Trump-endorsed candidate goes down in stunning landslide defeat in Kansas special election

This is only the beginning. Republicans are lucky to have any positions left in 2018.

Republicans should have known not to go full retard. Trump is single handedly bringing the party down.

Keep telling yourself this the same way you told yourself that hilary was going to win by double digits...
This is only the beginning. Republicans are lucky to have any positions left in 2018.

Republicans should have known not to go full retard. Trump is single handedly bringing the party down.

Keep telling yourself this the same way you told yourself that hilary was going to win by double digits...

We'll see. Voting Trump made the party go full retard. You never go full retard. Republican party will face consequences for their actions. I wouldn't be surprised to see 3rd party candidates on the rise either.

BTW I never said Hilary would win in a landslide. In fact I thought the election could go either way. It was 50/50.
Trump had tweeted earlier today: "Ron Estes is running TODAY for Congress in the Great State of Kansas. A wonderful guy, I need his help on Healthcare & Tax Cuts (Reform)."

That tweet won the election for Thompson (the Democrat). Folks hate Trump.

the race was to replace CIA director Mike Pompeo
HA HA!!!
Trump had tweeted earlier today: "Ron Estes is running TODAY for Congress in the Great State of Kansas. A wonderful guy, I need his help on Healthcare & Tax Cuts (Reform)."

That tweet won the election for Thompson (the Democrat). Folks hate Trump.

the race was to replace CIA director Mike Pompeo

Trump had tweeted earlier today: "Ron Estes is running TODAY for Congress in the Great State of Kansas. A wonderful guy, I need his help on Healthcare & Tax Cuts (Reform)."

That tweet won the election for Thompson (the Democrat). Folks hate Trump.

the race was to replace CIA director Mike Pompeo

/--- Breaking News: Republican holds on in closely-watched Kansas special House election Bwhahaha bwhahaha bwhahaha You libtards lose again.
News from The Associated Press

WICHITA, Kan. (AP) -- Republicans have pulled out a victory in Kansas in the first of four U.S. House special elections to replace GOP congressmen named to top jobs in President Donald Trump's administration

LMAO at the OP
What was that you were saying?
Trump had tweeted earlier today: "Ron Estes is running TODAY for Congress in the Great State of Kansas. A wonderful guy, I need his help on Healthcare & Tax Cuts (Reform)."

That tweet won the election for Thompson (the Democrat). Folks hate Trump.

the race was to replace CIA director Mike Pompeo
I heard Estes didn't even run much of a campaign and he is not much of a public speaker, yet he still won by 7%.
Keep telling yourself that......the democrats went all in on this one...

Bullshit. The national Democrats spent nothing on this race. In contrast, the national Republicans spent heavily.

So, what's the next fake talking point you'll make up to spin this very bad news for the Republicans away? I mean, you sank 14 points, despite heavily outspending the Democrat. How is that good news?
It shouldn't be close. It was a Trump +28 district. The fact that it is close is very bad news for Republicans.
Make sure you repost the day after the REPs get a Super majority in the Senate next year.........asshole!
Under 'the Jesus-man BONOBO' the LIBs lost about 1300 legislative seats in the country.
I'm sure some of the races were 'close' HAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAA!
Your side are fucking congenital losers........from backing 'Big Mike' to the negro radical LIB bitch loser Prosecutor in backing Hillary. It never ends with you idiots!
Much to the enjoyment of us WINNERS!
Make sure you repost the day after the REPs get a Super majority in the Senate next year.........asshole!

When the Democrats won the previous two special elections by wide margins in barely-D districts, all you snowflakes screamed it didn't mean a thing, because they were D-districts.

Your hypocrisy runs deep.

Under 'the Jesus-man BONOBO' the LIBs lost about 1300 legislative seats in the country.
I'm sure some of the races were 'close' HAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAA!
Your side are fucking congenital losers........from backing 'Big Mike' to the negro radical LIB bitch loser Prosecutor in Baltimore......

Oh look. A racist and sexist shitstain. What a surprise.

And none of the other Republicans will utter a word of criticism about it. They never do, not one of them, no matter how blatant the racism and sexism is. And then they all declare the election wasn't about racism, xenophobia, bigotry and sexism at all, no, not one little bit.
Let's say the Dems win back the House, the Senate and the Presidency, then what? They don't follow through with their campaign promises. They're such fucking pussies, they don't do anything close to a liberal agenda.

Let's say the Dems win back the House, the Senate and the Presidency, then what?

Then you wake up, hear that RBG just died and realize Trump is going to name her replacement. LOL!
Bannon is going to have President Trump's 'insiders' leak the name Ted Cruz to the LIB MSM.
This should be hilarious!
Keep telling yourself that......the democrats went all in on this one...

Bullshit. The national Democrats spent nothing on this race. In contrast, the national Republicans spent heavily.

So, what's the next fake talking point you'll make up to spin this very bad news for the Republicans away? I mean, you sank 14 points, despite heavily outspending the Democrat. How is that good news?
So what you're claiming is the national Democrats couldn't be bothered to spend any money to get a DEM into congress?
That's pretty fucking stupid. HAAA HAAAA!
Is that what you're going to claim when the DEMs lose the next three special elections?
But there is some logic to your claim. After all, the DEMs pissed 1.2 BILLION dollars down the drain trying to get Hillary elected and that didn't work so why keep spending money on losers right?
Oh ya. The "good news" is there's another REP in Congress.
I swear, Robby Mock must have been running the DEM's campaign.
Make sure you repost the day after the REPs get a Super majority in the Senate next year.........asshole!

When the Democrats won the previous two special elections by wide margins in barely-D districts, all you snowflakes screamed it didn't mean a thing, because they were D-districts.

Your hypocrisy runs deep.

Under 'the Jesus-man BONOBO' the LIBs lost about 1300 legislative seats in the country.
I'm sure some of the races were 'close' HAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAA!
Your side are fucking congenital losers........from backing 'Big Mike' to the negro radical LIB bitch loser Prosecutor in Baltimore......

Oh look. A racist and sexist shitstain. What a surprise.

And none of the other Republicans will utter a word of criticism about it. They never do, not one of them, no matter how blatant the racism and sexism is. And then they all declare the election wasn't about racism, xenophobia, bigotry and sexism at all, no, not one little bit.
When the habitual loser Hillary was interviewed last week she was asked why did female voters give Trump 53% of their votes?
Her reply was: "there are a lot of female misogynists out there who don't want to see a woman become President".
Is Hillary also a
woman-hater'? Obviously she is. She's the one who called all of Bill's female victims "Bimbos".

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