Trump Defends New Tax-Cut Bill Amid Negative Polls


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.
Meanwhile in the leftist absurdo land: Workers should keep less of their income. F**k white people.

Yeah, run with that.... run with that.
“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.
Are you still trying to sell that 65% of the people who got a tax break are going to be pissed off about that? Are you stupid?
“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.

What do you expect when the commiecrat media and congressional politicians have been lying about it for months. Of course it will benefit corporations when the corporate rate is reduced. It will also help individuals, the more they pay, the more they will save.

“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.

The Press/Hollywood hate machine have lied and lied and lied and lied about the Tax Reform bill to hurt Trump.
“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.
When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.

Well, that's not fully accurate. Almost everyone will get a tax cut in the near term. In the longer term, however, the provisions of the code convert what initially was a tax cut into a tax increase for all but the well-off.

I find the structure of the new laws opprobrious because they "pay for" permanent (until the tax code is again altered) tax cuts for corporations by skewing the ebbing of cuts to favor the wealthiest 20% of taxpayers.

The recently passed tax bill and that it has been passed is outrageous to many people, though clearly not to the members of Congress, Trump and GOP/Trump sycophants. The former two apparently concluded that optics of having in 2017 passed "major" tax legislation of some sort, good or bad, have more value than (1) passing some other "major" legislation, say perhaps infrastructure overhaul legislation, or (2) passing tax legislation that produces permanent tax cuts for rich, poor, folks in-between and corporations. It's hard to construe their having taken that position as anything but their having willfully chosen to subjugate tax equity for the majority of the citizenry to both politics and the will of a two-part minority comprised of corporations and the wealthiest fifth of the citizenry.
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“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.

The Press/Hollywood hate machine have lied and lied and lied and lied about the Tax Reform bill to hurt Trump.
One need not consume what the "Press/Hollywood hate machine" has to say on the matter; moreover, they have nothing to do with the structure of the bill. That is what it is no matter what anyone says about it. Rather than consuming what the press or Hollywood figures have to say, one can read the original analysis performed by the JCT [1], by Penn Wharton, by the Tax Policy Center or by the ITEP. While each of those organizations' analysis provides slightly different details, they all arrive at the same conclusion: taxpayers in the lower 80% of earnings brackets will see their tax cut become a tax increase.

What is the JCT?
The Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) is a nonpartisan [not "bipartisan;" the two are not the same] committee of the United States Congress, originally established under the Revenue Act of 1926. The Joint Committee operates with an experienced professional staff of Ph.D economists, attorneys, and accountants, who assist Members of the majority and minority parties in both houses of Congress on tax legislation.

The Joint Committee is chaired on a rotating basis by the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee and the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. During the first Session of each Congress the House has the Chair and the Senate has the vice-chair; during the second session the roles are reversed.

The Joint Committee Staff is closely involved with every aspect of the tax legislative process, including:
  • Assisting Congressional tax-writing committees and Members of Congress with development and analysis of legislative proposals;
  • Preparing official revenue estimates of all tax legislation considered by the Congress;
  • Drafting legislative histories for tax-related bills; and
  • Investigating various aspects of the Federal tax system.
The Joint Committee Staff interacts with Members of Congress, Members of the tax-writing committees, and their staff on a confidential basis and enjoys a high-level of trust from both sides of the political aisle and in both houses of Congress. Because the Joint Committee Staff is independent, tax-focused, and involved in all stages of the tax legislative process, the staff is able to ensure consistency as tax bills move through committees to the floor of each chamber, and to a House-Senate conference committee.
“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.

The Press/Hollywood hate machine have lied and lied and lied and lied about the Tax Reform bill to hurt Trump.

Actually Trump lied, and lied, and lied about the tax reform bill and got called on it. Remember he said this bill going to really hurt him. Bbbbbbuuuuuuuaaaaahhhhhhh. Of course it is, turns out he and those like him (uber wealthy not fat, orange and senile) will benefit the most, who knew.
“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.

Mr Trump has an awesome tax plan. I'm saving 3.2K in 2018. This poll is fake news. Screw those counting on SALT.

“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.
Queers hate keeping their money.
‘The GOP tax bill is immensely unpopular with the American public, and for good reason. According to the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT), a nonpartisan committee of the U.S. Congress, this legislation will cost approximately $1 trillion over the next decade, even after accounting for economic growth. This so-called “tax reform” will not pay for itself; rather, future generations will pay for today’s tax cuts through higher payments on the national debt.’

Trump's pathetic bankruptcy past shows through in GOP's fantasyland tax bill

The GOP is clearly not the party of ‘fiscal responsibility.’

No Republican may ever again whine about ‘the debt.’
‘The GOP tax bill is immensely unpopular with the American public, and for good reason. According to the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT), a nonpartisan committee of the U.S. Congress, this legislation will cost approximately $1 trillion over the next decade, even after accounting for economic growth. This so-called “tax reform” will not pay for itself; rather, future generations will pay for today’s tax cuts through higher payments on the national debt.’

Trump's pathetic bankruptcy past shows through in GOP's fantasyland tax bill

The GOP is clearly not the party of ‘fiscal responsibility.’

No Republican may ever again whine about ‘the debt.’
crying dims.jpg
“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.
I really hope democraps keep believing the polls...its fun to watch the utter shock of defeat on election night after the polls told them their candidate was going to win handily.
It shows you how powerful the media are and how dumb many people are.

Is it bad for you to get a pay raise on February 1st?

If the answer is YES, you are a liar or a moron.
“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.
I really hope democraps keep believing the polls...its fun to watch the utter shock of defeat on election night after the polls told them their candidate was going to win handily.
It's all they do is swear by polls. But there is an underlying evil at work here. What these sorry no good scum are doing by continually posting negative fake polls on Trump is trying to influence an election. Just like the media did when they continually claimed Trump would lose by a large margin over and over and over and over and over and over and over......
“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.
I really hope democraps keep believing the polls...its fun to watch the utter shock of defeat on election night after the polls told them their candidate was going to win handily.

But you believe the polls the Joshie is leading Brown in Ohio. So who h is it?
“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.
I really hope democraps keep believing the polls...its fun to watch the utter shock of defeat on election night after the polls told them their candidate was going to win handily.

But you believe the polls the Joshie is leading Brown in Ohio. So who h is it?
I said I don't believe the polls ya twit....why does EVERY democrat/liberal have a reading comprehension problem?
“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.
I really hope democraps keep believing the polls...its fun to watch the utter shock of defeat on election night after the polls told them their candidate was going to win handily.

But you believe the polls the Joshie is leading Brown in Ohio. So who h is it?
No one said anything about this. Stop deflecting troll.

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