Trump fails again on DACA.

Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.

most of them have never been back to the place they were born because they weren't able to leave this country without papers.

this is beyond disgusting. but it does so make Donald's white supremacist trumptards happy

How does that change that they are ILLEGAL? Since they are, it's about time they get back.
Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.

most of them have never been back to the place they were born because they weren't able to leave this country without papers.

this is beyond disgusting. but it does so make Donald's white supremacist trumptards happy
LOL! You are so full of shit you stink! I've been to Mexico countless times and never had to have any papers! LOL!
Frankly, I am not cool with foreign born people irresponsibly introducing newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens to a traumatic, potentially life scarring childhood upbringing fraught with PAIN, Hardships and Struggles, before abandoning these maltreated and traumatized young human beings by sending them to another country, the USA.

We can look in our own backyard to examine credible evidence of traumatized children maturing into depressed, angry, frustrated, sometimes violent teen and adult engaging in homic!dal and suic!dal behaviors that frequently harms or seriously impairs the Quality of Life for their peaceful neighbors and community.


In my opinion, the Americans appearing in these recordings UNKNOWINGLY are providing a disturbing symbol for America’s Culture of African American Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect & Maltreatment evolving from America’s oppressive, long-standing, multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism.

Sadly, each of the apparent emotionally or mentally ill suic!dal/homic!dal thinking Americans appearing in this horrifying recording are exhibiting self, people and community harming behaviors that I, as well as a growing number of my responsible, caring American neighbors believe are impeding our responsible, peaceful, law abiding neighbors of African descent from fully experiencing the respect and equality all peaceful Americans have a right to enjoy.

If responsible, caring Americans are GENUINELY concerned about the emotional and physical well being of our tiny blue orb's children, we would send our struggling foreign neighbors unlimited birth control devices accompanied by instructions on how to effectively use the devices.

If responsible Americans really cared about others we would help educate our struggling foreign born neighbors about a recognized medical disease/conditions known as "Childhood Trauma" and its potential to negatively impact a human being's physical, as well as emotional HEALTH throughout their entire lifetime.

In my opinion America's role in the world is to EDUCATE our foreign neighbors by setting EXAMPLES. Though, I do not feel a duty or obligation to accept traumatized foreign people as my neighbors.

Looking at the above vids, it's apparent we have a significant population of our own traumatized, neglected, maltreated and emotionally abandon American citizens who should be the IMMEDIATE FOCUS of our attention and compassion!


Google Groups
American *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

Tagged: #JamylaBolden, #TyshawnLee, #KingstonFrazier, #AvaCastillo, #JulieDombo, #FredrikaAllen, #EthanAli, #LavontayWhite, #NovaMarieGallman, #AyannaAllen, #TrinityGay, #T_H_U_G_L_I_F_E >>>REMEDY>>> #A_F_R_E_C_A_N

*"America’s Firm Resolve to End Childhood Abuse and Neglect”*


Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.
The President just wants Congress to DO something about immigration reform. Why he threw it out there now, I don't understand. He's killing 'em over at the Capital.

He could have said that he would give Congress 6 months or he would cancel it. He is putting hunfreds of thousandspeople ives into turmoil know Congress can't do anything.

Telling Congress to do something or he punish 800,000 people is not governing. Its being a bully & an asshole.

And, he's pissing crybaby snowflakes like you off! Winning!
Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.

You are really too stupid for words....

Trump ended the unConstitutional DACA....and now the Republican congress can now create legislation granting permanent resident status of some form for those DACA kids....and Trump is going to sign it into law......

And you don't see how this is a problem for you asshole democrats....but don't worry...your democrat over lords know the problem....and they are going to do everything in their power to keep the Republicans from creating the first piece of immigration legislation that allows those kids to stay...legally......

So those 8 democrat Senators in the Senate...are going to end up voting to keep those kids/adults illegal....they need the issue, and the can't have the Republicans granting legal status on Mexican Americans......those Mexican Americans belong to the democrats...body and soul, and they will not give them up.
Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.
The President just wants Congress to DO something about immigration reform. Why he threw it out there now, I don't understand. He's killing 'em over at the Capital.

No....he gave the Republicans the chance to give permanent legal status to the DACA kids.....and he is going to sign it.....he got one over on the Democrats and you can bet they know it....and they will be doing everything in their power to keep the Republicans from crafting that bill.......
Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.
Thank upu Mr President for keeping your promise to end DACA. Your solution was excellent and fair to all. Give the final decision to Congress as it should have been. Obama was totally wrong Day by day you are disabling ObamaNatio,.
2aguy nailed it. President Trump said it during the campaign that he had a lot of sympathy for the Dreamers. While I personally disagree with the idea, I do believe he wants to give them amnesty, but he cannot because that's not the way the government is set up to work. That's why DACA President Obama set up was /temporary/. Congress was supposed to deal with it, but they blew it off.

tigerred59 is right too. He is forcing the government to deal with it and find a solution.

And yeah 2A, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if the D's shoot themselves in the foot by refusing to resolve the matter. Of course it wouldn't surprise me if the R's do the same. Fucking politicians...
Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.
It is nothing short of amazing that someone who is a billionaire and US president fails at everything. He started failing when he announced his candidacy (oh how we laughed and laughed) and has failed all the way to the White House.
If he failed at his presidency run, how the fuck did he beat the sickly, crooked, vagina candidate who failed to cross the finish line even with the lickspittle, lamestream media carrying the water for her? Yeah, you are a stupid fuck of the 10th degree. Now go play in a busy intersection and do us a Darwinian favor. Remove your gene pool from society so there cant be any more stupid fucks like you.
Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.
It is nothing short of amazing that someone who is a billionaire and US president fails at everything. He started failing when he announced his candidacy (oh how we laughed and laughed) and has failed all the way to the White House.
If he failed at his presidency run, how the fuck did he beat the sickly, crooked, vagina candidate who failed to cross the finish line even with the lickspittle, lamestream media carrying the water for her? Yeah, you are a stupid fuck of the 10th degree. Now go play in a busy intersection and do us a Darwinian favor. Remove your gene pool from society so there cant be any more stupid fucks like you.
Dem Sen. Feinstein Agrees With Trump - DACA Probably Isn't Legal
Asked in an interview with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd if DACA was legal, Feinstein cited the legal threats, then said she didn’t want to delve into the issue.

“The point is, DACA is here,” Feinstein said.

Todd then noted that the senator seemed to think the Obama executive order was “on shaky legal ground.”

Feinstein responded: “It is. That’s why we need to pass a law, and we should do it.”
At one time the Senate and Congress were supposed to be for US citizens and their children, when did the liberal establishment politicians decide that, screw the people of the US, and welcome in the dredges of other countries and cater to "their" whim?
Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.
The President just wants Congress to DO something about immigration reform. Why he threw it out there now, I don't understand. He's killing 'em over at the Capital.

Maybe it is his payback for bad mouthing him at every turn and refusing to repeal Obamacare after promising the American people to do it and voting to do it under Obama who vetoed it.

Maybe Trump is sending the American people the message that the entire GOP Congress is the real problem and are incompetent and all need primaried out.

Maybe, just maybe, Congress will do their job as the legislative branch to deal with the situation instead of having the President unconstitutionally violating law by Executive Edict.

Why is Trump trying to deal with this matter in a Constitutional way thinking the system still works? Maybe he really has gone crazy.

But I digress.
Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.
The President just wants Congress to DO something about immigration reform. Why he threw it out there now, I don't understand. He's killing 'em over at the Capital.

Maybe it is his payback for bad mouthing him at every turn and refusing to repeal Obamacare after promising the American people to do it and voting to do it under Obama who vetoed it.

Maybe Trump is sending the American people the message that the entire GOP Congress is the real problem and are incompetent and all need primaried out.

Maybe, just maybe, Congress will do their job as the legislative branch to deal with the situation instead of having the President unconstitutionally violating law by Executive Edict.

Why is Trump trying to deal with this matter in a Constitutional way thinking the system still works? Maybe he really has gone crazy.

But I digress.
Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.
The President just wants Congress to DO something about immigration reform. Why he threw it out there now, I don't understand. He's killing 'em over at the Capital.

Maybe it is his payback for bad mouthing him at every turn and refusing to repeal Obamacare after promising the American people to do it and voting to do it under Obama who vetoed it.

Maybe Trump is sending the American people the message that the entire GOP Congress is the real problem and are incompetent and all need primaried out.

Maybe, just maybe, Congress will do their job as the legislative branch to deal with the situation instead of having the President unconstitutionally violating law by Executive Edict.

Why is Trump trying to deal with this matter in a Constitutional way thinking the system still works? Maybe he really has gone crazy.

But I digress.

Primary the GOP Congress OUT!!!!!

Support your local Article V movement to put term limits in place.

Otherwise, button it!
Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.
The President just wants Congress to DO something about immigration reform. Why he threw it out there now, I don't understand. He's killing 'em over at the Capital.

Maybe it is his payback for bad mouthing him at every turn and refusing to repeal Obamacare after promising the American people to do it and voting to do it under Obama who vetoed it.

Maybe Trump is sending the American people the message that the entire GOP Congress is the real problem and are incompetent and all need primaried out.

Maybe, just maybe, Congress will do their job as the legislative branch to deal with the situation instead of having the President unconstitutionally violating law by Executive Edict.

Why is Trump trying to deal with this matter in a Constitutional way thinking the system still works? Maybe he really has gone crazy.

But I digress.

Primary the GOP Congress OUT!!!!!

Support your local Article V movement to put term limits in place.

Otherwise, button it!
I did my job by voting out Eric Cantor(2nd in line to John Boehner) how about you guys following suit. Keep the status quo and you deserve the shit the establishment gives you.
They're not "dreamers." They're "children of illegals." Or, if you prefer, they're simply "illegals." Language matters.
Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.
Hahaha! It was a brilliant political move on his part. Any Republican who votes to bring back DACA will get the boot in the primaries, and most of these RINOS need to go anyway.
Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.
Hahaha! It was a brilliant political move on his part. Any Republican who votes to bring back DACA will get the boot in the primaries, and most of these RINOS need to go anyway.

It is interesting that the DNC was willing to fall on their swords for Obamacare, and did during the 2012 elections.

Now the Pubes are willing to do it by not repealing Obamacare.

So what do they fear more than not getting back into power?
Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.
Hahaha! It was a brilliant political move on his part. Any Republican who votes to bring back DACA will get the boot in the primaries, and most of these RINOS need to go anyway.

It is interesting that the DNC was willing to fall on their swords for Obamacare, and did during the 2012 elections.

Now the Pubes are willing to do it by not repealing Obamacare.

So what do they fear more than not getting back into power?
Being called 'racist' I suppose... They are a pitiful lot.
Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.
Hahaha! It was a brilliant political move on his part. Any Republican who votes to bring back DACA will get the boot in the primaries, and most of these RINOS need to go anyway.

It is interesting that the DNC was willing to fall on their swords for Obamacare, and did during the 2012 elections.

Now the Pubes are willing to do it by not repealing Obamacare.

So what do they fear more than not getting back into power?
Being called 'racist' I suppose... They are a pitiful lot.

No, they fear something more than obtaining political power.

Trump proved again what a lying POS he really is.

These are people who have lived most of the lives as Americans in this country. Their parents brought them into this country & the Pillsbury Doughboy, fat assed President will punish them for their parent's crimes.

If all those who came here illegally are being deported, when is Melania going?

Even Republicans in Congress must be pissed. They will be forced to vote on this just before the elections.

Trump is a 100% asshole. He keeps proving it everyday.
Hahaha! It was a brilliant political move on his part. Any Republican who votes to bring back DACA will get the boot in the primaries, and most of these RINOS need to go anyway.

It is interesting that the DNC was willing to fall on their swords for Obamacare, and did during the 2012 elections.

Now the Pubes are willing to do it by not repealing Obamacare.

So what do they fear more than not getting back into power?
Being called 'racist' I suppose... They are a pitiful lot.

No, they fear something more than obtaining political power.

What do you think it is?

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