Trump had "nothing to do with Russia"

Don't cry about Soros when your party is ruled by the right wing Soros' of the country. You like to make one man the boogie man but your GOP is run by a bunch of right wing neo cons and billionaires and you think the head billionaire cares about you. He colluded. And the details make it illegal.

Dude, get off your high horse, both political establishments are thicker than proverbial thieves and they are only jockeying for position on behalf of the owners of USA.INC.

Now, (and just so we are on the same page) are you claiming that Trump conspired with the Rooskies to hack the DNC server in order to show how the DNC was conspiring to steal the election? It's a simple "yes" or "no" answer. I have to know this before we continue.
That's exactly when and how that fake "Russian interference" fairly tale for idiots has started.

View attachment 157479
I'm sorry but it was Manafort and Papadapoulos who were found guilty not any Democrats. When a Democrat is charged or found guilty of something let me know. Until then this is fake news coming from right wing sources.

Manafort and Papadapoulos are accused...they haven't been found guilty of anything. Besides, Manafort's ties to the Ukraine doesn't make him guilty unless the revenue he got from them escaped the attention of the IRS, the collection arm of the IMF....that doesn't necessarily incriminate Trump in any way, fashion or does it?

Don't cry about Soros when your party is ruled by the right wing Soros' of the country. You like to make one man the boogie man but your GOP is run by a bunch of right wing neo cons and billionaires and you think the head billionaire cares about you. He colluded. And the details make it illegal.

Dude, get off your high horse, both political establishments are thicker than proverbial thieves and they are only jockeying for position on behalf of the owners of USA.INC.

Now, (and just so we are on the same page) are you claiming that Trump conspired with the Rooskies to hack the DNC server in order to show how the DNC was conspiring to steal the election? It's a simple "yes" or "no" answer. I have to know this before we continue.
No. I did not claim that Trump conspired with the Rooskies to hack the DNC server in order to show how the DNC was conspiring to steal the election? Those are your words.

And stop doing that. You Republicans always do this. If the economy crashes you want to blame both sides or shift the argument to the Dems and Hillary. Sorry pal but this time it's your boy who got a blowjob in the oval office and lied about it. Doesn't matter that they all have mistresses.

If anything bad happens to the Republicans you guys always say, "both sides do it". Sorry but you don't get to do that every time your side breaks the law. You don't get to control the conversation. Sorry.

I am not a member of either bought and paid for political party that serves the interests of the owners of USA.INC. The economy is going to crash because fiat currencies never last very long because money is debt and debt is "money". Trump and the Rooskies didn't conspire to steal the election from the leftard clown posse by exposing the corruption and criminality of the DNC.
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Don't cry about Soros when your party is ruled by the right wing Soros' of the country. You like to make one man the boogie man but your GOP is run by a bunch of right wing neo cons and billionaires and you think the head billionaire cares about you. He colluded. And the details make it illegal.

Dude, get off your high horse, both political establishments are thicker than proverbial thieves and they are only jockeying for position on behalf of the owners of USA.INC.

Now, (and just so we are on the same page) are you claiming that Trump conspired with the Rooskies to hack the DNC server in order to show how the DNC was conspiring to steal the election? It's a simple "yes" or "no" answer. I have to know this before we continue.
That's exactly when and how that fake "Russian interference" fairly tale for idiots has started.

View attachment 157479
I'm sorry but it was Manafort and Papadapoulos who were found guilty not any Democrats. When a Democrat is charged or found guilty of something let me know. Until then this is fake news coming from right wing sources.

Manafort and Papadapoulos are accused...they haven't been found guilty of anything. Besides, Manafort's ties to the Ukraine doesn't make him guilty unless the revenue he got from them escaped the attention of the IRS, the collection arm of the IMF....that doesn't necessarily incriminate Trump in any way, fashion or does it?
Yes. If it were obama or Hillary you'd see differently dopey

Don't cry about Soros when your party is ruled by the right wing Soros' of the country. You like to make one man the boogie man but your GOP is run by a bunch of right wing neo cons and billionaires and you think the head billionaire cares about you. He colluded. And the details make it illegal.

Dude, get off your high horse, both political establishments are thicker than proverbial thieves and they are only jockeying for position on behalf of the owners of USA.INC.

Now, (and just so we are on the same page) are you claiming that Trump conspired with the Rooskies to hack the DNC server in order to show how the DNC was conspiring to steal the election? It's a simple "yes" or "no" answer. I have to know this before we continue.
No. I did not claim that Trump conspired with the Rooskies to hack the DNC server in order to show how the DNC was conspiring to steal the election? Those are your words.

And stop doing that. You Republicans always do this. If the economy crashes you want to blame both sides or shift the argument to the Dems and Hillary. Sorry pal but this time it's your boy who got a blowjob in the oval office and lied about it. Doesn't matter that they all have mistresses.

If anything bad happens to the Republicans you guys always say, "both sides do it". Sorry but you don't get to do that every time your side breaks the law. You don't get to control the conversation. Sorry.

I am not a member of either bought and paid for political party that serves the interests of the owners of USA.INC. The economy is going to crash because fiat currencies never last very long because money is debt and debt is "money". Trump and the Rooskies didn't conspire to steal the election from the leftard clown posse by exposing the corruption and criminality of the DNC.

Don't cry about Soros when your party is ruled by the right wing Soros' of the country. You like to make one man the boogie man but your GOP is run by a bunch of right wing neo cons and billionaires and you think the head billionaire cares about you. He colluded. And the details make it illegal.

Dude, get off your high horse, both political establishments are thicker than proverbial thieves and they are only jockeying for position on behalf of the owners of USA.INC.

Now, (and just so we are on the same page) are you claiming that Trump conspired with the Rooskies to hack the DNC server in order to show how the DNC was conspiring to steal the election? It's a simple "yes" or "no" answer. I have to know this before we continue.
No. I did not claim that Trump conspired with the Rooskies to hack the DNC server in order to show how the DNC was conspiring to steal the election? Those are your words.

And stop doing that. You Republicans always do this. If the economy crashes you want to blame both sides or shift the argument to the Dems and Hillary. Sorry pal but this time it's your boy who got a blowjob in the oval office and lied about it. Doesn't matter that they all have mistresses.

If anything bad happens to the Republicans you guys always say, "both sides do it". Sorry but you don't get to do that every time your side breaks the law. You don't get to control the conversation. Sorry.

I am not a member of either bought and paid for political party that serves the interests of the owners of USA.INC. The economy is going to crash because fiat currencies never last very long because money is debt and debt is "money". Trump and the Rooskies didn't conspire to steal the election from the leftard clown posse by exposing the corruption and criminality of the DNC.

Do you want to see the perfect fucking example of what tools you right wing idiots are? If we ask you if Trump colluded with Russia you say NO WAY, even though you have no fucking clue and you all know he probably did. If he didn't his underlings did. And to think he didn't know about it is laugable even though it might not be provable.

But that's not the point. The point is you'll deny deny deny Trump colluded even though he clearly did, but then if we ask you about Hillary you'll say she definitely did.

Trump spokeswoman: 'Indisputable' that Clinton camp colluded with Russia

Trump spokeswoman: 'Indisputable' that Clinton camp colluded with Russia


Don't cry about Soros when your party is ruled by the right wing Soros' of the country. You like to make one man the boogie man but your GOP is run by a bunch of right wing neo cons and billionaires and you think the head billionaire cares about you. He colluded. And the details make it illegal.

Dude, get off your high horse, both political establishments are thicker than proverbial thieves and they are only jockeying for position on behalf of the owners of USA.INC.

Now, (and just so we are on the same page) are you claiming that Trump conspired with the Rooskies to hack the DNC server in order to show how the DNC was conspiring to steal the election? It's a simple "yes" or "no" answer. I have to know this before we continue.
That's exactly when and how that fake "Russian interference" fairly tale for idiots has started.

View attachment 157479
I'm sorry but it was Manafort and Papadapoulos who were found guilty not any Democrats. When a Democrat is charged or found guilty of something let me know. Until then this is fake news coming from right wing sources.

Manafort and Papadapoulos are accused...they haven't been found guilty of anything. Besides, Manafort's ties to the Ukraine doesn't make him guilty unless the revenue he got from them escaped the attention of the IRS, the collection arm of the IMF....that doesn't necessarily incriminate Trump in any way, fashion or does it?

Except Papa pleaded guilty. So now what's your excuse? He's just guilty a little bit?
Don't cry about Soros when your party is ruled by the right wing Soros' of the country. You like to make one man the boogie man but your GOP is run by a bunch of right wing neo cons and billionaires and you think the head billionaire cares about you. He colluded. And the details make it illegal.

Dude, get off your high horse, both political establishments are thicker than proverbial thieves and they are only jockeying for position on behalf of the owners of USA.INC.

Now, (and just so we are on the same page) are you claiming that Trump conspired with the Rooskies to hack the DNC server in order to show how the DNC was conspiring to steal the election? It's a simple "yes" or "no" answer. I have to know this before we continue.
That's exactly when and how that fake "Russian interference" fairly tale for idiots has started.

View attachment 157479
I'm sorry but it was Manafort and Papadapoulos who were found guilty not any Democrats. When a Democrat is charged or found guilty of something let me know. Until then this is fake news coming from right wing sources.

Manafort and Papadapoulos are accused...they haven't been found guilty of anything. Besides, Manafort's ties to the Ukraine doesn't make him guilty unless the revenue he got from them escaped the attention of the IRS, the collection arm of the IMF....that doesn't necessarily incriminate Trump in any way, fashion or does it?

Except Papa pleaded guilty. So now what's your excuse? He's just guilty a little bit?
I heard fat ass huckabee say "he wasn't working in an official capacity for the Trump administration".

Yea fatty, spies never do.

Actually, I'd hit that

So would Rick Perry

How many guys have banged her?

Comeon sealy, we know she is a big fat liar and no more than a mouthpiece for Trump (it her job)...but it has nothing to do with her body.

Actually, I'd hit that

So would Rick Perry

How many guys have banged her?

Comeon sealy, we know she is a big fat liar and no more than a mouthpiece for Trump (it her job)...but it has nothing to do with her body.

I know this but after all the making fun of the way Hillary dresses, her kankles, Nancy Pelosi and how they fat shame Michael Moore I just couldn't help myself.

Who I love is Kelly Anne Conway. Now that's a piece of ass.


Actually, I'd hit that

So would Rick Perry

How many guys have banged her?

Comeon sealy, we know she is a big fat liar and no more than a mouthpiece for Trump (it her job)...but it has nothing to do with her body.

I know this but after all the making fun of the way Hillary dresses, her kankles, Nancy Pelosi and how they fat shame Michael Moore I just couldn't help myself.

Who I love is Kelly Anne Conway. Now that's a piece of ass.

Wrong is wrong. When we operate on double standards for friends and adversaries we piss away credibility and clarity of thought.

Actually, I'd hit that

So would Rick Perry

How many guys have banged her?

Comeon sealy, we know she is a big fat liar and no more than a mouthpiece for Trump (it her job)...but it has nothing to do with her body.

I know this but after all the making fun of the way Hillary dresses, her kankles, Nancy Pelosi and how they fat shame Michael Moore I just couldn't help myself.

Who I love is Kelly Anne Conway. Now that's a piece of ass.

Wrong is wrong. When we operate on double standards for friends and adversaries we piss away credibility and clarity of thought.

So I can't ask Republicans what the "real" unemployment number is? Remember they said Obama's numbers were fake but now Trump says the numbers are not fake?

I notice Gore Kerry and Hillary played it classy. How did that work out for them? The American voters clearly don't care about classy. If they did Trump would not be president. Do you want to win or take the high road?

Actually, I'd hit that

So would Rick Perry

How many guys have banged her?

Comeon sealy, we know she is a big fat liar and no more than a mouthpiece for Trump (it her job)...but it has nothing to do with her body.

I know this but after all the making fun of the way Hillary dresses, her kankles, Nancy Pelosi and how they fat shame Michael Moore I just couldn't help myself.

Who I love is Kelly Anne Conway. Now that's a piece of ass.

Wrong is wrong. When we operate on double standards for friends and adversaries we piss away credibility and clarity of thought.

So I can't ask Republicans what the "real" unemployment number is? Remember they said Obama's numbers were fake but now Trump says the numbers are not fake?

I notice Gore Kerry and Hillary played it classy. How did that work out for them? The American voters clearly don't care about classy. If they did Trump would not be president. Do you want to win or take the high road?

Of course you can because it's clear you are referring to previous unemployment claims.

Actually, I'd hit that

So would Rick Perry

How many guys have banged her?

Comeon sealy, we know she is a big fat liar and no more than a mouthpiece for Trump (it her job)...but it has nothing to do with her body.

I know this but after all the making fun of the way Hillary dresses, her kankles, Nancy Pelosi and how they fat shame Michael Moore I just couldn't help myself.

Who I love is Kelly Anne Conway. Now that's a piece of ass.

Wrong is wrong. When we operate on double standards for friends and adversaries we piss away credibility and clarity of thought.

So I can't ask Republicans what the "real" unemployment number is? Remember they said Obama's numbers were fake but now Trump says the numbers are not fake?

I notice Gore Kerry and Hillary played it classy. How did that work out for them? The American voters clearly don't care about classy. If they did Trump would not be president. Do you want to win or take the high road?

Of course you can because it's clear you are referring to previous unemployment claims.

President Donald Trump on Tuesday downplayed the role of his former foreign policy adviser, George Papadopoulos, calling him merely a “young, low level volunteer,” whom he claimed “few people knew.”


Papadopoulos served on Trump’s foreign policy advisory council during his campaign, a group led by then-Trump adviser Jeff Sessions, who is now attorney general. When announcing the team in March of 2016, Trump praised him as “an excellent guy.”

White House officials and Trump allies have swiftly sought to distance the president from the revelations by minimizing the campaign officials’ involvement in Trump’s campaign: a familiar — and at times, absurd — line of defense.

On Tuesday, former Trump campaign adviser Michael Caputo told CNN that Papadopoulos was just “a coffee boy” for the campaign.

When asked about a photograph showing Papadopoulos at a meeting with Trump and Sessions, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Monday dismissed it, saying that “the president has thousands of photographs with millions of people.”

What great liars huh?

Of Manafort, who was Trump’s campaign chairman, Sanders said he was “brought in to lead the delegate process, which he did, and was dismissed not too long after that” — omitting the time that he spent leading Trump’s campaign.

Trump on Tuesday reiterated that Manafort’s indictment vindicated him because the conspiracy and money laundering charges against Manafort “took place long before he came to the campaign.”

However, the indictment, which details how Manafort concealed profits from lobbying for pro-Russia groups, covers activities up to and including this year.

Donald Trump Dismisses Campaign Adviser As 'Young, Low Level Volunteer' | HuffPost

So what is Trumps typical tactic? Try to change the subject to Hillary. Hey Don, Hillary is a private citizen who has nothing to do with your collusion with Russia. Is it time for impeachment yet?

Actually, I'd hit that

So would Rick Perry

How many guys have banged her?

Comeon sealy, we know she is a big fat liar and no more than a mouthpiece for Trump (it her job)...but it has nothing to do with her body.

I know this but after all the making fun of the way Hillary dresses, her kankles, Nancy Pelosi and how they fat shame Michael Moore I just couldn't help myself.

Who I love is Kelly Anne Conway. Now that's a piece of ass.

Wrong is wrong. When we operate on double standards for friends and adversaries we piss away credibility and clarity of thought.

So I can't ask Republicans what the "real" unemployment number is? Remember they said Obama's numbers were fake but now Trump says the numbers are not fake?

I notice Gore Kerry and Hillary played it classy. How did that work out for them? The American voters clearly don't care about classy. If they did Trump would not be president. Do you want to win or take the high road?

Of course you can because it's clear you are referring to previous unemployment claims.

Today Trump is saying this Papadopoulos guy only played a small role in his campaign. Sounds like what he said when Manafort was busted earlier this year

Paul Manafort, a man who once managed Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, was only a bit player in the political operation, White House press secretary Sean Spicer claimed Monday.

“There’s been a discussion of Paul Manafort, who played a very limited role for a very limited amount of time,” said Spicer, who clarified that Trump stands by earlier claims that he wasn’t aware of contact between campaign officials and Russia during the election.

Sure you weren't Don.

And it doesn't matter because like you said back in 2013 Don

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

11:01 AM - 8 Nov 2013

On Tuesday, former Trump campaign adviser Michael Caputo told CNN that Papadopoulos was just “a coffee boy” for the campaign.

We even know Don Jr. colluded. And Jeff Sessions had to recuse himself because he too had connections. How many connections do there need to be? And unless we catch Trump colluding with Putin himself, Republicans will never admit the Trump team colluded with Russia. It's so obvious. It's as obvious as Bill getting a BJ in the Oval office.

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