Trump drops in at MAGA theme wedding.. they go nut chanting USA!

<pffft> i bet he dropped in to try 'n nail the bride..

Only stupid people makes stupid comments like that....

Goes to show "You can't fix Stupid". :auiqs.jpg:


like i said.... he probably tried to nail her.

AND... like I said..."Stupid people make really stupid comments". :)
like i said.... he probably tried to nail her.

Is it your belief that every person who has ever made a potentially offensive statement should be barred from working in the public sector?
<pffft> i bet he dropped in to try 'n nail the bride..

Only stupid people makes stupid comments like that....

Goes to show "You can't fix Stupid". :auiqs.jpg:


like i said.... he probably tried to nail her.

AND... like I said..."Stupid people make really stupid comments". :)

mine was more like making an educated guess based on documented behavior for the last 40+ years....
It’s a very kind gesture and I am sure something they will always remember. Not sure how this makes the president unstoppable, but whatever.
like i said.... he probably tried to nail her.

Is it your belief that every person who has ever made a potentially offensive statement should be barred from working in the public sector?

no.... but trump has repeatedly said such things for 40+ years.... hell, what he commented on during his multiple interviews on howard stern alone should have raised enough concern from any thinking individual...
mine was more like making an educated guess based on documented behavior for the last 40+ years....

Ok, why didn't you say that before? Then I would have made an educated guess that you were "spot on".
You made it sound as if it was just Trump.

silly you.... i WAS talking about trump. i've seen & heard him in action for that long & ya - it certainly is not out of the realm of possibilities that he would make a move.
no.... but trump has repeatedly said such things for 40+ years.... hell, what he commented on during his multiple interviews on howard stern alone should have raised enough concern from any thinking individual...

Saying is one thing. Doing it is another.
How about "Slick Willy" Clinton? He got caught. And I believed impeached for doing so.
Actual transcript from a 2016 campaign event as crowd in North Carolina began to boo a man protesting with a Trump sign.⁣

“THE PRESIDENT: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, listen up! Hey, everybody! Everybody! Hey! Hey! Listen up! Hey! I told you to be focused, and you’re not focused right now! Listen to what I’m saying. Hold up! Hold up! Hold up! Hold up! Everybody sit down and be⁣
quiet for a second. Everybody sit down and be quiet for a second.

Now, listen up! I’m serious, listen up. You’ve got an older gentleman who is supporting his candidate. He’s not doing nothing; you don’t have to worry about him. This is what I mean about folks not being focused.⁣

First of all, we...hold up! Hold up! First of all, we live in a country that respects free speech. (Applause.) So, second of all, it looks like maybe he might have served in our military, and we got to respect that. Third of all, he was elderly, and we’ve got to respect our elders. And fourth of all, don’t boo...⁣


P.S. President Obama didn’t wait 13 seconds to respond. P.P.S. Not everyone voted in 2016, and we’ve got to do better in 2020
like i said.... he probably tried to nail her.

Is it your belief that every person who has ever made a potentially offensive statement should be barred from working in the public sector?

no.... but trump has repeatedly said such things for 40+ years.... hell, what he commented on during his multiple interviews on howard stern alone should have raised enough concern from any thinking individual...
Her you go little feller... Splash some of this on.
no.... but trump has repeatedly said such things for 40+ years.... hell, what he commented on during his multiple interviews on howard stern alone should have raised enough concern from any thinking individual...

So you believe that Trump has made many offensive statements and, for that, he shouldn't be president. Is that correct?
no.... but trump has repeatedly said such things for 40+ years.... hell, what he commented on during his multiple interviews on howard stern alone should have raised enough concern from any thinking individual...

Saying is one thing. Doing it is another.
How about "Slick Willy" Clinton? He got caught. And I believed impeached for doing so.

oh he did alright.... splashed it all over NYC to boot.

but but but CLINTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you think i voted for slick willy?

silly NILLY you. if bubba goes down in flames 'cause of epstein fessing up the let the chips fall as they may.

that goes for fat donny 2 scoops as well.

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