Trump encourages Russia to hack Hillary's emails

Yet again Trump says something really fucking stupid and then takes it back

Trump Used To Say He Was Pals With Putin. Now He Says They Never Met.

After months of claiming a close relationship with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump now says he doesnā€™t really know him at all.

ā€œI never met Putin. I donā€™t know who Putin is,ā€ the Republican presidential nominee said Wednesday at a Florida news conference. ā€œHe said one nice thing about me. He said Iā€™m a genius. I said ā€˜Thank you very muchā€™ to the newspaper, and that was the end of it. I never met Putin.ā€

The new stance, though, runs counter to months of admiring statements Trump has made about the former spymaster, despite nearly universal worldwide condemnation of the Russian president for his aggressive actions in the Ukraine, Syria and elsewhere.

In a Nov. 10 GOP debate, Trump said: ā€œI got to know him very well because we were both on ā€˜60 Minutes,ā€™ we were stablemates, and we did very well that night.ā€
Yet again Trump says something really fucking stupid and then takes it back

Trump Used To Say He Was Pals With Putin. Now He Says They Never Met.

After months of claiming a close relationship with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump now says he doesnā€™t really know him at all.

ā€œI never met Putin. I donā€™t know who Putin is,ā€ the Republican presidential nominee said Wednesday at a Florida news conference. ā€œHe said one nice thing about me. He said Iā€™m a genius. I said ā€˜Thank you very muchā€™ to the newspaper, and that was the end of it. I never met Putin.ā€

The new stance, though, runs counter to months of admiring statements Trump has made about the former spymaster, despite nearly universal worldwide condemnation of the Russian president for his aggressive actions in the Ukraine, Syria and elsewhere.

In a Nov. 10 GOP debate, Trump said: ā€œI got to know him very well because we were both on ā€˜60 Minutes,ā€™ we were stablemates, and we did very well that night.ā€

Serious people in the US are debating not only whether the Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, is an admirer and would-be ally of Vladimir Putin ā€“ extraordinary enough, given the partyā€™s history ā€“ but whether he might, in effect, be an agent of Putinā€™s, a real-life version of the Manchurian Candidate. Or, in the words of the New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, ā€œthe Siberian candidate.ā€

Trump doesnā€™t have to be Putinā€™s agent. Itā€™s bad enough that he is a fan | Jonathan Freedland

Trump Now Says He Never Met Putin After Bragging About Chats With Him

Donald Trump said Wednesday that he has never actually met Russian President Vladimir Putin despite bragging multiple times recently about conversations he has had with him.

"He said one nice thing about me. He said I'm a genius. I said thank you very much to the newspaper and that was the end of it. I never met Putin," Trump said.

On the GOP debate stage in November, though, Trump bragged about meeting the Russian leader.

"I got to know him very well because we were both on '60 Minutes,' we were stablemates, and we did very well that night," Trump said.


And Republicans go on endlessly about how Hillary lies. This guy actually puts the country at risk.
We all saw the same press conference. Trump was being stupid as always and being a blowhard, but even in the quote YOU put up, he says "if they hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails." He obviously is not asking them to hack anyone, he's saying if they have 'em, they should release them. You Hillarybots have started screaming about this to distract from MacAullife's admission that she's going to end up supporting TPP. It's not going to work.
They don't seem to understand that, by doing this, they're just drawing more attention to the emails themselves.

Yeah, we should just ignore that Trump committed TREASON, right?

We should NEVER ignore treason. We should not let your hysterical hand-wring and screaming about that which was stupid, but not treasonous, to deflect us from realizing that the lying corporate whore is lying about opposing TPP just to get elected. People like you will be the ones that get Trump elected because you picked a lying corporate whore instead of Bernie.
thanks captain melodrama !

You're welcome, Queen Deflection
how is pointing out your corny over reacting a deflection.?
Democrat definition of TREASON

1. anything that helps Trump win

Democrat definition of "NOT TREASON"

1. lying and letting 4 diplomats get killed
2. covering up 911
3. covering up an FBI prosecution of the "climate scientists"
4. selling out US foreign policy for money and favorable media coverage
5. anything that helped O or Hillary get rich at the expense of the US
Democrat definition of TREASON

1. anything that helps Trump win

Democrat definition of "NOT TREASON"

1. lying and letting 4 diplomats get killed
2. covering up 911
3. covering up an FBI prosecution of the "climate scientists"
4. selling out US foreign policy for money and favorable media coverage
5. anything that helped O or Hillary get rich at the expense of the US
look folks it's a talking douche bag .

You can bet the DNC Will ask the Justice Department to investigate his encouraging Russia to hack Hillary's emails.
They don't seem to understand that, by doing this, they're just drawing more attention to the emails themselves.

Yeah, we should just ignore that Trump committed TREASON, right?

We should NEVER ignore treason. We should not let your hysterical hand-wring and screaming about that which was stupid, but not treasonous, to deflect us from realizing that the lying corporate whore is lying about opposing TPP just to get elected. People like you will be the ones that get Trump elected because you picked a lying corporate whore instead of Bernie.
thanks captain melodrama !

You're welcome, Queen Deflection
how is pointing out your corny over reacting a deflection.?

You want to talk about ANYTHING but what's happened. You think calling me names will change the conversation. That's deflection.

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