sense, without him immediately assuming we're liars?

Too funny. Even the liberal news stations are reporting the news. Apple is exploring moving iPhone production to the US: Report

This is why you asshats lost the election. You libs have no reality. Go back to getting your news from Comedy Central.

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Months ago, long before Trump was elected, Apple asked 2 companies that it uses to make iPhones what it would cost to make iPhones in the US. 1 didn't bother to find out, the other told Apple costs would double. That is the story.

Breitbart is selling it as Trump forced Apple to start iPhone production in the US and succeeded.

This is why you asshats won the election. Because you swallow bullshit and you love it. You ask for seconds and thirds.
Are Americans going to want to spend 10 hour days on a factory production line plugging the same tiny component onto a logic board?
Are Americans going to want to spend 10 hour days on a factory production line plugging the same tiny component onto a logic board?
Apparently flyover country has their dicks hard over the prospect
Good on them if they do.
I guess. You know what, if flyover country wants to make my iPhones for a few dollars a day and they figure out a way that the price of my iPhones won't massively increase, then good for them. In fact, go Trump! Bring those sweatahops back home and makenAmerica great again!
Are Americans going to want to spend 10 hour days on a factory production line plugging the same tiny component onto a logic board?
Apparently flyover country has their dicks hard over the prospect
Good on them if they do.
I guess. You know what, if flyover country wants to make my iPhones for a few dollars a day and they figure out a way that the price of my iPhones won't massively increase, the good for them. In fact, go Trump! Bring those sweatahops back home and makenAmerica great again!

^^^ why Americans kicked the Democrats to the curb, their blatant mockery of middle class workers and their jobs. The days of the left sacrificing middle class workers and their jobs on the alter of liberal global warming environmental oil/coal hating BS are over.
This thread makes for an excellent case study. How do Democrats combat blatantly false news stories such as this one, when this type of fake news has already cemented itself as the only source of information for the conservative segment of America? They've even managed to convince themselves that fact checking these obviously biased articles is the lie, and not the obvious spin job in the original article itself.

So how do we prove to people like P@triot that the premise of the story is no sense, without him immediately assuming we're liars?

Too funny. Even the liberal news stations are reporting the news. Apple is exploring moving iPhone production to the US: Report

This is why you asshats lost the election. You libs have no reality. Go back to getting your news from Comedy Central.

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Months ago, long before Trump was elected, Apple asked 2 companies that it uses to make iPhones what it would cost to make iPhones in the US. 1 didn't bother to find out, the other told Apple costs would double. That is the story.

Breitbart is selling it as Trump forced Apple to start iPhone production in the US and succeeded.

This is why you asshats won the election. Because you swallow bullshit and you love it. You ask for seconds and thirds.

Look again at when Apple asked about this. Trump made his comments in January and Apple didn't start exploring this option until June. Trump won the GOP nomination in July but was looking fairly strong by June.

The USA hasn't seen this many pissed off Democrats since the Republicans ended Slavery.

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