Trump for blacks

I am sure that the establishment democrats tried to convince the slaves how great a deal slavery is for the slaves. The same goes with democratic leaders today - their party has destroyed the black community by eliminating the fathers. Yet the blacks should still vote for them, even though according to many indicators they are performing even worse than during slavery, as a result...
Obama administration has created JOBS for the black community!
Trump looking extremely presidential and with Omarosa his senior advisor on all things black at his side
went to Detroit today (because some pollster in his campaign saw he had 0% of black support) and
feeling a need to show his longtime love for all blacks spoke with his people.

After leaving the event Omarosa the official spokesperson for the blacks said
that the Trump campaign has a firm commitment of at least 97% of the black vote come election day.

On the way back to the airport Trump is rumored to have said I want to take a shower before we get back on the plane.....

I have my people out there now working to confirm this story.....

I don't know if this is true but many people have said this.....

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